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文章论述了企业技术创新发展历程,技术创新结构,技术创新与自主知识产权和成果转化及技术创新风险控制,结合企业发展实践,指出了金健米业在技术创新中面临的挑战和获得的机遇。  相似文献   

Maria Kapsali 《Technovation》2011,31(12):615-626
This paper investigates the types of policy instruments responsible for the success of policy implementation through projects. Based on evidence from 12 comparative multiple case-studies, the paper provides an analytical insight from real practice on how and why different types of instruments lead to either successful or unsuccessful projects. In particular, the key finding is that in order for projects to implement policy successfully, policy instruments have to be designed based on specific systems thinking constructs related to flexibility. The findings provide the crucial but missing holistic conceptual direction for the development of implementation theory, which needs to overcome conceptual fragmentation and polarization. The findings also provide the insight as to how instruments really function which is essential to policy makers and project managers involved in public innovation programs.  相似文献   

随着2004年德国新版<建设法典>的颁布实施,德国城市规划制度引入了法定的环境鉴定和环境报告制度,成为德国城市规划的又一项制度创新.介绍了<建设法典>中关于环境鉴定和环境报告制度出现的背景及其主要章节,分析了其环境鉴定和环境报告的要点,并阐述了结合环境鉴定和环境报告的德国城市规划编制的新程序.  相似文献   

The sources of value creation are increasingly relying on intangible assets (IAs). IAs are the lifeblood of knowledge-intensive industries where the new value added is disproportionally based on specialized, non-repetitious activities. However, while the role of IAs is recognised as central to sustain the competitiveness of firms and innovation systems, the understanding of the mechanisms through which IAs display their effects has not yet been fully grasped.By focussing on the processes through which investments in IAs occur, this paper aims to explore the key dimensions through which two specific IAs - organisational and network capital - are enhanced and contribute to the innovativeness and embeddedness of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in regional innovation systems. On the basis of over forty in-depth interviews to leading staff of German and UK flagship MNEs operating in the automotive, life science and ICT sectors, the paper shows that MNEs adopt rather distinctive strategies to develop IAs; that MNE degree of local embeddedness is strictly related to both the kind of IA strategy and the local environment; and that causation mechanisms are at work between MNE embeddedness and regional creation of IAs.  相似文献   

Almost 30 years ago, researchers began a systematic study of innovation by end users and user firms. At that time, the phenomenon was generally regarded as a minor oddity. Today, it is clear that user-centered innovation is a very powerful and general phenomenon. It is rapidly growing due to continuing advances in computing and communication technologies. It is becoming both an important rival to and an important feedstock for manufacturer-centered innovation in many fields. In this article, I provide an overview of what the international research community now understands about user-centered innovation. JEL classifications O32, O33  相似文献   

Jesús ngel  Beatriz 《Technovation》2003,23(12):939-948
The aim of this article is to collect and make up the most important contributions in the economic literature in relation to the special characteristics of the management of the environmental innovation in the SMEs. Specifically, we want to show their strengths and weaknesses in order to make up the main conclusions of these analyses with the literature in relation to the way Public Administrations face this situation. The scarce development in the SMEs in respect to their environmental strategy may be a consequence of the links among some of the following factors: limited financial resources, the type of organizational structure, a little influence of the strategic adaptation competence against the changes in the SMEs, the managers’ scarce environmental training and short term orientation, the staff’s scarce environmental awareness and training, the status of the environmental issues in the company, the SMEs’ lower ability to obtain highly radical innovations, the scarce influence of manufacturing process flexibility in the most advanced states of the environmental strategy in the SMEs and their lack of relation ability with external stakeholders—very important in the success of the most advanced environmental approaches. Besides, the lack of regulation neutrality must be added as a key difference among companies of different sizes. So specific actions seem be necessary, such as technological advice and awareness, and training programs in order to cooperate with external stakeholders.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the effectiveness of selected research and innovation policies among EU countries. Using data from the AEGIS database and information from the 2015 Bruegel’s Partnership report on research and innovation polices in EU countries, we compare and contrast the response of knowledge intensive firms to a sample of policies. We find that the impact of the policies in our sample varies not only across countries but also across the age of affected firms in those countries. We conclude our analysis with a call for policy makers to begin to investigate the incidence of the impact of their research and innovation policies as measured not only by the age of firms but also by other dimensions.  相似文献   

