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资金管理,是企业管理的核心内容之一,对中小型企业来说尤其重要,但中小型企业的资金管理却普遍存在着不足。本文分析了中小型企业资金管理存在的问题,提出了解决中小型企业资金管理问题的一些对策,以此来加强中小型企业的资金管理。  相似文献   

分析了改进煤炭企业资金管理的重大意义,探讨了当前煤炭企业资金管理存在的主要问题,在此基础上提出了健全资金内控体制、创新资金管理理念、创新资金管理工具、创新资金管理模式的改进建议。  相似文献   

<正>中小企业由于经营规模较小,易受自身和外界环境的影响,在营运资金管理方面存在一系列的薄弱环节,究其原因主要为融资难及资金管理的随意性。本文针对我国中小企业在营运资金管理方面存在的一些问题,并提出了营运资金管理的措施与对策。一、中小企业营运资金管理的现状与问题合理的营运资金管理,决定了中小企业的生存与发展。由于中小企业自身规模较小,可控资源稀缺,在企业运营过程中,存在着以下几方面的问题。  相似文献   

资金管理是财务管理的核心,而财务管理又是企业管理的关键环节。因此,加强资金管理,充分利用企业集团资金,提高资金周转率,降低资金的机会成本,合理调配资金的使用方向,实现企业集团价值最大化成了众多企业集团追求的目标。基于此,很多企业集团相继成立了资金管理中心处理资金流转问题。企业集团的资金集中管理,是以提高资金周转速度为目标,由企业集团统一调配、集中管理资金实现企业集团增收节支的资金管理模式。  相似文献   

“网上银行”搭建资金管理新平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何高效、安全地进行电网企业的资金管理,并在生产、销售、供应各个环节合理地运营资金?安庆供电公司“网上银行”有效解决了在财务核算、资金控制中的问题,提高了资金集中度,搭建了全新的企业资金管理平台  相似文献   

试析如何推进电网企业的资金管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过分析电网企业在推进资金管理中所需要解决的问题,提出了推进电网企业资金管理、增加企业资金收益、提高盈利能力的方案。  相似文献   

张欣 《工业技术经济》2005,24(4):160-160,F0003
本文在指出企业资金管理中具有共性的问题的同时,提出了强化企业资金管理的对策以及构建适应现代企业需要的资金管理体制意见。  相似文献   

论企业资金管理机制的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资金管理是企业财务管理的核心内容。如何加强资金管理,提高资金使用效益是每个企业所面临的重要课题。本文围绕资金管理的影响因素,分析企业资金管理体制存在的问题并提出解决方案。  相似文献   

1994年,冶金部率先提出“企业管理以财务管理为中心,财务管理以资金管理为中心’的管理方针,经过一年多的实践,证明这一管理方针是正确的,不少冶金企业因贯彻这一管理方针,使企业走出了困境。企业管理以财务管理为中心,是市场经济发展的必然结果。财务问题实质是资金问题。抓住了资金管理,就抓住了财务管理的牛鼻子,也就是抓住了整个企业管理的牛鼻子。这就为抓好企业的其它各项管理工作打下了基础,创造了条件。企业怎样做到以资金管理为中心呢?笔者认为:一、转变观念,提高对资金管理极端重要性的认识资金是企业的血液,是企业…  相似文献   

资金管理是集团企业财务管理的核心,同时也是集团企业内部管理的重要纽带。以煤炭集团公司为例,对集团内各子公司资金各自管理造成的资金浪费及分散管理导致资金管理风险增加等问题进行分析,提出以集团公司为核心一体化统筹资金管理和集团内各成员企业规范化的日常资金结算管理措施。  相似文献   

Electric mobility is supposed to contribute to climate policy targets by reducing CO2-emissions in the transportation sector. Increasing penetration rates of electric vehicles (EV) can lead to new challenges in the electricity sector, especially with regard to local distribution networks. Thus the management of charging loads is discussed as a key issue in energy economics. Due to their long parking times, high electricity and power demand, EV seem to be predestined for load management. Monetary incentives as dynamic pricing can be suitable for that: They reflect the current supply situation, pass the information to the consumers and can thus lead to a corresponding charging behaviour. In this article we analyse this interaction between dynamic pricing and charging loads. For this reason we have developed the optimization model DS-Opt+. It models a total number of 4,000 households in two residential areas of a major city with regard to its electricity demand, its mobility behaviour and its equipment of photovoltaic systems. Four different pricing models are tested for their effects on charging behaviour and thus the total load of the residential area. The results illustrate that only fairly high penetration rates of EV lead to remarkably higher electricity demand and require some load management. The tested dynamic pricing models are suitable for influencing charging loads; load-based tariffs are best in achieving a balanced load curve. In our analysis uncontrolled charging strategies are superior regarding a balanced load curve than controlled strategies by time-varying tariffs. Our results lead to several implications relevant for the energy industry and further research.  相似文献   

始于2009年的希腊债务危机拉开了欧洲债务危机的序幕,欧盟诸多国家频发债务危机,并引发了世界经济的动荡。文章考察了欧洲债务危机的发展历程,并对爆发危机的几个国家的财政状况进行了对比研究,从制度设计方面探讨了欧元区所面临的困境。认为虽然债务危机给欧元区带来很大的打击,但是欧洲货币联盟的发展将会依照现有路径继续发展。  相似文献   

