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We study the effects on the food price of introducing biofuels as a substitute for fossil fuel in the energy market. Energy is supplied by a price-leading oil cartel and a competitive fringe of farmers producing biofuel. Biofuel production shares a finite land resource with food production. A positive relationship results between energy and food prices. We establish that the equilibrium price of food will be growing as long as the oil stock is being depleted, and beyond if demand is growing. An analysis of the effects of the productivity of land use in either the food or the biofuel sectors is carried out. It is shown that, with a highly inelastic demand for food, an increase in the productivity of land in agriculture will decrease the price of food in the short-run, only to increase it in the long-run as the stock of fossil fuel is depleted.  相似文献   

We study the effects on the food price of introducing biofuels as a substitute for fossil fuel in the energy market. Energy is supplied by a price-leading oil cartel and a competitive fringe of farmers producing biofuel. Biofuel production shares a finite land resource with food production. A positive relationship results between energy and food prices. We establish that the equilibrium price of food will be growing as long as the oil stock is being depleted, and beyond if demand is growing. An analysis of the effects of the productivity of land use in either the food or the biofuel sectors is carried out. It is shown that, with a highly inelastic demand for food, an increase in the productivity of land in agriculture will decrease the price of food in the short-run, only to increase it in the long-run as the stock of fossil fuel is depleted.  相似文献   

罗斌 《经济学家》2012,(9):97-102
改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,国家对粮食流通体制进行了一系列的改革。相应地,粮食行政管理体制的职能、管理方式和手段也发生了很大的变化。本文阐述了美国、欧盟、印度和日本的粮食安全管理体制,针对粮食行政管理职能以及我国粮食行政管理体制存在的问题及原因,指出了国外经验的启示和借鉴意义,探讨了粮食行政管理体制创新方案。  相似文献   

Static-demand systems used in empirical studies are based on the assumption that consumers immediately and fully adjust to a new equilibrium when either incomes or prices change. In reality, consumers are unlikely to have adjusted to equilibrium in each time period and the assumption of instantaneous adjustments by consumers is potentially incorrect. The dynamic modelling approach allows for intertemporal rationality of consumer behaviour by explicitly considering the mechanism underlying the short-run adjustment process. This study, while considering the traditional static Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), in addition, considers two dynamic versions of the AIDS to model the dynamic behaviour of Sri Lankan consumers in consuming eight broad commodity groups using data during the period 1963–2016. The estimated results indicate that all commodities have price inelastic demand in both the short and long run. The differences between short- and long-run demand elasticities indicate the need to adopt a dynamic approach in estimating demand elasticities, because the income and price elasticities are key inputs for policy analysis in economy-wide modelling.  相似文献   

Modern food systems are characterized by a range of resource use, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts, resulting from choices made by various actors, including the public, who are “distanced” from these impacts, with important implications for sustainability. In order to make ecologically responsible food choices, the public will need information that is reliable, easily comprehensible, and that allows them to discriminate between these choices in terms of the range of impacts, and their trade-offs with factors such as market price.We illustrate, by means of a case study involving nine variations of two meals of similar nutritional energy content, some challenges and issues associated with estimating and integrating the diverse impacts of food systems, and explore the implications of our results for communicating these impacts in a manner that balances epistemic adequacy with heuristic usefulness in enabling ecologically responsible food choices.  相似文献   

刘伟  候天霞 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):152-153
随着竞争范围扩大和竞争程度的更加激烈以及消费者需求特点越来越复杂,企业曾经风靡一时的“适应需求”的营销策略日益显露出它的弱点。在新的环境下,企业应该不断的进行营销创新。于是,创造需求的营销策略便应运而生。本文从微观层面上提出了创造需求的范式,希对企业营销有所借鉴。  相似文献   

We extend the discrete data latent class literature by explicitly defining a latent variable for class membership as a function of both observables and unobservables, thereby allowing the equations defining the class membership and observed outcomes to be correlated. The procedure is then applied to modelling observed obesity outcomes, based upon an underlying ordered probit equation.  相似文献   

When Delta joined the code share between Continental and Northwest in 2003, these three legacy carriers formed the only three-way U.S. domestic code sharing partnership. In 2008, Delta and Northwest announced their intention to merge. The merger was granted by the Department of Justice six months later. This paper analyzes the effects of the three-way code share and the effects of the merger between these two previous code sharing partners. I find both competitive effects and anti-competitive effects of code sharing, i.e., mean market price decrease in non-hub markets and price increase in hub-to-hub markets. Meanwhile, passenger volume increases significantly. Moreover, rivals’ responses are to move price in the same direction as code sharing partners. I find an increase in Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and a reduction in traffic after the merger. Specifically, HHI increases for over 1,000 points in markets where merging airlines were either duopolistic or with a third carrier. Pre-merger code sharing markets experience an increase in HHI due to the disappearance of the code sharing contract. Low cost carrier entry mitigates merger effects.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the household food security situation in Kenya in terms of access to food. We apply a quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) model to nationally representative household survey data from Kenya, and estimate and interpret price and expenditure elasticities as indicators of household sensitivity to market shocks. Our estimation results show positive expenditure elasticities, close to unity, while all compensated and uncompensated own-price elasticities are negative and smaller in magnitude. A complementary welfare analysis shows high compensated variations in the long run, ranging between 34% and 131% across food groups. This suggests that rising relative food costs have led to deterioration of the food security situation in Kenya, and the most severely affected households seem to be those that rely on informal markets and reside in rural areas. To improve food security, targeted income support could be a more effective policy than price support, given the much higher estimated expenditure elasticities.  相似文献   



