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在竞争中一直胜过对手,在市场中长期领先群雄,这是每一个竞争主体心中的梦想。企业在竞争中也一直怀有这样的梦想。要实现这样的梦想,就要不断地创造竞争优势并保持住这种优势。创造并保持竞争优势,企业要做的事情有很多,但首要的就是要在新的思维、新的观念指导下竞争。因为误导的竞争观点和过时的竞争思维,只会削弱企业的竞争优势、损害企业的竞争实力。比如,同样的成本领先战略,在粗放经营方式下竞争与在集约经营方式下竞争,显然具有不同的意义与力量。  相似文献   

田毅 《人力资源》2016,(7):50-51
现代企业的竞争不仅仅是物质资本的竞争,更是强调入力资本的竞争,一些大型企业树立的“国际化”目标也恰恰从一个层面说明了企业不仅仅要在物质资本方面做大做强,更要在人力资本方面达到国际化,达到一流水平.  相似文献   

外包是指企业为降低成本、保留核心业务和提高竞争力而将自己的部分业务委托给外部企业的一种商业行为,也称为外购或外部采办。在经济全球化的趋势下,发达国家的跨国公司面临各种竞争,企业要在竞争中赢得生存、要  相似文献   

邓小平同志在论述物质文明和精神文明的关系时明确提出"两手都要抓,两手都要硬"的观点。对于一个企业来说,在市场经济条件下,不仅要靠科技竞争和人才竞争,也要靠企业的品牌效应,靠人文关系和团队精神。企业文化的社会魔力往往要超越它所拥有的物化生产能力。作为企业的法人和管理人员必须提高对企业精神生产重要意义的认识,高度重视企业文化的建设,在资金投入,宣传力度上给企业文化加力,向企业文化倾斜。  相似文献   

人力资源战略管理已经成为了企业竞争中重要的资源,也成为了企业核心竞争力的关键因素。企业在管理过程中要重视人力资源管理,同时要制定和企业相匹配的人力资源规划,同时也要建立培训体系,这样能够更好的实现人力资源管理。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展与进步,企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈。国有企业在我国社会主义市场经济发展中起到重要的支撑作用,其有效的缓解了社会就业所带来的压力,维护了我国社会的稳定。企业之间的竞争也是人力资源的竞争,要想提高国有企业的经济效益,增强企业竞争力,必须要提高人力资源管理的能力。本文简要分析了国有企业人力资源管理现状以及现代人力资源管理对国有企业的影响。  相似文献   

企业文化在中小企业管理中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小企业在市场经济中占有重要地位,也面临激烈的竞争。中小企业如何在竞争中取胜,如何做大做强,管理者可以应用文化管理。首先要树立观念,其次是要确立文化的结构和内容,最后是文化在企业的传播。当然企业文化要体现出我国中小企业的特点。  相似文献   

高新技术中小企业的核心竞争力战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常婕 《现代企业》2007,(1):13-14
市场需求是瞬息万变的,技术的发展也是多样的,高新技术中小企业要想在竞争中立足,必须不断技术创新。而且企业发展不是一帆风顺的,要想取得长足的竞争优势,其关键在于培育企业的核心专长,对于高新技术企业更是如此。  相似文献   

人才是企业发展进步的第一因素,是企业发展的原动力。在市场经济条件下,市场竞争最终是人才的竞争,没有人才,企业发展无从谈起。企业要想在竞争社会中生存发展,位于不败之地,关键也要靠“人才”。因此企业首先要做好人才的管理,形成尊重人才的局面,才能更大的发挥人才的作用,促进企业的良好发展。文章尝试以山东银光化工集团为例谈如何尊重人才  相似文献   

近些年来,随着市场经济的发展,企业的生存、发展和壮大迎来了新一轮的机遇和挑战,企业之间的竞争有知识的竞争也有人才的竞争,但是最重要的还是人才的竞争,尤其是要做好基层的思想政治工作,因为它是整个企业思想政治工作的基础和重点,企业的所有的生产活动都要在基层进行。本文详细阐述了如何做好新形势下企业职工思想政治工作  相似文献   

Competition is often thought of a fairly obvious thing, a rivalry. In a market context the meaning of competition is usually taken to be a rivalry among the sellers. The article seeks to broaden this view by considering other competitive relationships in the marketplace. Using the simplifying assumption that there are only two types of market actors, sellers and consumers, there are three possible types of relationships or interdependencies among these actors in a market. In competitive terms this includes the familiar competition among sellers but there is also the possibility of competition between sellers and consumers, as well as competition among consumers. The article outlines essential characteristics of the three modes. Implications of multi‐mode competition for market performance and welfare are discussed.  相似文献   

中外物流企业的合作与竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
入世后我国物流企业整体竞争力的提高,要着眼于确定明确适宜的发展战略和市场定位,以利培育竞争优势和获取较大市场份额。近年来,我国物流产业和企业都有了较快发展,但与发达国家比差距很大,这既有“先天不足”的因素,也有发展战略和发展对策不适应竞争国际化要求的后天原因。所以应从观念转变和发展战略入手,提高我国物流企业的整体竞争力水平,这样有利于我国物流企业走向世界和在本国市场与外商开展合作与竞争。本文运用合作与竞争的基础理论,分析论述中外企业合作以利竞争的战略,提出企业与外商开展不同形式的合作,以提高自身竞争力的问题。  相似文献   