编者按:2009年初,面对金融危机在全球继续蔓延的严峻形势,全球联合出台了大规模的经济救助计划和宽松的量化货币政策,世界经济快速下滑的势头得到遏制,部分国家开始率先踏上复苏之路,并刺激全球各类虚拟市场连续反弹.然而宽松的货币政策也可能把经济带入滞胀的泥沼,虚拟经济的快速反弹能否带动实体经济稳定复苏仍充满不确定性.金融危机后,"调整"成为全球长期经济增长的关键--全球经济失衡需要调整,发展中国家的产业结构需要升级,美国的消费结构需要调整,中国的经济结构和产业结构更需要调整.  相似文献   

In May 1981 the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced its decision to extend compensatory financing assistance to members encountering balance of payments difficulties caused by increased cereal import costs. At the time, the Food Financing Facility was welcomed as a significant step towards providing a more adequate level of world food security. Since its establishment, only limited use has been made of the facility and the Director-General of the FAO commented recently that ‘it needs to be improved’.  相似文献   

This paper describes the experience Singapore has had with the managed floating of its currency. The underlying policy of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is shown to have been to maintain a strong and stable currency. This has been achieved in spite of the devaluation of the U.K. pound and subsequent floatation and two devaluations of the U.S. dollar. The last section of the paper shows that Singapore was able to maintain the competitiveness of its exports during the 1970s and 80s by controlling its inflation rate to offset the effects of her currency's appreciation.  相似文献   

本文介绍国外学者关于电子货币发展影响货币政策效果的观点,指出电子货币将减少公众对央行基础货币的需求,这就势必削弱以货币供给量为基础的货币政策的效果,甚至可能使其失去作用。但实际上,只要央行将调控重点转移到利率上来,货币政策仍可以有很大的用武之地。本文分析和证明我国电子货币的使用,在短期中可以提高货币政策的效果,因为,货币漏损率和超额准备率的下降,可以提高货币乘数,但长期中货币数量调控的效果也会下降,所以我们也应尽早做好向利率调控转轨的准备。  相似文献   

Igbedioh SO 《Food Policy》1990,15(6):518-524
Faced with balance of payment problems, declining commodity prices, and a corresponding reduction in foreign exchange earnings, Nigeria implemented a structural adjustment program in 1986. This step was taken in response to encouragement from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and was aimed to accomplish the following: find the true value of the official currency; overcome public sector inefficiency through improved public expenditure and parastatal rationalization; reschedule medium- and long-term debt to relieve debt burden; and encourage net foreign capital inflow while limiting foreign loans. Implementing and adhering to these macroeconomic adjustment policies has brought unprecedented inflation, lower real earnings, and increased malnutrition among lower income sectors of the population. The poor have suffered diminishing access to nutritious foods. Conscribed access to food and compromised nutritional status will most likely persist into the 1990s unless corrective policies are adopted. Appropriate policy would aim to increase the poor's access to food and limit population growth.  相似文献   

Government departments have diverse interests, and on certain occasions, the need to achieve a priority objective in one department may lead to the adoption of inefficient policies in other areas, with long-lasting consequences. In this paper, we analyze the rebalancing of the telecommunications tariffs that took place in the European Union before and after the liberalization of the market in 1998. We show that the objective of satisfying the Maastricht inflation condition to allow participation in the European Monetary Union from 1999 led some national governments to block the rebalancing of telecommunications tariffs. Specifically, we demonstrate that in the years immediately before the liberalization of the telecommunications market, those countries that faced greater difficulty achieving the inflation objectives of the Maastricht Treaty reduced, rather than increased, the prices of local telephone calls and line rental. Furthermore, these countries did not intensify efforts to rebalance their tariffs after the creation of the euro. Our paper also shows that in this period the countries that diverged most from the inflation condition invested less in their telecommunications infrastructure.  相似文献   

Food systems around the world experienced increased merger and acquisition (M&A) activity over the past decades. Based on a sample of 13,911M&A attempts worldwide during 1986–2006, this study provides an analysis of major determinants of M&A completion in the food processing industry. Friendly attitude, cash payment and experience with M&As emerge as strong deal facilitators. Bidding competition, pursuit of parallel transactions, target subsidiary status and acquirer public status are the most important deal breakers. Unlike the lenient antitrust approach of the Reagan administration, the 1998 UK Competition Act and various directives and regulations on food safety and quality associated with the completion of the internal European market in 1992 facilitated M&A completion. In contrast, the beginning of the Economic and Monetary Union, as marked by the introduction of the Euro in 1999, had a strong negative effect on completion likelihood. This study identifies substantial regional differences. Completion of M&As that involve Asian firms depends on distinct factors. Results for NAFTA are mostly in line with predictions derived from general economic theory, compared to other regions.  相似文献   

Cameroon is the first trading partner of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) countries. Despite belonging to the same sub-regional organization, the formal trade ties between Cameroon and its neighbours have been hampered by a combination of factors that have spurred the growth of informal (unrecorded) trade. Interest in cross-border trade of agricultural and horticultural commodities between Cameroon and its neighbours has been overwhelming, but knowledge of its magnitude, determinants, and consequences remains inadequate, leading not only to undervaluation of figures in the national accounts, but also inhibiting formulation of appropriate policies and strategies to exploit its potential impact, particularly on food security. Using a monitoring method of cross-border flows of informal trade, the study aims to estimate the volume/value of unrecorded cross-border trade between Cameroon and its CEMAC’s neighbours and compare it with the recorded (official figures) trade. The results indicate that in 2008 a volume of just over 155 000 tons of agricultural and horticultural commodities has been shipped from Cameroon to its neighbours in the CEMAC for an estimated value of almost 38 billion CFA francs and representing 0.4% of GDP in Cameroon. The comparison in relative terms shows that informal or unrecorded trade represents 96% of the official and mainly includes agricultural and horticultural commodities.  相似文献   

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