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<正>化学工业是我国重要的基础产业。数据显示,2010年我国化学工业产值约为5.23万亿元,按汇率计算已达7700亿美元以上,超过了美国(7340亿美元),化工经济总量居世界第一。2011年末全国化学工业规模以上企业24129家,累计总产值6.62万亿元人民币,比上年增长33.90%,占全行业总产值的58.64%。其中,化学原料及化学制品制造业在我国化学工业中占主导地位。近年来,我国化学原料及化学制品制造业快速增长。其增长具有两面性,在增加价值的同时也过度消耗着资源。如果企业的生产经营、  相似文献   

2009年,黑龙江省石油和化工行业(简称"石化行业")克服了金融危机的不利影响和严峻挑战,保持了经济运行的平稳良好态势。全年石化行业实现主营业务收入1216.3亿元,占全省工业的15.8%,同比下降1.6%;实现利税249.9亿元,占全省工业的17.1%,同比增加328.2亿元;实现利润69.3亿元,占全省工业的8.1%,同比增加189.2亿元。预计2010全省石化行业主营业务收入、利税和利润将分别达到1338亿元、275亿元和76亿元,同比增长10%左右,主要产品产量稳中有升。  相似文献   

正中国内地最大的殡葬企业福寿园(01448.HK)2013年12月19日在香港联合交易所上市,成为"中国殡葬第二股"。2010-2012年,福寿园营收分别为3.51亿元、4.2亿元以及4.80亿元,净利分别为1.14亿元、1.42亿元、1.38亿元。2013年上半年,福寿园营收3.07亿元(60%来自上海业务),同比增长32%,其中近九成来自墓地服务。2013年上半年,福寿园净利润1.18亿元,净利润率38.5%,毛利率80.4%。2012年福寿园以1%的市场份额位居  相似文献   

广西电网公司“十一五”期间将着力解决代管县级的农村电网改造问题,并通过主电网最大限度延伸,逐步解决10.7万户无电人口通电问题,2006年至2010年平均每年解决20%。1999年以来,由广西电网公司负责的44个县(市、区)农网建设与改造工程总投资65.34亿元,目前累计完成110千伏工程投资9.7亿元,占投资15%;完成35千伏工程投资10.53亿元,占总投资16%;完成10千伏及以下  相似文献   

1"中国汽车零部件出口增20倍。"——根据中国汽车工业协会最新公布的数字,今年上半年,我国汽车零部件出口总额达到153.74亿美元,同比增长超过19%。这个数字是2002年(加入WTO后第一年)同期出口总额的20.3倍。在上半年汽车零部件出口中,行驶系统出口所占份额最大,以近40.6亿美元高居榜首,占汽车零部件出口总额的26.4%;其次是汽车电子电器,出口金额超过30.7亿美元,比例达到20%。从2003年到今年上半年,  相似文献   

日前,从青岛市纺织服装行业协会会员大会上获悉,2012年青岛市规模以上纺织服装企业约有700家,从业人数约14万人,与去年同比基本保持一致。2012年青岛纺织服装行业工业总产值完成1506.7亿元,同比增长17.4%,占全市累计完成产值(13215亿元)的11.4%;主营业务收入实现1400.1亿元,同比增长16.4%,占全市主营业务收入11.25%;出口交货值完成320.4亿元,同比下降1.0%,占全市出口交货值的16.68%;实现利税129亿元,同比增长  相似文献   

电网、电源建设投资比例在刚刚过去的一年首度实现扭转.据中国电力企业联合会统计数据显示:2008年,我国电力基本建设投资总额达5763.29亿元,同比增长1.52%.其中电源投资额2878.73亿元,同比下降10.78%,电网投资额达到2884.56亿元,同比增长17.69%.电网基本建设投资在电力投资中所占比重首度达到50%,走出了长期以来电力投资失衡的无奈.  相似文献   

