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The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate factors which influence knowledge sharing, organizational learning and effectiveness. Of self-completed questionnaires collected from international tourist hotels in Taiwan, 615 were usable for data analysis. The structural equation modeling results showed that leaders played the roles of mentor, facilitator and innovator, and nurtured a supportive environment at the levels of workgroup, immediate superior and organization. In addition, employees had a positive attitude towards learning and to sharing. All of these contributions facilitate transformation of collective individual knowledge to organizational knowledge, resulting in the advancement of organizational learning, and thus, greater organizational effectiveness.  相似文献   

Drawing from contingency theory and the concept of entrepreneurship, this study investigates the viability of small-scale agritourism business. Specifically, this paper identifies the antecedents (i.e., external environment and internal conditions) and consequences (i.e., financial and non-financial benefits) of managerial behaviors (i.e., innovation, pro-activeness, and aggressiveness) that exist when operating an agritourism business. Based on responses from the USDA census of agriculture, the results of this research reveal the heterogeneous effects of antecedents that contribute positively and negatively to managerial behavior. The varied influences of managerial behavior on different types of business performance are identified. Also, theoretical implications of the development of agritourism studies as well as managerial implications for owners, consultants, and policymakers related to the small tourism business in rural areas are provided.  相似文献   

This study explores the environmentally responsible behavior of tourists engaged in ecotourism. It proposes a behavioral model in which perceived value, satisfaction and activity involvement with respect to the eco-travel experience shape the tourist's environmentally responsible behavior. Unlike other studies that view environmentally responsible behavior as a generic trait, this study explores whether the level of environmentally responsible behavior can actually change as a result of the eco-travel experience. A total of 328 valid questionnaires were obtained and analyzed using partial least squares. The results show that perceived value, satisfaction and activity involvement can promote environmentally responsible behavior of tourists. While perceived value directly affects environmentally responsible behavior, satisfaction and involvement play the roles of partial mediators in the behavioral model. Thus, enhancing tourist's value perception about the eco-travel activity is the first in a sequence of steps that would strengthen environmentally responsible behavior via increasing the ecotourist's activity involvement and satisfaction levels. Finally, the implications for the key stakeholders in the ecotourism industry are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to further understand web-based search behavior in relation to tourist information. Using a small sample (94 subjects), a field study that examined the search sessions of on-line users was undertaken in a laboratory. The search action data were subsequently collected and empirically analyzed, and the search styles and sophisticated navigation techniques were identified. The results indicate that the search engine plays an important role in search behavior. In light of our findings, we draw managerial implications relating to tourist information searches in the context of the Web, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

旅游地居民环境行为研究是旅游情境下环境行为研究不可或缺的环节。本文从研究进展、研究内容和研究方法3个方面出发,对旅游地居民环境行为的国内外研究进行梳理和分析。研究发现:(1)旅游地居民环境行为研究起步较晚,大致经历了萌芽(2002—2004年)、起步(2005—2013年)和发展(2014—2020年)3个阶段,国内外研究成果均较少,国外研究成果领先于国内;(2)旅游地居民地环境行为的概念界定尚未统一,测量量表的开发也较为薄弱;影响因素探究是旅游地居民环境行为的研究热点,但形成机制探讨相对匮乏,并缺少旅游地居民环境行为的预测研究;(3)旅游地居民环境行为研究方法较为单一,数据搜集方法以问卷调查为主,半结构式访谈为辅,数据分析方法以结构方程模型为主。基于此,分别从研究视角、研究内容和研究方法上剖析现有研究不足,指出旅游地居民环境行为未来研究方向,以期为旅游目的地环境管理提供有益指导。  相似文献   

Deviant tourist behavior is an important issue in tourism management. However, the academic understanding of this phenomenon remains limited. Based on the approach/inhibition theory of power, this study explored the effects of tourists' perception of money as power, their vanity and the interaction of these two factors on deviant tourist behavior. A survey and a quasi-experiment were performed to test the hypotheses; the results revealed that tourists’ perception of money as power and their vanity were positively correlated to their agreement with deviant tourist behavior and their self-reported deviant tourist activity. Vanity had a moderate effect on the relationship between the perception of money as power and deviant tourist behavior. The research contributes to a better theoretical and practical understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   


