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越南的庄园经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越南是一个小农经济比较发达的农业国家,依托庄园以发展种植养殖业并恢复同国外市场的传统联系是越南发展现代农业的重点之一。实践证明,庄园经济是符合越南发展阶段和实际国情的,它具有许多独特的优越性,能吸引越来越多的农户和投资者(包括外国投资)从事庄园经济经营,不仅促进越南农业结构调整和农业现代化,而且会带动越南整个国民经济的发展。  相似文献   

庄园经济是本世纪中期首先在欧美等发达国家出现的一种农业发展模式,它曾经成功地改变了美国、荷兰、澳洲等国的农业经济状况.90年代以后,随着我国对农业发展的大力支持和人们投资意识的增强,国内已逐渐形成了一股"大农业"的投资热潮,全国先后涌现出了北京郊区文化庄园、广州岭南国际文化农业度假庄园、海南现代农场、云南热带果园、成都金阳庄园和武汉生态农业园等具有庄园经济特点的大型农业开发经营实体,另外,各个地方出现的中、小型农业庄园不计其数,据不完全统计,仅武汉市洪山区现已建成的农业庄园就有40多个,目前这股浪潮正在席卷大江南北.  相似文献   

云南省现代庄园经济的发展现状及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国出现了对庄园经济的投资热,庄园经济发展迅速。现代庄园经济是市场经济的产物,是现代农业的发展趋势。中共云南省委九届四次全会提出"大力发展庄园经济"的战略部署,标志着云南省庄园经济进入加快发展的新时期。2013年更是提出了五年内打造100个现代特色农业精品庄园的发展目标。然而由于目前现代庄园经济尚处于自律性发展阶段,出现了各种问题。本文通过分析云南省庄园经济的发展现状,提出几点对策建议。  相似文献   

新形势下农业产品结构调整的要求给我们的农业发展提供了良好的机遇。本分析了仁寿农业发展中的庄园制经济对农村土地制度创新的意义和作用,指出了庄园制经济可能成为解决农村土地制度的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

新农村农业经济组织模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何鹏  向龙斌  姜涛 《乡镇经济》2008,24(9):97-100
文章对当前代表性的几种农业经济组织模式进行了研究,认为建设新农村要立足于发展种养殖业,运用现代企业管理理论,以土地经营权入股的方式,构建新农村经济组织,实现发展农业生产力,提高农民收入的目的。  相似文献   

文章利用问卷调查资料,分析了巢湖地区“企业+农户”型和“农村合作经济组织+农户”型农业产业化组织模式的基本状况,指出他们的不足之处,提出建立新型的农业产业化组织模式的构想并证明了其存在的可能性。最后,提出几点建议。  相似文献   

建设新农村离不开合作经济组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐城是江苏省面积最大、农户最多、农产品生产水平较高的农业大市.近几年来农民专业合作经济组织发展迅猛。到去年底,全市已有比较规范的农民专业合作经济组织(包括专业合作社、专业协会及股份制合作社)947个.入神农户47.2户,带动农户56.7万户,在农业和农村经济发展中发挥了重大作用.  相似文献   

当今农业经济国际化的几种模式综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业国际化是目前我国农业经济发展的一项紧迫性任务。研究当今世界农业经济发展的国际模式,有利于推动中国农业经济的国际化进程,当今世界流行的农业经济国际化模式主要有:一是发达国家农业国际化的一般模式,包括日本农业经济模式、欧盟农业经济模式和美国农业经济模式;二是现代都市农业发展模式;三是21世纪世界农业国际化的基本模式。本文在分析当今世界流行的农业国际化模式的基础上,探讨了中国发展农业经济国际化的基本模式。  相似文献   

正庄园的形成和发展,是古代经济社会的重要文明成果之一。中国古代,特别是唐宋时期的庄园和庄园经济,虽然与欧洲中世纪庄园和汉唐时期的庄园有诸多不同,但同样是古代社会和农业经济的重要生产和组织方式之一,对唐宋及后世影响深远。通过对唐宋庄园及庄园经济研究学术史的回顾与综述,本文比较了两种不同观点,指出学术界讨论的主要问题不是"庄园"的有无,而是"庄园制"的有无,本质上是关于庄园性质的不同认识。本文所研究的庄园和庄园经济,既不是一种所有制形态或生产关系,也不是普通耕地,而是一种农地  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,我国农业的发展水平也在直线上升,同时对于现代社会农业经济管理应该如何快速发展,也成了人们日益关注的问题,在新时期农业的发展必须是科学、合理的发展,同时我国传统的农业管理模式也制约着经济的快速发展,所以农业模式的转变已经成为新时期农业经济管理重点需要解决的问题,文章就我国的农业经济管理的发展趋势进行讨论和分析,希望对我国农业经济的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

熊勇立 《开放导报》2008,(5):108-110
本文对内生经济增长中的AK模型、人力资本模型和公共支出模型进行了对比和总结研究,以考察税收和经济增长的相关性。  相似文献   

We estimate the open economy new Keynesian Philips curve (NKPC) to characterize the inflation dynamics of Korea. While recent studies show that the NKPC holds for the pre‐currency crisis period, the empirical evidence is inconclusive for the post‐crisis period. Has globalization increased the role of global factors relative to domestic factors? Can labor income share still serve as a good measure of real marginal cost following the structural break? To address these issues for the post‐crisis period, we use two types of open NKPC: the relative prices model and the incomplete pass‐through model. The estimation of both models indicates that the forward‐looking behavior is important, and its role is reinforced in an open economy specification. Both NKPC models also show that the external factors are more relevant inflation drivers than the domestic factors.  相似文献   