2009年,在国家及省一系列刺激经济增长措施的拉动下,辽宁省石油和化工行业(简称"石化行业")经济运行4月份以后呈现逐步回暖的趋势,特别是行业经济效益显著回升。2009年,全省石化行业完成工业增加值1286.8亿元,同比增长6.8%,占全省工业的16.6%;实现利税577.14亿元,同比增加637.48亿元,占全省工业经济的28%,列居全省工业行业第二位。按照我省石化产业调整和振兴规划要求,2010年石化产业预计完成工业增加值1500亿元,比上年增长16.6%;实现销售收入6000亿元,比上年增长16.4%;实现利税和实现利润均好于上年。  相似文献   

本文通过对2001~2006年经北京技术市场认定、登记的化学药、中药、生物药技术交易情况,包括技术开发、技术转让、技术服务和技术咨询(简称"四技"合同),通过建立分类统计分析指标体系,探究北京医药技术市场的特征与规律,结果表明北京已成为全国医药技术扩散的核心地区,中关村科技园区活力彰显;2006年成交量2273项,成交额11.25亿元,技术出口成为新的增长点(成交额1.37亿元,占总成交额12.16%),技术开发、技术转让呈现持续快速增长(成交量940项占41%,成交额9.97亿元占89%),新药研发型企业成为技术市场主体,但专利技术的转移和商业化应用程度较低,创新药物技术交易继续下挫,重量级的新药技术转移项目寥寥无几,政府科技计划项目商品化不容乐观.  相似文献   

城市湖泊生态系统服务价值核算——以长春南湖为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统服务已成为生态学和经济学的研究热点,本文运用生态经济学方法进行了长春南湖生态系统服务价值核算.结果表明,南湖生态系统服务总价值为1628万元·a-1.其中,调蓄和供水价值964万元,固定CO2价值255万元,娱乐文化价值117万元,生物生产价值110万元,释放O2价值62万元,生物多样性保护价值58万元,养分积累价值52万元,重要污染物稀释和降解价值10万元.湖泊生态系统在提供产品和资源的同时,还具有巨大的服务功能.应进一步探索和完善生态系统服务核算的新方法.  相似文献   

Research Summary: The recent surge of interest in “ecosystems” in strategy research and practice has mainly focused on what ecosystems are and how they operate. We complement this literature by considering when and why ecosystems emerge, and what makes them distinct from other governance forms. We argue that modularity enables ecosystem emergence as it allows a set of distinct yet interdependent organizations to coordinate without full hierarchical fiat. We show how ecosystems address multilateral dependences based on various types of complementarities—supermodular or unique, unidirectional or bidirectional—which determine the ecosystem's value‐add. We argue that at the core of ecosystems lie nongeneric complementarities, and the creation of sets of roles that face similar rules. We conclude with implications for mainstream strategy and suggestions for future research. Managerial Summary: We consider what makes ecosystems different from other business constellations, including markets, alliances, or hierarchically managed supply chains. Ecosystems, we posit, are interacting organizations, enabled by modularity, not hierarchically managed, bound together by the nonredeployability of their collective investment elsewhere. Ecosystems add value as they allow managers to coordinate their multilateral dependence through sets of roles that face similar rules, thus obviating the need to enter into customized contractual agreements with each partner. We explain how different types of complementarities (unique or supermodular, generic or specific, uni‐ or bi‐directional) shape ecosystems and offer a “theory of ecosystems” that can explain what they are, when they emerge, and why alignment occurs. Finally, we outline the critical factors affecting ecosystem emergence, evolution, and success—or failure.  相似文献   

We explain why the line between dynamic and operational (or ordinary) capabilities is unavoidably blurry, draw implications for capabilities that promote economically important but seemingly gradual change, and provide recommendations for future research that takes these issues into account. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工业产业集群品牌生态系统由工业产业集群品牌集群及其所处的环境组成,而组成该生态系统根本目的是协同进化。本文首先对工业企业集群品牌生态系统内涵和特征进行分析,然后阐述了工业产业集群品牌生态系统协同进化的动因,动因主要有环境选择的压力、市场效应的拉力和自身发展的动力3个方面。基于此,文章构建了集群企业生态位宽度模型和工业产业集群品牌与外部环境协同演化模型,对工业产业集群品牌生态系统的企业间和企业与环境的协同演化机理进行了研究,最后提出包括管理机制、创新机制、整合机制和保障机制在内的4个运行机制,促进工业产业集群品牌生态系统良好运行。  相似文献   