This study examines a model linking three facets of tourist involvement (“importance & pleasure,” “sign value,” and “risk probability & consequence”) with tourist experience (TE) and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB). Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire in a convenient sampling approach from tourists visiting Nansha Wetland Park, China. In total, 308 valid questionnaires were obtained. The structural equation modeling technique was applied to data analyses. Of three tourist involvement (TI) facets, “importance & pleasure” was found to be the most salient predictor of TE, which in turn led to ERB. “Risk probability & consequence” was shown as a potent predictor of both TE and ERB. “Sign value” did not have any effect on either TE or ERB. Basically, TE served as a full mediator between “importance & pleasure” and ERB, and a partial mediator between “risk probability & consequence” and ERB. Contributions, managerial implications, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Wild living marine resources are a common pool resource in Norway, and successful development of marine angling tourism (MAT) – a form of consumptive wildlife tourism is dependent on healthy fish stocks. This article examines foreign tourists' non-compliance with Norway's 15 kg export quota, and the effects of the non-compliance on community wellbeing. Analyses of 528 responses to a 63-question questionnaire compare tourists' pro-environmental behavior at home, with behavior on holiday, and opinions on more stringent management regulations. No statistically significant correlations were found between pro-environmental behavior at home and support for more stringent regulations. Strengthening regulations would likely have a negative impact on both willingness to return and recommend. Findings suggest that the majority of tourists do not view fish as a resource that should be more tightly controlled, if their holiday fishing experience would be negatively affected. Results are compared against studies investigating management strategies for non-consumptive forms of wildlife tourism. Management solutions are identified which might mitigate non-compliance, positively influence environmentally responsible behavior, and address community wellbeing.  相似文献   

The research literature has traditionally focused on commercial sex tourism between tourists and locals but virtually ignored sexual behavior among tourists themselves. This exploratory study aspires to fill this gap by creating a taxonomy of non-commercial sex for women who engage in various forms of tourism. The analysis of in-depth interviews with Israeli self-defined heterosexual women reveals that different forms of tourism involve various types of sexual behavior as follows: (1) ‘Practicing Sex’ referring to sex on rest and relaxation vacations; (2) ‘Must Have Sex’ relating to sex on city break vacations; (3) ‘Sexual Adventure’ describing casual sex on backpacking trips; (4) ‘Controlled Sexual Desire’ referring to work related trips and vacations with children. The study findings are discussed in terms of their contribution to the research area of sex in tourism.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have recently elucidated the serious negative effects of tourist crowding. However, how tourists cope with crowding and adopt adaptive responses remains unclear. Thus, this study qualitatively identified the mechanism of tourist crowding perception of adaptive behavior from interviewees and then quantitatively validated the mechanism through the mediation of tourist fatigue and negative emotions, as well as the moderation of peer emotion contagion. Tourists were more likely to return to a destination and engage in temporal replacement behavior through the mediating effect of tourist fatigue, but it was also found that peer emotional contagion interferes with two paths that explain how tourist crowding perception influences tourist emotion change or state variation, impacting adaptive behavior responses. Consequently, we recommend diverting tourists, focusing on alleviating fatigue and negative emotions and channeling the peers’ negative emotions to mitigate the negative impact of tourist crowding.  相似文献   

Antecedents of revisit intention   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Revisit intention has been regarded as an extension of satisfaction rather than an initiator of revisit decisionmaking process. Some other independent variables, related to perceived quality of performance during onsite and post-purchase periods as well as the destination’s distinctive nature, may contribute to revisit likelihood. This study explores antecedents of this intention based on literature reviews and examines their significance based on the results of 2000–2003 surveys of pleasure tourists in Hong Kong. Research findings reveal that perceived attractiveness, rather than overall satisfaction, is the most important indicator. Managerial and theoretical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have mostly used government statistics and survey data to examine the effect of travel distance on tourist behavior. In this study, we used data obtained from Sina Weibo to analyze the travel patterns of tourists who visited Suzhou, China from April 2012 to October 2013. We divided tourists into three groups according to their origin: long-haul, short-haul, and local. A comparison of the three groups' spatial patterns, preferred attractions, restaurants, and hotels, and expenditure levels showed diverse behavioral and consumption patterns of the three groups. We further found a divergent effect of distance on hotel and restaurant expenditure, and the effect of distance on expenditure is less salient than income level and the sites they visited.  相似文献   

