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浅谈我国网上银行的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国网上银行的现状(一)网上银行近年来发展迅猛2006年以来,随着股市日益火爆和网上购物的迅速普及,我国网上银行发展迅猛。我国各大银行均开始大力发展网上银行,甚至一些区域性的城市商业银行也开始开通网上银行业务。2006年,我国网上银行客户数量已经达到7495万,我国主要商业银行网上银行交易金额达95万亿元,  相似文献   

网上银行日益发展的今天,国内各商业银行网上银行的功能和服务发展日趋同质化,各个银行之间的竞争重点已逐步从产品功能的完善程度扩展产品操作的易用性、体户体验等方面.统计表明,63%的软件项目满意度较低是由于缺乏与客户的交互沟通,导致产品和用户需求的不匹配.另一项数据表明,增加10%的项目预算可使客户提高体验度135%.商业银行应从客户使用网上银行的方便性、易用性、快捷性等围度出发,重点推动包括客户基本信息、交易信息、行为信息、接触历史信息在内的客户体验提升工作,转变工作思路由“以产品为中心”为“以客户为中心”,群策群力,全力推进“做最好的网上银行”客户体验工作.  相似文献   

“进一步提高管理信息化水平”是工行在实施股份制改造过程中,将着力进行的十项重点工作之一作为国内最大的商业银行,中国工商银行同时也是国内信息化水平最高的大型商业银行。在网上银行领域,工行是最早的涉足者之一。早在1997年12月,工行就在互联网上开办了自己的网站,并于2000年2月正式开办了网上银行业务。现在网上银行已经成为工行为客户提供金融服务的一个重要的渠道。借助网络技术的发展,工行不断拓展电子银行服务渠道,成为国内第一家提供B2B网上银行业务的银行,网上银行业务已覆盖B2B和B2C网上业务的所有领域,创建了包括网上银行…  相似文献   

网银安全在行动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年12月23日,在中国金融认证中心(CFCA)联合商业银行共同发起的“放心安全用网银”联合宣传年活动启动仪式上,中国电子商务协会理事长宋玲说:电子商务支付的安全问题已经成为电子商务普及应用的一个比较突出的问题。如果资金的安全都得不到保证,真正的电子商务将无从谈起。在这个方面,网上银行的安全保障行动将起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着现代网络技术的发展和普及,电子商务开始迅速兴起,近几年已经完全融入到商业银行领域,全国各大商业银行先后推出了各式各样的网络金融产品。部分商业银行为了扩大网络金融业务,方便客户进行网络理财交易,陆续开始自行搭建电子商务平台,如建设银行、交通银行、工商银行等多家大型银行都已经具备专属的电子商务平台。在这种情况下,如何结合移动支付平台与电子商务平台来制定银行营销策略也就此成为了各商业银行的工作重点。本文在简要分析我国商业银行电子商务发展现状之后,从移动支付平台和电子商务平台两个角度,对商业银行在网络环境下的营销策略进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

近年来,国内网上银行业务发展迅猛,网上银行客户数大幅提高,但客户在享受网上银行便利性的同时,账户资金频繁被盗事件以及安全知识普及不足成为制约网上银行快速发展的主要因素。为更好地促进网银业务健康有序发展,本文通过介绍山东省农村信用社网上银行系统所采取的安全措施,向客户详细介绍其在安全策略、技术实现、应用监控和风险审计等方面所做的努力,以期与客户共同维护账户及资金安全。  相似文献   

十大电子支付的经营处方   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着电子商务的发展,2005年网上支付十分火暴,“买卖通”、“e拍通”、支付@网等都已成为中国在线支付的角逐都。而google、盛大等大牌电子商务公司,也纷纷表示要进军网络支付市场。有些网站甚至打出“年服务费0元,手续费1%”的招牌,大有“我为支付狂”之发展态势。  相似文献   

北京银行提供结算服务的中小企业超过7万户,贷款客户中的84%为中小企业客户,中小企业贷款余额超过530亿元。助长中小企业北京银行自1996年成立到现在,经历了12年的发展,并相继实现了双赢、引资、走出区域与账户发行等四大战略突破。作为一家立足北京、辐射全国、走向国际的新型股份制商业银行。  相似文献   

国际上近年来陆续推出了自助银行、无人银行和网上银行(InternetBanking)服务,既方便了客户,又拓展了银行业务范围。1994年,第一家网上银行在美国出现以来,数年间,网上银行的交易量就占美国总支付交易量的百分之五,这说明消费者已下决心转向科技型银行服务。目前,发展网上银行服务已提到了国内外许多商业银行的日程,国外一些著名的大型商业银行纷纷推出网上银行服务,网上银行已成为商业银行竞争手段的新热点。网上银行的发展概况因特网是世界上最大的计算机互联网络,网上蕴藏着巨大的信息资源,这些信息资源…  相似文献   

随着电子商务在我国的发展,第三方支付平台已经成为发展形势最快、最适合我国国情的电子商务交易方式,而这其中最引人关注的就是它的安全性问题。本文从分析我国第三方支付平台的现状入手,系统归纳了我国第三方支付平台所使用的主要安全技术和存在的安全威胁,最后对电子商务终端用户提出了一些保护支付账户安全的具体方法。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of bank participation in SBA guaranteed lending programs to bank characteristics and market demographic characteristics. Band SBA lending is related to per capita income in the bank's market area, membership in a bank holding company, the loan-deposit ratio of the bank, the percent business loans of the bank, and the total assets of the bank. In markets of 50,000 or less, greater SBA lending is associated with lower per capita income levels. Accordingly, it appears that the economic development function of bank SBA lending is linked to a greater extent with market areas of less than 50,000.  相似文献   

