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With Americans spending up to 13% of their income on grocery shopping, smart shopping can help a typical family save. Many scholars have studied the effects on market share and profits from changing market share using the Markov model, and also studied the competitive strategies of grocery retailers under these conditions. While the forecast of the steady state is highly useful, examining the transition periods before the steady state is reached is also useful. In these transition periods, a retailer may opt for a new competitive strategy; therefore, the transition periods may provide greater insight into the dynamics of the competitive response. More attention should be paid to the revenues for groceries in transition periods before a steady state is reached—especially in markets dominated by retail giants, such as Wal-Mart. This study attempts to model that phenomenon and to explore appropriate competitive strategies. 相似文献
文章在分析我国旅游餐饮市场信用缺失的特点、危害的基础上,运用博弈矩阵模型对旅游餐饮市场信用缺失与政府监管的关系进行了剖析,认为在政府缺位的情况下,旅游餐饮商家为了经济利益将始终采取欺客宰客行为。所以,政府对旅游餐饮市场的干预和监管是必须的。政府应不断完善法规和管理制度、提升监管技术水平并加大对欺诈行为的制裁力度。 相似文献
The Impact of Frequent Shopper Programs in Grocery Retailing 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Frequent shopper programs are becoming ubiquitous in retailing. Retailers seem unsure however about whether these programs are leading to higher loyalty, or to higher profits. In this paper we analyze data from a U.S. supermarket chain that has used a number of frequent shopper rewards to improve sales and profitability. We find that while these programs are profitable, this is only because substantial incremental sales to casual shoppers (cherry pickers) offset subsidies to already loyal customers. In this way our findings are inconsistent with existing theories about how frequent shopper programs are supposed to work. We construct our own Hotelling-like model that explicitly models cherry picking behavior and show that its predictions match the data quite closely. We further test the predictions of our model by characterizing the impact of such programs on trip frequency and basket size. We then use the model to examine more complex scenarios. For example, our analysis suggests that frequent shopper programs may be unprofitable if they eliminate all cherry picking. This may explain why some retailers seem dissatisfied with their programs. We end by proposing a solution that retains the benefits of the frequent shopper programs and yet continues to let supermarkets benefit from price discrimination. 相似文献
Food Culture Distance as a Predictor of Foreign Market Selection: The Case of Swedish Food Exporters
Goudarz Azar 《食品市场学杂志》2014,20(1):75-97
The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of dissimilarity in food culture, “food culture distance,” as a predictor of foreign market selection by food exporters. The sample for this study consisted of 96 export ventures by Swedish food companies in 27 international markets. A composite index of the construct food culture distance was calculated and used as a predictor of foreign market attractiveness for food exporters. The findings indicate that food culture distance does positively impact the attractiveness of a foreign market for food exporters, implying that the greater the perceived distance in terms of food culture, the more attractive is the market for food exporters to enter. 相似文献
绿色食品是经权威机构认定使用绿色食品标志的安全、优质、营养食品,我国至今没有形成普遍崇尚和优先选择消费绿色食品的优势市场。文章提出了绿色食品优势市场的概念,并对我国绿色食品优势市场贫瘠的各种制约因素进行了分析,探讨了创建中国绿色食品优势市场有效形成的若干制度机制。 相似文献
在市场经济条件下,小型企业较大中型企业更能对市场的变化做出迅速的反应,满足市场上的各种特殊需求.但小型企业目前普遍存在资金数量少、装备落后、管理水平低的现状.随着我国经济体制改革的逐步深入和加入WTO的日趋临近,如何使企业健康、持续的发展,是各级政府和小型企业自身必须认真对待和解决的问题. 相似文献
