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吴磊  张左之 《商业时代》2007,(28):7-7,38
本文通过对《财富》杂志1955年第一次美国财富500强排名至2005年排名的研究,分析了半个世纪以来美国行业/公司"财富"的变迁,并提出了"财富分"的概念。  相似文献   

财富500强企业的供应链正在变得日益脆弱。在改善供应链的同时,他们还要保证成本控制在一定的水平之内  相似文献   

今年4月,《财富》杂志又照例推出其2006版美国500强,虽然与原来的500强并无本质不同,但也不是简单地根据2005年的表现而重新排位。毕竟,新的一年,500强席位上有出有入。  相似文献   

中国零售企业如何跻身财富500强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国“入世”之后必然要更大程度地开放零售业市场,国内商业零售企业将面临外国零售企业的全方位竞争,零售业态的现状与发展趋势引起人们的普遍关注。本文对我国零售业态的现状进行剖析,并借鉴财富500强中世界零售企业巨头沃尔玛的经验,提出了我国零售业态的发展战略,寻求其合理的发展出路。  相似文献   

居晨辉 《三联竞争力》2007,67(10):56-57
在最新的《财富》全球500强排行榜上,一度在全球风光数十年的美国汽车业正遭遇前所未有的困境,继去年通用汽车亏损过百亿美元之后,福特今年因改组不顺,销售不力,也亏损过百亿美元,底特律迎来历史上最黑暗的一段时光。汽车业的亏损还直接影响到汽车配件等供应商,而同样遭遇黑暗的还不止汽车业,一向在全球咄咄逼人的移动运营商巨头——英国沃达丰也陷入巨额亏损。  相似文献   

2007年7月,《财富》一年一度的全球500强新鲜出炉。今年的排行榜依旧是美国公司的天下,但中国与印度的进步同样令人关注。不过真正的赢家还是那些赚得盆钵满盈的公司,尤其是排名最高的10家公司,他们的净利润远远超过同一榜单上尾部企业的年度销售额,令人惊叹。  相似文献   

项兵 《新财富》2003,(11):120-121
世界普遍看好中国的市场发展前景,却似乎不太看好中国的企业。造成如此大差距的原因主要有企业外部生存环境、公司治理和管理水平低下。  相似文献   

通用、微软、爱立信、摩托罗拉、素尼、松下、星巴克等,这些全球知名企业,这些财富偶象,在2009年伊始,抛出的却都是裁员大单。2009年2月10日,正在苦苦挣扎的美国汽车巨头通用汽车宣布,今年将在全球范围内裁减1万名正式员工,使得全球正式员工总数由现在的73000名降低到63000名。其中,美国本土的2.95万名正式员工中将有3400名被解雇。  相似文献   

ChinaCentralTelevision(CCTV),thecountry'slargestofficialTVstation,holdsabiddingmeeteachyearinwhichChineseenterprisesscrambletohavetheircommercialsplayedatprimetime.Twoyearsago,ayoungentrepreneurfromGuangdongProvincewasinthelimelightafterwinningthebidding.AndwhatimpressedpeoplemostwashisannouncementinbrokenmandarinatapressconferenceafterwardsthathiscompanyaimedatenteringtheFOr'tUne500.Perhaps,theyoungmandidnotknowthattheminimumsalesvolumeforentrytothelistisUS$10billion,asharpcontrasttothe…  相似文献   

