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徐永丽 《魅力中国》2010,(10):45-46
思想政治工作是党的工作的重要组成部分,是“经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线”,加强和改进新形势下党的思想政治工作,是全党的一件大事。近几年来,公路行业思想政治工作呈现出逐步加强和改进的健康发展态势,并为推动公路行业改革和发展起到了重要作用。但随着社会的进步,特别是公路体制改革的不断深入,  相似文献   

<正> 公路是中国后起的交通事业。西北(本文所论西北主要以甘、宁、青、新为范围)公路建设起步更晚,大约在1934年前后才逐渐发展起来。到抗战结束前,甘、宁、青、新公路建设大致经过三个阶段:“九·一八”事变到抗战爆发;“七·七”事变到1938年底武汉撤退以前;1938年底到抗战结束前。  相似文献   

我党历来高度重视思想政治工作,这为保证革命和建设的成功起到了重要作用。几十年的建设成就证明,思想政治工作的确是一切经济工作的生命线,是搞好经济建设的重要保证。江泽民总书记最近提出“领导干部一定要讲政治”,再次强调了政治工作在改革开放和建设有中国特色社会主义中的极端重要性,要求做任何工作都应从政治高度思考问题,各部门都要从政治角度考虑问题,开拓工作,保证各项事业的健康发展。振兴财政是“九五”时期具有全局意义的大事,已写进了国民经济“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要。因此,财政工作要从改革的大局出发,…  相似文献   

二战之后,世界经济获得了快速增长。伴随着经济增长,研究者越来越重视“无形”的“软因素”对经济发展的重要贡献。文章对影响经济发展的各种“软因素”进行了梳理,具体分析了人力资本、制度、文化等“无形”因素对经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

半个多世纪前的那场大规模的中日战争,是两国在政治、军事和经济上的全面较量。为了配合日军的侵华军事行动,实施对中国抗战经济的破坏,日本当局对中国发动了一场大规模的以假钞为重要手段的货币战,给中国的国民经济和抗战造成很大的危害。中国方面也被迫进行了反击。  相似文献   

70多年前,抗日战争时期的重庆是中国的战时首都,中国与西方主要国家结盟,赢得了反法西斯战争的胜利;重庆是中国共产党倡导的抗日民族统一战线的重要舞台,是与华盛顿、莫斯科、伦敦齐名的世界反法西斯战争国际名城. 重庆经历的抗战岁月凝聚了中国和世界的进步力量,奉献了中国人民的智慧,汇聚成为全人类的财富.为了挖掘、保护和传承珍贵的抗战文化,重庆自2008年启动了“重庆中国抗战大后方历史文化研究与建设工程”(简称“重庆抗战工程”).  相似文献   

在中国甘肃的山丹县,有一个外国人的名字为人们所熟知和敬仰。他抗战期间发起并创立的“工合”,成为战时大后方经济的重要力量;他亲手创办的山丹培黎学校,为科技落后的中国培养了大量人才;他抚养了6名中国孤儿,而自己却终身未娶……  相似文献   

成都画院举办“纪念抗战胜利60周年画展”为纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年,成都画院于2005年8月15日至19 日在画院展览厅举办了“纪念抗战胜利60周年画展”,展出了画院画家精心创作的近百幅国画、油画和书法作品。画家通过画笔回忆了抗战的艰难历程,描绘了今天的幸福生活,表达了对无数抗战英雄的缅怀和对和平的热爱。  相似文献   

台儿庄古城。是一座二战遗存最多的抗战名城.被世人誉为“中华民族扬威不屈之地”:是古运河畔惟一一座南北交融、中西合璧的文化名城。融八大建筑风格为一体,七十二座庙字汇于一城;  相似文献   

小萌 《今日重庆》2008,(9):88-89
“看戏要看梅兰芳,看球要看李惠堂”,此说足见球王李惠堂口碑;而这位球王与山城的缘分,则跟抗战期间重庆的“国防体育”活动密不可分。那一时期,抗战的连天烽火,使中国的体育运动也具有了参与全民抗战的特殊意义。  相似文献   

In the period of the classic gold standard, most peripheral countries were frequently affected by so-called sudden stops as well as by financial and currency crises. Yet pre-War Japan was an outlier. Though its level of external debt was not sustainable, Japan issued many government foreign loans to cover its current account deficits, was never affected by currency crises, and was never forced to suspend convertibility. We argue that, from the late nineteenth century until just before World War I, Japan and Britain engaged in a politico-economic exchange: Japan offered to protect Britain's economic and political interests in the Far East provided that Britain gave the rising Asian power access to financial markets—namely, in the City of London.  相似文献   

国家实现产业赶超是“二战”后世界发展动态的一个重要经济现象,几乎所有国家都制定了自己的产业赶超发展战略。然而,日本、德国等战败国,韩国、新加坡等国以及中国台湾、香港地区成功地实现了产业赶超发展。而中国大陆、东欧和俄罗斯等大部分转型经济体和印度则通过FDI还未成功地实现产业赶超。如何解释这些国家和地区产业赶超的成功经验和失败教训,国际经济理论界发展了成熟的产业赶超发展战略理论。本文试图对这些产业赶超发展战略理论的演进进行总结归纳,并在此基础上得出若干结论性的启示和反思,以期对处于转型发展中的中国如何调整好产业赶超发展战略有所裨益。  相似文献   


The Great Northern Telegraph Company was established in 1869 and enjoyed a very successful era thanks to a de-facto monopoly on the telegraph lines from Northern Europe to the Far East. After 1945 the Company changed its focus from telegraphy to wireless communication and electronic equipment. This article presents an analysis of the dramatic developments in the decades following the Second World War.