我国企业现行采购机制的外部特征是各企业的采购各自为战,企业间缺乏采购环节的联合和沟通,出现重复采购、采购效率低下。为解决这些问题,我国企业正在探讨企业间联合采购的可能性。本论文提出了我国中小型制造企业实施协同供应的模式应是联合采购融合共同配送。本论文通过剖析我国中小型制造企业的供应物流现状,对企业实施协同供应的组织结构、运作管理、资金流管理等方面提出了建议和措施。 相似文献
Ted Lindblom Professor Anders Rimstedt 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(2):171-197
Until recently, restructuring activity in the EU retail industry has primarily been domestically oriented and focused upon growth opportunities in the retailers' home market. Alongside the on-going harmonization and integration of European markets, grocery retailers have become increasingly interested in cross-border integration activity. Although a salient feature of Scandinavian grocery retailing, this (r)evolution of the industry has attracted only minor attention in academic literature. This paper examines the motives and strategies underlying the intensified integration activity of Scandinavian grocery retailers in general and their integration across national as well as industry boundaries, in particular. The analysis of recent integration events displays a fairly balanced distribution between proactive and reactive motives, albeit the former motive tends to dominate in the case of grocery retailers' integration activity across industry borderlines. Above all, the proactive motive has been apparent in many of the recent partnerships established laterally between Scandinavian grocery retailers and other companies. 相似文献
中小企业市场竞争策略的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业在世界各国经济的发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。但由于资金、技术和能力所限以及行业的特殊性,中小企业在市场竞争中往往需要避开与大企业的正面交锋,以保全实力,赢得发展。因此,如何选择恰当的市场竞争策略,选择目标市场开展场竞争,已经成为中小企业实现可持续发展首要问题。 相似文献
我国农产品批发市场食品安全监管策略研究——基于北京市场的经销商调查分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对北京八大农产品批发市场内经销商的食品安全知识、态度、行为进行了问卷调查和分析,认为批发市场内经销商对食品安全问题普遍比较关注,但对相关政策法规的认知程度有限,且对自身的食品安全监管作用认知不足,导致其经营行为不规范,难以对食品安全进行有效控制。为改善目前我国农产品批发市场食品安全现状,提出了理顺部门监管、拓宽信息渠道、规范经销商行为、加强批发市场建设等策略建议。 相似文献
Thomas Hemphill 《Business Economics》2006,41(1):53-58
The Bush administration, through the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs (OMB/OIRA), has shown renewed
interest in regulatory reform as an important public
issue, especially as it pertains to the nation’s manufacturing
sector. On March 9, 2005, OMB/OIRA
announced that Federal agencies will be taking practical
steps of an administrative nature to reduce the cost
burden on manufacturing firms operating in the United
States by acting on 76 suggested reforms of federal regulations
suggested by the public. Recommended actions
range from gathering and reporting additional information
to issuing modernized regulations, with reforms
to be implemented through rulemaking procedures that
include an opportunity for public participation.
JEL Classification L510 相似文献
本文以信息整合理论为依据,将供应商产品特征视为其实施品牌导向的前置变量,并把供应商产品特征划分为产品重要性与产品复杂性两类,探讨不同产品特征与品牌导向的关系。对184家制造型供应商数据进行实证分析,结果发现,供应商产品重要性与品牌导向具有倒U型关系,产品复杂性与品牌导向具有U型关系,同时市场竞争强度会增强上述两组变量间的非线性关系。 相似文献
This paper estimates a simple model of innovation in the
U.S. manufacturing sector and derives summary indicators
of product and process innovation. Our empirical
work reveals that the drivers of innovation extend well beyond
business research and development spending.
Capital investment, cutting-edge scientific output from academic
institutions, and the growth of the science and engineering
workforce all matter. The dynamic structure of
our model suggests that policymakers must look beyond
the short-term when developing and evaluating innovation
initiatives because there can be lags of several years
before inputs are fully realized in innovative performance.
But simple simulations conducted with our equations indicate
that even a modest increase in key innovation inputs
reaps significant benefits.
