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网页设计实际上就是平面设计,不过目的性、时效性更强.每一次网页设计都可以看成平面设计,不同的是设计网页不仅是把相关内容放到网页中就行了,它还要求网页设计者能够把这些内容合理安排,给浏览者以赏心悦目的感觉,这样才能增强网站的吸引力.网页设计者能够随意控制页面上所有的元素,但假如不知道什么是约定俗成的标准或者说大多数浏览者的浏览习惯,那么就不可能在此基础上加上自己的东西,从而被广大浏览者所接受和欣赏.  相似文献   

随着Internet的飞速发展,和多媒体信息技术、计算机网络技术的日益普及,现代社会正大步迈入"电子阅读时代".在互联网上浏览网页成为人们获取信息重要渠道.网页是一种视觉媒体,是浏览者与计算机进行信息交流的接口.网页的好坏在很大程度上取决于浏览者的视觉感知--网页的界面设计.浏览者主要通过网页的界面来获得信息,良好的人机交互界面能产生强大的视觉冲击力,引发浏览者的兴趣,合理的界面设计还可以使浏览者产生愉悦的心情,更乐意去继续观看.既然网络活动中浏览者更多的是靠视觉去感知信息,那么网页界面的设计无疑是影响网页信息传播效果的重要环节.本文就此浅谈网页界面设计的优化.  相似文献   

ass是一种用于在网站之间共享新闻内容的XML格式标准.也是把所有网页浏览者都变成潜在客户的关键Web技术RSS能够每天都会为RSS文档搜寻已注册的站点.检验其连接并显示与RSS相关的信息.以帮助客户链接到他们感兴趣的内容.了解RSS及其工作方式是每一个用现代语言进行Web动态网站开发人员的迫切需要.  相似文献   

在网页设计中将Flash动画技术合理的融入其中,不仅能够增加网页的视觉美,使网页更加形象生动,同时还能够增加与浏览者的互动性。下面本研究首先分析了Flash的特点,然后详细分析了FLASH技术在网页设计中的应用,以供参考。  相似文献   

打开一个又一个充斥着丰富资讯的网页,浏览者是否一眼就能看到那些他最想要的信息呢?科学研究告诉我们,人的眼球是有运动轨迹的,能够捕获这条轨迹,你在网页上所要传达的内容才能最大化的"被看见".  相似文献   

色彩是人的视觉最敏感的东西。主页的色彩处理得好,可以锦上添花,达到事半功倍的效果。但有些网页设计者不知是不懂色彩处理,还是为了充分显示自己的个性,他们有的把网页的色彩搞得特暗,使浏览者就觉得眼前一黑,就不想再看下去,  相似文献   

平面设计与信息技术的融合,使得平面设计迈入了新的发展阶段。本文以信息技术下设计新思维的产生为论述起点,进而分析了平面设计的新走向,即多维化趋势、本土化趋势、网页设计等。  相似文献   

耐克公司赞助了一个马拉松接力的大众长跑活动,为了通过这个公益行为使自己的品牌更加健康,耐克选择把互动广告和已有的地图服务结合在一起,网页广告的浏览者可以看到长跑的路线和路线图,也可以方便地计算各个接力者之间的距离。在小小的互动广告窗口当中,用户还可以很容易地定位进行放大、缩小,把图画看得更加清楚。  相似文献   

互联网正在全世界进行着越来越深刻的革命.互联网代表着一种崭新的信息交流方式,它使信息的传播突破了传统的政治、经济、地域及文化的阻隔,使信息传达的范围,速度与效率都产生了质的飞跃,本文在这里主要探讨了,界面设计对网络信息传播的影响.这篇文章里主要谈的是网站的人机界面设计,与传统媒体不同,网页除了文字和图像以外,还包含声音、视频和动画等新兴多媒体元素,更借助由代码语言所实现各种交互效果,使得网页设计者需要考虑更多页面元素的排布、优化.网站界面设计是一门新兴的设计和网络的交叉学科,它本身以网络为载体,要把各种信息以最快捷、方便,美观的方式传达给网站的浏览者.这就需要结合使用方便的要求,制作出清晰、整体性好的页面.这样接收信息也会更加容易,同时提升网站的形象.  相似文献   

现在上网真是不安全,前一阵子闹得最凶的是“万花谷”,如果进入该网页浏览者注册表会被修改,好多系统功能因此受到限制。最近又听说有网友在浏览网页时硬盘被共享,危害似乎更大! 其实,所谓的浏览网页硬盘被共享,和“万花谷”一样,受害者都是在浏览了含有有害代码的ActiveX网页文件后中招的。以下是该网页  相似文献   

In this contribution a literature review is conducted to illustrate how national culture influences phases of the design of information systems. For this purpose, we review the literature in order to identify reliable and commonly approved findings as well as still open remaining questions. Fundamentally, our literature review is a comprehensive framework that sets typical dimensions of system design as well as main types of cultural research in relation to each other. The existing research results in the area of national culture are classified along the levels of system design and attributed to typical phases of the design of information systems. It thus becomes apparent that in the domain of culture and information system design it is often only the design subject or the design object that is addressed. Contributions that connect both levels rarely exist. In our review, only a limited number of publications could be identified that covered concrete phases of the development providing system design, implementation, as well as verification and validation. From a theoretical perspective, there is an obvious dominance of Hofstede??s cultural dimensions that well address single topics of the design, such as user interface and inter cultural problems in development teams. Other domains, however (e.g., technology and architecture), are inadequately explained. Further, a predominantly phenomenological focus becomes obvious. The observed cultural phenomena and the connected interpretations are usable in a limited way for concrete development initiatives. The contribution ends with the vision of a theory for the culturally sensitive design of socio-technical information systems that absorbs current scientific knowledge and unites it in a structured approach.  相似文献   

