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国内学者在旅游时间序列的季节性特征方面具有广泛的研究,但多数是从纵向时间角度分析旅游时间序列自身较为外显的季节性特征,而对旅游时间序列自身相对较为隐性的季节性特征到目前为止鲜有研究.基于此,文章以城市入境旅游时间序列为例,从季节性单位根入手,通过分析杭州市入境旅游人天样本数据,获得杭州入境旅游时间序列的隐性季节特征.研究结果表明,杭州入境旅游人天数据时间序列是一个非平稳性的随机季节过程,其季节性特征显著,具有一个非季节性单位根以及5个季节性单位根.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study of the nature of the New Zealand heritage trails programme run by the New Zealand Natural Heritage Foundation. Established in 1988, the Foundation has developed a programme of heritage tourism products that seek to integrate environmental and cultural education with the tourist experience. The case study focuses on the means by which stakeholders, particularly the Maori people, were incorporated into the product development and how this has assisted in ensuring that the product is acceptable to both host and guest.  相似文献   

黎巎 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):62-72
我国旅游景区内部客流管理一直以来都没有得到应有的重视。通过对颐和园景区"五一"小长假和"十一"黄金周客流持续2年的实际观测,采用基于Agent的仿真建模方法,构建了游客到达、游客移动、游客停留等景区游客基本行为模型及其仿真运行环境——基于Agent的景区游客行为仿真系统。系统的正确性验证表明,仿真系统的输出数据能够反映景区各停留点游客数量的真实情况;系统的灵敏性验证表明,入口游客数、游客在景点的停留时间以及流向景点方向的客流量3个参数能够引起仿真系统各景点游客数量的灵敏变化。所建系统能够预测景区客流的时空分布,能够通过变换仿真参数值进行各种客流调控措施的仿真实验,并给出具体调控参数以支持景区管理者的客流管理实践。  相似文献   

Little has been written in tourism on what happens once sustainable limits have been set and met. This paper introduces 'demarketing' as a policy option and management tool, outlining the literature in this field. First coined by Kotler in the early 1970s, it was presented as an aspect of the marketing mix. Demarketing has been applied successfully (if somewhat controversially) in the health sector as a means for reducing smoking and inappropriate health careconsumption. However, the strategy itself can be taken beyond health and marketing and applied to tourist management and planning. The implications for the tourism industry are enormous, providing fresh ways to consider the management of mass tourism and the environment and culture on which it relies. While aspects of demarketing have been used unconsciously in tourism operations such as man-made attractions and national park management systems, this paper looks at demarketing's potential as a conscious policy tool within the built and natural environmental management spheres, specifically in relation to visitor management and tourism. Studies of the planning and management of selected tourism environments in Australia and North America demonstrate the potential of demarketing as a management tool.  相似文献   

This paper documents major solid waste minimisation (SWM) practices, challenges, and recommendations identified in an environmental sustainability case study. The analysis was performed in the 3,530 room Flamingo Hilton Resort and Casino (LVFH) in Las Vegas,Nevada,USA.The city's 29 million tourists a year leave behind mountains of dollars... and garbage. The main research contributions are the SWM hierarchy, and the study's documentation of corporate actions and attitudes relating to waste minimisation in an urban tourism setting. Resort areas studied ranged from reprographics to guest rooms. Selected findings and recommendations of this study are presented according to a five level hierarchy for waste minimisation, from most to least critical. The first and most fundamental hierarchy level is commitment to environmental goals such as conservation and environmental protection from tourism's negative impacts. Levels two through four are critical sub-strategies of source reduction. Level two necessitates applying eco-intelligence within purchasing policies and activities. Level three involves the source reduction principles of using and wasting less through such practices as using electronic communications. Re-fillable packaging is an example of level four; re-use. To avoid final disposal, level five requires recycling.  相似文献   


Wine tourism is an important niche activity for which participant needs and motivations have been somewhat under-researched. This paper describes a case study investigation to evaluate the nature of buyer/seller relationships that evolve in a wine tourism setting. Visitors to three small New Zealand wineries were interviewed to gather data relating to their lifestyle behaviors and their attitudes towards the wine tourism experience, and factor analysis used to categorize these visitors in terms of the List of Values typology of lifestyle characteristics. Results indicate that the 'achiever' and 'funlover' segments are well represented amongst winery visitors, but that there is an appreciably lower incidence of 'belonger' personalities. Implications of these findings for the wine tourism industry are considered.  相似文献   