商业生态系统由于其活跃的企业实践、广泛的应用领域而成为一种备受关注的组织现象。本文将商业生态系统的进化机制分解为吸引(排斥)—进入(脱离)—成长(衰退)等环节.开发了一个三维度的系统进化性能描述模型。根据此模型,对国内外33个核心企业所构建的商业生态系统进行了实证描述和聚类处理.归纳出广阔草原型、带状森林型、山丘森林型和簇状丛林型等四种典型的商业生态系统类型,并针对性地分析了这四类生态系统的总体性质、进化条件和退化风险。并由此归纳了商业生态系统战略的策略维度.以及由不同的策略组合所影响的系统进化路径类型。最后,从宏观和微观两个层面探讨了有关结论对管理实践的启示.并对下一步需要深入研究的问题和目标进行了展望。  相似文献   

We consider firms in the context of their business ecosystems and explore how differences in the ways in which firms are organized with respect to complementary activities affect their decision to invest in new technologies. We argue that, in addition to creating differences in incentives and bureaucratic costs, firm‐complementor organizational form plays an important role in the firm's ability to coordinate accompanying changes in complementary activities so as to shape the benefits from investing early in the new technology. We test our predictions in the U.S. healthcare industry from 1995–2006. The study makes a strong case for viewing firms' competitive strategies in the context of their business ecosystems and for the existence of an important link between firms' coordination choices and their strategic investments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Entrants in new industries pursue distinct technologies in hopes of winning the technology competition and achieving sustainable competitive advantage. We draw on the complementary assets framework to predict entrants' technology choices in an emerging industry. Evidence from the global solar photovoltaic industry supports our arguments that entrants are more likely to choose technologies with higher technical performance and for which key complementary assets are available in the ecosystem. However, diversifying entrants are more likely to trade off superior performance for complementary asset availability whereas start‐up entrants are more likely to trade off complementary asset availability for superior performance. This difference is largely due to diversifying entrants with pre‐entry capabilities related to the industry. The study offers a novel illustration of how complementarities and competition shape entry strategies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

将生物学中生态系统和生态位的思想引入到风电整机制造产业,构建了风电整机制造业生态系统模型,用以反映其与供需主体及经济、社会和政策环境的相互关系,并通过由市场因子、生产资源因子、技术因子和制度因子构成的风电整机制造企业生态位,从产业生态系统的视角全面分析企业的生存和发展状况;建立了风电整机制造企业生态位评价指标体系,并采用突变模型评价法对中国6家本土风电整机制造企业的生态位进行定量评价。结果证实:提出的方法适用于评价企业与外部环境的协调能力和发展状况,能发现企业的竞争优势和发展的制约因素,能帮助企业制定发展战略。  相似文献   

Mobile games are a prime example of a successful mobile application and demonstrate the increasing range of platforms for the media and entertainment industries. Against this convergent background, this paper introduces the basic features of the mobile gaming market and its industrial ecosystem together with its main actors and activities. The focus of the paper lies in the challenges ahead for the evolution of mobile applications into a potentially dominant game platform and the possible disruptions along this road. The deep personal relationships between users and their mobile devices are considered to further explore the link between mobile games, players’ strategies and pending techno-economic developments. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of some policy options to assist with the development of this domain.  相似文献   

With the development of information and communication technologies and Internet of things, the open-platform strategy has come into the spotlight. Opening a platform allows external firms or individuals to enter the platform ecosystem without any restrictions. A platform connects diverse products and services, and thus the aim of this study is to simultaneously investigate the effect of platform openness on multiple groups of products and services from an ecosystem perspective. This study specifically focuses on the manner in which Android's openness to both applications and devices influences the intentions of application developers to continuously participate in Android platform through the structural equation modeling. First, openness to applications directly influences the participation intention of application developers as well as the user base of the platform. An increased user base leads to the enhanced participation intention of application developers through indirect network effects. Second, openness to devices contributes to increasing the user base, which in turn, positively influences the intention of application developers. Openness to a device also incurs coordination costs between applications and devices, and this has a partially negative effect on the participation of application developers. The contributions of the study include presenting an analytical model that offers a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of platform openness to external developers.  相似文献   

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