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This paper shows how to represent a vector autoregression (VAR) in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of its companion matrix. This representation is used to impose the exact restrictions implied by the expectations hypothesis on the VAR for short and long term interest rates and to calculate the restricted maximum likelihood estimates. The first difference representation for short and long rates used by Sargent (1979) is shown to be inconsistent with the expectations hypothesis, but a VAR with two unit roots is constructed that satisfies the exact restrictions and leads to similar restricted estimates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economic motives of fixed-asset revaluations of Swiss listed companies. We provide international insights on revaluation motives, particularly in a stakeholders' regime, over a period which is characterized by significant changes of the accounting standards relative to fixed-assets valuation. We also test the impact of international stakeholders on the choice of whether to revalue assets. Results from pooled data show positive associations between revaluation and both the proportion of foreign sales and leverage, and a negative association with the investment opportunities. These findings suggest that revaluation is used as a device to improve creditors' and foreign stakeholders' perceptions of the financial health of the firm and thereby improve the firm's borrowing capacity. Cross-sectional results show that although leverage has declined over the periods investigated, interest rates have become lower for firms that revalue upward their fixed assets (compared to non-revaluers), emphasizing the debt-costs hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper applies a new identification approach to estimate the contemporaneous relation between the term structure and monetary policy within a VAR framework. To achieve identification, we combine high-frequency Treasury futures and fed funds futures data with the VAR methodology. Results indicate that policy actions have a slope effect in the yield curve. We also find that the Fed responds to Treasury yields and that this response is stronger for the short and intermediate rates and less aggressive for long-yields. All estimated parameters are significant and robust to various model specifications.  相似文献   

This study proposes a no-arbitrage term structure model that can capture the volatility of interest rates without sacrificing the goodness-of-fit to the cross-section and predictive ability about the level of interest rates. The key feature of the model is the covariance matrix of changes in factors, which is specified as quadratic functions of factors. The quadratic specification can capture intense volatility even with spanned factors, which is not the case for the affine specification. Furthermore, since the quadratic specification guarantees the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix without restricting the sign of factors, it allows for a flexible specification of the physical drift as does the Gaussian term structure model, contributing also to accurate level prediction.  相似文献   

We seek to reconcile the debate about the price effect of risk-neutral skewness (RNS) on stocks. We document positive predictability from short-term skewness, consistent with informed-trading demand, and negative predictability from long-term skewness, consistent with skewness preference. A term spread on RNS captures different information from long- and short-term contracts, resulting in stronger predictability. The quintile portfolio with the lowest spread outperforms that with highest spread by 14.64% annually. The term structure of RNS predicts earnings surprises and price crashes. We extract the slope factor from RNS term structure, estimate its risk premium, and explore its relation with several macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

This paper examines the feasibility of applying the stochastic discount factor methodology to fixed-income data using modern term structure models. Using this approach the researcher can examine returns on bond portfolios whose exact composition is unknown, as is often the case. This paper proposes an observable proxy for the SDF from continuous-time models and documents via Monte Carlo methods the properties of the GMM estimator based on using this proxy.  相似文献   

We develop and implement a technique for closed-form maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of multifactor affine yield models. We derive closed-form approximations to likelihoods for nine Dai and Singleton (2000) affine models. Simulations show our technique very accurately approximates true (but infeasible) MLE. Using US Treasury data, we estimate nine affine yield models with different market price of risk specifications. MLE allows non-nested model comparison using likelihood ratio tests; the preferred model depends on the market price of risk. Estimation with simulated and real data suggests our technique is much closer to true MLE than Euler and quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) methods.  相似文献   

We propose a Nelson–Siegel type interest rate term structure model where the underlying yield factors follow autoregressive processes with stochastic volatility. The factor volatilities parsimoniously capture risk inherent to the term structure and are associated with the time-varying uncertainty of the yield curve’s level, slope and curvature. Estimating the model based on US government bond yields applying Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques we find that the factor volatilities follow highly persistent processes. We show that yield factors and factor volatilities are closely related to macroeconomic state variables as well as the conditional variances thereof.  相似文献   

Tests of the expectations hypothesis reveal that the slope of the VIX futures term structure predicts the direction but not the magnitude of the evolution of the short-end of the curve, but predicts neither the direction nor the magnitude of short-term changes in the long-end of the curve. Relative value seeking spread trades, constructed to exploit such violations, deliver excess returns with annualized Sharpe ratios equal or greater than those of volatility-writing strategies deployed by VIX ETN's for a majority of the 32 spread trade combinations tested. I demonstrate that profits from beta-neutral variations of the spread trades, which are not compensation for taking on equity downside risk by design, are propagated by inflows of capital into VIX futures markets, after controlling for factors that measure changes in the availability of hedge fund capital, risk appetite, and momentum. At the heart of profits, and by extension the term structure anomalies, is a disproportionally elevated basis propagated by long VIX demand that enters the futures market through ETN channels.  相似文献   

This paper tests the Expectations Hypothesis (EH) of the term structure of interest rates using new data for Germany. The German term structure appears to forecast future short-term interest rates surprisingly well, compared with previous studies with US data, while it has lower predictive power for long-term interest rates. However, the direction suggested by the coefficient estimates is consistent with that implied by the EH, that is when the term spread widens, long rates increase. The use of instrumental variables to deal with possible measurement errors in the data significantly improves regressions for the long rates. Moreover, re-estimation with proxy variables to account for the possibility of time-varying term premia confirms that the evolution of both short and long rates corresponds to the predictions of the EH and that most of the information is in the term spread. These results are important as they suggest that monetary policy in Germany could be guided by the slope of the term structure.  相似文献   

