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企业文化是企业持续发展的精神支柱和动力源泉.是企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。近些年来.越来越多的企业家认识到企业文化的价值.许许多多的企业甚至不惜花重金来建设自己的企业文化.渴望通过这只”无形的手”管理好企业.促进企业健康发展,提高自己的形象.提升市场竞争力。然而,一个企业文化的形成并非一蹴而就的。尤其是培育数十年、百年成长的企业文化, 相似文献
管理是一种文化,也是一项复杂的系统工程,它通过管理者的设计去规定、协调、激励人的行为,形成一种特定的环境,从而达到组织约定的目标。管理的发展取决于多种因素,但管理的主体取决于人,所以,无论是行政管理还是企业管理,都是人的管理。树立以人为本的管理理念,是实现企业管理科学的必然选择。山西朔州供电公司以观念更新推动理念创新,以文化发展推动管理升级的定位,积极探索与实践以人为本的核心管理新模式,以文化人、激发潜能,以文化企、增强内力,实现企业发展与人的发展的良性互动。 相似文献
以人为本的企业文化建设不仅成为企业界实践探索的重点,而且已成为学术界理论探究的热点,取得了比较丰硕的成果.本文将对以人为本的企业文化建设进行再探索,以期推动企业文化建设的科学、健康、持续发展. 相似文献
王贞茹 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2011,(11)
随着市场经济的不断发展,企业之间的竞争更是愈演愈烈,在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,对企业的长远发展有着至关重要的影响。企业文化建设已成为当今企业发展的关键点,构建以"以人为本"为核心的企业文化是21世纪企业文化发展的重要趋势。本文主要针对以"以人为本"为核心的企业文化建设这一问题进行探讨。 相似文献
文化建设是推动企业发展的重要动力,在文化建设中经营理念的塑造和传播又处在一个核心地位,它决定着企业全部经营行为的出发点,是企业的发展动力和力量源泉。在企业文化建设中要高度重视经营理念的内化环节,使其发挥在企业文化建设中的灵魂和核心作用。 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展,企业越来越重视企业化的发展。企业化对于企业来的成长来说,看起来不是最直接的因素,但却是最持久的决定因素。有些人认为企业化是虚幻的,模糊的,捉摸不定的,似乎与实践经营活动很难挂钩。其实,企业的化非常容易被外部所察觉,当我们与一些名企业打交道的时候,我们很容易领略到企业化的存在,如西门子的严谨,海尔的真诚到永远,清华同方的“承担、探索、超越”。[第一段] 相似文献
董玉坤 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2011,(5Z):82-83
企业文化是企业在长期的生产、经营和管理中形成的企业特色精神文明成果。员工是企业文化建设的主体,企业文化建设必须以员工为本,坚持"以人为本"为核心。当前企业文化面临诸多挑战,必须重视坚持以人为本的企业文化建设。 相似文献
报载(3月17日《新民晚报》)上海文艺界拟拍摄一部新的三毛影视片,发现张乐平原著的《三毛流浪记》的版权已为外商购置,要拍新的片子就不能再用三毛的名字,必须另起别名诸如大毛、二毛、小 相似文献
近几年来,随着经济全球化的发展,跨国公司纷纷调整经营战略,以适应变化的经营环境,抢占未来竞争制高点.外包战略是跨国公司加强竞争地位的利器之一. 相似文献
Christopher Michaelson 《Business ethics (Oxford, England)》2001,10(4):331-339
The contrast between the philosopher and the sophist is subtle and significant. The significant difference is identified by Socrates when he claims, in the Apology 21d, to be the wisest man in Athens: “Neither of us has any knowledge to boast of, but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance.” Nearly two and one half millennia later, business ethics has transported street corner conversation into the meeting room and board room, where ethical leadership is cultivated or stifled. Are these conversations about ethics philosophy, or are they sophism? In this paper, I will evaluate the philosophical soundness of business ethics as it is practiced in business situations. My objective will be to outline the unfulfilled value of philosophical wisdom to ensuring the value of business ethics, and business, to society at large. 相似文献
William J. Byron 《Journal of Business Ethics》1988,7(7):525-530
To be in business is first to be. To do in business, is to enhance one's being and the being of others; it ought never result in the diminishment of either. This article invites philosophical reflection on the purpose of business.To be and do in business looks for an explanation that goes beyond the meaning of work. The meaning of work is a worthy philosophical inquiry; the meaning of business is a separate question. The purpose of business is relational. Business is doing for others on condition of receipt of something of fair value in return. It deals essentially with exchanges. Persons in business relate to other persons whose needs, preferences, and desires are met, to some degree of satisfaction, by the product or service the business is organized to provide — at a price. To meet the need, preference or desire is the purpose of business.Theology, through the categories of creation and stewardship, sheds additional light on the purpose of business. There is theological significance in the human action of making available, through fair exchanges, the goods and services people need, prefer and, in some cases, simply desire. There is also theological meaning in the managerial and entrepreneurial function of making employment available for others, thus helping them to be more active and productive human beings. From a theological perspective, the purpose of business activity is to serve a people on the way to salvation by organizing the material basis of their transit through life.
William J. Byron, a Jesuit priest with a doctorate in economics, is president of The Catholic University of America. Author of Toward Stewardship (1975) and editor of The Causes of World Hunger (1982), his experience includes directorships of a bank, an insurance company, two hospitals, and several universities. 相似文献
This paper investigates how relationship embeddedness in MNC subsidiaries’ corporate and external networks influences the contribution of innovation transfer to the recipient subsidiary's business performance. OLS regressions using data on the intra-MNC transfer of 224 innovations indicate that the embeddedness of a subsidiary's relationships in the corporate and external network positively affects the received innovation's contribution to business performance. More detailed analysis demonstrates that the positive link between a subsidiary's embeddedness in the external network and the contribution to business performance of receiving an innovation is negatively affected when the innovation is unique compared with other innovations on the market. 相似文献