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Abstract . Henry George's Progress and Poverty (1879) is a great ethical masterpiece. Its moral tone distinguishes the book. More than an economics test, it is a philosophic quest for justice, an impassioned declaration of the rule of natural law. Indignantly attacking the contention that economics has no place for natural law or ethics, George exclaims: “She [economics] has been degraded and shackled; her truths dislocated; her harmonies ignored.” On the contrary, George stresses, political economy (economics) is a science, and like all sciences, is governed by natural law. Furthermore, it is basically “moral.” Science must, of necessity, always lead to ethics. Natural law must, of necessity, always lead to morality, or justice.“The law of human progress, what is it but the moral law?” George asks. “Unless its foundation be laid in justice the social structure cannot stand.” The social ill that perpetuates poverty and the manifold evils it causes is private ownership of land and the private privilege of collecting its rent. “The fundamental law of nature, that the enjoyment by man shall be consequent upon his exertion, is thus violated.”  相似文献   

Why is it so difficult to reform the economies of Eastern Europe? Jan Winiecki, of the Institute of Labour Economics in Warsaw, argues that the decline of moral standards under communism means that reform can only be brought about by people untainted by the old regime.  相似文献   

A bstract Economics and business classes are closely related and, in most colleges and universities , included in the business core curriculum . Courses in ethics and the social responsibility of business, if not required, are increasingly recommended to business students. The authors argue that: (1) a discussion of ethical issues is lacking in economics core courses while core courses in management and marketing contain extensive coverage of the topic and (2) this topic should be integrated into the core courses of all business-related disciplines. In economics texts, problems of efficiency are seen as manageable and uncontroversial while problems of ethics and equity are seen as controversial and theoretically intractable. Using survey data from the top selling texts in the principles of economics , intermediate microeconomics , the principles of marketing, and the principles of management , the authors show the disparity in the presentation of ethical issues between the disciplines of business and economics.  相似文献   

Work is a fundamental reality of human existence. This essay examines in general terms the idea of work and labor, briefly explains the biblical foundation of George's perspective on work, and presents George's analysis on unemployment, technological change, and true competition. Finally, it discusses how access to the natural opportunities land provides liberates labor and advances the just distribution of wealth, connects these insights to Catholic Social Teachings (CST), and calls for more cooperation between these natural allies.  相似文献   

技术,技术进步,技术经济学和数量经济学之诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了技术的经济学定义,技术进步概念,技术经济学和数量经济学的学科定义。  相似文献   

Is the economy chaotic? Dr Mike Ball of the University of Liverpool, applies the new mathematics of chaos to the economy. He concludes that the connection between cause and effect in the economy is far from certain.  相似文献   

本文对非均衡经济学和新兴古典经济学进行了比较分析。认为其同点在于产生的学术背景、行为主体的决策过程和产生的直接动机。它们的主要差异在于:一是虽然都是对古典经济学的批判与发展,但发展的“方向”不同,二是虽然都注意到了经济生活中信息不完备的现实,但对其影响“领域”的归结不同;三是它们对市场作用的看法不同。  相似文献   

戴卓臣  陆江东 《价值工程》2012,31(21):191-193
SQL注入攻击因为易学而且入门的门槛较低也很难被系统发现,使得很多人都能够掌握SQL注入攻击的方法,也因此使得其危害十分严重。文中主要对SQL注入攻击的原理进行了简单的分析,并就SQL注入攻击的分类进行了简单的阐述。文中最后对SQL注入攻击的防范提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文依据基本的经济学理论对学术腐败问题进行了研究。首先,在理论状态下,从效用理论出发探讨了作为经济人的学人究竟是如何进行智力资源的投入的;其次,引入了制约学人智力投入选择的两大社会约束条件,从而揭示了体制性学术腐败产生的根源;最后,简要地分析了转型期中国学术腐败的问题并对其产生之现实根源提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

企业标准化的经济学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国市场经济的发展,企业标准化工作取得了实质性进展。但是与发达国家相比,我国企业标准化水平还存在一定差距。在企业实施标准化过程中,虽然一些企业采取了主动措施,但政府宏观调控起到的作用更大。我国加入WTO后,政府不再直接参与微观经济活动,其职能从直接干预型向服务  相似文献   

A bstract .   These comments focus on some issues raised in the papers by Dimand, Peart and Levy, Cot, and Leonard. These papers are fascinating, but not without weaknesses. It is argued that Dimand's presentation of what he calls the "general principle" of classical economics is misconceived. There is a confusion in this paper between the classical view of equal capacity and the much newer concept of equally rational actual performance. Peart and Levy discuss the idea of unequal capacity for pleasure in Edgeworth, but do not draw a link back to the idea in J. S. Mill of different qualities of pleasure. Cot and Leonard provide informative accounts of the American eugenic movement and its links to progressivism, but with an insufficient degree of distinction between the various positions and agendas that were concerned.  相似文献   

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