This paper offers an analysis of tourism as a cultural domain through a combination of hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling procedures not previously used together in touristic studies. The data for the study were gathered from interviews with 89 tourists who completed a card-sorting task for fifty items selected as representative of the range of real behavioral choices available to visitors to the Taos region. The two solutions presented, based on the U-statistic and the KYST program, are in reasonably good agreement and also correlate well with an earlier analysis reported in this journal (Kemper 1979). The approach used here not only enhances ethnographic understanding of tourism as a cultural domain and complements field research carried out using more traditional participant-observation and survey interview methodologies, but also offers a number of valuable applications for conceptualizing and marketing tourism.  相似文献   

在体验经济时代,旅游及其产品被赋予了更深的内涵和更高的期待,而在现实开发中却存在很大的不足。针对这种不平衡性,本文在旅游与体验的内在关系分析基础上。以古村落旅游产品开发为例,提出了旅游产品体验化创新的系统框架,并具体阐述了旅游产品体验化设计的一系列新方法、新途径。  相似文献   

In light of increasing global competition amongst international cruise destinations; growing demand for cruise tourism; and the lack of empirical studies on the “real” destination experience, satisfaction, and intentions to return and recommend (i.e., cruise destination loyalty), the current study investigates cruise visitor satisfaction, cruise destination experience, and the resulting behavioral intention as it relates to the cruise destination of Aruba, Dutch Caribbean. Because of increased reliance of small island economies on cruise tourism receipts and visitor expenditures, cruise ports throughout the Caribbean are seeking ways to improve the quality of destination services and experiences. Results indicate that cruise visitors are satisfied with their visit to Aruba and that overall destination experience in addition to satisfaction, were found to be significant predictors of cruise visitor loyalty.  相似文献   

奖励旅游产品实施效应研究--以重庆奖励旅游市场为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董媛 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):33-36
国外奖励旅游市场已然成熟,而国内发展则刚刚起步,奖励旅游使用者的感知效应有所偏差.本文以重庆奖励旅游市场为例,通过对该地目标企业的问卷调查,用实证的方法说明了奖励旅游在发展过程中的问题和原因,并从微观层面提出建议,以期加快我国奖励旅游市场的繁荣.  相似文献   

The World Tourism Organisation (WTO) established a set of core indicators of sustainable tourism in 1995, which were promoted as a useful tool in the operationalisation of sustainable tourism development. Local authorities provide an established framework within which to operationalise the WTO's core indicators of sustainable tourism. This paper examines the extent to which sustainable tourism is reflected in the research practices and attitudes of local authorities within New Zealand. A nationwide survey investigated the importance of tourism, the current status of research and the perceived value of the WTO's core indicators of sustainable tourism within the New Zealand local authority framework (regional councils, territorial local authorities and regional tourism organisations). The importance of tourism within local authority areas was positively correlated with the number of different research activities undertaken.Two main types of research were identified: demand-related and supply-related research. Demand -related research is undertaken within the majority of local authority areas throughout New Zealand. However, supply-related research is under-represented. The WTO's core indicators were generically grouped into economic, planning, social and ecological indicator types. Regional councils showed a preference towards ecological indicators. Territorial local authorities and regional tourism organisations preferred economic and social indicators. The detailed implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project that examined ecotourism visitor experiences in Aotearoa/New Zealand and whether or not those experiences challenged visitors to consider environmental issues. Twelve study sites in three nationwide geographical clusters were drawn from a comprehensive database of 479 eco/nature tourism operations based on each operation fulfilling 14 selection criteria. The operations offer maximum variation in the ecotourism experiences that they provide. The qualitative research methods implemented at these sites are described. Observational and interview data were employed to critically assess the visitor experiences reported at the study sites. Five important aspects of the visitor experience emerged from data analysis. These were considered to be effective in drawing visitor attention to environmental issues of relevance. The results indicate that ecotourism visitor experiences may be an effective medium via which environmental values may be influenced.  相似文献   

