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中国银行业改革和打造国家金融安全体系的核心是提升银行产业组织效率的加速器。国有银行体制转轨的路径选择应该是股权多元化的产权结构改革和放开行业管制的市场结构改革并重的综合改革。本文从我国银行产业现状——SCP范式分析以及几点战略性建议两大方面做出讨论。  相似文献   

合理的银行业结构有利于银行业整体功能的发挥和效率的提高。本文对定西市银行业结构与效率的关系进行统计分析,发现银行业市场结构改革是效率提升的关键,存贷款总量的快速增长对效率的提高起到明显的促进作用,提高国有银行的服务职能对银行业效率有重要影响,对中小型股份制商业银行进行扶持有助于银行业的市场结构优化和效率提高。  相似文献   

在近几年关于如何提高我国银行效率的讨论热潮中,影响银行效率的主要因素被归结为两个:国有银行的产权结构、银行业的垄断性市场结构。以此为基础,在中国银行业改革这一问题上理论界也提出了不同的主张:有的主张应以国有银行的产权结构改革为突破口,有的则认为应从优化银行业的市场结构、提高商业银行的竞争性入手。本文的作者认为,产权结构对银行效率的影响作用与市场竞争程度有关;而在公司治理制度不完善的环境下,市场竞争也可以起到约束和激励管理层的作用。因此,中国银行业的改革应该是市场结构改革和产权结构改革并举。  相似文献   

新兴金融、互联网金融发展不断倒逼着银行业必须提高效率,而服务能力、信贷环境是银行效率提升的关键因素。本文运用数据包络分析方法和广义相加模型,对特定信贷环境中银行效率与服务能力的关系假设进行检验。实证结果表明,银行的信贷供给和服务配送能力对银行效率的提升具有正面影响,但信贷供给能力对银行效率的提升作用存在上限边界约束,而服务配送能力对银行效率的提升作用则受到下限边界约束;银行效率对信贷环境变化的动态响应呈“S”型变动特征。  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行改革开启于20世纪80年代。经过四十年的改革,国有商业银行的治理体制发生了深刻变革,银行业的整体实力也大幅提升,无论是资产规模,营利能力,风险状况等都得到了显著改变,形成了多层次的银行体系,我国银行业的整体实力和全球竞争力不断提升。  相似文献   

一、实施营改增要充分考虑银行业的特点从银行业的角度来看,实施增值税改革具有重要的社会意义。银行改征增值税后,客户可将支付贷款利息、手续费所缴纳的增值税在下一环节抵扣,完善了增值税的抵扣链条,减少了重复征税,降低了融资成本,增强了企业竞争力。增值税抵扣机制有助于降低银行运营成本,提高银行业务外包水平,提升银行专业化程度和经营效率,促进银行更好地创新金融服务,有效支持实体经济发展。银行业具有高杠杆性和高风险性、客户群庞大、交  相似文献   

文章利用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对2004-2006年我国17家商业银行效率进行测算,得出了各银行的技术效率和纯技术效率的情况。实证分析的结果表明:随着近年来国有银行和其它商业银行的改革上市,我国银行业整体效率得到了较大提升;四家城市银行效率表现最好,国有银行中未上市的农行效率最低,上市银行平均效率要高于非上市银行;我国银行的资产规模和规模效率间存在"倒V字形"曲线关系。  相似文献   

随着我国金融业全面开放,银行业发生了很大变化,同时对银行业监管提出了更高要求,银行监管职能发挥效率大小已关乎国民经济运行正常与否的关键。本文分析了我国银行监管效率的现状及制约银行监管效率提高的因素,并就如何提升银行监管效率进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,随着个人财富的积累,百姓的理财需求越来越旺盛,对银行服务的要求也不断提升.银行业体系中供给主体多元化发展--不仅有中外资银行、还有非银行机构,业务竞争也日渐升温.发展零售银行业务,成为中国银行业改革发展的一项主要议题.  相似文献   

本文以盐城市银行业为例,通过对近年来盐城市银行业税收负担水平进行对比分析.针对现行银行税收制度存在的问题,提出了改革和完善银行税制体系的相关政策建议,以期使得国内银行的税收负担水平更加合理、规范,从而提高我国银行业的经营竞争力。  相似文献   

当前这场国际金融危机下,各国纷纷实施注资行为救助问题银行.而我国政府曾多次向国有银行等金融机构实施过各种形式的注资,中国银行业的注资问题也一直受到了学术界与实务部门的普遍关注.本文旨在从中西方对比的视角,探讨中国银行业注资的背景、方式、期限选择的特殊性所在.  相似文献   

我国银行业改革与引进外资的开放竞争策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对我国银行业面临的问题和外资银行进入后的竞争压力,本文通过分析几种不同改革思路后认为,我国银行业改革的核心问题是产权和公司治理,两者紧密相连,产权改革是为了获得良好的公司治理,私有化和引入外资都是可供选择的产权改革方式之一,理论上不存在何者更优.国有商业银行改革的关键在于改变国有独资所有权结构为多元投资结构,可供选择的方案有不改变所有权性质的多个国有投资主体的单一所有制和引进包括国有、民营、外资参股的多元所有制.鉴于我国银行业目前的特点,外资参股并不是一种最优的选择,引进外资银行的正确策略是:独资优于合作,合作优于合资.  相似文献   

