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随着深圳物流业的崛起,深圳与香港物流业竞争力的比较越来越受到业界的关注。通过在生产要素成本、组织成本和要素质量三个方面对深圳和香港物流业的竞争力的实证分析,表明深圳的要素成本比香港有明显的优势,但是深圳的制度成本比香港要高。在生产要素质量方面,深圳与香港的“硬要素”差距不大,“软要素”差距比较大。深圳中低端物流业务的竞争力正在接近甚至超越香港,将促使原本在香港境内的此类业务向深圳、珠江三角洲等地区转移。  相似文献   


Studies considering links between store image and store loyalty, especially in an Asian context, are sparse. This article explores the relationship between store image and store loyalty in the Hong Kong fast-food industry. A survey of 200 users of fast-food restaurants revealed that functional attributes of store image are more accurate than psychological attributes when predicting the degree of store loyalty. Functional attributes of particular importance are waiting time for a seat, store environment and store location. However, some psychological attributes have an influence on store loyalty. Furthermore, the findings show that the more favorable the store image, the more likely consumers are to consume in a particular restaurant.  相似文献   

自今年年初新型冠状病毒肺炎全面爆发以来,我国各行各业均面临着巨大的经济冲击。会展业作为“人流聚集”的主要行业之一,下行压力自然不在话下。无独有偶,2003年非典型肺炎也曾全面冲击香港;同年4月被世界卫生组织定性为疫区的香港经济也面临巨大的冲击。  相似文献   

A study of a selection of major US corporations was undertaken to determine how advertising budgets are appropriated. The relationship between profit and sales and the size of the advertising budget was examined to see if advertising allocations are being increasingly arrived at using ‘modern’ techniques such as mathematical decision rules or whether simple rules of thumb are still predominant in practice. Budget allocations for 80 companies to six media and their relations to sales and profit were also evaluated. Advertising budgets were examined in three matched categories: for brand advertising, for corporate advertising and for mixed advertising.  相似文献   

A diverse set of human resource management (HRM) practices became institutionalized during Hong Kong's industrialization from the 1950s through the 1970s within the context of an open economy, a government disinclined to intervene in business decisions or the labour market and a weak trade union movement. Economic restructuring, labour market changes and rising labour costs during the 1980s and 1990s pressured employers to find more effective ways of using their human resources. We focus on how the economic downturn following the Asian Financial Crisis has impacted on employment practices including employment security, compensation, skill formation, work reorganization and employment relations. We discuss changes in the public as well as private sector and argue that reforms in the former are loosening the rigidities of its highly structured internal labour market system. Public sector employment practices are thus likely to converge increasingly with the ‘best practices’ of private sector and overseas government HRM systems.  相似文献   

在世界金融科技发展的背景下,香港作为世界三大金融中心之一,要想实现行业升级,需要解决自身经济结构的不合理性。从香港目前的发展状况来看,将金融科技高度融入到现有的支柱产业是关键所在。本文从香港前几次的行业转型升级历程入手,指出了之前香港产业结构升级的特点,分析了在新兴金融科技背景下,香港再次进行经济转型的必要性及趋势,由此探究出香港由金融中心演变为金融科技中心需要进行区域间的经济协作、强化政府宏观调控、加强技术创新并引入新兴技术以及推动科技产业集群化的路径选择。  相似文献   

With the approaching 2008 Olym- pics,Hong Kong SAR,as one f competition hosting place ac- cumulates attention as well.At the mean time,this July 1 welcomes the Hong Kong SAWs l lth anniversary.To elaborate the charm of this city,China's Foreign Trade holds an interview with Mr.Mike ROWSE, Director-General of Investment Promotion at InvestHK.  相似文献   

Every year during February and March the Hong Kong Arts Festival presents ashowcase of the best international, regional and local artists over a four weekperiod in Hong Kong. Established in 1972, the Festival's first Director hadbeen the director of the world renowned Edinburgh Festival. Since then the HongKong Arts Festival has gained a reputation as a leading international event. Theprogramme always includes a wide range of opera, classical music, dance, theatre,jazz and world music and it well reflects the cosmopolitan nature of Hong Kong andits status as an international city.  相似文献   

In a recent review of Hofstede's comparative study of business practice and national cultures, 61 works replicating his methods are identified, and the critical four differences in the cultural dimension are ‘largely confirmed’. The only replication of Hofstede's study within IBM (his original sample vehicle) has largely validated the original model some twenty years later. These results seem to confirm the valuable contribution of Hofstede's work, although his model contains the limitations of all models; the simplification of reality into an understandable form cannot do justice to its complexity. In this paper, the main consequences of Hofstede's work for Hong Kong are reviewed. His proposition that culture and particularly social values influence economic activity and management, which is consequently ‘culture-bound’, is restated and supported by more recent studies.  相似文献   