Addressing the global rise of xenophobia, the authors provide the first investigation of tourist xenophobia (TXO) and its role in shaping tourist behavior. Drawing on research from evolutionary and social psychology, they define TXO as a tourist’s perceptual discomfort and anxiety associated with strangers encountered at foreign destinations. The authors develop a reliable, valid and parsimonious TXO scale, and document its importance empirically. The results show that TXO is an important driver behind many, often neglected, behavioral phenomena, such as tourists’ preference for travel-related vaccination, willingness to try local food, preference for group travel, travel insurance and agency-booked travel, willingness to travel and actual travel behavior. The authors conclude by discussing implications of the findings for research, practice and policy.  相似文献   

Inspired by the recent emergence of the hybrid consumer in the marketing literature, the present article defines hybrid tourists and assesses empirical evidence of their existence. Results indicate that hybrid tourists—tourists whose segment membership for the next trip cannot be predicted from their segment membership of their last trip—are the norm, rather than the exception. Only one quarter of tourists remain in the same motivation segment across more than one trip. Results are similar for expenditure segments. Tourist hybridity exists both with respect to travel motivations and expenditure. Personal characteristics predict hybridity. New approaches of market segmentation are needed to cater for the hybrid tourist.  相似文献   

This paper explores the tourism experience of the Arab and Muslim Tourist (AMT) visiting a (Western) developed country for tourism, from a critical socio-cultural perspective. Encapsulated in Goffman’s theoretical underpinning of the study of stigma, and informed by Said’s Orientalism, I used in-depth interviews to understand the tourism experience of the AMT in an immigration context, situated in what Goffman refers to as the ‘normal-deviant drama’. In a contemporary climate of xeno/ethno-racism, The AMT is stigmatized by association with his/her nationals (or par default by semblance to those nationals), who constitute a visible ethnic immigrant group in the visited country. His/her actual social identity becomes confounded with an ascribed virtual identity. As a moral issue, stigmatization spoils the tourist identity of the AMT, resulting in feelings of shame, confusion, and anger. The rise of anti-immigrants discourse and sentiments, and the rise of religious extremism practices and sentiments in the world, begs for more attention in contemporary tourist studies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between tourists' information demand about entrance tourist flow control schemes (ETFCS) and tourists' entrance transfer decision-making behavior, using the case study of the Summer Palace, one of the most important resort destinations in Beijing, China. After discussing tourists' decision-making behavior under ETFCS information, a revealed preference and stated preference survey (N = 1742 valid observations) were created and a joint choice model of tourist's entrance transfer and diversion entrance selection was established. Results show how various ETFCS are formulated and affect tourists' decision-making behavior under different traffic congestion. Sensitivity analysis reveals that tourists' entrance transfer decision-making behavior is related to the entry time of current crowded entrance and the time saved from the diversion entrance. Hence it is possible to formulate ETFCS in terms of tourist's spatial-temporal distribution in order to anticipate the levels of tourist intensity, especially during peak periods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons why some people have limited interest in tourism,. Departing from the traditionally accepted travel constraints approach, an alternative conceptualisation of this phenomenon is offered based on travel disinterest. One-quarter of residents of Queensland, Australia has either no interest in, or has ambivalent attitudes towards travel. A total of 11 themes were identified that could be grouped into four broad thematic domains. They can be ordered along a continuum, ranging from those who lacked interest, to those who were intimidated by the prospects of travel, through to those who saw it as an enjoyable activity but still were reluctant to travel, and finally to a group who saw it as an opportunity for personal growth, but again expressed ambivalent views.  相似文献   

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