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This study explores South African managers' expectations of prospective South African-United States international joint ventures. One hundred and three middle level South African managers responded to a theory-based original survey questionnaire that included questions about various aspects of prospective US-South African joint ventures. US companies invest in South Africa to gain access to its market and South African companies get into joint ventures with US companies to tap into their financial resources. US government's imposed tariffs and South African government's administrative barriers seem to be the most crucial problems for the prospective joint ventures. Implications for international managers are offered.  相似文献   

The choice of entry mode in foreign markets is an important strategic decision with major consequences for the success of international new ventures (INVs). It is generally accepted that these firms choose relatively low-resource commitment entry modes to operate in foreign markets. Nevertheless, some researchers have suggested that higher resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets also seem to be competitive strategies for INVs. In this study, from a marketing/international entrepreneurship interface perspective and focusing on organizational issues, we center our attention on international market orientation as a neglected yet important factor in INVs’ choice of higher resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets. We suggest that an entrepreneurial orientation and the timing of international entry are important correlates to an international market orientation. We also suggest that the international learning effort of INVs through their international market orientation has a direct, positive impact on the resources these companies commit to their foreign markets through the use of higher resource commitment entry modes. Accordingly, the model proposes a positive effect of entrepreneurial orientation and early international entry on international market orientation which, in turn, is positively related to higher resource commitment entry modes. The hypotheses were tested on country-level data from Spain, using a structural equation model to analyze relationships between the latent variables.This study extends previous international entrepreneurship research, including insights on antecedents of international new ventures’ choice of resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets. The paper also goes further than previous international entrepreneurship research, by addressing the strategic consequences of rapid entry into foreign markets. Additionally, the results of this work encourage international entrepreneurs to look beyond the explicit value of experiential market knowledge to realize the potential value of international market orientation as an antecedent to higher resource commitment entry modes.  相似文献   

This paper explores how marketing capabilities contribute to the international expansion of international new ventures, and influence their choice of entry mode. The study examines how marketing capabilities help international new ventures to use entry modes involving higher resource commitment in international markets. The proposed model was tested on country-level data from Spain. The results show that marketing capabilities contribute to a firm's decision to choose entry modes involving higher resource commitment in foreign markets. The paper also includes insights on antecedents of international new ventures’ choice of entry modes in foreign markets.  相似文献   


This article investigates the role of international joint venture strategy of five multinational enterprises in the Russian construction market. Joint ventures play a crucial and specific role for these firms’ strategy in Russia: They serve both as an entry mode and a postentry strategy; facilitate business and guide foreign investors; increase efficiency for further strategy; and help international construction firms overcome the environmental deficiencies. Findings of the article bolster the theory by stressing the facilitating effect of joint venture upon challenges and problems that Western firms meet in emerging market in contrast with more developed economies.  相似文献   

This empirical paper studies how MNEs from developing and emerging markets may learn through their choice of entry mode and subsidiary network configuration, and use this knowledge to increase their responsiveness to pro-market reforms in their home market. The paper proposes that entry modes and network configurations that facilitate knowledge acquisition provide firms from developing countries an advantage when responding to such institutional changes. The analyses use data for the largest Latin American companies from 1989 to 2008. The findings provide evidence for a positive moderating effect of equity international joint ventures, international acquisitions, and subsidiary network centrality closeness on the relationship between reforms and profitability.  相似文献   


This paper examines differences in the resource profile and experience of Sino-foreign joint ventures located in the two sectors: non-consumer electronics and fast moving consumer goods [FMCG]. It identifies key dimensions along which the two sectors differ and considers the implications for joint ventures. The impact of sectoral differences suggests that the industrial sector of China into which a foreign company invests is of consequence, especially for the business priorities of Chinese partners and for the ease with which a joint venture can be managed through the foreign partner's corporate network. Foreign partners are likely to find more flexibility, and a greater opportunity to influence joint venture management in the FMCG sector compared with non-consumer electronic sector. The physical and infrastructural features of the sectors appear to be particularly consequential for managing an investment in China, and they may be more significant than institutional factors.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore several factors affecting the amount of control that foreign companies have over their joint ventures in China. Managers working in sixty-seven international joint ventures were asked to report the share of equity held by the Chinese and foreign partners; the extent to which each partner had contributed important non-capital resources; the ratio of IJV board members appointed by each partner; the nationality of managers holding key executive positions in the IJVs; and the amount of strategic and operational control that each partner enjoyed. Results showed that equity share is the major lever for the exercise of strategic control and also influences operational control through its effects on the appointment of board members and appointments to key executive positions. Results also showed that providing non-capital resources has a direct effect on operational control in addition to its indirect effect through appointments to key executive positions.  相似文献   


