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充分利用WTO教育服务贸易大力推进高等教育国际化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了顺应中国加入WTO形势,充分利用WT0教育服务贸易,大力推进高等教育国际化,我们必须学习WT0教育服务贸易知识,分析入世后给我国高等教育带来的机遇和挑战,研究我国高等教育应对WT0的措施。  相似文献   


The present case study describes how the founding, by faculty, of a nonprofit organization has aided marketing instructors (and instructors other disciplines) in teaching students to understand and apply marketing (and other business) theories in a “real-world” environment. To that end, the case study is organized as follows. First, it offers a short discussion on the pros and cons of working with for-profit versus nonprofit organizations to add value to the learning experience for students. Second, it describes the benefits and drawbacks instructors and/or students have experienced from starting their own nonprofit organization as a teaching or learning tool to help translate marketing theory into marketing application.  相似文献   

Given the multiplicity of “customers” in the nonprofit sector, the need for nonprofits to ensure that quality service delivery matches customer expectations is difficult yet paramount. Nonprofit organizations serve several constituent groups: the service recipient, donor, volunteer, and general public at large. While each constituent group may not be perceived as a customer in the general sense, each group is making quality assessments that may affect performance evaluations, donations, volunteerism, and brand equity decisions. Hypothesis support was found, distinguishing between the importance of the different SERVQUAL dimensions and the perspective roles played within the nonprofit scenarios. Respondents playing the role of volunteer rated Empathy and Assurance highest and Tangibles lowest. Respondents playing the role of donor rated Reliability and Tangibles highest and Empathy lowest. Respondents playing the role of recipients rated Empathy and Responsiveness highest and Tangibles lowest. Finally, respondents playing the role of volunteer rated Assurance and Reliability highest and Tangibles lowest.  相似文献   

朱光福  罗小秋 《中国市场》2008,(49):158-159
搭建高职物流专业工学结合教育平台,创新人才培养模式,有利于更好地实现高职教育的培养目标和教育为社会服务的功能。重庆城市管理职业学院在搭建高职物流专业工学结合教育平台方面大胆实践,成效明显。  相似文献   

对大学生进行创业能力培养与教育,是知识经济时代培养大学生创业精神和创造能力的需要,也是以人为本构建和谐社会的需要。  相似文献   

Relations between and changeability of goal orientation and learning behavior have been studied in several domains and contexts. To alter the adopted goal orientation into a mastery orientation and increase a concomitant deep learning in international business students, a sustainable feedback intervention study was carried out. Sustainable feedback implies acknowledgment of students’ need to be actively involved in their own feedback process. First, relations between and changeability of the concepts found in previous research were validated. Second, the effects of the sustainable feedback intervention were analyzed. Although sustainable feedback helped mastery-oriented learners maintain deep learning, it did not directly influence their goal orientations.  相似文献   

This empirical study reports the implementation and assessment of service learning in management education. Principles of Management students worked in teams to support Campus Kitchens, a national program affiliated with colleges and universities, in recovering surplus food and delivering it to community members. Student perceptions regarding civic engagement and social responsibility, application of skills, and professional development were assessed. Two complete cycles of implementation and assessment are chronicled. The sample size for Cycle 1 was 123 students and for Cycle 2 the sample size was 91 students. The authors describe how empirical as well as anecdotal data drove the changes made to improve the service-learning experience.  相似文献   

在GATS框架下,高等教育服务贸易发展呈现出进一步扩大和自由化的趋势,对高等教育服务贸易的承诺在诸多方面影响着我国高等教育的发展。目前,我国高等教育出现了明显的商业化倾向,而且《服务贸易总协定》也把跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动等高等教育服务方式涵盖在其中。为了应对加入WTO后给我国高等教育带来的冲击,我国应该重视网络高等教育的发展,增加优质的高等教育资源供给,缓解高等教育投资供给和需求的矛盾,扩大中外合作办学的规模,并关注发展中国家与发达国家的学历相互认可和学历标准化问题,以提高我国高校的国际地位,扩大国际生源。  相似文献   

高等教育发展水平是一国教育发展乃至经济社会发展水平的集中体现,我国高等教育发展实现了历史性的跨越,在国民经济中的地位和作用日益凸显,但由于既有的历史原因和快速发展中的偏离,高等教育结构、区域布局、教育供求等矛盾显现,大力推进我国高等教育和谐发展是当前的一项紧迫任务,必须在结构优化、布局调整、科学管理等方面施以强有力的政策干预。  相似文献   

Service learning has been used to supplement a standard business curriculum, but not typically in an international business context. We report the results of two short-term study abroad programs in which we incorporated service learning projects, one in Cambodia and the other in Vietnam. Our objective is to assess how we organized and delivered effective service learning projects in short-term study tours, and to assess students’ learning outcomes on global poverty issues in a business curriculum. We used both quantitative and qualitative assessment measures. The findings suggest that several types of learning outcomes did occur through the service learning projects, as the literature suggested. Seeing poverty firsthand and doing something about it through service learning may be a first experience for many students, but it seems to be a transformational one for many. We conclude that students may approach business and even political decisions with a greater understanding of their impact on poverty in the developing world.  相似文献   