论银行卡风险特点成因及防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱青 《北方经贸》2010,(12):78-80
随着银行卡业务的迅速发展,在给人们生活带来便利的同时,银行卡风险也相伴而至,对银行卡风险的防范已势在必行。通过分析银行卡风险的特点,剖析银行卡风险的成因,发现银行卡技术手段相对落后、银行内部管理制度不完善、防范措施不到位以及有关银行卡的法律法规滞后是银行卡风险根源。面对这些问题,应尽快出台银行卡条例、加强对银行员工的培训、加大银行卡科技投入以及完善银行机构内部各项管理制度等解决措施。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of independent bank directors’ financial industry expertise on board effectiveness by investigating bank CEO turnovers and post‐turnover bank performance. Empirical results find such expertise increases the probability of forced CEO turnover and the probability of outsider succession. It improves bank performance and reduces bank risk‐taking following a forced CEO turnover. This is likely because industry‐specific expertise enhances boards’ ability to locate a superior successor CEO and to monitor and advise the new management. Market reaction to bank CEO turnover announcements tends to agree with this view.  相似文献   

Trade credits are an important financing tool for internationally active firms. This is surprising, as trade credits are generally more expensive than bank credits and thus a costly substitute for bank financing. In this paper, we investigate the relation between trade credits and bank credits for exporting firms. We develop a theoretical model and show that trade credits convey a quality signal which reduces the risk of the transaction and may thus facilitate obtaining additional bank credits. Hence, exporters who are not able to obtain bank credits in the first place use trade credits and bank credits complementarily. Using panel data on large German manufacturing firms, we provide supportive evidence for our theoretical predictions. In general, trade credits and bank credits are substitutes. For financially constrained exporters, the overall substitution effect is attenuated which is consistent with a positive signalling effect.  相似文献   

我国商业银行内部控制问题分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有效的内部控制是提高银行核心竞争力的关键手段,是确保银行体系稳健运行的内因。本文根据巴塞尔银行监管委员会和ISO9000标准对内部控制的要求,在分析我国商业银行内部控制机制建设问题的基础上,提出加强我国商业银行内部控制的对策。  相似文献   


A major weakness of bank regulation is “regulatory forbearance,” which is partly attributable to the scope for discretionary intervention by bank regulators. Therefore, bank regulation might be improved by subjecting intervention policy to a set of rules, such as the “Prompt Corrective Action” (PCA) rules in the US. The introduction of PCA rules is under consideration in a number of developing countries (DCs), stimulated by costly bank failures. This paper examines the potential benefits and feasibility of incorporating PCA rules into banking regulation in DCs. The paper concludes that PCA rules can improve bank regulation in DCs if introduced as part of a comprehensive set of prudential reforms which strengthens the operational independence of the bank regulators, improves their on-site examination capacities, strengthens accounting standards and raises public and political understanding of the need for strong and impartial bank regulation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of regulation and ownership on the performance of banks in 19 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. We test the hypothesis that the effect of regulation on bank profitability depends on the type of ownership structure. The public and private views of bank regulation are also tested along with the interaction of bank regulation and ownership. We find regulation measures to have a strong influence on bank profitability, whereas ownership structure seems to play a limited role in explaining bank performance in the MENA region. The results support the private view of bank regulation and suggest that capital requirements and private monitoring when interacted with ownership concentration exert a strong influence on bank profitability. When the analysis is done separately for conventional and Islamic banks, we find that the impact of bank regulations though strongly significant, does not depend on the type of ownership structure prevailing in conventional banks. In contrast, regulatory effects seem to be important drivers of profitability of Islamic banks. Therefore, it is very important for policy makers in these countries not to treat the two types of banks identically when setting up and implementing bank regulations especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

There is no universal agreement on what money actually is. Money is created and used by the modern bank system, which can be split into the central bank, the commercial banks and the remaining sector of households, companies and states. The article focuses on bank deposits, which are created by commercial banks themselves. Bank deposits count as money in a modern economy such as Germany, where the bulk of money held by the public is in the form of deposits with banks. The other part is currency — bank notes and coins. Not accessible to the public (with some exceptions) are central bank reserves held by commercial banks with the central bank. There are two main problems which are currently being discussed by the Deutsche Bundesbank and by some more or less academic authors. First, what kind of relationship exists between base money (currency and reserves) and bank deposits? This relationship plays a crucial role in controlling and steering inflation and investment. Second, are banks lending the savings of their customers to other customers? This relationship is a cornerstone of the money multiplier theory. The answers to these two questions are not as trivial as they seem to be. Textbooks are of no help because they are the targets of the criticism made by central bank authors.  相似文献   

Pareto Equilibria with coherent measures of risk   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In this paper, we provide a definition of Pareto equilibrium in terms of risk measures, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium in a market with finitely many traders (whom we call "banks") who trade with each other in a financial market. Each bank has a preference relation on random payoffs which is monotonic, complete, transitive, convex, and continuous; we show that this, together with the current position of the bank, leads to a family of valuation measures for the bank. We show that a market is in Pareto equilibrium if and only if there exists a (possibly signed) measure that, for each bank, agrees with a positive convex combination of all valuation measures used by that bank on securities traded by that bank.  相似文献   

As the Nigerian retail banks customers become more sophisticated, it is now very important that retail banks determine the factors that are important and relevant to the customers’ retail bank choice decisions. By using a survey of retail bank customers, this study evaluates the relative importance attached to retail banks’ choice criteria used by male and female customers in Nigeria. The results show that there are some differences in choice factors used by male and female customers in selecting a retail bank for patronage. The recommendation is that bank managers should take both female and male market segments into consideration when making retail bank strategic planning in order to become competitive. The findings can assist retail bank managers in refining their marketing strategies as a means of overcoming the intense competition that exists in the Nigerian banking system.  相似文献   

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