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福岛核废料处理阴霾难去 日本“3·11”福岛核泄漏已届三周年。如何对放射性核废料进行处理——这个问题从一开始就注定是一个世界性难题。  相似文献   

日本福岛核泄漏事故是继切尔诺贝利核泄漏之后的又一次重大核事故,在国际范围引起了广泛关注.本文通过阐述危机管理的相关理论,进而结合危机管理职能对此次核泄漏事故发生的过程中政府部门存在的管理问题,为今后政府对于突发事件的危机管理提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

日本地震和海啸引发的福岛核泄漏事故引发了全球对于核安全问题的恐慌。而我国权威部门从北京、天津和河南等地区露天种植的菠菜中,通过抽检也发现了微量的放射性碘-131,  相似文献   

日本的核危机,让所有人谈"核"色变。但所有人对于新能源的探索不会停止,真正值得深思的是,如何发展?最近,由地震引起的日本福岛核泄漏事件似乎一夜之间让核能从天使变成了魔鬼。原本被认为是最清洁、环保、性价比最高的新能源成为了所有人口诛笔伐的对象,甚至很多人都提出了全世界应该停止开发核能,禁止建造新的核电站。  相似文献   

王鑫 《北方经贸》2012,(4):48-49
2011年3月,日本地震导致的福岛核泄漏这一事件震惊了全球,其污染范围之广,受害对象之多,危害后果之重,令人谈核色变。可以说,这不仅是日本国内放射性污染的一场灾难,也使全球面临着重大的环境风险,给日本乃至世界造成了不可挽回的巨大损失。随着全球放射性污染事故的频繁发生,并由此引发巨大的环境灾难,给全球的人类健康、财产安全和生态环境造成了巨大的危害。目前,国内对放射性污染风险防范法律问题进行系统深入研究的不多,研究力量和成果不足。在借鉴国际和国外有关放射性污染风险防范法律制度的成熟经验上,吸取我国已有的污染防治立法经验和做法,我国有必要完善现行的有关法律制度。  相似文献   

北京时间3月11日13点46分,日本本周岛附近海域发生里氏9.0级强烈地震,本次地震还引发了巨大的海啸,和核泄漏事件,对日本乃至全球的经济造成了深远的影响,尤其对我国IT企业影响甚大。  相似文献   

日本福岛核泄漏事故发生后,社会各界予以高度关注。一些群众被传言误导,担心受到核污染影响。为加强核科学技术知识的普及,形成正确的舆论导向,防止恐慌情绪蔓延,目前,中国科协发出《关于组织开展核科学技术知识科普宣传工作的紧急通矢睁,  相似文献   

日本是中国的近邻,是中国的重要贸易伙伴,也是中国对其签发普惠制证书的重要国家。日本自1980年4月1日起给予我国普惠制待遇。2011年3月,在遭受强烈地震并引发核泄漏事件的情况下,日本政府仍如期发布了新的普惠制方案(以下简称新方案),自2011年4月  相似文献   

2011年3月11日以来.地震、海啸、核泄漏相继袭击日本,给日本乃至全球经济带来不小打击。日本地震对我国船舶及其配套进出口以及相关上下游产业的影响是造船界关注的焦点.记者日前就有关情况采访了中国进出口机电商会及造船行业有关专家.  相似文献   

杜金华 《现代商业》2011,(11):118-119
此次日本福岛核泄漏危机牵动着全世界的敏感神经,而三一重工在继智利矿难大救援后,又一次在福岛救援中发挥重要作用,从而再次被社会和媒体聚焦。如果说三一设备能被选中参与智利救援让国际社会对"中国制造"品质有了初步了解,那么这一次,作为工程机械制造强国的日本,主动提出购买中国三一重工研制的超高混凝土泵车用于福岛核电站救援,无疑意味着国际社会对"中国制造"的认可又提升了一大步。屡涉国际重大救援凸显世界品牌实力,"被高调"进入国际市场的背后,是长期自主创新的积累与努力,看似巧合,却是三一世界级品牌实力与高品质、高可靠性产品的持续发力。  相似文献   

福岛核事故导致日本电力供给不足,石化能源消费量激增,其政府更加重视可再生能源和节能降耗的作用。日本核事故的爆发是由于主观上轻视安全、监管上漠视漏洞、宣传上文过饰非。重塑安全高效的能源版图,日本在缩减核电方面需要更加可行的替代方案,在可再生能源政策上应建立明确产业激励机制,在节能手段上需更加重视社会的可承受程度。中国应吸取日本的经验教训,确保核电安全,谨慎发展核电;确保能源供给,实现能源结构多元化;建立能源危机管理体系,提高能源危机应对能力。  相似文献   


