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计算机业务应用系统的维护是业务应用中的一项重要工作。为了保障业务应用系统的正常运行,必须保证业务应用系统具有足够的运行所需资源。为此,需要监测哪个用户或应用在哪个时间段占用大量的系统资源,有目的地限制关键时刻资源的使用,从而保障业务应用系统的正常运行。例如,在业务应用系统业务的高峰期,应该限制其他用户或应用进行频繁的读写操作、对大的数据表的查询及运行长时间的处理。  相似文献   

杨天南 《中国金融家》2010,(2):134-135,138
新世纪的第二个十年开始了,有人预测十年以后的2020年,中国GDP将会超越美国,重回180年前世界第一的位置。无论是十年还是十五年,我们这代人能够见到这一天或迟或早地到来,每个人都应该认真考虑在这个重归荣光的历史大潮中,取得自己应得的那一份。其中的方法无外“参与”二字,找个好工作是参与,创业是参与,投资也是参与。  相似文献   

改革或者替换 "一带一路"的目的在于改变游戏规则.请记住中国和其他一些新兴市场国家几年来一直在谋求修复和改革国际金融现有的规则和机构,例如世界银行和国际货币基金组织.如果中国往世界银行和国际货币基金组织内注入更多资金,则说明他们想提高在这些机构里的代表性.他们想让人民币进入被国际货币基金组织称为"特殊提款权"的一篮子货币里.美国因为各种各样的原因对此表示反对.越来越多的人认为,由于美方的抵制,改革不是一个可行的选项.更糟糕的是,越来越多的人认为,美国准备让这个体系向本国利益倾斜.  相似文献   

人的一生会经历许许多多的事情。随着时间的流逝,绝大多数的事情都已经忘记,怎么也记不起来了。但总有那么一些事情深深的嵌在脑海里,经常想起、与人谈起、难以忘怀……那是什么原因让你这样呢?我把这些事情看作人生的关键时刻。  相似文献   

This study provides a model explaining how small changes in asset prices may disrupt an entire financial market. Based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), our model implies that during a market crash, asset price changes affect the relative distribution of the CAPM betas of individual assets and force all tradable assets to co-move. Using US stock market data, our empirical results are consistent with the model’s predictions. Overall, the study aids understanding of the price patterns of assets during substantial market downturns, such as financial crises.  相似文献   

An increasing number of universities have moved student evaluation of faculty and courses out of the classroom, where it had resided for many years, and onto the web. The increased efficiency of the web-based administrative modality of these instruments seems self-apparent. However, whether the measures obtained using the new modality are the same as the old modality is unclear. This paper compares the results of questionnaires administered on the web with those collected from the same students while they were in class. Data from 181 course offerings over seven terms at one university were utilized. Significantly lower evaluation scores for both the instructor and the course are produced when a web-based modality is used. In general, these results did not vary for courses at different levels of matriculation or at different levels of student participation. However, the magnitude of modality differences varied between highly rated and poorly rated courses. Implications for faculty evaluation are offered.  相似文献   

李明 《国际融资》2011,(3):38-42
SMARTHEATINC(睿能集团)是一家全球领先的专业提供高品质能源设备、清洁能源技术和全方位解决方案的集团公司,主要业务涉及换热设备在电力、冶金、石油化工、食品、制药、暖通空调、船舶及造纸等各个工业领域和民用领域的运用。Smart Heat得到越来越多的关注。这家名不见经传的公司是怎样异军突起,从上市前一家默默无闻的小公司如何在短短的两三年的时间发展到目前的规模并取得骄人的成绩呢?  相似文献   

业绩评价是股权激励面临的一个现实难题,由于我国至今还没有完全形成经理人员市场化的选择环境,经理职务不能完整,准确地反映其贡献的大小和能力的高低。同时.业绩考核体系也不规范.尤其是对公司管理部门的业绩评价更难得出一个比较公正的结论。因此.业绩评价成为整个期权计划中难受最大.分歧最多的部分。  相似文献   

