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王鲁湘 《中关村》2011,(7):102-103
药丸一拿出来,整个屋子顿时充满了一种浓郁的、奇异的香味。  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2010,(7):105-105
人类在历经辛劳向科技文明行进时,滚滚江涛离古码头渐渐远了,游人的脚步由悠闲变为沉重。  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2013,(11):120-121
人生旅途中,区区一把伞.也许会给人带来万千哲思。  相似文献   

王鲁湘 《中关村》2012,(10):111-111
汉武帝刘彻曾被泰山的雄姿所征服,站在岱顶高呼:"高矣!极矣!大矣!壮矣!赫矣!骇矣!惑矣!"  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2012,(9):120-121
那年初秋,在我山东济南采访,顺路到章丘市的百脉泉公园去看泉。  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2012,(10):120-121
尼山在华夏诸多名山之间,只能算作一座小山,然而,只要踏上尼山脚下的碎石小径,仰望五老峰,便有巍峨宏伟之感。  相似文献   

郭宗忠 《中关村》2012,(7):110-111
颐和园大气、雅致、人文、自然、丰富、壮观、清新,包含着祖国所有大自然和一切景物的美色……  相似文献   

雁行 《中关村》2014,(2):121-123
有时我想,歌唱也是一种阅读。这种对于音符和旋律的阅读,有时更亲切、更形象、更清晰、更勾人魄地对过往岁月的逼真再现和描摹。  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2010,(5):102-103
都说烈酒醉人。其实,畅饮江南名茶更易陶醉。初饮,舌尖儿微苦,清香满口。再饮,两腋生风,神清气爽。特别是一种原野散发的清香在味蕾绕动时,会让你醉得宠辱皆忘;会让你醉得忘却将来;会让你醉得感悟连连;会让你醉得不想离去。——行者悟语  相似文献   

俞敏洪 《中关村》2009,(10):100-101
学习不再是为了终身受益,过完了考试门槛,学过的知识就可以像敲门砖一样扔掉了。  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2014,(9):116-117
遥想当年,在北京宣武门以南的一小片街巷中的古槐深处、紫藤架下、海棠花前,文人骚客品饮茶酒、低吟浅唱,语惊四座,何等风流儒雅!我辈今日游走于斯,真的不该忘记从那些四合院里走出,诗文惊四座,如今渐行渐远的身影。——行者悟语春夜丝丝雨,该是万木伸张,百花入梦之时。当年,东坡大学士在这个时段亢奋不已,吟诵出情切切、意绵绵的语句:"只恐夜深花睡去,故烧银烛照红妆。"春晓温润风,该是柳笛声远、泥土静静泛着清香之时,那时,与苏轼同时代的文人宋祁也曾对此诗兴洋溢,写下:  相似文献   

王利杰 《中关村》2011,(12):73-73
在巨头已经牢牢占据各种机会和资源的环境下,面对其不容撼动的行业地位,创业小公司想要生存并分得一杯羹,只能转向微细分行业,并且还要时刻提防巨头的复制、抄袭和收购。针对目前普遍存在的这一情况,我认为,与其在狼群的虎视眈眈中瑟瑟发抖,不如与狼共舞。  相似文献   

冯永锋 《中关村》2009,(4):38-41
每个县都会生成一个民间环保组织 1993年6月5日,梁从诫、杨东平、王力雄、梁晓燕等人在北京西郊“玲珑公园”的一个塔下,举办了一次“空地讨论会”,讨论会决定以梁从诫为牵头人,成立一个关注环保的民间机构。1994年,中国第一个民间环保组织“自然之友”诞生了,至今,它真正的注册名称,是“中国文化书院绿色分院”:其目标是推动公众环境教育。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(5):26-27
从祥云工程的创新布局方式和用友云灵活便捷的服务能力来看,这将更适合国内中小企业云应用普及的推进。  相似文献   

关村 《中关村》2011,(2):114-117
"文章合为时而著"。摆在读者面前的这部《北京:走向世界城市》,是以著名学者金元浦教授为主编、集纳诸多学者、专家、官员智慧撰写成的"北京建设世界城市发展战略研究报告"。为"北京建设世界城市"集思广益、出谋划策、擘画出一纸清晰可见的完美"路线图"。  相似文献   

江川 《中关村》2013,(6):80-81
中关村管委会日前发布的2012中关村创业发展报告显示,2011年,中关村新创办企业数量达到4243家,当年新创办企业数占企业总数的比例超过了十年前互联网热潮时的水平。  相似文献   

A large number of firms use social media for various business activities. This paper clarifies how social media has become effective to sales in Japanese firms. To this purpose, the following are addressed: (i) whether social media is useful for company activities, (ii) what kinds of business activities are affected using social media, and (iii) how social media improves the final outcomes of sales for firms. This study uses data of business activities and social media conducted in 2014. Probit analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) are employed. Probit analysis clarifies the relationships between the effects of social media and its use in sales. The SEM model clarifies the relationships among the effects of social media use in business. In the SEM, a model is examined by taking sales caused by use of social media as an explained variable, while the explanatory variables are the first and intermediate effects of social media. The results indicate that social media is effective for business activities such as promoting sales. This study may help to promote social media in Japanese firms.  相似文献   

周超 《中关村》2011,(11):85-85
为学生做评估,在学校里司空见惯;为学生做国际评估,这可是件新鲜事!这种学术名称为“国际学生能力评量计划”的PISA评估项目是由著名的国际教育家安德烈亚斯·施莱克尔博士带入我国,并于金秋时节在北大附中召开了一场以“世界一流教育体系的特色,  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model for website classification using website content, and discusses applications for the Internet advertising (ad) strategies. Internet ad agencies have a vast amount of ad-spaces embedded in websites and have to choose which advertisements are feasible for place. Therefore, ad agencies have to know the properties and topics of each website to optimize advertising submission strategy. However, since website content is in natural languages, they have to convert these qualitative sentences into quantitative data if they want to classify websites using statistical models. To address this issue, this study applies statistical analysis to website information written in natural languages. We apply a dictionary of neologisms to decompose website sentences into words and create a data set of indicator matrices to classify the websites. From the data set, we estimate the topics of each website using latent Dirichlet allocation, which is fast and robust method for sparse matrices. Finally, we discuss how to apply the results obtained to optimize ad strategies.  相似文献   

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