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IT制造业是国民经济的战略性产业,是国民经济与社会信息化发展的基础性产业,面对全球制造中心向我国转移,给我国信息产业发展提供了难得机遇的同时,也面临着巨大的挑战.为了促进我国信息产业结构调整与优化,本文以我国区域IT产品制造业为研究对象,对我国区域IT产品市场竞争态进行了实证研究.研究认为:广东等五省市是我国区域IT产品市场之中的"明星"市场;山东等三省市是我国区域IT产品市场之中的"金牛"市场;内蒙古自治区等六省市是我国区域IT产品市场之中的"幼童"市场;辽宁等十一省市是我国区域IT产品市场之中的"瘦狗"市场.本文研究结论与我国区域IT产品市场发展现状基本吻合,对我国各省、市制定和实施信息产业发展战略具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

由计算机世界传媒集团举办的每年一度的“中国IT财富年会”,已经成为影响国内IT产业发展趋势和市场走向的重要会议。 从2001年“变革中的生存与发展”,到2002年“信息化与全球化背景下中国企业的选择”,IT财富年会的主题充分揭示了国内IT企业所面临的环境变化和巨大挑战。 跨国公司大批进入中国市场,使得国  相似文献   

有研究显示:在信息化发展比较成熟的国家,其IT服务可以占整个IT市场的40%以上。显然,目前我国IT服务还有很大的成长空间。从根本上说,真正决定其命运的,还在于企业自身的定位和策略:某种意义上,服务才是决定市场成败的重要因素。  相似文献   

随着用户对IT系统依赖性的渐趋增强,中国IT服务市场的发展速度和市场规模的预测也就越来越让人心动。2001年,陷于寒冬的IT业内,无论硬件厂商、软件厂商还是渠道厂商,都纷纷踏上了向服务转型的征程。进入2002年,服务成为用户新的需求热点并形成企业利润的重要来源,各厂商迈向服务市场的脚步也似乎越走越快。然而就在各行各业都在擎起服务大旗的时候,有人却不禁要问:什么样的服务才是用户真正需要的服务?市场上供应商提供的IT服务有没有层次上的差别?IT服务应该怎么做? 最近,中国惠普公司又新推出了一项Smart Coverage”的计划,引起了记者的关注。惠普从事IT服务时间长,经验丰富,是典型的服务供应商,其动向也具有代表性。记者因此借机采访了中国惠普商业用户支持部经理刘桦、中国惠普支持服务事业部执行总经理张全,请两位IT服务的专家从客户的角度,就上述问题谈谈他们对中国IT服务的看法。  相似文献   

订单跑到哪里去了? 2003年年底,国内近20家IT企业的老板围坐在一起,向在座的政府主管部门领导抱怨:“电子政务号称有1000多亿元的市场,我们怎么都没拿到订单呢?!” 年初一个国内各行业大企业CIO参加的活动上,一位来自铁路系统的人士说他们正受相关部门的委托框算本行业的IT投入规模,作为上级部门的决策依据。当时在场的IT厂商听到这个消息,无不竖起了耳朵。巨额的信息化预算令众多陷入困顿中的IT厂商精神为之一振,急于迎接这个好年景。 这一年的一头一尾,如此富有戏剧性。尽管两年来习惯了所谓“冬天”的IT厂商们并没有指望能够重回早年间IT市场高歌猛进的时代,但局部晴好的预期并未完全达到。市场机会缝隙化,导致捕捉难度的增加,这场雨下得并不均匀。同时,用户IT投资的结构性调整(硬件比例缩减,软件和服务上升)所导致的IT产业本身结构性调整的开始,也使得不同类型的厂商苦乐不均。 IDC(中国)有限公司副总经理万宁认为,经历了2000年到2002年市场的回落,国外的IT市场已完成了盘整期,增长率稳定在15%左右。中国IT市场则远没有到这种平台期,增长率仍在20%甚至更高,充其量只能说是盘整,而且还是早期盘整。 2004年仍然将是一个很难寻找到传说中的“热点”的年份,仍将持续机会散碎的状态。但是,一些已经在2  相似文献   

评选主题:应对变革随着中国企业的外部商业环境不断激烈演进、市场日益全球化,企业普遍进行了大规模的IT投资与建设。当信息系统基本到位后,企业与CIO面临着更多的挑战——IT系统需要持续优化、IT管理要日趋规范;此外,随着IT渗  相似文献   

2009年,受全球经济危机影响,中国市场经济环境恶化、企业景气度降低.但根据IDC一项针对中国企业IT投资意向的市场调研——“中国IT市场未来扫描(China Future Scan)”的结果显示,大多数中国企业的IT投资并未如预期那样减少,仍有部分行业因中国市场的发展与行业需求,将在2009年增加IT投资。不过,证券、保险和制造业等受经济危机冲击较大的行业在2009年将减少IT投资。通过这个调查发现,  相似文献   

