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This article presents a review of recent thinking about consumers’ aesthetic experiences. These experiences are examined within the context of philosophical, psychological, and social science perspectives on aesthetics. A distinction is made between aesthetic products and aesthetic consumption, and these two concepts are discussed in terms of marketing views of their core elements. The review also reflects on the impact of “postmodernism” on aesthetics within marketing. Consideration is given to four philosophical conundrums relating to the aesthetic experience which are relevant to marketing theory: disinterested attention; objective and subjective taste; the nature of the aesthetic encounter; and the relationship of evaluation to preference.  相似文献   

Volunteering is presented as part of the resource attraction function of nonprofit marketing, a type of helping behavior, and a form of symbolic consumption. From a sample of volunteers, findings show that male and non-working volunteers are more likely than female and working volunteers to spend more time on volunteering and to volunteer for more number of organizations. Females and working volunteers are significantly more empathetic than males and non-working volunteers. Male and female volunteers and working and nonworking volunteers are also differentiated in terms of their values. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

农村、城镇居民消费行为差异与消费政策研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文深入分析了我国居民消费的城乡差异,指出收入并不是城镇居民消费增长缓慢的主要原因,消费倾向显著下降才是关键因素;而对于农村居民而言,情况正好相反,消费倾向已达极限,提高农村居民收入水平成为刺激农村居民消费的唯一途径。在此基础上,本文提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

新时期文学逐渐疏离了传统经典话语所构建的急功近利的政治色彩,从世俗出发,消解宏大叙事,塑造出一批亲切可信的凡夫俗子形象,具有鲜明的世俗性。文学抹平了艺术与生活的最终界限。要正视当下文学的缺失,弘扬时代精神和人的崇高理想,体现对人性善恶的反思和自我灵魂的拷问,以直面存在的方式恢复人应有的道义和责任。  相似文献   

本文采用2016~2017年RUMiC数据,使用多元处理效应模型考察就业选择对农民工消费水平的影响.研究结果发现,相比于工资获得者,自我雇佣者的消费水平显著提高30.7%,其主要源自机会型自我雇佣者,而生存型自我雇佣者的消费水平无明显变化.对机会型自我雇佣者而言,消费水平提升的中间机制是收入提高和长期居住意愿增强.对消费水平的不同分位点和不同地区农民工的异质性分析表明,生存型自我雇佣对消费水平的5%分位数无显著影响,50%及以上分位数具有显著影响.对生存型自我雇佣者而言,若流入中西部地区,其消费水平与工资获得者无显著差异;若流入东部地区,其消费水平显著高于工资获得者.相比于工资获得者,生存型自我雇佣者的居住支出显著提升,机会型自我雇佣者的通讯邮寄费和交通燃油费明显增加,这是由其工作模式决定的.据此,本研究建议加强农民工创业技能培训,促进生存型自我雇佣转向机会型自我雇佣,以提振我国的消费水平.  相似文献   

<正>收入决定消费,收入差距越大,消费差异越明显。近几年,在居民收入水平提高的同时,社会发展不平衡的现象日益凸显,收入差距和消费差异成为人们关注的焦点。深入研究高低收入户消费差异,对缓解社会矛盾,促进社会经济全面发展和社会稳定,加快全面建设小康社会进程,实现居民共同富裕和构建和谐社会具有重要的现实意  相似文献   

A vital question receiving only limited attention in the extant research concerns the implications of culturally based values for the successful creation and growth of entrepreneurial ventures. This study explores core values held by entrepreneurs in growth-oriented firms belonging to six subcultures based in the state of Hawaii. Thirty first-generation entrepreneurs each were interviewed from the populations of Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, and native Hawaiian firms. Evidence is provided of commonalities and differences in the value profiles of the different types of entrepreneurs. While some of the salient values are clearly traceable to the entrepreneur's native culture, it appears that entrepreneurs share certain core values regardless of cultural origin. Evidence is also provided of linkages between values and specific operational practices within the ventures studied. Implications are drawn for ongoing theory development and managerial practice.  相似文献   

运用环境投入产出法,分析上海2005-2008年不同收入人口生活完全能耗的差异.收入越高的人口,消费水平越高,生活更为高能耗,从而人均生活完全能耗越高.对私家车的购买和使用是导致高收入人口人均生活能耗与社会主体脱节的重要原因.对于非高收入阶层,随着收入增长,其生活能耗上升具有一定的合理性,但应警惕其效仿高收入者的生活方式,加大我国节能减排压力.  相似文献   

This study applies generational cohort theory, as well as uses and gratifications theory, to investigate the media program preferences of China's Generation X (Gen X) consumers. Using syndicated data from a large random sample of urban Chinese consumers, we find that the Gen X cohort consumers, compared with their preceding generational cohorts, tend to pay more attention to entertainment-based media programs such as television drama series and radio pop music, and shun information-based topics such as news or business reports. Furthermore, while cohort effects on preferences for media program types exist, the effects are less pronounced in more developed regions in China. Compared with their counterparts in Xi'an, a less developed city, Gen X consumers living in Guangzhou, a more developed city, are more attentive to information-based programs on television and in newspapers, and show less preference for entertainment-based content.  相似文献   

