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In a recent study, Scaglione et al. (2015) analyzed the diffusion of mobile social networking in four G7 countries. Using Bass’s model and Bemmaor’s Gamma/Shifted Gompertz (G/SG) model, they found evidence of a left skew in the right-censored distributions of the times to adoption in three countries out of four. However, this conclusion relied on the skewness parameter of Bemmaor’s model. We reanalyze the data, making use of three special cases of the G/SG as well as the full version. Extending the data set to six countries, we show that (i) fitting the four models to the data does not allow us to discriminate between models, but (ii) forecasting the subsequent adoptions provides a strong support of right skewness in the data set: each country (except France) shows a substantial mass of later adopters of mobile social networking following an initial embrace of the access.  相似文献   

Diehl  David K. 《Quality and Quantity》2023,57(2):1369-1392
Quality & Quantity - In recent years the study of networks has grown across the social, natural, and computer sciences. As numerous fields and disciplines have taken up formal network...  相似文献   

Most of current social network services are vulnerable to malicious actions. For example, rumor (e.g., contaminated and distorted information) can be diffused along the social links. In this paper, given a social network service, we design a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, and propose a robust information diffusion model to efficiently detect the malicious peers from which a risk (i.e., rumor) has been generated on the P2P network. Thereby, by aggregating social interactions among users, a set of interaction sequences are obtained. Given a set of interaction sequences, statistical sequence mining method is exploited to discover a certain social position which provides peculiar patterns on the P2P networks. For evaluating the proposed method, we conducted two experimentations with NetLogo simulation platform for risk discovery on social network.  相似文献   

Women managers face institutional and social barriers throughout their careers. In this research, we use networking and symbolic interactionism theories to explain how they network while negotiating these impediments in an emerging economy setting. Focus‐group data revealed three themes. The women in our study, as predicted by networking theory, use networks to bolster career outcomes, although some also use non‐influential networks or network ineffectively. Next, symbolic interactionism explains how expectations of, and personal reflections on, networking lead to a lack of confidence and feelings of guilt that can be career limiting. However, when women understand that their unique networking approach can be powerful, they gain social capital that enhances their leadership. Last, patriarchal cultures of emerging economy settings support stereotypical gender roles, leaving women conflicted between competition and mutual support, thus redefining the so‐called Queen Bee phenomenon. We conclude by showing how women can use networking to enhance career and personal development.  相似文献   

城市经济是国民经济的重要领域,对城市经济理论的研究,中国当代学者始终没有停下脚步,尤其是改革开放以来,开展了精彩而深刻的探索,取得了大量的成果。本文旨在梳理、揭示和反映中国当代城市经济理论研究的波澜壮阔的历程。  相似文献   

Service innovation is central to firms when explaining business success and competitiveness. However, little is known about how useful feedback and help/support from coworkers affect desirable innovation outcomes. This study draws on a conceptual model and theorizes that firms’ support of useful feedback from coworkers and coworkers’ help and support along with social interaction would achieve service innovation. In a sample of 382 employees from a large multinational firm, as hypothesized, employees with highly useful feedback and help/support from coworkers exhibited the highest level of firm service innovation. Moreover, managers can enhance this positive relationship by relying more on increased social interaction among employees for innovation performance.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNSs), which satisfy the primary demands of making friends, learning, and shopping, and are inseparable from human life, have been booming in recent years that domestic or international websites have endeavored to have users access to their websites. This study proposed relational model to examine the intention to use SNSs, and also applied a questionnaire survey to examine differences in this intention among various user groups. The findings indicated that that, in order to promote the intention to use social networking sites, managers should work to enhance interactivity and information sharing, and should also consider the feelings and attitudes of users. Different user groups lead to different outcomes with regard to the intention to use model developed in this work. However, the intention to use of most users in the sample groups was enhanced by the SNSs characteristics of information sharing and perceived playfulness.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Twitter networking pattern of “following” and “mention” relationships between South Korean politicians. The data were obtained from the Twitter profiles of Korea’s national assemblymen and the most influential political figures. We conducted social network techniques including exponential random graph model and a regression method. The results suggest that these politicians employ two different strategies to establish relationships with other politicians on Twitter. One is “following” other politicians as a social ritual based on dyadic reciprocity, and the other is to “mention” other politicians as asymmetric political support based on the public popularity of their peers on Twitter.  相似文献   

This review takes an evolutionary and chronological perspective on the development of strategic human resource management (SHRM) literature. We divide this body of work into seven themes that reflect the directions and trends researchers have taken over approximately thirty years of research. During this time the field took shape, developed rich conceptual foundations, and matured into a domain that has substantial influence on research activities in HR and related management disciplines. We trace how the field has evolved to its current state, articulate many of the major findings and contributions, and discuss how we believe it will evolve in the future. This approach contributes to the field of SHRM by synthesizing work in this domain and by highlighting areas of research focus that have received perhaps enough attention, as well as areas of research focus that, while promising, have remained largely unexamined.  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统技术,引入重心模型、空间自相关指数和不均衡指数,分析了近40年以来中国社会服务总体水平的重心轨迹,揭示了其分布格局及均衡性的演变,并探讨了影响机制。结果显示:中国社会服务的重心经历了三次较大的变迁,空间格局没有显著的省域关联性;空间格局在年份之间存在较大的变异,但均衡性随时间推移显著提高。此外,社会服务的时空演变主要受国家宏观政策、省域经济发展水平和人口分布的影响;均衡性则受国家财政转移支付和省域社会经济发展水平的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of social security research from a theoretical and empirical perspective. This is done through an extensive review and analysis of publications from the Journal of International Social Security Review published by Wiley within a 50-year period (1967–2017). It was observed that at a different period in time, the social security research focused on different national and international issues that invoked different social welfare programs and pension systems approach (public or private) to facilitate the explanation of its final socio-economic impact into different social groups in the same country or region respectively.  相似文献   

