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This research presents a retail shelf-space decision model that incorporates a nonlinear profit function, vertical and horizontal location effects, and product cross-elasticity. We propose a linear programming formulation of the nonlinear profit function that can solve the shelf-space problem optimally. We describe potential advances in heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms and compare the approaches through simulations and a field experiment. We discuss the impact of the number of item facings, vertical location, and horizontal location (e.g., we find the vertical location effect is approximately double the size of the horizontal location effect on profit performance).  相似文献   

周云霞 《江苏商论》2020,(1):24-25,28
在零售企业与生产企业的博弈竞争中,零售企业的自有品牌发展是一个关键点,渐渐成为零售企业形象宣传和零售企业战略发展必不可缺的重要组成部分。零售企业自有品牌目前在市场上不仅面临着众多企业制造商强势的竞争压力,而且还缺乏完整的生产体系,质量控制得不到保证。文章通过对零售企业自有品牌的经营分析,寻求优化方案,希冀在当今风起云涌的商场竞争中零售企业能有适合自己的发展之路。  相似文献   

零售企业的竞争力分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
业态定位、经营规模、信息化物流配送系统和自有商品品牌对零售企业竞争力具有重大影响,其中经营规模居于中心地位,是影响零售企业竞争力的决定因素.对零售企业来说,通过连锁经营的形式尽快扩大企业的经营规模,实现规模经济,是提升零售企业市场竞争力最现实的选择,一方面降低单位销售成本和经营成本,提高利润率;另一方面,在利润率保持不变的情况下,企业也能够通过高周转率实现销售量的增加,提高总的收益率.  相似文献   

Bonus packs created by manufacturers have been characterized by scholars as special factory packs offering the consumer extra product for the same price or at no additional cost. However, this portrayal may fail to fully capture what consumers actually encounter in stores during and following a bonus pack promotion. Indeed, little is known about the types of products that manufacturers promote as bonus packs and how offers for them are specified, how retailers price them, and also what happens when the offers are discontinued. To address these shortcomings, a content analysis is conducted. The results illustrate a richness to bonus pack promotions that previous views of the topic have not described.  相似文献   

Retailers' allocation of shelf space as well as the breadth of varietyoffered varies across categories. Many researchers have developedheuristics for determining what retailers should do with regard tothese decisions. We explore how these constructs are actually relatedin practice. We utilize data obtained from Marsh Supermarkets, a largeIndianapolis-based grocery retailer, to explore the relationshipsbetween these variables. The results of this analysis are a set of rawfacts concerning the relationship between some of grocery retailers'more important category-level decisions.  相似文献   

零售电子商务的区域化与实体化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售电子商务开展十几年来,一直是由没有实体店铺的虚拟企业占据主导地位,因为销售对象分布范围广,配送范围大,从而导致许多难以解决的问题,如果电子商务向区域化发展将可以很好地解决传统电子商务存在的问题,而开展区域性电子商务要以实体零售企业为主.经过多年的建设,我国网络基础设施、交易安全措施、物流配送都有一定的保障,我国拥有世界上最大规模的上网人群,在人口集中的中心城市已经具备了开展区域性电子商务的条件.  相似文献   

中国零售产业市场竞争分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵萍 《财贸经济》2003,(12):21-23,49
本文分析了目前中外零售企业市场竞争的状况,总结了零售产业市场竞争的五大特点,即管理规范程度不断提高、零售产业高投入的特点明显、技术壁垒较低、成本障碍难以逾越、本土化程度大幅上升.提出通过上市和购并等资本运作中的方式降低规模扩张的成本、发挥本土化优势、在稳健经营的基础上求得规模经济和培养企业核心竞争力等战略主张.  相似文献   

连锁零售业物流系统及模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘航 《北方经贸》2007,(7):67-69
物流是连锁经营的关键环节,是连锁经营的核心竞争力所在。物流配送能力的强弱直接决定着连锁企业经营成本的高低,影响企业盈利的能力。通过对连锁企业的物流管理系统及其模式的分析,找出能最大限度体现和加强连锁企业的竞争优势的物流模式,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国零售商业发展趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
零售商业处于市场经济链条的终端,具有引导生产、指导消费的重要作用。本文从商业资本的构成、零售业态的创新、经营组织的再造等三个方面,客观地分析了中国零售商业近十年来所发生的深刻变化,提出了一些值得人们认真思索的观点。  相似文献   

零售营销策略组合及零售业态多样化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
晏维龙 《财贸经济》2003,(6):83-86,95
现代零售业的一个种重要特征就是业态的多样化,各种新业态层出不穷.而不同业态的主要区别,在于其营销策略的组合方式.本文在总结前人关于零售业态演变理论的基础上,提出消费者偏好理论,指出消费者对零售服务需求的差异性,决定了零售经营形态的多样性,而消费者需求偏好的改变,导致了零售经营形式的改变,推动了零售业态的演化和发展.  相似文献   