传统IT行业正处于一个历史性的分野。以PC为主的传统IT市场上,IBM选择了主动退出,自己则怀揣大把现金觊觎着新生的产业机会。而两年前吞并了康柏的惠普,终于发现传统IT市场并没有带来股东们期待的利润回报,平庸的业绩表现直接导致了铁腕女强人卡莉的下台。 经历过IT产业爆炸性增长阶段的企业家是幸运的,他们分享了IT产业带来的丰厚利润和沉甸甸的荣誉。如今,传统IT产业增长放缓、利润被摊薄,甚至PC"鼻祖"也"弃之如敝履",似乎再次向人们印证了几年前"PC走向末路"的悲观论调。传统IT产业将要走向何方?每一个厂商都面临艰难的抉择和思考。  相似文献   

IT业的基本特征与竞争模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
网络效应、路径依赖、报酬递增、标准的必要性等构成了IT业的特征,在一定程度上决定着IT业的经济运作规律。IT业特有的形式上高度垄断的市场结构与实质上不断加速的行业创新进程,与传统理论对市场经济的判断和分析产生了冲突。正确理解IT业的市场结构以及这一结构下的竞争状况,是理论研究的一个新的领域。  相似文献   

全球人口的变化和新型交付模式的出现,IT服务市场正面临一场巨大的变革。CIO们最好未雨绸缪。我们经常会听到有关某个行业的市场发生剧烈变革的消息。现在在IT服务领域里,许多公司都纷纷要求供应商降低价格。经过这些年的缓慢发展,IT服务实际上已经到了变革的边缘。  相似文献   

This study integrates theoretical concepts adopted from social influence theory, co-creation practice, and brand equity into a single model by examining the role of social comparison and social identity in co-creation activities in an online community context, which is known to affect firms' brand awareness in the Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplace. The model was tested using a dataset gathered via an online survey of four online communities discussing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) related issues in LinkedIn. Empirical findings from our survey of 190 business professionals indicate that sellers' social identity and social comparison are key facilitators for developing a series of co-innovation activities, and confirmed that co-innovation practices make potential customers more aware of company brands. The results of this study provide new insights into effective B2B social media marketing techniques by elaborating how best to orchestrate co-innovation with online communities to boost brand awareness.  相似文献   

无论你愿意与否喜欢与否,淘宝正在形成一股能够左右这个商业社会的巨大力量。这已经是海尔第三次登陆淘宝了。从2006年开始,海尔便在淘宝上进进出出。  相似文献   

Home‐based online business ventures are an increasingly pervasive yet under‐researched phenomenon. The experiences and mindset of entrepreneurs setting up and running such enterprises require better understanding. Using data from a qualitative study of 23 online home‐based business entrepreneurs, we propose the augmented concept of ‘mental mobility’ to encapsulate how they approach their business activities. Drawing on Howard P. Becker's early theorising of mobility, together with Victor Turner's later notion of liminality, we conceptualise mental mobility as the process through which individuals navigate the liminal spaces between the physical and digital spheres of work and the overlapping home/workplace, enabling them to manipulate and partially reconcile the spatial, temporal and emotional tensions that are present in such work environments. Our research also holds important applications for alternative employment contexts and broader social orderings because of the increasingly pervasive and disruptive influence of technology on experiences of remunerated work.  相似文献   

In business-to-business markets, customer success management is gaining growing practical importance. The concept comprises customer-related activities that aim at monitoring, securing and enhancing customer success as well as the implementation of the corresponding organizational structures and processes within the supplier firm. In contrast to existing research, this article takes a customer perspective to customer success management and investigates how business customers judge respective supplier activities; first, to reveal the quality dimensions business customers apply when assessing suppliers' customer success management activities, and second, to investigate how the quality of suppliers' customer success management activities leads to business customers' perceived value. Addressing these questions, this research contributes to literature by exploring customer success management from a customer perspective. The findings elucidate that customers' perceived value in use does not simply develop over time. Rather, through the implementation of customer-related activities of customer success management, suppliers can actively influence customers' value-in-use experiences thus fostering customers' rebuy decisions. From managerial perspective, the findings support suppliers in successfully shape their customer-oriented customer success management activities as well as the necessary internal structures and processes.  相似文献   

This article explores processes of strategizing within business networks by showing how managers employ sensemaking to cope with network paradoxes. It takes the linguistic turn to analyze how participants discursively construct their organizations' identities and positions within a ‘designed’ network context. In doing so, the paper attempts to answer the research question posed so provocatively over a decade ago by Håkansson and Ford (2002): by exploring how companies interact in business networks. Our contribution is to show how firms interact by taking a language-based perspective on strategy to help understand the links between network, organizational and micro-levels of social construction. An in-depth discussion of a case study is presented, with particular emphasis on the identity-constructing processes affecting (and affected by) the positioning and strategizing of various network actors. We conclude by reflecting on the theoretical and practical contributions of our analysis, the latter focusing on tensions in Indigenous business development.  相似文献   