The relationship between the changing strategies and the established structure is analysed using Alfred D.Chandler Jr's well-known Strategy and Structure concept. After 40 years this concept still seems relevant to the understanding of the peculiar capacity for survival and growth demonstrated by old, well-established firms. In the conclusion it is argued that the post-war growth of the Great Northern Telegraph Company was based on several factors. These were the fortune originating from the Company's golden age in the 1910s and the 1920s, the industry investment strategy during and after the Second World War and finally, the changes of the organisational structure in the 1970s, which created the vital correspondence between strategy and structure.  相似文献   

Given the scanty and inadequate studies on Serbia's growth performance before the First World War, this paper presents production-side GDP estimates for Serbia for six years between 1867 and 1910. It probes into the growth dynamics, assessing convergence with the more developed countries of north-western Europe, as well as progress towards achieving modern economic growth. Although the economy showed some dynamism in terms of overall GDP, per capita GDP in pre-First World War Serbia grew by only 0.28 per cent per annum, as much of the overall GDP growth was eroded by rapid population growth. Far from converging with north-western Europe, Serbia continued to fall behind. Sluggish structural transformation and slow income per capita growth suggest that Serbia's transition to modern economic growth was in its infancy. Growth in the dominant agricultural sector was extensive, driven by expanding arable land and population growth. Land was affordable and easy to obtain; hence, peasants invested little in new technologies. Meanwhile, the modern industrial and service sectors were below a threshold that could sustain rapid growth. Nevertheless, this study also highlights the rapid expansion of a small modern sector and export diversification that reflected emergent ‘green shoots’ in 1905–10.  相似文献   

New estimates of regional GDP for Great Britain in the twentieth century differ from those of Crafts but confirm his hypothesis of a U‐shaped regional inequality curve between 1911 and 2001. Comparison of these estimates with revised estimates for 1861–1911 suggests that the decline in inequality in the first half of the twentieth century forms part of a trend of declining regional inequality and catch‐up of the poorer regions with the richest (the South East) dating back to the 1860s at least. This convergence trend was interrupted by the First World War and the subsequent difficulties of Outer Britain in the 1920s when the gap between the South East and the rest widened. However, sometime after 1931 it picked up again. Since 1971 inequality has worsened and catch‐up has stopped; indeed, there has been divergence of the South East from the rest. This divergence has been especially marked since 1991. Although growth for all regions was faster during the period of increasing regional inequality that encompasses the second half of the twentieth century, the golden age of economic growth for regions outside the South East occurred during the long boom following the Second World War.  相似文献   

The Korean War marks an epoch in the development of modern history after World War II, For Japan in particular the war had a great significance. Not only did the Korean War play a great role in the process which set out from the destruction accompanying Japan's defeat and led up to the present state of economic development, hut the fact that Japan today possesses military forces, after having renounced rearmament under Article 9 of her Constitution, is also due to the occurrence of the Korean War. Establishing the significance of the Korean War provides a key for the evaluation of post-war Japanese history.  相似文献   

The article discusses the possible development trajectories for the Far East formed under the influence of the policy of creating preferences for economic activities in the region. A dynamic model of economic interactions has been proposed for identifying these trajectories. Based on the model calculations, the complementarity of various incentive schemes for economic activity in the Far East is analyzed and the dependence of economic growth on the scale of the state support is assessed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the current relationship between China and Siberia/Russian Far East from the economic and political‐security perspectives. The relationship between China and Siberia/Russian Far East is that of cooperation and conflict. China gains natural resources and energy from Siberia/Russian Far East, while Siberia/Russian Far East secures consumer goods, food and labor to fill its shortage from China. The two regions are in an economically complementary relationship. However, they show differences in their interests in issues such as the Tuman River Development Project. If their economic cooperation could be called the “bright” side of their relationship, there exists the “dark” side of their relationship, which is the border dispute. The paper argues that as a way to reduce conflict and increase cooperation in Northeast Asia, a multilateral security/economic organization, tentatively called the “Organization for Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia,” should soon be established.  相似文献   

2010年1月,俄出台了经修订的2025年前社会——经济发展战略,这是在金融危机背景下俄强国战略的新选择,此战略的出台标志着俄更加重视远东地区的发展。对这一战略进行系统地解读与研判,有利于判断俄未来远东政策的走向,促进东北亚地区经济发展以及加快我国东北地区经济振兴的步伐。  相似文献   

The article has analyzed trends and problems in migration processes in the Far East of Russia in the 2010s. There are restrictions on population growth in the Far East due to migration. It has been determined that the implementation of modern policy decisions with regard to the Far East region does not create real prerequisites for increasing the incomes of the population. It has been proved that, in order to attract population to the Far East, it is necessary to institute economic development in the region that can increase incomes and make them comparable to other more successful federal districts.  相似文献   

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