This paper develops a banking-sector framework with heterogeneous loan monitoring costs. Banks are exposed to the moral hazard behavior of borrowers and endogenously choose whether to monitor their loans to eliminate this exposure. After analyzing an unregulated banking system, we examine several cases in which regulatory capital requirements bind the notional loan supplies of various subsets of banks. To gauge the impact of capital requirements, we define loan ‘quality’ in terms of either the ratio of monitored to total loans or the ratio of monitoring banks to total bank population. Under the assumption of a specific cross-sectional distribution of banks, our simulations show that the imposition of binding capital requirements on a previously unregulated banking system unambiguously increases the market loan rate and reduces aggregate lending, but has an ambiguous effect on loan ‘quality’. Nevertheless, once capital requirements are in place, the simulations indicate that regulators can contribute to higher overall loan ‘quality’ by toughening capital requirements.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes empirically what explains the low profitability of Chinese banks for the period 1997–2004. We find that better capitalized banks tend to be more profitable. The same is true for banks with a relatively larger share of deposits and for more X-efficient banks. In addition, a less concentrated banking system increases bank profitability, which basically reflects that the four state-owned commercial banks – China’s largest banks – have been the main drag for system’s profitability. We find the same negative influence for China’s development banks (so-called Policy Banks), which are fully state-owned. Instead, more market-oriented banks, such as joint-stock commercial banks, tend to be more profitable, which again points to the influence of government intervention in explaining bank performance in China. These findings should not come as a surprise for a banking system which has long been functioning as a mechanism for transferring huge savings to meet public policy goals.  相似文献   

科学认识竞争力比较分析 努力提升中国银行业竞争力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在银行竞争力的比较研究中,采用不同的技术方法会导致结果迥异,因此银行竞争力比较应注意研究方法的局限性。实际上,国有商业银行在资产规模、抗风险能力、市场影响力、商誉及网络技术等方面的现实竞争力具有明显优势,但由于历史和体制原因,在公司治理、资本充足率、资产质量及安全、盈利能力等方面的竞争力处于相对劣势。随着国有商业银行的股份制改革,公司治理结构正在不断完善,国有商业银行的竞争力正在不断加强。科学认识银行竞争力,面对竞争,抓住机遇,加快改革,不断提升中国银行业的整体竞争力水平,将是对银行竞争力比较研究的最终归宿。  相似文献   

国有商业银行上市与信息披露机制完善研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在中国加入WTO和四大国有商业银行积极准备股改上市的背景下,建立和完善适应资本市场要求的信息披露机制意义重大.对照国际银行业的通行标准和资本市场的监管要求,我国国有商业银行的信息披露机制仍存在较大的完善空间.本文在归纳巴塞尔委员会和国内相关监管部门对上市银行信息披露要求的基础上,指出国有商业银行应尽快完善对风险管理定量信息、非财务信息、公司治理信息和表外业务信息的披露,充实会计报表附注的披露要素,并妥善处理信息披露与商业秘密保护的关系;通过完善信息披露机制,树立与国有商业银行资产规模和市场地位相称的上市公司形象.  相似文献   

在既有的 2 0多年改革中 ,中国银行业走过了一条从单一的国有金融产权完全垄断到多种产权形式初具竞争的渐进道路 ,其结构变迁呈现出明显的阶段性特征。由于改革的路径依赖以及政府对银行业的严格管制 ,当前国有银行仍占垄断地位 ,非国有银行的竞争力明显不足 ,整个银行体系的经营绩效连年下滑。加入WTO意味着中国银行业将进入全面开放时期 ,不仅对外资银行而且对民营银行的进入壁垒将会逐步拆除。体制内外产权改革的并进将使未来中国银行业的结构走向多元化、多层次的竞争局面。  相似文献   

In light of a reformed and liberalized banking sector in China, this article sets out to examine the role of socio-demographic factors and customers’ banking experiences and priorities in customers’ selection of banks. As state-owned banks have long dominated the banking industry, the article also investigates the receptiveness of the Shanghai Chinese towards newer commercial banks, such as the joint-stock banks, and the penetration of foreign banks into China's banking industry. Comparing customers who use state-owned banks only and those who patronize joint-stock banks, it is found that education, income, age, occupation sector and location of hometown affects customers of state-owned banks only. Further, it is also found that state-owned banks remain dominant despite the opening up of the banking sector, and perception towards state-owned banks remains favourable.  相似文献   

邓鑫 《济南金融》2009,(7):53-57
当前这场国际金融危机下,各国纷纷实施注资行为救助问题银行。而我国政府曾多次向国有银行等金融机构实施过各种形式的注资,中国银行业的注资问题也一直受到了学术界与实务部门的普遍关注。本文旨在从中西方对比的视角,探讨中国银行业注资的背景、方式、期限选择的特殊性所在。  相似文献   

This paper examines how government ownership and government involvement in a country’s banking system affect bank performance from 1989 through 2004. Our study uncovers an interesting pattern of changing performance differences between state-owned and privately-owned banks around the Asian financial crisis. We find that state-owned banks operated less profitably, held less core capital, and had greater credit risk than privately-owned banks prior to 2001, and the performance differences are more significant in those countries with greater government involvement and political corruption in the banking system. In addition, from 1997 to 2000, the 4-year period after the beginning of the Asian financial crisis, the deterioration in the cash flow returns, core capital, and credit quality of state-owned banks was significantly greater than that of privately-owned banks, especially for the countries that were hardest hit by the Asian crisis. However, state-owned banks closed the gap with privately-owned banks on cash flow returns, core capital, and nonperforming loans in the post-crisis period of 2001–2004. Our findings can best be explained by Shleifer and Vishny’s [Shleifer, A., Vishny, R.W., 1997. A survey of corporate governance. J. Finance 52, 737–783] corporate governance theory on state ownership of firms and Kane’s [Kane, E.J., 2000. Capital movement, banking insolvency, and silent runs in the Asian financial crisis. Pacific-Basin Finance J. 8, 153–175] life-cycle model of a regulation-induced banking crisis.  相似文献   

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