The roles of the university, and especially schools of engineering, in serving as sources of new ideas and as training grounds for young persons who may become technical entrepreneurs are set forth. Weaknesses in traditional curricula for engineers as regards innovation and entrepreneurship are identified. The development of the Centre de Développement Technologique at Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal is described. The Quebec Industrial Innovation Center, organized in affiliation with Ecole Polytechnique and the Centre de Développement Technologique, is described in detail including several examples of recent projects undertaken.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the contribution of works councils to the overall success of German firms during the last few decades. It is argued that a successful implementation of flexible specialization strategies is the cornerstone of German prosperity. The acquisition and effective utilization of firm-specific skills is a precondition of successful flexible specialization. Effective skill utilization itself needs cooperation between employers and employees in order to safeguard the specific investments of either side. Thus, the crucial question is whether the dual system of worker representation in Germany, and particularly the part of the works councils therein, is an efficient institution in the sense that it guarantees the necessary co-operation. In analysing the effects of works councils on personnel turnover and vocational training, we find the works councils to be organizationally efficient, i.e., they balance out employers' and employees' interests. The legal structure underlying the dual system is found to be institutionally efficient because it guarantees this result. Even in times of crisis and if exposed to great pressure, the dual system seems to remain stable, as is illustrated in the light of recent labour market developments that have been triggered by German unification and the last recession.  相似文献   

Although entrepreneurial behavior is proposed as part of the solution to fragile labor markets, in particular in periods of economic and social change, policy makers are struggling to find the right levers to promote it. Despite the extant prior research on entrepreneurial behavior, little is known on the entrepreneurial behavior drivers for the individuals of working age with experience. Prior research explores the influence of entrepreneurial knowledge to study the drivers of experienced individuals evaluating whether or not to engage in an entrepreneurial behavior. This research introduces entrepreneurial knowledge to study the impact of prior experience on entrepreneurial intention. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this research work analyzes the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial intention, and the mediating effects of the TPB perceptual variables: personal attitude (PA), social norm (SN), and perceived behavioral-control (PBC). A structural equation model (SEM) has been used to analyze the responses of a sample of 431 experienced individuals of working-age that completed a questionnaire based on Liñan & Chen’s, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 593–618, (2009) Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ). The results showed that entrepreneurial knowledge positively influences entrepreneurial intention and that this influence is mediated by the perceptual variables of the TPB model (PA, SN, PBC). These findings contribute to the understanding of the entrepreneurial intention for experienced individuals and consolidate the use of the TPB model to study individual entrepreneurial intention. The findings suggest that policy makers should pay more attention to individual entrepreneurial knowledge, and strengthen the attractiveness of an entrepreneurial career, if they are interested in fostering entrepreneurial behavior among individuals of working age with experience.  相似文献   

文章探讨了中小企业技术创新与管理创新整合存在的问题,认为现代中小企业要突破发展“停滞”,不能仅靠单一的技术创新或管理创新,必须依靠两者的有效整合,通过技术创新增强竞争优势,以管理创新协调企业内部的矛盾,发挥整合优势。  相似文献   

Although the implementation of innovative organizational concepts is considered to be highly important for a company's competitiveness, so far there has been little research on possible approaches to measure and monitor organizational innovations in large-scale surveys. Based on an item-oriented typology of organizational innovations which serves as the precondition for a common understanding, we describe and compare how organizational innovations have been measured through existing surveys in Europe. Using a large-scale survey comprising data of 1450 German manufacturing companies, we show how these different approaches lead to significantly different results regarding the organizational innovativeness of companies within one and the same sample. We derive four implications for the future measurement and monitoring of organizational innovations. Our findings contribute to the further development of an adequate methodology for an organizational innovation monitoring system.  相似文献   