传统文化元素在当代艺术设计中的营销传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艺术设计是伴随现代工业文明的脚步而产生、发展和进步的。艺术设计主要包括平面设计、建筑与环境艺术设计、视觉传达设计等方面的内容。在市场经济高度发展的今天,大众化、标准化的生产使得人们的生活质量与审美水平严重下降。艺术设计是文化的体现,文化为艺术设计注入了生命。我国的传统文化元素作为华夏五千年辉煌灿烂文明的结晶,如何与现代艺术设计相结合,形成本土化的艺术设计思想、产品设计、建筑与环境设计,是一个现实的课题。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to combine the two dominant perspectives of retail design— design and business—through systems thinking and flat ontology, in order to understand the ‘store’ as designed by retail designers in the new digital area. Using an abductive case study of the Danish retail design world, this article connects actors into a system, redefines 'the store’ as an interface between retailer and customer, and attaches the metaphors ‘observed universe’ and ‘extended self’ of owner managers to collectively designed spaces. The implication of the study is a retail design (and business) canvas.The article's practical contribution is clarifying the profession of retail design under the condition of digitised retail, and to present a first step towards a system-based theory for retail design.Managerial contributionThe article redefines the store as an interface affording customers' and retailers’ exchange of product and experiential interaction with the aim of providing adequate revenue.  相似文献   

随着电子信息系统综合化程度的提高,射频微波信道也变得日趋复杂,常规设计方法已经不 能适应高性能产品的设计需求。结合半实物仿真技术,针对综合化微波射频信道设计, 提出了一种系统设计与电路设计相结合、软件仿真与硬件验证相结合的新型设计方法,分析 了设计中的关键技术。利用该设计方法可有效提高复杂射频微波系统的性能和研制成功率, 减少研制周期和成本。  相似文献   

本文通过对天津西站站房基础工程的设计,介绍了大型铁路枢纽工程,在复杂边界条件和复杂地质情况下,基础设计的一般过程,阐述了基础设计过程中抗浮设计、超长底板设计以及非常规基础构件设计,对类似工程具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基带设计是TDMA跳频系统的关键技术之一。根据TDMA跳频系统的设计要求,提出了一种基于TDMA的跳频系统基带设计方案,从工作原理、硬件设计、同步方式设计、同步频率设计等方面进行了讨论。最后,提出了一种TOD校正方案,并简要介绍了TDMA的时隙同步技术。  相似文献   

Abstract The activity of design within retailing has received only partial consideration within the literature, and there has been a tendency to speculate upon the possible impact of design upon market positioning, retailer store image development and consumer behaviour at the expense of any understanding of the actual process of design development and implementation within retailing. The aim of this paper is to examine the process of design, and in particular the interrelationships that ought to exist between retailer (as client) and the designer in order to ensure that the values, benefits and opportunities afforded by design are fully realized within the organization. Integral to the effective management of design is the design brief, which is examined here within a retailing context. The paper concludes by examining the particular role that the store exterior has upon the development of a retailer's image and argues that further consideration needs to be given, not only to the positive outcomes of design investment in retailing, but also to the mechanisms by which it is achieved.  相似文献   

作为竞争优势的来源之一,商业模式设计对经营绩效而言变得越来越重要。文章通过区分驱动市场型和市场驱动型商业模式设计,探讨了商业模式设计与战略导向的匹配性对业务单位绩效的影响。结果表明,驱动市场型商业模式设计与创业导向之间的匹配对业务单位绩效产生积极影响;市场驱动型商业模式设计与顾客导向及竞争者导向之间的匹配对业务单位绩效产生积极影响。研究结论对企业的商业模式设计和创新活动提供了管理建议。  相似文献   

Groups often rely on the expertise of facilitators to support them in their collaboration processes. The design and preparation of a collaboration process is an important facilitation task. Although there is a significant body of knowledge about the effects of facilitation, there is a dearth of knowledge about the ways in which facilitators design collaboration processes. Increased understanding in this area will contribute to the effective design and use of collaboration support and to the development of collaboration process design support. The research reported in this paper explores the strategies and techniques facilitators use to design a collaboration process, and the aspects of this task they perceive as challenging. We present the results of a questionnaire among professional facilitators. We compare facilitators with different expertise levels to identify challenges in the design of collaboration processes. We discovered that although the activities performed and information used by novices is not very different from expert practices, their limited experience makes them less flexible. When the actual session brings surprises such as different outcomes or conflict, novices cannot easily adapt their designs to accommodate these.  相似文献   

介绍了用FPGA代替显示器控制器(CRTC),并用VHDL产生VGA时序信号的详细方法,从而完成了用FPGA实现数字语音系统中的VGA控制器的设计方案.这种设计方法已经应用于数字语音系统的显示部分.  相似文献   

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