We investigate here the sensitivity of the equity values of a large sample of German financial institutions to movements in the term structure of interest rates. While similar approaches rely on a single interest rate factor only, we quantify the exposure to changes in level, slope, and curvature, which are the driving factors of term structure changes. Our main findings are: (i) banks and insurances are exposed to level and curvature changes but only marginally to slope movements; (ii) the interest rate risk exposure depends on the banking sector investigated; (iii) level and curvature changes are priced in the cross-section of stock returns.
Marco WilkensEmail:

The problem of term structure of interest rates modelling is considered in a continuous-time framework. The emphasis is on the bond prices, forward bond prices and so-called LIBOR rates, rather than on the instantaneous continuously compounded rates as in most traditional models. Forward and spot probability measures are introduced in this general set-up. Two conditions of no-arbitrage between bonds and cash are examined. A process of savings account implied by an arbitrage-free family of bond prices is identified by means of a multiplicative decomposition of semimartingales. The uniqueness of an implied savings account is established under fairly general conditions. The notion of a family of forward processes is introduced, and the existence of an associated arbitrage-free family of bond prices is examined. A straightforward construction of a lognormal model of forward LIBOR rates, based on the backward induction, is presented.  相似文献   

We investigate the information contained in the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and the U.S. Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT) term structure of interest rates and report three novel findings. First, we document that the information contained in term structures are significantly different from one another. Second, we provide evidence of a significant change in the nature of this difference as the financial crisis began. Third, we find that the significant changes in the information content of CMT and LIBOR are consistent with significant shocks to credit default swap rates and tenor swap rates.  相似文献   

We examine the association between accounting quality, which is used as a proxy for firm information risk, and the behavior of the term structure of implied option volatility around earnings announcements. By employing a large sample of US firms having options traded on their equity during 1996–2010, we find that lower (higher) accounting quality is significantly associated with stronger (weaker) changes in the steepness of the term structure of implied volatility curve around quarterly earnings announcements. This finding (which is robust to controls for business-stemming uncertainty regarding future firm performance) is consistent with a stronger differential of short vs. long-term uncertainty for higher information risk firms, indicating greater uncertainty on the future economic performance of poorer vs. stronger accounting quality firms. We also establish the trading implications of these findings by demonstrating a (profitable in-sample) self-financed option trading strategy that is based on the quality of the accounting information released on earnings announcement days.  相似文献   

This paper studies the pricing behaviors of default-free bonds based on the two-factor model by Brennan and Schwartz (1979), where a short-term spot rate and a long-term consol rate are the state variables. The logarithm of these two factors is assumed to follow a linear transformation of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. An exact discrete time model is derived to estimate the parameters in the process. The model prices are then numerically solved. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the long-rate process, especially the long-rate volatility parameter, is important in characterizing the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical investigation of the predictability and co-movement of risk premia in the term structure of Euromarket interest rates. We present regression results which suggest that risk premia in three Euromarket term structures and on uncovered foreign asset positions move together. We test formally the hypothesis that these risk premia move in proportion to a single latent variable. We are unable to reject this hypothesis. The single latent variable model can be interpreted as in Hansen and Hodrick (1983) and Hodrick and Srivastava (1984) as a specialization of the ICAPM in which assets have constant betas on a single, unobservable benchmark portfolio.  相似文献   

Using a large, previously unexplored data set of survey-based interest rate forecasts that covers a broad range of countries, this paper re-examines the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates. We find that survey-based interest rate forecasts outperform not only a random walk forecast, but also outperform forecasts from forward rates. When using these superior survey-based forecasts in a modified expectations hypothesis test, the expectations hypothesis is rejected for fewer countries, at lower significance levels, and has greater explanatory power than when using a traditional forward rates-based test. We furthermore document strong time-variation in the term premia, which is an important reason why the traditional expectations hypothesis test is rejected so frequently. This time-variation seems to arise from the changing attitudes towards risk among market participants and as a compensation for the change in liquidity in the term structure. Finally, we find that generalizing findings from earlier U.S. studies to other countries may lead to bias in the true economic relationships in these countries.  相似文献   

A general characterization of one factor affine term structure models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We give a complete characterization of affine term structure models based on a general nonnegative Markov short rate process. This applies to the classical CIR model but includes as well short rate processes with jumps. We provide a link to the theory of branching processes and show how CBI-processes naturally enter the field of term structure modelling. Using Markov semigroup theory we exploit the full structure behind an affine term structure model and provide a deeper understanding of some well-known properties of the CIR model. Based on these fundamental results we construct a new short rate model with jumps, which extends the CIR model and still gives closed form expressions for bond options. Manusript received: June 2000, final version received: October 2000  相似文献   

This paper empirically studies the risk structure of interest rates for Deutschemark‐denominated bonds. For this purpose, we estimate term structures of interest rates using the parsimonious fitting function of Nelson and Siegel (1987) for virtually risk free Government bonds and five different rating categories classified by Moody's ratings (Aaa, Aa, A, Baa, Ba). The sample period covers the time interval from July 1990 to December 1996. We investigate the pricing errors resulting from our estimation procedure and analyse credit spreads over the term structure of Government bonds.  相似文献   

With the reinterpretation of repurchase agreements (repos) by the tax authority and the revision of the national bank law in 1997, allowing the Swiss national bank (SNB) to use repos as monetary policy instrument, the prerequisites for the development of a Swiss franc repo market were given. The development of the repo market in Switzerland only came up in 1999 with the provision of an integrated trading and settlement system provided by SegaInterSettle AG (SIS), Eurex and Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) in collaboration with the SNB. The following paper provides an overview of the basic characteristics and structure of the Swiss franc repo market as well as of the development it has undergone since 1999. It also discusses what motives and reasons the banks possess to actively participate in the Swiss franc repo market. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Credit Suisse.  相似文献   

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