To investigate under what conditions an outsourcing strategy can show superior environmental performance, one stream of scholars has underscored the importance of prior green innovation experience, and another stream of scholars has underscored the importance of the in‐house possession of outsourced component knowledge. However, the empirical findings regarding the positive role of both scholarly streams when studied separately are mixed and sometimes contradictory. This study bridges these two distinct but related streams and suggests that prior green innovation experience and in‐house knowledge regarding outsourced components play a complementary role in enhancing environmental performance. The U.S. hybrid electric vehicle market lends support to the argument of this study. In so doing, this study increases our understanding of the role of prior green innovation experience and outsourced component knowledge on environmental performance while pursuing an outsourcing strategy. This study also provides guidance for managers and policymakers on how to achieve superior environmental performance in outsourcing.  相似文献   

Jun Du  James H. Love  Stephen Roper   《Technovation》2007,27(12):766-773
Studies of the determinants and effects of innovation commonly make an assumption about the way in which firms make the decision to innovate, but rarely test this assumption. Using a panel of Irish manufacturing firms we test the performance of two alternative models of the innovation decision, and find that a two-stage model (the firm decides whether to innovate, then whether to perform product only, process only or both) outperforms a one-stage, simultaneous model. We also find that external knowledge sourcing affects the innovation decision and the type of innovation undertaken in a way not previously recognised in the literature.  相似文献   

We estimate the pass-through from market interest rates to bank interest rates using heterogeneous panel cointegration techniques to address heterogeneity at the bank level in the Czech Republic. The results indicate heterogeneity in bank pricing in the short, but not in the long term. Mortgage rates and firm rates typically adjust to money market changes, but often less than fully in the long run. Large corporate loans have a smaller mark-up than small loans. Consumer rates have a high mark-up and do not exhibit a cointegration relationship with money market rates even in the long run. Next, we examine how bank characteristics determine the nature of interest rate pass-through in a cross-section of Czech banks. We find evidence for relationship lending, as banks with a stable pool of deposits smooth interest rates and require a higher spread as compensation. Large banks are not found to price their products less competitively. Greater credit risk increases vulnerability to money market shocks.  相似文献   

Empirical studies on bank lending policies have offered contradictory results regarding the impact of each of the two distinct lending policies of focused and diversification on riskiness of lender’s borrower base. This study first constructs a general model of contracts for lending under asymmetric information and characterizes the equilibrium outcomes under each of the two lending policies. It then demonstrates that the relative preferences of borrower groups towards bank loan plays a key role in determining if a lending policy switch between the two policies increases or decreases the riskiness of the bank’s borrower base. The results offer a rational explanation for the existing contradictory results in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between Trade Related Intellectual Property rights (TRIPS) and innovation. Using export data, this paper aims at assessing the relative impact of TRIPs on innovation, namely the ability of the Indian pharmaceutical industry to enter new markets with existing or new drugs. It examines whether India’s decision to comply with TRIPS influenced its innovation, and develops a theoretical model, where innovation, being measured by the likelihood of exports of one product from one identified country to partner countries, is influenced by factor, demand and trade conditions. The paper draws on quantitative data, using Probit and Logit techniques. The model is illustrated using empirical evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical industry. We find statistically significant evidence that India’s compliance with TRIPS is associated with new trade flows from India to partners. However we do not find statistically significant evidence of a relation between TRIPS compliance and value of exports. The interpretation is that TRIPS compliance has different effects: it is a necessary condition to favor innovation but it is not sufficient to increase exports value (competitiveness). Finally, we study to what extent this model can be generalized to other developing countries and/or industries.  相似文献   

新年伊始,一汽-大众奥迪品牌携2006年奥迪全线车型于长春举办“奥迪引领未来 科技点燃激情-2006年冬季冰雪体验”活动。此次活动,一汽-大众奥迪品牌以全新的面貌、强大的阵容迎来了新年开门红,表现了企业在新的年里继续巩固在中国高档豪华车市场领导地位的信心。  相似文献   

Although it is unwarranted to ignore personal traumas caused by redundancy, the public dimension, given an economy dominated by de-industrialisation and unemployment, has assumed growing importance. In this article, R. John Sutherland examines public policies towards redundancy from several perspectives.  相似文献   

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