The obesity epidemic has raised considerable public health concerns, but there are few validated longitudinal simulation models examining the human and economic cost of obesity. This paper describes a microsimulation model as a comprehensive tool to understand the relationship between body weight, health, and economic outcomes.  相似文献   

Food security concern in China is also the world’s concern. Studies on food consumption in the past, however, often neglected the increasing food consumed away from home (FAFH). Drawn on a survey data recently conducted in nine cities by a week-long diary method, we found that FAFH in urban China accounts for a significant proportion of total food consumption, although its share varies by food category. With substantial expected income growth, overall FAFH consumption will likely continue to rise, but would be negatively affected by the rapid societal aging process, both in dining out probability and per capita consumption level. The main findings of this study have implications for food processing and service industries as well as for studies in food-related environmental issues.  相似文献   

戴强 《时代经贸》2007,5(1X):37-39
美国是一个十分重视食品安全的国家,有关食品安全的法律法规在美国非常繁多,既有《联邦食品、药物和化妆品法》、《食品质量保护法》和《公共卫生服务法》等综合性法规,也有《联邦肉类检查法》等非常具体的法律。这些法律法规覆盖了所有食品,为食品安全制定了非常具体的标准以及监管程序。另外,联邦政府和地方政府负责食品安全的部门构成了一套综合有效的安全保障体系,对食品从生产到销售的各个环节实行严格的监管。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors evaluated how much price changes in food and energy – two basic living expenditures competing for consumers’ budgets – would affect consumer welfare. We first estimated a US complete demand system to quantify the interdependent demand relationships among 11 categories of consumption expenditures. Among the estimates, the own price elasticities of both food and energy are relatively inelastic, a finding that explains the dynamics of the recent soaring food and energy prices. The estimated demand elasticities were then incorporated into the measurement of Hicksian compensating variation to analyse the consumer welfare effects of price changes in food and energy. The results indicated that an increase in food and energy prices would increase compensated expenditures or incur a substantial consumer welfare loss, creating an especially heavy burden for low income households.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to evaluate determinants of demand for light fuels in Brazil between 2003 and 2013. Through a vector autoregression analysis, an effort was made to identify and quantify the impact of different economic variables and public policy measures adopted during this period on the surprising increase in energy consumption by Brazil’s light-vehicle fleet. The results suggest that demand for energy by the light-vehicle fleet was influenced by an increase in income, by a decrease in fuel prices associated with a policy designed to prevent increases in the price of gasoline from pushing the inflation rate up, by a higher availability of credit for buying vehicles, and by a drop in the real price of those goods, with emphasis on countercyclical measures to waive the tax on industrialized products levied on new vehicles during economic downturns in the automotive industry.  相似文献   

Food price variation is typical of the food economies of many low income countries. The presence or absence of road infrastructure is perceived to be one of the main determinants of this variation. This analysis shows that in the case of the former Zaire, food price dispersion is significant both across products and across regions. It is demonstrated that transportation costs explain most of the differences in food prices between producer regions and that road quality is an important factor in the transportation costs. However, food prices decrease relatively faster than transportation costs increase and traders' wages are higher on bad roads.  相似文献   

Are food price elasticities different across city sizes? The aim of this article is to estimate expenditure and own-price elasticities for 10 aggregated food product groups using the Spanish Household Budget Survey for the year 2010. These products are the ones for which the survey provides information regarding prices and quantities, thus allowing the application of an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model with censored data. The estimation procedure allows not only comparisons to be made among households with different levels of income, but also the contribution of residence characteristics to variations in demand. The results confirm that the size of the city in which the household resides has a similar significant and relevant effect on consumption patterns as family income level. This is especially clear with own-price elasticities. In Spain, large central cities show a greater response to price changes than smaller cities or rural peripheral areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents a version of the proportionally calibrated almost ideal demand system (PCAIDS) model, useful for merger simulations, which can be econometrically estimated using price data for two firms in a market. PCAIDS is therefore seen as a set of restrictions to be imposed in an econometric estimation, and not only as a pure calibration method. The proposed model is applied to a database of the Argentine gasoline market, and its results are compared to the ones obtained with other alternative specifications.
Germán ColomaEmail:

This article aims to evaluate a possible relation between increased Brazilian trade openness and increasing observed rates of overweight and obesity during the last 25 years. We develop an economic model where formal trade barriers are eliminated, and resulting sociocultural outcomes such as the adoption of westernized lifestyle in traditional non-western countries prevails, which could imply a health externality. In order to empirically analyse the influence of trade flows on overweight and obesity in Brazil, a balanced fixed-effects panel model has been estimated. Data for the 26 Brazilian states plus the Federal District are run for 1988/1989, 2002 and 2008. We found that an increase in trade openness leads to an increase in overweight and obesity ratios in Brazil. Hence results seem to point that there is a health externality in Brazil due to trade liberalization. However, more consistent evidence may be necessary to convince politicians and policymakers that any interference will be necessary to correct this externality.  相似文献   

Food production chains can be organised in a variety of ways. Conventional ‘industrial’ agricultural practices are based on advanced breeding techniques and major inputs of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Food produced in this way is transport-intensive, requires high-energy processing, relies on modern retailing systems and demands high-tech kitchens. Many argue that the industrialised systems should be dismantled and replaced with alternative methods of agriculture, food processing and distribution that emphasise social and environmental sustainability. This paper looks at the environmental and social sustainability of different strategies for food systems by analysing the whole chain of production, processing, distribution and consumption activities of the production of frozen peas, a vegetable that is ‘symbolic’ of modern food systems and the UK diet.  相似文献   

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