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零售是报刊发行的一个重要环节,然而零售市场又是报刊发行工作中最复杂和难以控制的问题。虽然报刊零售市场对报刊的影响力越来越重要,但紧跟着数字报的兴起.网络媒体的快速传播覆盖,加上纸媒原材料涨价及报纸生产成本逐年上升,报刊发行量继续下滑的疲软趋势依然存在。作为报刊发行部门要积极应对,更新原有的发行观念;同时,做好应对越来越多“欲分一杯羹”的“新入侵者”,文章以如何“激活”当前报刊零售市场为主要内容。从多方面、多角度进行分析阐述。  相似文献   

近年来,随着新媒体技术的不断更新,传统报业经济市场被严重挤压,出现"断崖式"下滑,传统单一的经济结构和资产形态已难以支撑报业经济的持续发展.迫切需要大力推进报业转型发展,将传媒经营业务注入资本市场,推动报业经济向上下产业链整合扩张,实现多元化产业经营,以转型推进发展,以创新实现突破.  相似文献   

吴旭 《经济世界》1999,(12):89-91
为了吸引更多的广告,报刊总在有意无意地夸大自己的发行量;电台、电视台总在夸大自己的听众和观众数。这种做法的直接受害者自然是广告主,但专家分析认为,其实媒体自己也是受害者——因为时间长了就没有人信它!因此社会需要一个对传媒受众数量的核查机构。这种机构在国外已经产生,国内对此也有呼声。国际ABC机构简介ABC的全称为发行量核查局,1914年5月由北美地区数十家广告客户、广告公司和报刊机构联合发起成立,目的是为了向报刊广告市场的买卖双方提供经过第三方核实公正的发行量数据,以便于广告主更好地决定其媒体投资方向和…  相似文献   

根据国内外对食品药品检验标准要求的不断提高为前题,本文就对当前做好食品药品检验工作进行了三方面的阐述:一、要牢固树立科学检验理念,努力为食品药品行政监管提供有力的技术保证;二、要准确认识和把握职责定位,进一步增强做好食品药品检验工作的使命感和责任感;三、要全面加强能力建设,不断提高食品药品检验能力和管理水平.  相似文献   

当今世界,贫富差别与经济社会的进步如影随形,时刻影响和考验着全球经济的良性发展。这个世界性的难题,同样困扰着一些西方发达国家。  相似文献   

田夫 《经济前沿》2006,(6):I0006-I0007
近年来,我区实施积极稳健的财政政策,大力发展经济,培植财源,依法理财,实现了财政收入的稳定增长和全区经济的持续快速健康发展。但随着我区城市化加快推进和社会管理服务范围扩大等带来的财政增支因素,我区财政收入矛盾日益加剧。我区经济社会发展“十一五”规划建设中明确提出,未来五年要努力实现城市化与现代化目标的“双赶超”和特区内外、龙岗区域内“双协调”的可持续发展,对政府理财工作提出了更高的要求。做好当前财政工作,是对政府执政能力的重大考验。我们要按照“责任风暴”和“治庸计划”的要求,深化财政体制改革,加强财政资金监管,确保财政资金使用效益,进一步提高政府理财水平。  相似文献   

以Checkland的软系统方法论为蓝本,将软系统方法论应用于广东省邮政报刊零售战略的研究;针对切氏的理论未能有效地解决战略制订和执行过程中可能出现的冲突问题,引入利益协调软系统方法论(ISSM)的思想,得出了新的软系统战略研究框架。  相似文献   

在新的形势下,如何适应市场经济的纵深发展,跟上时代发展的步伐,以更好地适应瞬息万变的信息时代,如何进一步推进统计改革,怎样做好统计工作。这是当前急需解决的问题。下面就此问题谈谈笔者的粗浅认识。  相似文献   

经济活动分析是一项综合运用经济理论、方针政策、统计科学等多种知识及与具体分析对象相关的专业知识,对分析对象进行的一种研究活动。对于煤电铝企业来说,尤其要搞好经济活动分析工作,意义非常重大。  相似文献   

低碳经济下我国网络零售业发展探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国网络零售业表现出了不容忽视的发展趋势,在网络零售业低碳、节能、可持续发展的消费理念下,越来越多的人开始在互联网上从事商品交易活动。网络零售业的市场空间每天都在扩增,其间蕴涵的无限商机也使其今后的发展更具潜力,如何在发挥网络零售业优势的同时,扫清其制约因素,是未来网络零售业发展的重点。  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the results of applying a new economic framework for the analysis of retail gross margins to 1982 interindustry retail data for France, Germany, and the U.S. Use of the same theoretical framework and econometric methodology separately for each of the three bodies of data yields robust empirical regularities with respect to functional form and the role of distribution services in explaining retail gross margins. An interesting feature of these results is that they arise despite substantial differences in classification and in the retail environment of the three countries.We thank E. Hoffnar and P. MacNeill for excellent research assistance. We acknowledge the financial support of INSEAD's R&D department for project R2135. We also thank the CSC at Maryland for support. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the MIT Northeast Marketing Colloquium, the Simon Graduate School of Management at the University of Rochester, the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago, the Yale School of Organization and Management, the School of Business Administration at the University of Washington, and the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade Commission. We thank the participants in these seminars for their constructive criticisms. We are especially indebted to Peter Rossi of the University of Chicago, who provided us with helpful written comments, and to Herr Krockow of the Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, who provided us with unpublished data.  相似文献   