JEL Classification O31 相似文献
在竞争激烈的市场经济中小业主面临着生存和发展壮大的诸多困难。同行内的小业主集聚在一起组成各种专业市场,则可形成集聚效应。专业市场要实行从物业管理型向功能管理型转变,以独特的方式整合场内小业主的经营活动,将市场做大做强,为小业主的经营与发展创造良好的空间。 相似文献
Abstract The Northeast's share of US food processing activity has decreased significantly over the last three decades as many food processing firms have exited the region and located elsewhere, particularly in the South and the West. This decline has been most severe in New Jersey, the state that is frequently cited as having the most stringent business and regulatory climate in the nation. To investigate why food processors have found the New Jersey environment to be so unfriendly, this study organized focus groups of food processing industry executives, trade organizations and researchers. The findings suggest that the area of environmental and other regulation is the most problematic for food processors. Other areas of concern include, in order of importance, taxation and fiscal problems, economic barriers to development and expansion, high cost of doing business, education, training and labor concerns, communication and public relations, and transportation. Policy makers in New Jersey, and in other northeastern states facing similar food processing declines, interested in the retention and economic development of food processing firms need to be cognizant of the impediments currently constraining the industry. Industry-based public policy recommendations for enhancing the business climate for food processors are presented. 相似文献
Ulf Elg Heli Paavola 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(2):221-233
The role of retail brands has grown gradually and today they are regarded as one of the key strategic factors in the positioning of retail firms. However, developing retail brands that are competitive in terms of price and quality as well as in offering unique and specific values to consumers requires long-term, mutually beneficial retailer–supplier relationships that involve information exchange and a combination of the parties' core competencies and resources. This study investigates inter-firm activities in developing market-oriented retail brands in the grocery chain in four European countries. The aim is to identify critical factors that influence the role of these activities. Factors related to the internal organization, the nature of the supplier relationships and the market structure are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3):59-79
Abstract Increased calls for transparency and accountability in government organizations underscores the need for a market orientation even in the public sector. The degree of market orientation and its effect on performance and on organizational commitment in government departments in three Australian states is considered. Results provide empirical support for a direct relationship between market orientation and performance and evidence of the mediating role of organizational commitment. Implications are drawn and directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
FDI与制造业工资关系的经验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对广东、广西两省2001至2004年制造业27个子行业的数据对FDI进入与当地工资水平之间的关系进行经验研究,结果发现外资公司就业占总就业的比重的上升会提高该行业的平均工资水平,这支持外资公司进入将通过提升行业的技术水平来提高平均工资的假说,而且影响的程度与当地的技术吸收、转化能力正相关.研究还发现资本数量对工资的影响是不确定的,取决于资本数量增加所带来的"收入效应"和资本对劳动的替代效应的大小.此外,研究并没有发现外国资本数量和本国资本数量对平均工资水平的影响有显著的差异. 相似文献
我国中小企业目前在融资方面面临着较大的金融缺口,通过设立创业板市场为其提供外源性资本的融资渠道显得很有必要性。目前从资金的供给、中小企业的融资需求和国内证券市场十几年的发展经验许多方面来看,在我国设立创业板市场的条件已基本具备。但由于创业板市场有诸多不同于主板市场的特征,存在一些困难。所以要采取积极措施克服暂时困难、尽快推出创业板市场 相似文献
中国绿色食品出口国的市场分析与进入战略、方式选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国绿色食品产业和企业出口的迅速发展,对促进“三农”发展发挥着越来越重要的作用。但企业规模偏小,AA级产品和驰名品牌少,市场定位针对性不强及进入战略、方式选择不当等问题。制约着企业向国际市场的进一步开拓和社会经济效益的提高。本文认为,我国绿色食品企业必须加强市场定位分析。提高产品质量和企业信誉,同时鉴于选择投资式进入战略的条件尚不成熟,成本较高,比较适宜选择贸易式和契约式进入方式开拓国际市场,并以渐进式拓展国际市场,其具体方式主要有五种,即在国外注册、认证方式、联盟方式、契约方式、合资方式、境外设点方式等。 相似文献