This article discusses the human resource implications of' business readjustment and advances in Hong Kong as its economy is restructured into a post-industrial centre of tertiary service industries. Corporate reforms are benchmarked against Western practices of exploring flexibilities and competitiveness which emphasize labour performance and cost savings. However, job security does not appear to have been eroded, possibly betraying an Oriental importance placed upon trust and commitment between employer and employee. As a meeting-place where Eastern and Western cultural practices interface, Hong Kong probably remains economically resilient by keeping its normative and institutional permissiveness in a hybrid mix of Western and Oriental practices.  相似文献   

根据国际公约和各国法规的规定。船舶登记是取得船舶所有权和船旗籍,确认其航行权的必要程序,同时也是确定船籍港,建立港航行政机关对于船舶的管辖关系,使船舶依法享受权利,承担义务的重要法定手续。  相似文献   

<正>回归十年,内地的普通居民会如何来看待这样一个历史事件,而在他们的心中,香港又是怎样的一个城市呢?零点研究咨询集团也对这一热门话题展开了调查,结果显示,内地普通居民对香港回归这一历史时刻印象深  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a place with multiple personalities,as a result of being Cantonese Chinese with a long-time British influence. Today,it is a major tourism destination for China's increasingly affluent population. It is also an important hub in the Chinese Diaspora with global connections to many of the world's cities.It is a unique destination that has absorbed people and cultural influences from places as diverse as Vietnam and Vancouver.  相似文献   

会展业是现代经济中一颗耀眼的明星,具有极强的经济和社会带动力。随着经济全球化、区域化进一步向深度、广度发展,世界会展业面临的竞争更加激烈。穗港澳会展产业互补性强,三地合作发展会展业大势所趋。穗港澳合作发展会展业具有经济实力雄厚,有丰富的展会经验及客户资源、环境优良、互补性强等优势。同时,也存在重复办展,展馆重复建设,人才短缺等劣势。面对中国加入WTO、国内、国外给中国会展业带来的威胁,穗港澳应抓住国际会展中心由欧美向亚太地区转移、CEPA签署的契机等进行三地优势互补,联手参与国际竞争。  相似文献   


This research was designed to investigate consumers' attitudes towards professional advertising in Hong Kong. Three hundred consumers were surveyed on their attitudes towards professional advertising by accountants, doctors and lawyers practicing in Hong Kong. The results found that, in general, professionals in Hong Kong enjoyed a high image and consumers believed that advertising would not significantly affect the current favourable image enjoyed by professionals in Hong Kong. In addition, consumers believed that professional advertising could serve as a means to acquire information. However, they also believed that advertising would increase the cost of professional services.  相似文献   

Ethical Beliefs of Chinese Consumers in Hong Kong   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, there has been increased awareness of unethical consumer practices in Asian countries. Asian consumers have gained a bad reputation for buying counterfeit products, such as computer software, fashion clothing and watches. In 1993, the estimated losses to US software companies due to Chinese counterfeiting stood at US $322 million (Kohut, 1994). The present study uses a consumer ethics scale developed by Muncy and Vitell (1992) to investigate consumers' ethical judgments from a Chinese perspective. The result shows that consumers in different cultures utilize similar rules to assess the ethicality of a given situation. However, findings also show certain cultural elements that are unique in influencing Chinese consumers' ethical judgments. The results also indicate the need for the continued development of and investment in consumer education in Asia.  相似文献   

Hong Kong International Airport(HKIA) has been named CargoAirport of the Year 2003 by the air cargo trade publication Air Cargo News.This is the second consecutive year for HKIA to have received this award.  相似文献   

对于亚洲的商务旅客而言,香港,似乎与商旅旅程紧密相关。节奏急速的城市,每天商务往来多如恒河之沙。商旅工作一方面要配合节奏营造商机,另一方面也需要保持适当享受平衡身心。若在繁忙的旅程想找到平衡,两者兼得,选择适合的酒店就成了举足轻重的一环。香港粤海酒店由粤海(国际)酒店管理集团有限公司管理(以下简称"粤海国际"),粤海国际拥有"粤海国际"、"粤海"与"粤海之星"三个品牌系列酒店近50家,集团管理酒店遍及巴黎、香港、澳门、珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、环渤海及其他地区等30多个城市,目前经营管理酒店资产  相似文献   

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