在报业融资过程中,地市报作为一个特殊的群体存在着。特别是在长期的计划经济体制下,地市级党报因历史、经济、体制等种种原因而无法进行融资。目前报业要发展,如果不突破传统的体制束缚,不向报业集团转变,不引入现代企业管理的先进治理结构和理念,那么,地市党报就永远不会发展壮大。所以,报社的发展必须在体制、意识、管理、经营模式、资本市场上进行有效突破。  相似文献   

汪菲 《技术经济》2006,25(6):54-57
随着我国加入WTO外商也进入了我国的零售市场,外资零售业在经营理念、技术手段、经营规模、商品价格和人力资源等方面都具有较为明显的优势。这对我国本土零售业既是一种挑战,也是一种机遇。本文通过对二者进行比较分析,提出我国本土零售业应采取的几点对策。  相似文献   

This paper draws on the spatial model in (Claycombe and Mahan, 1993) and the BLS data developed in (Lamm, 1981) to test for the significance of spatial and concentration variables as determinants of retail prices. Results strongly suggest that structure in narrow retail markets affects price. Different results are found using the ERS data in (Kaufman and Handy, 1989), further fueling controversy there.The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of David Skeehan in this work and to thank Charles Handy for providing the ERS data.  相似文献   

The Japanese retail trade generates considerably more jobs thanits French counterpart, and it manages these jobs in a verydifferent way. The aim of this paper is to present both an economicexplanation of the comparative levels of the retail employmentin both countries and a socio-economic comparative interpretationof the corresponding employment systems. The first part of thepaper presents the main differences between the two countriesin respect of employment levels in retailing. In the secondpart, we put forward a set of economic explanations for thesedifferences. In the third part, more qualitative differencesin employment systems and, in particular, labour segmentationand flexibility, are analysed against the background of familystructures and norms and of certain institutional features atnational and industry level. This final part provides an opportunityfor a reassessment of the concepts that have traditionally underpinnedsegmentation and dual labour market theories.  相似文献   

随着场景化要素在新零售嵌入程度的逐渐深入,一方面凸显出新零售商业模式未能紧跟时代发展的事实;另一方面也为新零售商业模式的加速创新提供了条件.从商业模式的场景化视角出发,首先对现有新零售商业模式进行解构,其次将场景化要素融入解构的商业模式要素之中,使商业模式要素具有场景化功能,进而形成新零售商业模式创新的理论框架,再次以新零售商业模式的场景化价值重构为触点,以新零售商业模式的场景化创新为痛点,设计了新零售商业模式场景化创新的实现路径.最后运用多案例的研究方法对新零售商业模式的场景化创新进行实证,研究结果表明场景化是新零售商业模式创新的方向,价值主张是新零售商业模式创新的遗传物质,而场景化商业情境配置则是新零售商业模式创新的核心能力.  相似文献   

分析了期刊市场的形势,指出了市场经济下经营和发展期刊的5种策略:明确市场定位;提高期刊质量;拓宽发行渠道;开辟与期刊相关的经营业务;实现期刊的管理创新。  相似文献   

在我国市场经济背景下,诚信是税收的保障,诚信纳税问题也越来越被人们所关注。历史因素的积淀,对我国税收征纳双方的行为产生了一定的影响,也影响了人们对税收的认识,并呈现出诚信纳税的伦理问题。针对诚信纳税伦理问题的研究,对规范税收征纳主体行为和实现诚信纳税提供对策和依据。  相似文献   

We use an internet survey conducted among a representative random sample of drivers in the State of Ohio consisting of a choice experiment designed to examine the mechanism driving asymmetric search. The internet survey affords us the opportunity to overcome endogeneity difficulties by imposing exogenous price changes on gasoline consumers to examine the decision-making process behind intended search decisions. We randomly assigned participants to one of five price treatments (either 2.5 or 5% above or below their reported expected price, or no change). We provide a simple empirical model to derive testable implications under prospect theory and use the internet survey to test them. Results indicate that among the respondents who faced prices below their expected price, only 12% chose to search, whereas 45% searched when prices were above. Further, we find results consistent with asymmetric search being driven by prospect theory. The change in consumers’ willingness to search is twice as large when prices exceed expectations by 2.5% relative to when prices exceed them by 5% suggesting that consumers derive utility of finding a good deal evaluated relative to a reference price. We show that this result is inconsistent with standard utility theory or consumers using alternative reference prices.  相似文献   

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