没有完美的货币或者完美的经济组织形式。欧元和欧元区经济的问题,都是在全球化过程中所必须经历的阶段。一个好的经济体制,应该使"国民生活水平"最大化。但是,如果要具体到现实世界,"生活水平最大化"往往意味着很多,很可能意味着对其他经济体利益的侵蚀。本文从信用约束、经济一体化等角度,论述了欧元的使用对欧元区经济的益处;并指出了欧元使用带来的南欧国家财政赤字和贸易逆差问题。中国对外投资应该辩证地看待欧美经济体的长处和不足,合理配置外汇资产的比例。  相似文献   

Forward‐looking partial moment volatility indices are developed using state‐pricing, called the bear index (BEX) and bull index (BUX). Using S&P 500 index (SPX) option prices, we find that BEX and BUX provide superior forecasts for the lower and upper partial moments of future market realised volatility, respectively. We examine the relation between SPX returns and changes in BEX and BUX at the daily level. Results are consistent with the volatility feedback hypothesis. Further, we show that BEX may be more suitable as the ‘investor fear gauge’ than VIX.  相似文献   

中小企业直接融资发展规模日益壮大,在一定程度上弥补了信贷融资渠道萎缩的不足,但是适应各个类型企业融资需求的多层次资本市场体系还尚未建立起来,中小微企业融资功能还不够完善。整体上看,中小微企业融资渠道还比较狭窄。因此,只有不断完善中小企业信用担保体系,建立中小微企业信用评级机制,开拓多层次的融资渠道,发展债股结合、夹层融资、互联网金融等新型融资模式,创新法律法规,营造有利于中小微企业发展的融资环境,以更好地解决中小微企业融资难问题。  相似文献   

在金融领域,信息技术与金融服务的相互渗透,不断改变着金融服务的方式。近年来,一种新型银行服务——短信理财业务,正悄然出现在人们的生活中。短信理财,又名移动银行或手机银行,它是随着移动通信技术迅猛发展而出现的一种新银行服务渠道,是网络银行服务的延伸。  相似文献   


The King-Hardy method and the Hardy method mentioned in e.g. Miller (1946, 6.4) are old, well known moment methods in Gompertz-Makeham graduation of mortality. They have poor efficiencies (Forsén, 1977, App. F.6 and F.5), measured in terms of asymptotic variance, relative to the modified minimum chi-square method which is optimal (Hoem, 1972, 6.2, 7.2). This paper shows that a modification of the moment methods mentioned, gives a method that is “almost” as efficient as the best method available, and it is easier to use in practice.  相似文献   

随着移动通信短信业务的蓬勃发展,越来越多的用户习惯于使用这种经济方便的沟通方式。为此,我们提出了基于短信服务的移动银行系统建设方案,在银行与客户间建立一个更加方便快捷的沟通渠道,为签约客户提供即时的账户信息、金融信息及银行非现金业务服务。该方案主要有两大功能:  相似文献   

A new procedure using algebraic combinations of central moments is derived to identify stochastic dominance efficient sets of security portfolios. The number of computations involved with the moment combinations are significantly smaller than those with regular stochastic dominance tests. The effectiveness of the moment combination procedure is demonstrated with a large-scale empirical study.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of learning channels on stock market participation. More specifically, we investigate the direct effects of learning about financial matters from one's private network, financial advisors, and the media, as well as the moderating effects of financial literacy on the relationship between learning from these channels and stock market participation. Analyzing a unique cross-section data that combine survey data and bank register data on individual retail investors, we find that media is the only learning channel that increases the likelihood of owning stocks and the portfolio share invested in stocks. We also find that financial literacy has a significant moderating effect: Interactions point to the joint importance of learning from media and financial literacy for individuals' stock market participation. Our findings suggest implications to policymakers when designing financial education programs.  相似文献   

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