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葡萄酒和啤酒在中国有广阔、不断发展的市场,已经成为中国老百姓聚餐的必备,但是由于酒精对身体存在一定的伤害,以低醇或无醇为代表的啤酒或葡萄酒的开发越来越受到重视。本文着重介绍了低醇或无醇食品领域的现有技术及专利申请状况,并就主要申请人的专利申请进行了分析,通过对低醇或无醇葡萄酒或啤酒的发展状况进行梳理,希望帮助企业找到新的研发思路。  相似文献   

大豆加工食品中呕吐毒素污染水平调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了酱油和豆腐乳中呕吐毒素免疫学检测的前处理方法,并首次调查了市场上酱油、豆腐乳、豆腐和大豆中呕吐毒素的污染水平,分析并证实了豆腐乳中呕吐毒素的污染主要来自原料豆腐隙头仍是大豆)而不是生产加工过程,酱油中呕吐毒素污染主要来自原料大豆。因此对大豆加工食品中呕吐毒素的污染控制,重点应放在原料大豆。  相似文献   

青岛地区花生种植地黄曲霉毒素污染调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对2005-2006年青岛地区花生种植地黄曲霉毒素的污染情况进行了调查,分析结果表明,青岛地区胶州和胶南两个花生产地黄曲霉毒素田间污染水平较高,平度个别地区有黄曲霉毒素污染的现象,这对进一步加强出口欧盟花生的源头管理,确保出口欧盟花生的质量安全具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文是2003年和2004年前两个月全国葡萄酒市场调查的总结部分。虽然与白酒、啤酒相比。葡萄酒的市场规模还很小,但是在调查中我们欣喜地发现,葡萄酒市场正在如火如荼的发展着,葡萄酒的市场销售出现了许多可圈可点的地方,在一些区域。葡萄酒还超过了白酒,成为人们过年的首选酒类产品。因此。从这个意义上来讲,本篇文章叫作“祖国山河一片红”是毫不为过的。另外。“一片红”也反映出葡萄酒厂商的奋斗信心。作为健康酒种,购买葡萄酒的观念已经红遍全国,葡萄酒的产品也肯定会在不远的明天红遍全国。  相似文献   

谷物中霉菌毒素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霉菌毒素是霉菌污染谷物后产生的次级代谢产物,对人类和动物的健康存在严重的安全隐患。谷物及其制品在生产、加工、运输、储藏和销售等过程中都受到霉菌的污染,只有通过有效的防控措施,降低谷物中霉菌毒素的污染。本文综述了谷物中霉菌毒素及毒性危害作用,分析了我国谷物中污染较高的几种霉菌毒素,以及霉菌毒素的去毒方法、检测方法和控制方案,旨在为谷物的霉菌毒素防控及食用安全方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

朱浪 《糖烟酒周刊》2007,(10):64-64
广州百威商行总经理朱广培有着多年的酒水从业经历.操作过白酒、烈性洋酒。代理过多种进口啤酒、葡萄酒品牌在夜场的销售。目前其代理的啤酒、葡萄酒等品牌仍然是广州番禺区夜场销售最好的酒水之一,对于洋酒销售,他认为盈利的关键在于控制风险和精耕细作。本刊记者近日对其进行了专访。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素B_1是污染食品的常见物质,提高检测方法及质量对食品安全具有重要意义。本文主要对食品中黄曲霉毒素B_1的检测方法进行了研究、分析,旨在为黄曲霉毒素B_1的测定提供参考。  相似文献   

沈振昌 《华糖商情》2001,(16):12-14
啤酒、葡萄酒、黄酒同为世界三大古酒。古酒之一啤酒,产量上亿吨,世上无人不知无人不晓,可以说凡有人生活的地方都有啤酒;古酒之二葡萄酒,产量超过3000万吨。世界各国差不多都有葡萄酒,不了解葡萄酒的人很难寻觅;相比之下,古酒之三的黄酒显得实在太小了,产量仅140万吨,只中国独有,别说在世界上,就是在中华大地的广大西北、西南和东北地区也难觅黄酒踪迹。  相似文献   

如今,青岛红酒坊,聚集着来自世界的葡萄酒品牌18家,近70%的是国外品牌,他们关注全国、全省乃至青岛市场已久……这似乎是个奇怪而有趣的现象——些白酒、啤酒市场的龙头老大,或自己酿造、或代理国外品牌,纷纷做起了葡萄酒的文章。在青岛红酒坊(暨中国国际葡萄酒街),青岛啤酒代理的澳洲葡萄酒  相似文献   

一、我国葡萄酒市场特点 1、市场潜力巨大。葡萄酒是世界上通畅型饮料酒,其消费量仅 次于啤酒而排第二位。中国葡萄酒市场是世界上最大的酒类潜在 市场。目前世界人均年消费量为6升,而作为有着12亿人口的中 国,1998年人均年消费量不足0.3升,并且葡萄酒的消费和居民 收入的水平相关度高于其他酒类。现在市场上,啤酒的销售量有下 降趋势,白酒消费量日渐减少,而葡萄酒消费量却以每年30%的 速度递增。 在国际市场上,当前世界葡萄酒大量过剩。如以1996年的产 销量计算,世界葡萄酒的年过剩量达493万吨(占生产量的 …  相似文献   

假丝酵母是一类较弱发酵能力的酵母,有氧条件下生长,厌氧条件下发酵乙醇。在啤酒生产企业和饮料生产企业中,假丝酵母经常在样品中污染。假丝酵母对啤酒生产中麦汁、发酵液、清酒、成品酒的污染情况不同;对无酒精饮料生产中原料、半成品及成品污染情况不同。淡爽型啤酒和无酒精饮料中抑制物浓度较低,抑菌效果不显著,更易出现微生物污染,假丝酵母的检出显得更为重要。  相似文献   