"到越南去!"这个充满诱惑力的响亮口号,就在今年5月份前,还在人们的耳边回绕,中国的媒体和企业界还在热议越南更加廉价的劳动力很可能会接过中国制造的接力棒,给中国外向型的制造企业制造麻烦;越南市场是一个需求旺盛、充满机会的市场,像极了上世纪80年代的中国,廉价的"中国制造"将在越南市场所向披靡、积极抢占市场份额……但突如其来的越南经济危机给了那些热情的已经或正在准备奔赴越南的投资者以当头一棒,无论在行动还是思想认识上都让他们感到措手不及。越南真的是中国转移生产的乐土吗?或者是贩卖中国产品的销售乐园?这场危机给了中国媒体和企业界重新审视和反思越南这个新兴市场的机会。其实,在"走出去"的征途上,中国企业最终会发现,任何一个市场都充满了它固有的复杂性,而无法单一地判断其好与坏,越南也如此。这就是本刊记者辗转越南河内、胡志明市、海防、岘港等地,通过实地探访希望为中国企业揭示的真相——矛盾的越南。  相似文献   

This paper takes a rhetorical approach to the study of everyday marketing work. It seeks to understand how marketers make sense of the work they do, what discourse is used, and with what rhetorical effect. The study is based on interviews, observations and daily interaction with five marketers involved in marketing and selling of consulting services. It was found that these marketers draw on relationship discourse and customer need discourse – among others – when arguing for business. These discourses could be understood as contradictory discursive forces used by marketers to talk up suitable rhetorical selves, by means of which they accomplish their work. As a whole, this paper provides an illustration of the rhetorical nature of marketing, and discuss theoretical implications, aiming to expand the intellectual agenda for future studies of marketing work that takes marketers' use of language seriously.  相似文献   

Many manufacturers claim to be solution providers. However, solution business is notoriously difficult to manage and the associated profitability difficult to demonstrate. This raises the question: why should companies keep trying? We provide one possible answer by applying signaling theory to understand how engagement in solution business functions as a quality signal to a prospective buyer of products. The results of two scenario-based online experiments show that positioning oneself in the market as a solution seller has a highly significant and positive effect on the customer's purchase intention in cases where the customer is only considering the purchase of a single, product-based component. This signal functions as a risk-reduction mechanism and the observed effect is stronger if the seller can boost the credibility of the signal by citing prior reference projects. The primary theoretical contribution of the study is to provide an empirically grounded explanation of a possible outcome from engagement in solution business. For practitioners, our research suggests that a market positioning as a solution provider is strategically important because it supports the product business. Thus, it is advisable for manufacturers to consider persisting with the solution business even in cases where the direct revenues generated by this particular form of service provision in question may not offset the related costs.  相似文献   

我是如何超越PPG的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"轻公司"的大旗和收益,更青睐对"轻公司基因"真正的执着者。"我们太牛了!"无论是电话里,还是见面,陈年总是沉浸在犹如自恋般的喃喃自语中。2007年底VANCL凡客诚品的生意在月销售收入200万元时他就已经陶醉,现在,VANCL每月的销售收入超过了4500万元,他还是这句话。  相似文献   

The authors investigate the structural relationships among entrepreneurial proclivity, innovation process characteristics (technological strength, marketing strength, and marketing–R&D integration), and customer equity in achieving business growth and financial return in the Japanese context. Following field interviews and a pilot test, survey data are collected from 207 pairs of marketing and R&D executives from strategic business units (SBUs) of large manufacturing companies in Japan. Based on the partial least squares analysis of data, the authors find nuanced effects of organizations' entrepreneurial proclivity on the critical organizational process, resource, and business performance. The study theorizes and empirically supports the idea that customer equity is a potent intermediary outcome that contributes to both top‐line (growth) and the bottom‐line (ROI) of a business. Specifically, the study shows that: (1) entrepreneurial proclivity directly and positively influences technology strength, marketing strength, and marketing‐R&D integration; (2) entrepreneurial proclivity's effect on business growth and financial return is positive and mediated by customer equity; (3) marketing–R&D integration has a moderating effect on the positive impact of technology strength on customer equity; and (4) customer equity is a strong driver of business growth and financial return. There is a dearth of research on entrepreneurship in Asia; very few empirical studies have been reported from Japan in particular. This study contributes to boundary testing of the theoretical relationships. Although entrepreneurial proclivity appears to be an inspirational concept, its actual adoption remains an important question for many Japanese companies. Those Japanese firms that aspire to be entrepreneurial need to be mindful what innovation processes and resources it takes to fulfill the positive influences of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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