This study took an integrated approach to managerial control in international joint ventures (IJVs). The various control mechanisms used in U.S.-Chinese joint ventures were examined. The linkage between control and performance was empirically tested using a sample of U.S.-Chinese joint ventures established in China during the period of 1979–1989. The findings support the hypothesis that effective managerial control exercised by the U.S. partner over the joint venture operation is positively related to its performance. U.S.-dominant joint ventures significantly outperformed Chinese-dominant joint ventures, but no significant performance differences were found between U.S.-dominant joint ventures and shared management joint ventures.  相似文献   

International joint ventures (IJVs) and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFOEs) are the two major competing modes of Chinese market entry for foreign investors. However, the financial performance of and relative financial efficacy between the two modes have not been researched. The present study utilizes firmspecific financial data and examines financial ratios and characteristics of IJVs and WFOEs in the current Chinese financial environment. Results of this study reveal that the WFOE is superior to the IJV in terms of asset efficiency, financial risk aversion, and export growth whereas the IJV outperforms the WFOE with respect to local market growth and environment adaptation. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the differences in ethical perceptions of Australian and Hong Kong international managers. Ethical perceptions are measured with respect to different industry types, cultures and modes of entry into international markets. Mode of entry refers to how firms select to enter foreign markets. Modes of entry include: exporting (indirect or direct), contractual methods (licensing and franchising) and via direct foreign investment (joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries). It was determined that culture and mode of entry have a significant effect on the perception of ethical problems.Robert Armstrong is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Research Associate of the Asia Research Centre at Murdoch University. His prior experience includes: industrial management, marketing research and corporate planning. His research and consulting interests are centred in the areas of international marketing ethics and services marketing.Jill Sweeney is a Senior Tutor at Murdoch University and is currently working on a doctorate. Jill's chief research interests are in the areas of services marketing and marketing ethics.  相似文献   


This study reports findings of a survey including 139 Finnish and 97 Austrian companies active in Eastern Europe. The study focuses on two major areas in the firm's business activities in Eastern Europe, namely on market strategies-the timing of market entry, market selection, entry modes and motives-and company performance. The number of market entries has increased after the transition, but the majority of business activities still take place in geographically-close countries. Companies have gradually started to use more high-commitment modes of operation, but contrary to our expectations, high commitment modes were also frequently used in more unstable markets. Company performance in Russia and especially in other countries of Eastern Europe was in general clearly lower than in domestic markets and foreign markets in general. Against expectations, firm size, dependence on international markets, length of operation, and mode of operation in Eastern Europe did not significantly influence the performance. However, firms which concentrated on Russian markets on a continuous basis performed much better than other firms.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on intra- and inter-firm knowledge transfer by examining knowledge acquisition by Korean international joint ventures from their foreign parents. A conceptual model is presented which identifies the factors that have been found to influence knowledge transfer, organised into variables related to the local recipient firm, the foreign sender firm and the relationship between the two. The model is examined by means of a series of multiple regressions using a sample of 128 Korean international joint ventures. We find that: (1) the international joint ventures intent to learn and international experience; (2) the level of trust between parents and their business relatedness; and (3) the active managerial engagement of the foreign parent are the most important factors explaining the level of knowledge acquisition within the international joint ventures.  相似文献   


This paper contends that a range of questions arising from the geographical and organizational dynamics of international retail joint ventures have been bypassed by studies in the international retail field. It argues that, despite its importance as a corporate growth strategy, comparatively less is known about the way in which retailers have employed joint ventures in international markets. Based on a review of the literature and illustrated with examples of international retail joint venturing activity, this paper reveals several gaps in our understanding of the internationalization process of retail firms. Suggestions for further research are made throughout the paper on the basis of gaps in the retailer internationalization literature.  相似文献   


The article focuses on the relational contextual variables (i.e., relationship commitment, trust, and relative power) of conflict resolution strategies (problem-solving, compromising, legalism, and forcing). The hypotheses are tested with two samples of managers-Mainland Chinese and Asians (e.g., Japan, Korean Hong Kong, and Taiwan), who are involved in joint ventures operating in China. The findings have important implications for theory development in relationship marketing and for managing international strategic alliances.  相似文献   

