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小额信贷融资与农业银行发展模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小额信贷的起源及国际实践 (一)小额信贷业务的起源与定义小额信贷于1976年在孟加拉首先推行。它在扶贫和经济发展中发挥了巨大作用,得到了发展中国家和国际社会的广泛认同和推荐。小额信贷业务从操作机构、服务对象和运营模式等方面在不同国家都有较大区别,因此国际上对小额信贷没有统一的定义。世界银行的《小额金融信贷手册》给出的定义是小额信贷包括储蓄和信贷,是向低收入客户和个体经营者提供的金融服务活动。  相似文献   

单旭 《时代金融》2013,(12):230-231
"小额信贷"主要指针对低收入人群发放期限较短、数额较小的贷款的行为,但是其在推行过程中遇到了许多问题。本文主要结合笔者在荆州的调研,首先对国内小额信贷现状进行阐述,然后结合调研结果对问题进行了分析,最后针对小额信贷存在的风险和问题提出了相关的建议,以期对发展我国小额信贷、促进我国的普惠金融的实现有所帮助。  相似文献   

在金融改革不断推进的大背景下,小额信贷公司得到了跨越式的发展。中国小额信贷机构联席会会长、国家开发银行前副行长刘克崮存第五届中国小额信贷创新论坛上,将小额信贷冠名为“草根金融”。  相似文献   

扶贫小额信贷是为建档立卡贫困户发展特色产业专门设计的金融产品,是当前金融精准扶贫的重要手段和重点工作。本文调查了郴州市扶贫小额信贷的情况,总结了当地扶贫小额信贷的实践经验,分析了扶贫小额信贷工作面临的困难,提出了针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

普惠金融旨在为社会所有人,特别是贫困和低收入者提供金融服务,帮助他们摆脱贫困.小额信贷作为普惠金融的核心,是普惠金融理念的有效实践.通过了解普惠金融的涵义,指出我国的农户小额信贷模式存在问题,分析公司+农户的小额信贷模式、保险+农户小额信贷模式、P2P网络农户小额信贷模式的基本情况,提出完善发展我国农户小额贷款的各种主体相结合模式,以更好地发展农户小额信贷,进一步促进我国农村经济的发展.  相似文献   

小额信贷在扶贫效果和可持续性方面取得的成功,为金融制度创新、金融支持低收入群体摆脱贫困恶性循环拓展了思路。近年来,海南省在农户小额信贷创新推广方面进行了有益的尝试并取得了良好收效。本文在介绍海南省农户小额信贷创新推广情况的基础上,对小额信贷模式的演进与优化进行了总结综述,并提出进一步推动小额信贷业务健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

小额信贷降低贫困效应的国际经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立军  湛泳 《新金融》2006,(11):45-48
小额信贷是指专向中低收入阶层提供小额度的持续的信贷服务活动。从孟加拉、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、印度、埃及、玻利维亚的小额信贷发展来看,小额信贷降低贫困的效应是比较明显的。同时,小额信贷的发展也带给我们一些经验和启示。如政府的金融政策和国家的金融改革对小额信贷的发展十分重要,小额信贷是可以达到自负盈亏和可持续发展的等等。  相似文献   

我国于上世纪90年代正式引进小额信贷,并在央行和政府的推动下规模不断扩大。作为一种直接面向贫困群体的新型金融方式,小额信贷对我国的扶贫计划和农村地区的金融发展起到了积极的作用。但从当前实践看,我国的小额信贷还存在诸多制约因素,令其可持续性发展受到不少挑战。本文从我国农村小额信贷的发展情况开始,着重分析目前小额信贷发展中所碰到的主要障碍,希望为我国农村小额信贷的持续健康发展提供一些思路。  相似文献   

3月22日,外资银行花旗集团在亚洲小额信贷论坛上宣布捐赠390万美元,用于向全球数百万贫困人口传授重要金融知识与概念。这之前,花旗集团在2005年初捐赠了150万美元建立中国小额信贷培训中心和小额信贷扶贫促进网络,为中国的小额信贷扶贫项目提供更好的培训及支持服务。2001年通过孟加拉乡村托拉斯向中国内地的小额信贷项目捐赠的130万美元。为什么外资突然对似乎没有多少“油水”的小额信贷情有独钟呢?外资突进这项被称为“贫困人口金融教育”项目,是通过地区和国家的培训研讨扩大全球金融教育家网络,使中国等贫困人口的金融教育水平迅速提…  相似文献   

微型金融是小额信贷金融多样化和持续化的结果。微型金融理论是在小额信贷理论基础上发展而来的。本文从金融深化论、金融创新论、信息不对称理论分析了微型金融理论基础,并对国内外研究状况进行了梳理。  相似文献   

Financial intermediation theory posits that a smaller loan size triggers a higher cost per dollar lent. This leads to question whether microfinance can become a self-sustainable industry. Hence, in microfinance innovations like loans without collateral, progressive loans, solidarity groups and relational lending are employed to reduce asymmetric information costs, adverse selection, and moral hazard while serving the poorest people. Crucially, we find a non-linear U-shaped effect of loan size on financial and social efficiencies. This reconciles the two opposite strands of the literature, aligning microfinance and banking central principles. The major implication of this study is that, unlike banking, microfinance institutions can grant small size loans while simultaneously obtaining high levels of financial and social efficiency. Indeed, our findings do not support the widely debated mission drift assumption since loan size does not generate a trade-off between financial and social outcomes. Therefore, loan size is a core management variable.  相似文献   

