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Abstract . Brain drain occurs when skilled individuals leave their native countries. It is often argued that this phenomenon has strong negative effects on the countries of origin, preventing them from capitalizing on their investment in human capital formation and thus realizing a higher growth. This analysis shows that the negative consequences of brain drain have been overemphasized, mainly because of the confusion between capital and technology. It demonstrates that investments in human capital are possible and profitable in a free market. State intervention in education is responsible for the systematic misallocation of human capital in general, and for brain drain in particular.  相似文献   

This paper studies the different mechanisms and the dynamics through which demography is channeled to the economy. We analyze the role of demographic changes in the economic development process by studying the transitional and the long-run impact of both the rate of population growth and the initial population size on the levels of per capita human capital and income. We do that in an enlarged Lucas–Uzawa model with intergenerational altruism. In contrast to the existing theoretical literature, the long-run level effects of demographic changes, i.e. their impact on the levels of the variables along the balanced growth path, are deeply characterized in addition to the more standard long-run growth effects. We prove that the level effect of the population rate of growth is non-negative (positive in the empirically most relevant case) for the average level of human capital, but a priori ambiguous for the level of per capita income due to the interaction of three transmission mechanisms of demographic shocks, a standard one (dilution) and two non-standard (altruism and human capital accumulation). Overall, the sign of the level effects of population growth depends on preference and technology parameters, but numerically we show that the joint negative effect of dilution and altruism is always stronger than the induced positive human capital effect. The growth effect of population growth depends basically on the attitude to intergenerational altruism and intertemporal substitution. Moreover, we also prove that the long-run level effects of population size on per capita human capital and income may be negative, nil, or positive, depending on the relationship between preferences and technology, while its growth effect is zero. Finally, we show that the model is able to replicate complicated time relationships between economic and demographic changes. In particular, it entails a negative effect of population growth on per capita income, which dominates in the initial periods, and a positive effect which restores a positive correlation between population growth and economic performance in the long term.  相似文献   

本文基于要素配置的动态性和路径选择性构建模型,测算无劳动力、资本错配下的收入差距,并且实证研究要素错配对收入差距与经济增长关系的影响。研究结果表明:与实际状态相比,无要素错配状态下地区间收入差距变小,意味着要素错配恶化了地区间收入差距;要素错配加剧收入差距对经济增长的阻碍作用,如2016年由于要素错配的存在,收入差距对经济增长的阻碍效应提高20.5%,且整体上引起经济增长缺口达到4.6%;较高的收入差距对人力资本、物质资本和人均消费均有显著的阻碍作用,而要素错配又加剧这种阻碍效应,提高对经济增长的负面效果。  相似文献   

知识经济时代经济增长所依靠的已不仅是货币资本,更重要的是人力资本,货币资本的获得和财富的积累都是由人力资本推动的。人力资本是现代经济增长与发展的源泉和动力,增加人力资本投资,提高人力资源质量,已成为促进经济发展的重要手段。从我国经济增长的影响因素看,人力资本作为生产要素对经济增长具有决定作用,人力资本投资对我国经济增长具有战略意义。本文对经济增长理论及人力资本理论进行了介绍,并运用实证分析方法探讨了教育投资对经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of health human capital on the growth rate of per capita income in Sub-Saharan African and OECD countries. Using an expanded Solow growth model, panel data, and a dynamic panel estimator, we find that the growth rate of per capita income is strongly and positively influenced by the stock of, and investment in, health human capital after controlling for other variables. The stock of health human capital affects the growth rate of per capita income in a quadratic way: the growth impact of health human capital decreases at relatively large endowments of health stock. Our estimates suggest that 22% and 30% of the transition growth rate of per capita income in Sub-Saharan African and OECD countries respectively, can be attributed to health. The structure of the relationship between health human capital and the growth rate of income in Sub-Saharan African countries is similar to the structure of the relationship in OECD countries. This implies that increased stocks of health human capital leads to higher steady state income. Our results have interesting policy implications.  相似文献   