中国零售业态发展与零售市场管理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
零售业的生存和发展,历来是企业家、消费者和政府倍加关注的问题,特别是加入WTO后,外商的全面登陆无疑会使市场竞争日益加剧,企业选择、调整和发展适合本企业的零售业态,政府通过政策导向,间接管理好零售业态的发展,进而为生产部门提供信息,对大多数企业和政府管理部门来说是一个新的课题。因此,研究国内外零售业态发展的轨迹和现状,探索零售业态发展的内在规律,为企业选择和发展适宜的零售业态,避免盲目性和过度竞争行为,提高企业效益,为政府和行业管理部门搞好宏观调控和行业管理提供理论和决策依据。  相似文献   

There is widespread criticism that gambling retailers are concentrated in deprived communities and that the concentration is deliberately targeted. However, this study opines that before deliberate targeting can be supported, a comparative analysis of gambling locations with a more conventional retail group is necessary. Hence this study examined the location preferences of gambling and food and grocery retailers (FGRs) to evaluate the notion of deliberate concentration of gambling retailers in deprived communities. Comparative analyses assessed relationships between FGRs floorspaces and overall gambling locations compared to socio-economic deprivation. Results showed similarities and disparities in retail locations, but gambling provisioning were more concentrated in deprived areas compared to food provisioning. Implications for policy and practice are presented.  相似文献   

By 2015 or shortly thereafter,China will likely become the largest online retail market in the world,with close to 10 percent of retail sales occurring online,according to a recent report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). It already has more online shoppers than any other market,including the U.S.Online retail sales in China will triple to more than $360 billion by 2015,powered both by growing numbers of Internet users and by greater consumer acceptance of e-commerce,the report said.  相似文献   

Direct marketing, as an avenue for fundraising, provides nonprofit organizations with the ability to fulfill their missions and donors the opportunity to support a worthy cause. There are concerns, however, when sophisticated marketing practices target potentially at-risk consumers. Demographic studies clearly show that the percentage of elderly Americans, aged 65 and over, is rising with a corollary increase in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. These facts suggest this may be a group whose defining characteristics make them especially vulnerable. This exploratory study identifies and qualifies persuasive tactics used by several linked nonprofit organizations targeting one elderly Alzheimer’s victim over a 14-month period. The carefully designed direct mail solicitations utilize appeals that engender low elaboration likelihood and peripheral route processing. In addition, there is some evidence that even those appeals that might encourage high elaboration likelihood become heuristic cues for individuals with cognitive decrease. Taken together, the incorporation of multiple tactics within each solicitation, an approach referred to here as shotgunning, may have significant implications for future research and practice in communication, ethics, and public policy.  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国经济、消费高速增长时代的结束,受品牌快速扩张、运营成本快速增长、供需矛盾加剧、市场形势变化以及电子商务快速发展等多方面因素影响,零售企业关店现象频繁出现。零售企业关店是我国零售业结构调整与发展方式转变的一种重要表现,对此要辩证地看待。短期看,关店会导致销售额下降,影响零售企业业绩;但长期看,有利于企业调整战略,提高整体利润率与行业集中度,降低外资零售企业影响力。未来零售业销售渠道将进一步向三四线城市拓展下沉,兼并整合将成为零售业自然规律并促使多业态零售商崛起,价格低廉将不再是网络销售的优势,网络销售必须依靠便捷省时、货品丰富齐全来吸引消费者,实体店将逐步演变为全体验性业态,以更好地适应消费者全体验性消费的需求。在我国零售业调结构转方式的大背景下,零售企业必须适应市场需求,努力提高单店效益,以更好地实现调结构转方式的目标;必须转变商业运作模式,改变营销思路,打造新的营销模式,开展多渠道营销;必须适应市场形势,线上线下相互配合,及时调整发展战略。  相似文献   

零售企业连锁扩张的边界分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售企业通过分店复制方式(连锁经营)实施规模扩张的行为,在取得规模收益的同时放大了系统风险。企业控制幅度增加而引起的管理成本,委托代理关系而产生的组织协调成本,企业在跨区域适应过程中的学习成本,这些构成了零售企业规模扩张的硬性约束。本文在深入探究连锁企业扩张的经济学成因的基础上,通过构建企业最优化决策模型得出了零售企业连锁扩张的最佳规模边界。  相似文献   

The considerable power of the repeated message leads observational learning theoriests to maintain that television messages have significant impact upon viewers. Television advertisements typically present quick and easy solutions to problems, thus discouraging careful, step-by-step decision making. Consumers who come to expect easy solutions may suffer disillusionment if they extend those lessons to more complex problem solving. This study documents the pervasive problem-resolution format presented in television commercials and draws implications about consumer behavior.  相似文献   

政府规制行为异化的理论分析--以中国零售业为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在开放条件下,为提高本土零售业对外资的抗衡能力,政府本应采取一定的产业保护政策,并对外资的不正当竞争行为进行规制;但事实上,部分地方政府却对外资进入给予“超国民待遇”。本文对地方政府规制行为异化的根源进行的理论分析认为:地方政府规制行为异化与政府规制机构的产生、人员的任命与构成、政绩的评价体系以及本土零售业的多数劣势有关。文章最后分析了WTO架构下政府对零售业的规制选择。  相似文献   

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