为稳步开放农村金融市场,提高农村金融服务效率,抑制非法融资的蔓延,应在我国农村地区发展多种形式小额信贷。应区分审慎性监管原则和非审慎监管原则,为综合性商业银行的小额信贷事业部、专业小额信贷银行(包括农村信用社和村镇银行)、专业小额贷款公司(小额贷款公司和贷款公司)、农村资金互助社、公益性小额信贷组织(项目)等各类组织创造良好的政策环境。  相似文献   


We examine the impact of religious beliefs on loan repayments in 770 microfinance institutions (MFIs) across 65 countries over the period 2006–2018. We find robust evidence of a negative relationship between religiosity and loan losses in MFIs. We also find that the relationship between religiosity and loan losses is stronger for MFIs in Protestant-dominated countries than in Catholic-dominated countries. Moreover, religiosity improves the operational self-sufficiency of MFIs through a reduction in loan losses. We find that religiosity does not improve the loan repayment behaviour of women borrowers, but it reduces the loan size per borrower. Overall, our evidence suggests that although religiosity reduces loan losses through religiosity-induced lender-risk aversion, it does not improve the loan repayment behaviour of borrowers. We also use several approaches to evaluate our results to the effects of endogeneity.


The paper seeks to promote greater understanding of the importance of loan officers in group-based microfinance by explaining their actual roles, dilemmas and tensions when working with poor clients. Few existing studies have used data outside Bangladesh and most focus upon relatively well-performing institutions. Using data from Zambia this study focuses on the recent crisis of Christian Enterprise Trust of Zambia (CETZAM) and the effects of its practices for accounting for and dealing with defaulters. The findings firstly show that loan officers faced powerful hierarchical accountability pressures and pursued inappropriate methods to compel further repayments to resolve this crisis. Its approach to borrower default was found to be stressful for loan officers and potentially detrimental for CETZAM's own short and long-term survival by reducing client loyalty and trust.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of microloans (to individuals and to groups) that were refinanced through the peer-to-peer microfinancing platform Kiva, we study the determinants of the repayment behavior of micro-entrepreneurs whose loans are available to international charitable lenders. We perform binary regressions and account for influential factors such as the time required for funding or the type of entrepreneurial activity. The screening and monitoring quality of the microfinance institution which selects the borrowers is a main driver of credit default. We find evidence that the loan size, the loan term and the length of a possible grace period influence the probability of default. Moreover, women demonstrate better repayment behavior which is, however, not the case for groups of women.  相似文献   

P2P(peer-to-peer)网络借贷是一种借助网络平台,由个人与个人间互为借贷双方的小额借贷交易。它作为互联网与民间借贷相结合的新兴金融模式,具有较高的信用风险。采用排序选择模型,基于 ex-celVBA 数据挖掘技术截取多个 P2P 网站数据,对平台信用风险的影响因素进行实证分析,结果表明:个人特征、信用变量、历史表现、借款信息分别对网络借贷信用风险存在正向影响,由此发现网站提供的信息对投资者避免信用风险没有起到实质作用。  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) financial performance (FP: self-sustainability and profitability) and social performance (SP: depth of outreach), and examine the FP/SP tradeoffs they face. Based on a sample of 120 MFIs over the period 2000–2009, we use the random effects method to isolate the effect of fixed-time factors such as loan lending technique, legal status and location (sub-region) on MFIs’ behavior. We find that financial expenses, wages and portfolio quality, mainly influence MFIs’ financial performance whereas social performance is mostly influenced by lending methodology and institutional form, and to a lesser extent by location. The analysis of FP–SP shows that mission drift is a concern primarily for banks, mutual/cooperatives and individual lenders. The results question the trend toward microfinance commercialization since it weakens outreach without improving significantly self-sustainability and profitability.  相似文献   

声誉机制、信任机制与小额信贷   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小额信贷之所以在不需要抵押担保的情况下也能为借款者放款,究其原因,除了贷款者所实施的信贷规范起到了降低风险的作用以外,建立在"声誉效应"基础上的信任机制作用的发挥起到了关键性的作用,如果借贷双方以及借款联保小组成员间缺乏基本的信任,那么合作行为是不会出现的.本文对建立在声誉效应基础上的信任机制所发挥的作用进行动态博弈分析,在此基础上根据实地调研的数据进行实证剖析,提出了通过借贷双方长期博弈建立信任关系、不断投入资源以维护信任机制、发挥农业保险与专业组织的作用降低农户经营风险等政策建议.  相似文献   

We theorize that for-profit microfinance institutions (MFIs) have higher incentives to use earnings management techniques when compared to their not-for-profit counterparts. Indeed, we show empirically that, when facing a distress period, for-profit MFIs are more likely to recognize impairment loan loss provisions than not-for-profit ones in about 0.8% of assets. This is consistent with the notion that those institutions are employing “big bath” accounting practices. Finally, using the 2008 crisis as an exogenous shock and country-level recessions as an exogenous measure of distress, we replicate our results.  相似文献   

We describe the competitive environment of microcredit markets globally and we study the effects of competition on loan rates of microfinance institutions (MFIs). We use a new database from rating agencies, covering 379 for‐profit and nonprofit MFIs in 67 countries over 2002–2008. Controlling for interest rate ceilings and other country‐specific factors, we first find that nonprofits are relatively insensitive to industry‐wide concentration changes, while for‐profits charge significantly lower rates in less concentrated markets. Second, we find spillover effects between the for‐profit and nonprofit segments. Third, we show that the effects of concentration are consistent with an information dispersion mechanism.  相似文献   

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