我国银行业渐进式开放市场上的贸易保护主义政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入世后我国要全面开放银行服务市场,但目前国内银行与外国银行相比仍有很大的差距,这就迫切要求政府一方面要保持银行服务市场总体对外开放,另一方面又要根据本国经济利益的需要,对其实行局部保护。本文通过对发生在本国渐进式开放市场上的国内银行和外国银行寡头竞争的分析,探讨了本国政府通过制定贸易保护主义政策来提高国内银行的国际竞争力,从而达到保护国内银行业的目的。  相似文献   

苏清义  武晓栋 《价值工程》2012,31(17):49-50
铁路工程实行招投标活动有利于铁路建设市场的法制化、规范化,实行招投标的目的基本做到了市场竞争的公正、公开、公平。但是,我国的铁路工程招投标管理还存在不正当竞争行为,必须建立和完善招投标管理模式,规范招标投标程序,坚决杜绝不正当竞争行为的发生。这就要引入第三方交易平台,加大信息公开力度。  相似文献   

Internet of things (IoT) brings new opportunities and represents a new source of welfare and efficiency. However, the emerging consumer IoT platform competition creates the risk of monopoly power due to network effects. Overall, it is likely that both competition (incentivized through lowering consumer switching costs) and cooperation (achieved through interoperability, which enables data portability and service provider multihoming) are needed to maximize social welfare. This article aims to address how consumer switching costs and provider multihoming affect competition of emerging consumer IoT data platforms under different market conditions and regulatory schemes. It utilizes agent-based modelling that is especially suitable when decision making is distributed at a micro level while some rules are applied in a centralized fashion. The obtained findings emphasize the role of the regulator in guiding the market. It seems that when switching costs diminish at all sides of the platforms, consumers and service providers will favour the platform with a higher number of users. Further, service provider multihoming mitigates market concentration on both sides of a platform when switching costs are low. Thus, there seems to be a minimum level of interoperability needed to promote market competition. Further, although data portability gives more freedom to consumers in choosing a platform provider, it may result in a winner-takes-all situation due to strong indirect network effects.  相似文献   

In a common market with costless mobility of all factors regional governments can attract mobile firms by granting subsidies which they must finance out of wage taxes on mobile labour. Firms locate where subsidies are highest and workers settle where taxes are lowest, forcing government ‘in the splits’ (double Bertrand-type tax competition). Initially, there is unemployment in the economy. Regional governments then behave like middlemen in the labour market, and the fiscal game takes the form of competition among strategic intermediaries. Results from the theory of intermediation are applied to this framework. It is shown that government size may increase rather than decline in a fiscal competition, that industrial clustering may emerge from tax competition, and that tax competition may alleviate the unemployment problem.  相似文献   

This paper assesses Malaysia’s competition landscape and its risk implications subsequent to conventional banking consolidation and Islamic banking penetration in the aftermath of the 1997/1998 Asian financial crisis. Employing a panel sample of conventional and Islamic commercial banks, it arrives at the following conclusions. First, the consolidation exercise, which has led to a significant reduction in the number of domestic commercial banks, has not stifled banking competition. Second, the paper provides empirical support for the competition-stability relationship, particularly for the conventional banking sector. Islamic banking sector risk appears to be neutral to market competition or market power, although there is limited evidence that it increases with overall market concentration. Finally, the analysis uncovers the risk-increasing effect of the Islamic banking market structure on the conventional banking sector. By contrast, conventional banking market concentration tends to reduce the credit risk of Islamic banks.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that capital markets often apply short-term pressure on firms to gain short-term results by focusing primarily on reported financial performance. As a result of short termism, it has been argued that companies are likely to cut expenditure on R&D which might otherwise improve longer-term performance. As there is a growing consensus that R&D is critically important to both organizational and national performance, short termism may have significant detrimental organizational consequences. One implication arising from a short-term R&D bias, and examined in this paper, is its effect on market time reduction. Arguments are examined that suggest a dominant R&D strategy is to reduce product time to market. Concerns have been expressed, however, that such a strategy is applicable in specific circumstances only. A review of the literature suggests that analyst and shareholder bias against high-risk, long-term research in favor of lower-risk, short-term product R&D influences organizations to reduce the time it takes to get a product to market when the emphasis in the marketplace is on cost competition rather than product innovation. The findings of the study suggest that when the emphasis on competition on cost rather than innovation is low, short-term R&D bias does not affect market time. In contrast, when the emphasis on competition on cost rather than innovation is high, the results indicate that short-term R&D bias positively influences market time reduction. The study concludes with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

李岩 《价值工程》2014,(10):80-81
建设工程投招标是建筑单位为获得施工项目而采取的一种竞争形式,主要是为了更好的规范建筑市场的秩序。但近年来我国建设工程投招标中还存在一些问题,影响了市场的秩序,本文主要根据投招标问题提出一些有效地建议,从而完善建筑市场的竞争。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the support to market competition by Indian and Chinese citizens. In particular, I study the individual preferences with respect to some characteristics of a free and competitive market. The paper aims at establishing whether preferences in these countries are different and their evolution over the time. This is an important issue, as the economic literature shows that people's preferences and policies tend to go hand in hand. This means that the analysis of today's preferences and their evolution over time can be useful to forecast tomorrow's policies. The main findings of this paper are that Indians and Chinese are different in supporting competition. The Chinese express preferences that are more in line with a free and competitive market than Indians do. The detected time path reveals that this support has been decreasing over time during the last two decades. The two populations appear to be in favour of a capitalistic, but strictly regulated market. This can mean that the future economic policies of these Asian giants will tend to this direction. Apparently there are no risks for some form of capitalism, but it is likely the two countries will not adopt completely free and competitive market institutions.  相似文献   

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