从目前大部分的学术成果来看,区域经济发展差异的理论和实证主要集中在物质资本的投入和形成以及无形的制度创新方面;而人力资本对经济增长的影响研究方面,现有的成果也主要集中在教育投资对经济增长的影响方面。本文从区域经济增长和人力资本积聚的角度出发,以浙江省和陕西省的实际数据为例,通过计量经济模型对人力资本积聚水平和区域经济发展之间的关系进行了数据分析和理论分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the transitional dynamics of an economy populated by individuals who split their time between acquiring a formal education, producing final goods, and innovating.The paper has two objectives: (i) uncovering the macroeconomic circumstances that favored the rise of formal education; (ii) to reconcile the remarkable growth of the education sector with the constancy of other key macroeconomic variables, such as the interest rate, the consumption-output ratio, and the growth rate of per capita income (Kaldor facts).The transitional dynamics of human capital growth models, such as Lucas (1998), would attribute the arrival of education to the diminishing marginal productivity of physical capital. Conversely, the model proposed here suggests that it is the rate of learning that catches up with the rate of return on physical capital. As technical knowledge expands, the rate of return on education increases, inducing individuals to stay longer in school. The model's transitional paths are matched with long run U.S. educational and economic data.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship,income distribution and economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditionally different factors and variables have been considered in the economic growth models. Following Solow’s model, economists considered physical capital and technology during 1950s–1980s. With the introduction of endogenous growth models, new forms of capital were introduced in the production function; human capital, public capital and more recently social capital. However, the consideration of qualitative variables is necessary to improve the economic growth analysis. The improvement of statistical information has favored their introduction in the economic growth models. Recently, “entrepreneurship” concept has been considered in this type of analysis. Entrepreneurship considers the capacity and ability to create new business and production activity. It is an activity not an occupation. Some authors like Schumpeter have included it in their models and they have analysed its effects on economic growth. But it is also necessary to include the role of social climate, that in a schumpterian way it could be represented by income distribution. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship, income distribution and economic growth following the ideas developed by Schumpeter and we will contrast them from a empirical analysis using the GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) data.  相似文献   

This paper criticizes traditional approaches to stratification, which suggest that education contributes to inequality solely by endowing people with different amounts of human capital (knowledge and skills) or credentials. What these approaches overlook is the social component of education—friends, acquaintances and other connections one accumulates while in school. These connections reduce the uncertainty inherently present in the hiring process by compensating for lack of information with trust. We argue that social capital gained while in school has an independent effect on individual income, and show how this effect varies by education and experience levels. Conceptualizing schooling as an important source of social capital and finding ways to disentangle the effects of human and social capital on individual income are a contribution that economic sociologists can make to the study of education and inequality.  相似文献   

We build an overlapping generations model of endogenous growth driven by human capital formation. Young people differ in their innate abilities, but these differences are not known even by the individuals themselves when they are going through the process of education. So there are no adverse selection problems. The probability of successful completion of schooling depends on both innate abilities and effort level. Moral hazard arises because effort is not observable. Successful students become skilled workers while unsuccessful ones become unskilled workers. A utilitarian government that cares about income distribution within each generation transfers income from the rich (skilled workers) to the poor (unskilled ones). This is anticipated by the young pupils and reduces incentive for hard work. This results in a lower rate of graduation, and has an adverse effect on the growth rate of human capital and output. Comparative statics results across balanced growth paths are derived. The parameters of interest are the students' rate of time preference, their degree of effort aversion and the relative price of the skill-intensive consumption good.  相似文献   

政府对教育资源的配置是人力资本形成的一个主要决定因素,不同数量和质量的教育人力资本对经济增长的贡献也不同。受区域经济发展不平衡的影响,我国东部、中部和西部地区在人力资本数量和质量方面存在显著差别。为深入考察教育人力资本结构对经济增长的贡献,在将教育人力资本结构分为基础教育和高等教育的基础上,实证检验了东中西三大地区的教育人力资本结构对经济增长的贡献,结果表明:经济发展越快的地区,其高等教育人力资本对经济增长的贡献越大。因此,为发挥教育人力资本对经济增长的促进作用,行之有效的办法是提高公共教育支出预算,大力发展各级各类教育。  相似文献   

The link between income inequality and economic growth has raised many debates in the literature and has generated a large spectrum of results over time. This paper aims at analyzing the relationship between economic growth and income inequality, as well as their macroeconomic and institutional determinants in the New Member States, between 2000 and 2009. In the presence of a set of explicative variables, the economic growth influences the social inequality through a U-shaped relationship. Health, education and gross capital formation generate different direct and indirect effects on income inequality as the per capita GDP growths, while the transition indicators are found to be either common or specific determinants of inequality and growth.  相似文献   