Environmental risk in a host country is a key issue that foreign firms must deal with when deciding how much equity ownership to acquire and how much control to have in an equity joint venture (EJV) in that country. This study examines the relationship between changes in the risk situations in China and the level of foreign equity ownership in the EJV. It hypothesizes that Japanese partners would be more likely than U.S. or Hong Kong partners to acquire a 50% or higher level of equity ownership. This tendency would become more pronounced when the risk conditions in China deteriorate. The empirical results, based on 3,838 EJVs in China that had foreign partners from U.S., Japan, Hong Kong and Europe during the 1979–1992 period, are largely consistent with the hypotheses.  相似文献   

二战结束后,日本利率政策基本经历了三个阶段的历史变革,每个阶段都对国内商业银行的发展产生了重要影响。日本商业银行在前两个阶段中经历了风险酝酿和危机爆发后,于第二个阶段末开始加强风险管理,使银行系统的稳定性得以提升。我国当前的利率市场化改革给商业银行发展带来了相对复杂的外部环境,日本商业银行风险管理的经验和教训对于我国商业银行加强风险管理建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Occupational accidents in the Finnish local government sector in 2004 are analysed by gender, age and occupation class in order to identify particular risk groups. The accident data are compared with data concerning the number of employees, using frequency distributions and accident incidence rates. The possibilities of providing occupation class-specific accident incidence rates are also discussed. According to the results, commuting accidents are more common and severe in the local government sector than in general in Finland. In the local public sector occupational accidents more often involved women than men. Compared to other age groups and occupational classes, occupational accidents are more common in the age band of 45–54 and in the occupational class of medical and nursing work. However, compared to the employees' data, men and younger employees had an increased workplace accident risk, while women and older employees had an increased risk of commuting accidents. The highest accident incidence rate was in farming and animal husbandry work. Currently, the calculation of occupation class-specific accident incidence rates is difficult. Improving the consistency of the occupation classifications used in the various data sources would facilitate more reliable calculation of rates.  相似文献   

After the Fukushima accident, the German government decided to change the energy system in a dramatic way (the energy transition). The core of this project is the transition from a fossil fuel based system to a system that relies heavily on the use of renewable energies. In this paper, it is argued that this transition is not a rational answer to the climate change problem. In particular, the use of feedin tariffs neither leads to an efficient reduction of CO2 emissions nor is it a rational strategy for any other political aim under discussion.  相似文献   

东盟“10+3”出口与进口效应:基于三维引力模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用三维引力模型研究了中国、日本、韩国与东盟成员国1998至2007年间的贸易活动。基于对国家异质性的考虑,面板计量方法上的引力模型应该包括出口国效应、进口国效应和商业周期效应三个维度。本文在中日韩-东盟的区域贸易框架下,采用三维引力模型的不同形式,对各成员国的出口效应与进口效应进行估计,从而解释国家特征在该区域贸易中的影响。本文最后测算了中国、日本、韩国对区域内各国的出口潜力,以便为该区域国家贸易政策的制定提供一些指导。  相似文献   

Occupational accidents in the Finnish local government sector in 2004 are analysed by gender, age and occupation class in order to identify particular risk groups. The accident data are compared with data concerning the number of employees, using frequency distributions and accident incidence rates. The possibilities of providing occupation class-specific accident incidence rates are also discussed. According to the results, commuting accidents are more common and severe in the local government sector than in general in Finland. In the local public sector occupational accidents more often involved women than men. Compared to other age groups and occupational classes, occupational accidents are more common in the age band of 45-54 and in the occupational class of medical and nursing work. However, compared to the employees' data, men and younger employees had an increased workplace accident risk, while women and older employees had an increased risk of commuting accidents. The highest accident incidence rate was in farming and animal husbandry work. Currently, the calculation of occupation class-specific accident incidence rates is difficult. Improving the consistency of the occupation classifications used in the various data sources would facilitate more reliable calculation of rates.  相似文献   

再论食品安全的法律保障   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品是人们生活的最基本的必需品。“苏丹红事件”挑战中国食品安全监管,笔者认为:应尽快建立我国食品安全法律保障体系,应借鉴国外对食品从源头上实施安全管理的经验,尤其要借鉴美国强力推行的食品召回制度,借鉴日本食品安全立法的成功作法。要尽快使我国食品安全标准与国际食品安全标准相适应,尽快使我国食品工业企业标准与国际标准相符合,对食品工业企业实行强制性的产品认证制度,建立和完善我国食品安全检验检测监督机制。  相似文献   

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