This study analyzes visitor book entries as cultural repositories of guest-generated hospitality discourses to understand how guests articulate/narrativize hospitality. Inquiry into visitor book entries offers insight into ways in which tourists render people and place intelligible. Utilizing textual analysis, this study examines discursive entries contained within visitor books displayed at a traditional South Korean hanok guesthouse/commercial home. The findings indicate that tourists' entries could be classified into three emergent categories: Structural Esthetics, Emotions/Affective State, and Inter-personal Engagement. Guests' entries indicated that there was an appreciation for the display of traditional architecture, which facilitated sentiments of relaxation, contentment, tranquility, and homeliness. The hanok is thus regarded as a therapeutic landscape in which positive emotions are nurtured. Guests' entries also showcased evidence of genuine and personalized exchanges with hosts. This study points to the need for further theorizations on the role of indigenous knowledge in informing the performance and reception of hospitality.  相似文献   

Cultural tourism constitutes an alternative strategy of sustainable urban development for improving quality of life. The main objective of this type of tourism is to transform regions characterized by cultural resources into ideal places for vacation, residence or business. In this study residents' perceptions of cultural tourism were examined in a case study of Gwangju, Korea. It was found that the majority of the respondents were aware of the importance of cultural tourism and that they argued that it could contribute to urban development. The findings also suggest that there is a strong relationship between the respondents' characteristics and their perceptions of the impact of cultural tourism on urban development.  相似文献   

以电影/戏剧作为推动地方旅游的策略与效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
媒介旅游意指媒体将某地以书籍、电视节目和电影的方式呈现,将特定景点塑造为具有故事性、吸引游客前往体验的一种手法.如电影<罗马假日>中女主角吃冰淇淋的西班牙台阶、男主角假装手被咬断的真理之口、许愿池等均成为游客到罗马的必游景点.<抢救雷恩大兵>上映后到诺曼底的美国游客增加40%,<欲望城市>使得一条原不起眼的纽约街道与餐厅成为游客的最爱,更遑论近年来随着偶像剧风行带动的日韩之旅.此种媒体操作带动旅游景点的运作,近年的韩国是最佳案例;韩国以文化、电影、戏剧打入台湾市场,也造就了台湾人出境赴韩的"奇迹".本文先以<魔戒>与韩剧两类电影与戏剧的案例来探讨其对旅游产生的效应,并再以韩剧为例,深入探讨政府在地方旅游上所扮演的角色及执行的手法策略,给欲推动地方旅游的相关单位提供参考.  相似文献   


As interest in the varying applications of Internet technology has expanded in recent years, so have discussions concerning the relative merits of this medium as a credible means for conducting market survey research. Proponents of this form of on-line surveying claim that as the Internet becomes more universally accepted as a means of communication, its utility for survey purposes will be largely related to its ability to conduct some forms of research faster, better, and more conclusively than other more traditional methods of interviewing. Other supporters highlight the approach's potential research advantages with respect to gaining access to especially difficult-to-find populations, its cost effectiveness from a data collection perspective, and its speed of interaction with respondent populations. Conversely, other researchers express more cautionary perspectives and emphasize that Internet survey methods tend to suffer many of the same shortcomings as those associated with more traditional survey methods: inappropriateness for communication with specific audiences, control over sample representativeness, “self-selection” biases and response turn-around time. As with other emerging market survey research tools, there is a need to systematically explore the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives in the context of specific research situations. This research examines issues of sample representativeness, “self selection” or non-response bias, and appropriateness of the survey techniques in the context of advertising tracking research. It does this by comparing the socio-economic and behavioral traits of Internet and traditional (telephone and mail) survey respondents participating in a tourism advertisement tracking study in Canada.  相似文献   

都市旅游研究:多维透视与发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘住  樊小兰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(1):26-29
都市旅游的发展是与时俱进的.本文运用多学科、跨学科的方法论判明其发展的态势,剖析其多维的特质,探讨其模式的转化,并提出深度开发的对策,以冀用科学的发展观来把握未来都市旅游发展的脉搏.  相似文献   

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