This paper studies a class of AK-type growth models with factor income taxes, public capital stock and labor–leisure trade offs. While a higher capital tax rate reduces economic growth in the short run, the long-term growth effect is ambiguous and remains ambiguous even if the level of tax rate is larger than the degree of government externality. A higher labor income tax rate has ambiguous growth effects both in the short and long runs. However, if the intertemporal elasticity of substitution for labor supply is sufficiently small, a higher labor tax rate always lowers economic growth in the long run, despite the existence of productive government taxation.  相似文献   

本文针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注人力资本投资数量而忽视人力投资结构研究的现状,把教育和健康看作是两种资本,分析了人力资本投资的具体构成形式。假设人力资本由教育资本和健康资本按照Cobb-Douglas生产技术形式组合生成。通过扩展Mankiw、Romer和Weil(1992)模型(简称MRW模型),构建了一个内生经济增长模型。理论分析结果表明,人力资本投资结构制约着经济增长,人力资本投资数量和结构都对经济产生重要影响。最后,本文以理论分析为基础构建计量经济模型,利用1978-2004年中国29个省市的面板数据实证分析了教育资本和健康资本对中国经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of stock markets and banks on the sources of economic growth, productivity and capital accumulation, using a large cross country panel that includes high- and low-income countries. Results show that, in low-income countries, banks have a sizable positive effect on capital accumulation. We find that stock markets, however, have not contributed to capital accumulation or productivity growth in these countries. Given the emphasis that has been placed in developing equity markets in developing countries, these findings are somewhat surprising. Conversely, in high-income countries, stock markets are found to have sizable positive effects on both productivity and capital growth, while banks only affect capital accumulation.  相似文献   

To help understand why the Great Recession occurred, this article focuses on its underlying causes and employs Karl Marx's theory of capitalist economic crisis. It shows that U.S. corporations' rate of return on fixed asset investment fell throughout the half‐century preceding the recession, and that this fall accounts for the entire decline in their rate of capital accumulation (productive investment). The investment slowdown led to a decline in the rate of economic growth, which was a main cause of rising debt burdens, as were stimulative fiscal and monetary policies that delayed but exacerbated the effects of the underlying economic problems. The article also refutes the claim that the rate of profit could not really have fallen because massive redistribution of income from wages to profits took place, and it argues that it is unlikely that major crises of capitalism can be eliminated.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the age structure of human capital is a relevant characteristic to take into account when analysing the role of human capital in economic growth. The effect of an increase in the education of the population aged 40–49 years is found to be an order of magnitude larger than an increase in the education attained by any other age cohort. The results are unlikely to be driven by the age structure of the population, as we find that the effects on growth of the age structure of education and the age structure of population are distinct. The findings are robust across specifications and remain unchanged when we control for long‐delayed effects in human capital or for the experience of the workforce.  相似文献   

This study is to find out an impact of female human capital on economic growth of Pakistan. The study has therefore, used gender separate human capital as an explanatory variable along with other factors, labor force and physical capital. In this regard a composite human capital has been constructed by taking education and health as a proxy for human capital. The long run and short run dynamics among female human capital and economic growth are empirically tested on time series data spread from 1972–2012. Johanson’s co-integration approach has been applied for the long run and Vector Error Correction Model used for the short run relationship. The results show that the long run relationship between female human capital and economic growth is positive and significant. While the short run impact of female human capital on economic growth is positive but statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

许多研究表明,区域人力资本对区域经济增长具有正面的影响,并且人力资本对经济增长的贡献远远大于物质资本的作用[1][2]。这些都能表明,人力资本能促进经济增长,是经济增长的主要动力之一,其对经济增长的作用正在不断加强[3][4]。本文通过构建人力资本模型对我国人力资本地区分布差异与经济增长差异进行同步性分析,得出我国人力资本地区分布差异与经济增长差异存在一定程度上的同步性这一结论。  相似文献   

"Various hypotheses have been put forward in recent years concerning the contribution of human capital to economic growth. This paper argues that school enrolment rates--by far the most commonly used human capital measure in growth regressions attempting to test these hypotheses--conflate human capital stock and accumulation effects and lead to misinterpretations of the role of labour force growth. An alternative education-related human capital measure is constructed which is capable of distinguishing between stocks and flows. Applying this measure to samples of developed and less developed countries during the 1960-85 period suggests not only that there are important growth effects associated both with 'initial' stocks of, and subsequent growth in, human capital, but also that this new measure out-performs the simple school enrolment rates used in previous analyses."  相似文献   

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