According to the ever-changing organizational environment, we also adopt an ever-expanding HRD in contents and scope. Focusing on the drivers of the recent HRD reforms, the growing demand for organizational agility and holistic capabilities of human resources is driving the need for change, and the pandemic crisis is pushing the revolutionary changes of HRD. Such trends of the expanded HRD can be characterized as a ‘march toward Omni-learning’. In specific, there are at least four noticeable and intertwined waves of HRD reforms toward Omni-learning: (1) embracing holistic capabilities such as benchmarking, modeling, forecasting, and backcasting (BMFB); (2) integrating working and learning by promoting on-the-job learning (OJL), on-the-life learning (OLL), and on-the-life training (OLT); (3) standardizing communication tools such as LMF (logic tree; multi-dimensional matrix/map; flowchart) and EEOSP (everything/everyone on the same page); and (4) diversifying communication space-time across diverse places (close; remote) and times (synchronized; a-synchronized). And all the HRD waves are commonly facilitated and promoted by technological breakthroughs of artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse. Beyond the current innovations of HRD, no one would be certain about the answer to the question “What’s next?”. But what is certain is that HRD will continue to be deepened and widened as long as human resources are needed to respond to the ever-changing organizational environment.  相似文献   

Social capital has assumed a critical role in the successful implementation of global strategy for multinational companies (MNCs). The article focuses on the ways in which the international human resource management (IHRM) system and those responsible for it influence the creation and utilisation of social capital in MNCs. It examines the challenges posed to IHRM by the wide diversity of definitions and manifestations of social capital found in the multiple cultural contexts of the global business environment and provides a framework on how to approach the cultural influences on the definitions and behavioural expressions of social capital. It also critically assesses the recommendations that have been made regarding developing social capital in MNCs, the competencies most critical to the ability to develop social capital in multiple cultural settings, and provides a set of recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

This paper offers a model to describe the way in which female expatriates develop relationships and utilize those relationships to become cross-culturally adjusted. This model includes three predictive components affecting cross-cultural adjustment. The first includes the factors affecting whether a woman is able to form relationships on the expatriate assignment. These antecedents can include the female expatriate's personality, the cultural norms towards women, her language skills and the availability of possible opportunities for interaction. The second component includes the various sources of social interaction and social support (e.g. family members, and host national colleagues). The third component describes the nature of a female expatriate's social interaction and social support (e.g. emotional, informational and instrumental). Practical considerations for multinational organizations sending female expatriates are offered.  相似文献   

Based on the investigation of seven consultancy projects within an international technical consulting firm, we identify three major practices that characterize client–consultant interaction – shaping impressions, problem-solving, and negotiating expectations – and discuss their respective characteristics, activities, and contingencies. Our discussion of these practices provides not only a more differentiated picture of client–consultant interaction but also uncovers the critical role that clients play in these practices.  相似文献   

An 'activism index', combining data on membership of civil associations and societies and the level of activism suggests that, notwithstanding cultural differences, civil activism in European countries could be a great deal higher than its current level. If higher civic participation is to be achieved, each stakeholder group within local governance can play an 'activation' role in relation to citizens, both as individuals and in relation to the voluntary organizations which represent citizens in their collective activities. In practice, different stakeholder groups play this role in widely differing ways in the contexts of Germany, Spain and the UK. In the future, we can expect the lead role in activating civil society in each country to be taken by different stakeholders, depending on the trust currently placed in them by other stakeholders in the community and by the resources which they command.  相似文献   

The majority of the extant research on human resource management (HRM) draws conclusions based on evidence from for-profit organizations. In response to calls for the exploration of HRM in different contexts, this study focuses on understanding HRM in the context of social enterprises. The unique context of social enterprises and their unique workforce raise questions about the direct applicability of frameworks developed from examining HRM in for-profit organizations. The narratives provided by 20 CEOs, HR directors, and managers of social enterprises in the United Kingdom highlight the importance of “ethics of care” as the core of the HRM-related decisions in the “third sector.” In addition, we identify five distinct workforce categories and propose a typology of differentiated HRM systems that enable social enterprises to achieve their dual mission. Finally, we propose a “virtuous circle” model, highlighting “ethics of care” as the main driver for organizational outcomes, using differentiated HRM systems that better serve their needs.  相似文献   

A number of indicators suggest that the social norms that once deterred labor market competitors from hiring or “poaching” each others' employees are breaking down. This study explores the competitive interaction that results when one firm attempts to hire employees from a competing firm (known as “talent raiding”). Results suggest that attributes of the raiding firm, the targeted firm, and targeted human capital will affect how a targeted firm responds to a talent raid. The study suggests a number of tactics raiding firms can use to avoid retaliation and suggests tactics targeted firms can use to repel would‐be talent raiders. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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