开放条件下货币政策的资产价格传导机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究开放经济条件下货币政策在资本市场、汇率市场和商品市场之间的传导过程。文章首先构建了开放条件下货币政策的资产价格传导模型,并与传统货币政策传导模型进行比较分析,认为它更合适地解释了1999年后中国的货币政策传导机制。最后用VAR方法证明开放条件下货币政策的资产价格传导机制具有系统稳定性。  相似文献   

郭广珍 《南方经济》2009,(11):57-64
目前研究政治对经济影响的大量文章都利用锦标赛模型分析官员激励如何影响经济绩效,但这些模型仅仅假设府官员只是追求政治晋升最大化,而且对经济领域的行为分析太少。我们通过将追求货币收入也纳入官员的目标函数,在构造了一个带约束的古诺模型的基础上,将官员政治激励嵌入其中,并以此分析了官员对自己精力和时间的分配如何对经济绩效产生影响。尽管我们没有利用应用锦标赛模型,但是本文的模型也可以解释大多数政治晋升现象,而且由于我们丰富了经济领域的行为人(企业)行为,从而可以解释更多的现象如官员的经济腐败、政府采购以及“高薪养廉”等。  相似文献   

曹允春  王琤 《改革与战略》2010,26(8):109-112
青岛流亭国际机场周边区域历经3年多规划发展,目前仍处于临空经济形成阶段的缓慢发展期。文章认为,立足空港资源、准确把握现状、寻求合理有效的发展模式,是青岛临空经济发展的根本出路。文章根据临空产业在不同区域内的主导作用强弱,分析得出青岛临空经济发展模式的主要构成,提出了青岛临空经济发展的总体思路。  相似文献   


Prior to the 1997 financial crisis, the Korean economy had based its growth policies on East Asia's economic catch-up model which was based mainly on the Japanese development experience. However, the events that lead to the 1997 crisis and the changes instituted in the Korean economy after the crisis have put to question whether the traditional East Asian growth model will continue to be viable. This paper examines two alternative models of development, namely the “Anglo-Saxon” and the “Continental European” models, and evaluates their relevance for Korea's future development challenges. Despite many common features these models share, they are also quite distinctive with regard to their treatment of the labor market system and the role of government. By focusing on the model's capacity to expand employment and to provide sustainable growth as the most important criteria, it is suggested that Korea should follow the “Anglo-Saxon model”, at least in the short- to medium-term. In comparing Korea's economy with other advanced economies when they were at the similar stage of development, it is found that Korea's growth potential lags behind that of countries such as Japan, Germany, Finland, and Ireland. The efficiency of Korea's investment is found to be only slightly better than Japan while it is inferior to all other advanced economies. Despite these challenges, Korea is apparently moving toward the “Continental European model”, with the Korean government increasing its own size and plans for further expenditures on social security and welfare. However, in order to ensure sustainable development with significant job creation, this paper argues that Korea should switch its direction and adopt the “Anglo-Saxon model” as soon as possible.  相似文献   

块状世界的经济学——空间经济学点评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The major subjects of the Spatial Economics are studying the spatial distributions of economic activities, investigating those factors and mechanism determining the spatial style of economic activities, and reintroducing the spatial factor neglected by the Mainstream Economics for a long period into the general equilibrium frame. This paper presents the main research object of the Spatial Economy, as well as its' foundations, the catalog and artifice of those theoretical models, and main insights of the Spatial Economy, evaluates the theoretical improvement of the Spatial Economy in brief.  相似文献   

李庐 《特区经济》2007,226(11):292-294
企业财务管理的目标由追求会计利润最大化向为股东创造价值的增值转化,在这一转化过程中,经济附加价值(EVA)应运而生。经济附加价值(EVA)与企业价值管理相结合产生了企业价值管理的新模式。为了有效利用这一理论,首先,要明白EVA的涵义、重要性,及其在企业发展中的重要作用,寻求企业发展的最佳模式;其次,利用经济附加价值(EVA)分析和利用现金流量、资本成本、竞争优势等驱动要素增加企业的价值;最后,以EVA为基础构建系统的、富有效率的价值管理体系。  相似文献   

Chinese Economy and Excess Liquidity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers five indicators of excess liquidity to verify its existence in China. Based on the analysis, we argue that the People's Bank of China and other banks in China are responsible for the excess liquidity in China. Other factors, such as the excess savings resulting from the poor social security network, the asset bubble and the foreign exchange system, fuel banks with abundant liquidity. To tackle the problem of excess liquidity and direct capital into productive sectors, the traditional use of monetary policy alone is not sufficient. The semi-administrative tool "window guidance" and other macroeconomic control methods are required.  相似文献   

This paper extends the existing literature on the open economy New Keynesian Phillips Curve by incorporating three different factors of production, domestic labor and imported as well as domestically produced intermediate goods, into a general model which nests existing closed economy and open economy models. The model is estimated for nine euro area countries and the euro area aggregate. We find that the general specification of our model improves the fit of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve considerably compared to the closed economy specification. The estimates of the structural parameters of the model suggest strong heterogeneity in the degree of price rigidity across euro area counties. Furthermore, we find the degree of price rigidity to be systematically lower in the open economy specification than in the closed economy specification and also lower than in the general specification of our model.
Fabio RumlerEmail:

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