Brand orientation has been recognized as having a positive impact on organizational performance in both commercial and nonprofit sectors. However, limited studies have examined the moderating effects of brand orientation in the nonprofit sector, particularly in the higher education context. This study attempts to examine the construct of brand orientation from the perspective of the students and examine its moderating role on the relationship between service quality, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication behavior. Two hundred and fifty-eight questionnaires were completed by undergraduate students of an Australian university. The study found that students’ perception of a university’s brand orientation significantly moderates the relationship between service quality, loyalty, and WOM communication behavior. Significant managerial and theoretical implications were identified.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深入发展以及我国正式加入WTO,高等教育将面临一系列挑战,其中最大的挑战就是在日趋激烈的国际竞争背景中,如何通过提升自己的国际竞争力来增强我国的综合国力.文章主要探讨经济全球化与高等教育国际化之间的必然联系,高等教育国际化对中国高等教育的积极影响以及中国所应采取的对策.  相似文献   

本文利用统计学中变量选择法和模型选择法并依托R语言计算能力分别建立ARIMA模型和动态回归模型.由于对ARIMA模型进行了交叉验证,令人满意的预测结果表明,利用该模型进一步预测得到中国今后几年出国留学人数增长趋势将放缓的结论具有合理性.动态回归模型则对影响出国留学人数的主要因素之重要性进行度量,说明影响中国高等教育服务进口的主要因素按其重要性排序依次是国内就业压力、高校毕业生人数和人均可支配收入.进一步分析则说明中国高等教育行业在全球范围内竞争力不足是导致服务进口居高不下的最主要原因.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化背景下,提高思想政治教育的针对性、实效性对保证高等教育的质量有重要意义.高校思想政治教育需要根据新的社会环境和大学生主体的新特点革新观念,坚持理论创新和实践创新,从而使高校思想政治教育工作取得真正的实效.  相似文献   

运用心理艺术是有效解决当前高校思想政治工作所面临问题的新手段和新方法。通过运用其情、情感激励、倾听、情景设计以及群体心理与暗示等心理艺术,可充分提高高校思想政治工作的针对性和有效性,积极预防和化解学生的各种心理矛盾,促进学生身心健康发展。因此,心理艺术在高校思想政治工作中的应用价值和潜力巨大。  相似文献   

郝盼 《北方经贸》2014,(2):32-33,36
高等教育与区域经济发展相互促进、相互制约。谋求高等教育与区域经济发展实现互动、双赢,是全球经济一体化背景下的客观要求。针对高等教育与区域经济互动发展的现状,提出应产学研结合,创建大学科技园;以区域经济发展人才需求为导向,调整高等院校办学定位;发挥高校人才集聚的扩散效应,提升区域创新能力;推动高等院校开展创业教育;服务区域经济发展。  相似文献   

伴随着中国民用航空市场大众化和民航运输服务贸易全球化,中国民航客舱服务对象文化背景多元化趋势日益明显。如何应对各种文化差异及由此所引发的文化冲击和沟通障碍、冲突和误解,已成为中国民航客舱服务职业培养亟待解决的新课题。本文着力探讨文化差异对民航客舱服务影响,探寻文化差异背景条件下的跨文化客舱服务对策,以利于推动中国民航客舱服务职业队伍培养质量的不断提升。  相似文献   

The role of business ethics within higher education is often discussed in relation to its relevance to the business context. However, this paper is concerned with the link between business ethics and Ronald Barnett's conception of a higher education. It is argued that business ethics is the best placed subject within the business curriculum to facilitate 'critical interdisciplinarity'; to enable students to think critically about the business knowledge they already possess drawing on philosophical and sociological perspectives. The legitimacy of the business curriculum within higher education remains a contentious issue. Business ethics has a central role to play in reconciling the business curriculum with notions of a liberal higher education. It is crucial to retain the 'critical' or 'subversive' role of business ethics to counter-balance the dominant 'managerialist' perspective of the business curriculum and demonstrate that the study of business can help fulfil expectations that a higher education in business can be 'emancipatory'.  相似文献   

市场化以自由公平竞争为中心。目标是建立起一套有效运作的市场制度。随着高等教育日趋市场化发展,我国高等教育市场化还存在社会心理影响、知识体系冲击、公平与效率权衡以及二元经济条件制约等方面的限制性。本文试图从我国高等教育的内容和必要性、可行性、限制性等方面来剖析高等教育市场化的多面性,提供多角度的思考。  相似文献   

目前中国就业压力明显趋于增大 ,结构性失业和不充分就业问题也趋于恶化 ;在总需求不足的宏观背景下 ,高等教育需求却长盛不衰 ,且严重供不应求。提出了通过制度创新来扩张高等教育产业以治理结构性失业的构想。  相似文献   

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