The study investigated (a) shopping orientations of adult, Chinese-and Filipino-American consumers living in San Francisco, (b) their acculturation levels, and (c) relationships between acculturation levels and shopping orientations. A mail survey, sent to a random sample (N = 124), included the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation scale (SL-ASIA), 41 shopping orientation statements, and demographic items. Factor analyses resulted in four SL-ASIA factors and 10 shopping orientation factors. Results of t tests showed statistically significant differences in responses to two shopping orientation subscales (shopping sex roles and shopping opinion leadership) between high and low acculturation groups. Findings suggest that certain shopping-orientation constructs are more closely linked with acculturation of Asian-Americans than other shopping-orientation constructs. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

区域差异、民生支出与居民消费:理论与实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在最优消费行为理论分析框架下,考虑我国区域差异中城乡居民消费的特点,将政府民生支出引入消费函数进行理论分析,并利用中国1997-2009年的面板数据,对政府民生支出与居民消费进行实证检验。研究结果表明,政府民生支出与居民消费存在正向关系;政府民生支出对农村居民消费的影响大于对城镇居民消费的影响;政府民生支出对农村居民消费的影响表现为中西部地区大于东部地区;各地区居民收入对消费的影响大于民生支出对消费的影响。因此,今后政府民生支出应向农村居民尤其是中西部地区农村倾斜,以促进居民消费的稳定增长。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步,国际文化交流日益频繁,美国作为世界霸主,英语自然成为了世界通用语言。英美文化自然同样受到了国际的研究。近些年,对英美文化进行研究的学者越来越多。语言是一个民族的根本,是融合了本民族文化及民族灵魂的产物,英语中自然也融入了大量的英美文化。虽然英美文化相辅相成,但却也有着一定的差异性,从英美文学评论和英美文学作品中就能够感受英美文化差异。英美不仅生活环境不同,文化结构也存在差异。文化差异对英美文学评论产生的影响非常显著。本文将针对英美文化差异对英美文学评论的影响展开讨论分析。  相似文献   

This research was designed in order to explore the subculture differences in Malaysian consumers’ responses to sex appeal advertising. This study employs a 2 × 2 × 2 full factorial between subjects design. There are two levels of model gender (male/female), two levels of sex appeal (high/low), and two levels of religion of the subjects (Muslim/non-Muslim). When comparing Muslims and non-Muslims in the responses to the ads, it was generally found that Muslim subjects’ attitudes were significantly lower than non-Muslims attitudes toward the same ads. Future research should adopt a more representative sample and test different product categories.  相似文献   

文化消费水平是衡量一个地区居民文化素养的重要标志。本文采用变异系数、基尼系数、泰尔指数和莫兰指数等方法对山西分地市城镇居民人均教育文化娱乐消费支出的区域差异和空间集聚特征开展实证研究,并进一步采用空间面板数据模型探索山西城镇居民文化消费的影响机制。实证结果显示:山西城镇居民文化消费水平区域差异程度不断缩小,且存在明显的空间溢出效应,空间面板数据模型能较好拟合居民文化消费对收入的依赖关系。最后,在实证分析基础上,提出提高居民收入水平;培育文化消费观念;拓宽文化消费空间等建议提升城镇居民文化消费水平。  相似文献   

全球一体化下的跨区域消费及网络消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘燕卿 《消费经济》2007,23(6):18-20
2007年11月25-26日,全国第十一次消费经济理论与实践研讨会在深圳召开。会议由深圳市消费者委员会、深圳大学经济学院承办。会议的主题为"消费和谐与全面建设小康社会"。八十多位领导、专家、学者出席了这次会议。与会专家、学者围绕会议主题展开了热烈的讨论,并提交论文近百篇。这里选登部分发言与论文(下一期续登)。  相似文献   


A comparison was made between 152 Navajo students and 245 Anglo students regarding their perceptions of the educational product. Based upon focus group outcomes, nine elements were used to represent the educational product in the analyses. The elements were conceptualized using the Marketing Lens Model. Four hypotheses were developed and tested. Significant cultural differences were found for the following elements of the educational product: importance ratings among educational attributes, anticipated preparation after graduation, and satisfaction with the educational product. Results are discussed and managerial implications for university administrators are offered.  相似文献   

《消费经济》杂志创刊20周年之际,我首先想到的是,它是改革开放的产物,它是市场经济的产物,它是随着我国市场经济的发展而发展起来的。难道不是吗?在市场经济改革前,人们只有凭计划票证获得最低生理需要的消费权利,那还有人们去研究消费从而建立一门消费经济学、创办一份《消费经济》杂志的必要吗?还需要我们去探讨消费模式、消费结构、消费水平、消费市场、消费心理,研究消费者保护、消费文化、消费环境和消费力等一系列消费问题吗?只有转向市场经济了,只有社会财富丰富了,才需要我们开展消费研究和建立消费经济学。记得几年前,我在当时的…  相似文献   

信息消费与可持续消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何炼成  王雯婧 《消费经济》2007,23(6):16-17,28
2007年11月25-26日,全国第十一次消费经济理论与实践研讨会在深圳召开。会议由深圳市消费者委员会、深圳大学经济学院承办。会议的主题为"消费和谐与全面建设小康社会"。八十多位领导、专家、学者出席了这次会议。与会专家、学者围绕会议主题展开了热烈的讨论,并提交论文近百篇。这里选登部分发言与论文(下一期续登)。  相似文献   

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