Johnson (1985) presents a system-wide analysis on the effects of advertising on the demand for beer, wine and spirits in the UK. However, his results are not consistent with other studies in the area. This paper shows that his results can be improved by using a different demand equation for the alcoholic beverages group. Furthermore, this paper also considers the analysis of treating advertising as a stock rather than a flow. This analysis reveals that advertising on beer, wine and spirits depreciates in consumers' minds fully within a year.  相似文献   

This paper reports upon an econometric investigation, using aggregate time series data, of the influence of prices, income and advertising upon the demand for alcoholic drink in the UK. The demand for alcoholic drink as a whole is studied initially, and then the analysis is disaggregated to the more detailed level of beer, spirits and wine, taken separately. Income appears to have a marked effect on the demand for these products, and price elasticities are in most cases low.

There is no evidence of a link between total advertising and the total consumption of all alcoholic drinks, spirits or wine. For beer, the evidence on the demand—advertising relationship is ambiguous but, for reasons discussed in the paper, there must be considerable doubt that beer advertising has had an expansionary effect on total beer consumption.  相似文献   

潘冬芳 《江苏商论》2020,(4):72-75,79
酒类企业包装物收取押金是普遍现象,不同酒包装物押金征收增值税和消费税的规定是不相同的。本文分别以白酒、啤酒、黄酒和其他酒为分析对象,首先探讨收取押金的税务会计处理,其次分析包装物收取押金不退和连同产品一起销售相比的纳税筹划利益,得出酒类包装物收取押金可以获得延期纳税筹划利益。得出啤酒和黄酒包装物收取押金获得延期纳税筹划利益较大,白酒包装物收取押金会计处理方法不同影响纳税筹划利益等研究结论,为酒类企业经营管理者进行纳税筹划决策提供一些建设性意见。  相似文献   


While many consumers enjoy beer, wine and spirits and while many restaurant professionals believe they understand the differences among the three categories, myths and misconceptions abound within the field of beverage alcohol. By observing the production processes for each category it is evident that beer, wine and spirits are more alike than different and consumer preferences and foodservice recommendations should focus on taste, price, food selection and other subjective factors rather than misinformation as to essential nature. Physiological reactions to alcohol beverages are predicated more on the number of ethyl alcohol molecules ingested than on chosen beverage category. As production processes evidence, standard servings of 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of table wine and 1.5 ounces of 80 proof distilled spirits contain equivalent amounts of chemically identical alcohol. Restaurant personnel should observe drinking patterns of beer and wine consumers as closely as spirits drinkers for adverse consequences.  相似文献   

葡萄酒是新鲜葡萄果实经酒精发酵后所获得的酒精度数较低的饮料,葡萄酒中有机酸的种类和含量会影响葡萄酒的品质和风味,所以对葡萄酒汇总有机酸种类和含量进行检测具有非常重要的意义。本文就葡萄酒中所含有机酸的种类及其影响进行了了解,并对这些有机酸的检测方法进行了总结和综述。  相似文献   

Using responses to a national survey, levels of consumption of beer, wine and spirits were related to life-style, age, education, and income. The findings suggest different sets of factors are linked to consumption levels for the various beverages, but that most life-style variables are of limited value in predicting higher levels of consumption. Implications to advertising are highlighted.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to: (1) assess the relative importance of driver and choice factors in wine consumption behaviour, (2) assess the impact of generational cohorts upon drivers of wine consumption and wine choice factors, and (3) compare the present study's survey results relating to wine choice to those obtained by means of Discrete Choice Analysis (DCA). A geographically balanced sample of 1,229 Australian wine consumers was obtained via means of telephone survey. The results of the present study indicate that taste is the primary choice and driver factor. The present findings failed to support the empirical literature's predications relating to generational cohorts and wine consumption behaviour. Further research is required in order to assess the suitability of making and marketing wine based on generational cohort characteristics. Finally, the findings of the present study suggest that, when it comes to wine choice, a simple, cost and time effective questionnaire that utilises indirect questioning may be equally as effective as DCA. If further research continues to show congruence between results collected using both methodologies, the research community may be behoved to continue the use of traditional survey methodology.  相似文献   

This research examines how provenance – where a product was produced, by whom, how and when – features in the work of cultural intermediaries in the Australian premium wine market, at two different stages in the career of a wine. First, evaluations of provenance attributes (in terms of sincerity, tradition and transparency) serve as filters through which wine promoters identify market-worthy wines; second, those attributes are strategically deployed to frame the wine as a worthy choice for consumers (focusing on the use of the winemaker as a framing device). The article offers a distinctive account of the qualification of wine, and makes the case for a cultural economic conceptualization of provenance as a negotiated, accomplished quality. In foregrounding wine promoters’ emotional attachments to provenance attributes of wines they choose to promote, the research highlights the affective dimensions of markets, which are made, in part, through the consuming passions of cultural intermediaries.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effect of wine labels that contain text-only versus text-and-image information on liking, taste and purchase intentions of the product. Further, the research addresses the underlying processes by investigating the role of affective fluency. Study 1 shows that wine labels combining text with matching images outperform text-only labels and labels where images and text do not match; this effect is mediated by affective fluency (while simultaneously controlling for cognitive fluency), which enhances liking, purchase intentions and taste expectation. Field Study 2 provides process evidence by directly manipulating the mediator in a real-life tasting situation. This field study demonstrates that affectively fluent labels enhance actual taste perception and purchase intentions. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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