Recent Chinese growth and development has had a tremendous impact on the world economy, especially in terms of the absorption of a significant amount of global foreign direct investment (FDI). Most of this FDI has taken the form of joint ventures between local and foreign firms. Some researchers typically see this as a race by local firms to learn from and eventually outperform foreign firms. The aim of this paper is to explore the evolving experiences, concerning acquired knowledge, resourcing, and control activities, of managers in Sino-Swedish joint ventures. For this purpose, a theoretical framework based on Buckley, P. J., Glaister, K. W., and Husa, R. [(2002). International Joint Ventures: Partnering skills and cross-cultural issues. Long Range Planning, 35, 113–134] and Child, J., and Yan, Y. [(2003). Predicting the performance of International Joint Ventures: An investigation in China. Journal of Management Studies, 40(2)] is developed. Within this framework—The Actor Oriented Approach—four propositions emerge. These are then tested against nine Swedish cases in China. The cases are based on data from a study of Swedish expatriate CEOs. Based on the findings a five stage, sequential approach to foreign firm entry and evolution into foreign markets is constructed. The paper concludes with a discussion of the model's more general applicability and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

While the interest in investing in Africa is rising, the know‐how of business on the continent is very limited. There have been only recently few special issues focusing on sub‐Saharan Africa in the top international business journals: “Sub‐Saharan Africa at a key inflection point” (Thunderbird International Business Review 2009); “Contemporary developments in the management of human resources in Africa” (Journal of World Business 2011); “Contemporary challenges and opportunities of doing business in Africa” (Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2016); “Critical perspectives on international business in Africa (Critical Perspectives on International Business 2016); “Strategic Management in Africa (Global Strategy Journal, 2017); and “The internationalization of African firms (Thunderbird International Business Review 2016). The aim of this special issue is to advance understanding of international business in Africa and specifically focus on how foreign firms enter African markets via acquisitions and international joint ventures and extend knowledge of these market entry strategies and performance in Africa for research and for foreign firms intending to, or currently doing business in Africa. This guest editorial provides a summary of the five articles and one book review in this special issue categorized into three broad thematic issues: International joint ventures and acquisitions as market entry strategies in Africa; cross‐border investments of African firms; and theoretical underpinnings.  相似文献   

近几年外商在中外合资合作企业中当年未按合同出资的比例占40%和50%左右,违约行为相当严重。本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。该研究对我国企业和政府具有借鉴意义,有助于我国企业更正以往的错误操作,确定合理的合资合作策略,同时有助于政府明确管理合资合作经营的政策取向。  相似文献   

How do partially aligned entry modes predicted through theoretically pluralistic frameworks perform in terms of longevity? We build on transaction costs and neo-institutional economics and use event history method and Vietnamese data on 3835 joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries established by foreign firms from 1987 to 2008 to answer this question. We find that survival rates for entry modes that are partially aligned to transactional and institutional factors differ for JV- and WOS-based entries. We provide new evidence for the predictive power of the transactional and institutional approach for entry mode choice, performance, and survival in transition economies.  相似文献   


This paper examines the experience of a large Australian company, Amcor Ltd., in establishing and operating a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China. Amcor has made a deliberate decision to reject the joint venture option, which has been by far the most common form of foreign investment in China, and to instead proceed with directly establishing a WFOE. Problems experienced by Amcor will be highlighted as well as the ways in which these problems have been overcome, providing a valuable framework for other foreign companies wishing to pursue the WFOE market entry option.  相似文献   

In China one of the most effective means of attracting foreign capital to undertake its four modernizations is through the creation of joint ventures. The Chinese are striving for pragmatic results and emphasize that joint ventures should provide mutual benefits for both parties. Many joint ventures should provide mutual benefits for both parties. Many joint venture participants from the U.S.A. have become disillusioned and are frustrated by obstacles including government bureaucreatic interference, cultural differences, and a lack of managerial know-how by the Chinese. Based on a survey of 182 Chinese businessmen, 100 of whom engaged in joint ventures, it is evident that the CHinese share these concerns. Their perceptions provide guidelines for coping with these obstacles and clearly indicate the importance of "quanxi" in attaining the goals of joint ventures.  相似文献   

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