While downsizing has been widely studied, its connection to firm ownership status and the reasons behind it are missing from extant research. We explore the relationship between downsizing and family ownership status among Fortune 500 firms. We␣propose that family firms downsize less than non-family firms, irrespective of performance, because their relationship with employees is based on normative commitments rather than financial performance alone. We suggest that their actions are related to employee- and community-friendly policies. We find that family businesses do downsize less irrespective of financial performance considerations. However, their actions are not related to their employee- or community-friendly practices. The results raise issues related to the motivations of large multinationals to␣downsize and the drivers of their stakeholder management practices. Eleni T. Stavrou is an Assistant Professor of Management and Organization at the Department of Public and Business Administration of the University of Cyprus. She received her Ph.D. in Management and Organization from George Washington University, USA. Her work has been published in various academic journals including Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Small Business Management, International Small Business Journal and Journal of European Industrial Training. Her research interests are: flexibility at work, strategic human resource management, succession planning, group and family dynamics, intergenerational transitions, and organizational culture. George I. Kassinis is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Department of Public and Business Administration of the University of Cyprus. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University, USA. His work has been published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Production and Operations Management and Strategic Management Journal. His research focuses on stakeholders, organizations and the natural environment, environmental management issues in services, social networks, and industrial ecology. He serves on the editorial board of Organisation Studies. Alexis Filotheou holds an MSc in Finance from the University of Cyprus and is currently employed in the private sector in Cyprus.  相似文献   

Corporations have increasingly used their websites to communicate their environmental policies with their stakeholders. Their claims fall into two categories: substantive claims, which include product- or process-related claims, and associative claims, which are not directly related to a firm's products or its processes. This paper aims to explore the use of these two types of claims on Fortune 500 websites. The findings indicate that both types of claims are used, although there are more substantive claims than associative claims. Both types of claims are positively correlated with firm sales. Implications of the research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Fortune 500 PR departments appear to perform more product image studies compared to company image studies. Other recent managerial implications indicate they rely heavily on outside PR firms for assistance and have been downsizing internally. Their function is separate from Advertising and Marketing in the majority of firms, with their budgets averaging about 118 those of the Adver- tising departments. Most companies have small (ten or fewer em- ployees) PR departments.  相似文献   

In recent years, major disasters have figured prominently in the media. While corporate response to disasters may have raised corporate philanthropy to a new level, it remains an understudied phenomenon. This article draws on comparative research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate philanthropy to explore the geography of corporate philanthropic disaster response. The study analyzes donation announcements made by Fortune Global 500 firms from North America, Europe and Asia to look for regional patterns across three recent disasters: the South Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the Kashmiri earthquake. The results reveal inter-regional differences in the overall likelihood of donations and in their cash value, in addition to the identification of home-region- and local presence effects. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

与国外的世界500强生产资料流通企业相比,我国企业在经营业绩、战略基础、国际化程度、产业链地位等方面具有明显不足。未来10年,我国流通业将处于从传统走向现代的冲刺阶段,流通体制处于市场化改革的攻坚阶段。建议政府进一步研究制定《流通业改革与发展意见》和《流通业振兴与发展规划》,一方面通过政府有形之手加快流通产业转型升级,引导流通行业规范、健康、持续发展;另一方面通过市场无形之手及对发展规律的把握,促进我国大型流通企业集团做强做大,形成先进制造业和现代服务业双轮驱动的现代产业体系结构。  相似文献   

内地、香港IPO大塞车;保监会:大起大落是寿险业务当前面临最大风险;部分农村建设用地将用于城建;宝马首席执行官:宝马被迫多渠道缩减成本;CPI预计继续下降 从紧货币是否放松观点不一。  相似文献   

刘延东国务委员主持召开会议听取能源与环保板块重大专项汇报3月15日下午,国务委员刘延东主持召开会议,听取油气开发、大型核电站、水污染治理3个重大专项的进展汇报,研究部署了下一阶段工作。  相似文献   

温家宝考察曙光计算机产业有限公司5月14日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在深入天津企业、社区、科研院所,就经济运行情况和滨海新区开发开放进行调研期间,考察了曙光计算机  相似文献   

2007年中国GDP逾二十四万亿2008年1月24国家统计局局长谢伏瞻宣布,初步核算,二00七年中国国内生产总值为二十四点六六一九万亿元人民币,按可比价格计算,比上年增长百分之十一点四,加快零点三个百分点。至此,中国经济已连续五年增长达到或超过一成。谢伏瞻在国务院新闻办举办的新闻发布会上指出,中国去年国民经济保持平稳快速发展。呈现出增长较快、结构优化、效益提高、民生改善的良好运行态势。  相似文献   

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