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Mauritius is an outlier in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of its impressive growth in garment exports since it adopted outward-oriented policies in the early 1980s. Little, however, is known about the role of technological factors in the behaviour of Mauritian garment exporters. Using recent methodological developments in the literature on technological capabilities, this paper explores this issue. It constructs a "technology index" and conducts econometric analysis on factors affecting enterprise-level technological development and export performance in a sample of enterprises. Firm size, technical manpower, training expenditures and external technical assistance are positively related to the technology index, suggesting that investments in human capital and information (both facilitated by size) improve technological performance. The technology index and foreign ownership have positive and significant effects on export performance. The technology index is a robust tool of empirical research and can be used to analyse the technological record of enterprises in adjusting countries.  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in the quantity and quality of international and export marketing research with respect to effective solutions toward export performance. However, an investigation on the impact of marketing strategy and export performance in a single industry is lacking. In addition, the influence of environmental factors to moderate the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance has received little agreement. This research aims to investigate the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance in the Malaysian wooden furniture industry as well as the influence of the moderating role of environmental factors on the relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance. Personal, mail, and phone interview methods were used to measure export marketing strategy, newly developed environmental factor variables (which consist of the global economic situation and certification), and export performance. The findings show that there is no direct relationship between export marketing strategy and export performance. Uniquely, the moderating effect of certification appears to moderate a few relationships between product and promotion adaptation, distribution strategy, design strategy, and target market specification on export performance. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   


This study analyses the factors that determine Turkey's fresh and processed fruit and vegetable exports to the European Union (EU) using a gravity model. Panel data from 1995 to 2001 for 13 EU member countries are utilized. The explanatory variables are GDP, population, distance, Turkish population living in EU member countries, and being non-Mediterranean. Results indicate that the size of the economy, EU population, Turkish population in the EU, and addressing the tastes and preferences of non-Mediterranean countries are significant factors that affect Turkish fruit and vegetable exports. The results suggest that marketing strategies targeting the population of Turkish people in EU countries and non-Mediterranean member countries enhance the export performance of fruit and vegetable exports.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of the overseas direct investment activity of Indian manufacturing enterprises. In general, several firm‐specific characteristics such as age, size, R&D intensity, skill intensity and export orientation are observed to be important explanatory factors in the outward foreign direct investment (O‐FDI) activity of Indian firms. The impact of age and size on O‐FDI has been observed to be non‐linear. The product differentiation activities and the productivity of firms are other useful factors in overseas production expansion in certain industries. The study reveals that the performance of these firm‐specific variables is subject to sectoral dynamics. Internationalization of production activities of Indian firms has been observed to be partly fuelled by policy liberalization during the 1990s.  相似文献   

根据社会资本理论,从社会网络视角,探讨微型茶企社会网络对茶叶营销渠道绩效的影响机制。通过实地调研与深度访谈收集问卷,运用结构方程模型与层次回归分析法对微型茶企社会网络影响茶叶营销渠道绩效的机制进行实证研究。研究结果表明:社会网络维度中网络中心性、网络异质性、网络关系度均对营销渠道绩效有显著的正向影响;渠道稳定性在社会网络对营销渠道绩效的影响中起中介作用;社会信任在渠道稳定性对营销渠道绩效影响中具有调节作用。据此,从构建关系网络维护体系,实现信息资源的高效传递与利用;拓展异质性社会网络,实现信息资源的有效开发和重组;占据社会网络中心位置,实现信息资源的快速交换与整合等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to study the role of the exporting skills of apple exporters in export development. This study showed significantly positively correlation between communicational skills, knowing business rules and regulations, organizational and management skills, selling and marketing skills, skills in customer orientation and presenting high quality services and export knowledge with the export quantity. Correlation coefficient of demographic characteristics and the dependent variable (export quantity) was significantly positive. Results of multivariate regression analyses of export skills showed that 55% of variation in the dependent variable could be explained by three independent variables: recognizing export knowledge, selling and marketing skills, and knowing business rules and regulations. Also, results of multivariate regression analyses of demographic characteristics demonstrated that 42% of variation in dependent variables could be explained by three independent variables: recognizing of participation in export learning classes, age, and experience in apple exporting.  相似文献   

Researchers in economics and strategy have long been interested in understanding the determinants of firm performance. We apply the relatively novel approach of hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) to a large panel of food economy firms to shed new light on the long‐standing debate about the relative importance of industry, corporate parent and business unit effects on firm profits. Our results suggest that business unit and corporate effects are more relevant than industry effects in explaining firm performance differences in the food economy. In addition, we also explore the effect of specific strategic factors on performance within each level of analysis. In particular, we find that business‐segment size, industry barriers to entry, corporate diversification, R&D intensity, capital intensity and resource availability are significant predictor variables that explain firm performance differences. Given the relatively important role of corporate effects and the positive influence of corporate strategic variables on business unit performance, our findings suggest that the environment provided by corporate parents significantly affects business unit profitability. In other words, corporate strategy does matter and thus should continue to draw attention from scholars interested in explaining profitability in the food economy.  相似文献   

Agribusiness firms in small developing countries face a special set of circumstances when formulating strategic marketing decisions. The nature of small economies usually means that agribusiness firms must have a strong export orientation, but they have little influence in the markets to which they export. The potential for domestic market expansion is limited. Information needed for developing export marketing strategies is often lacking, or difficult and expensive to obtain. An associated feature is the high degree of risk in export marketing, caused particularly by the variability in the world markets in which these nations sell their agricultural commodities. The importance of agricultural exports to economic development in these nations means that governments intervene a good deal in the export processes. Hence, government strategic decisions also affect agribusiness export performance. Finally, the number of competing firms is often small because of the smallness of the agricultural economy and the desire by agribusiness firms to avoid severe diseconomies of small size. This set of circumstances is examined in this paper in relation to a number of small South Pacific island nations (SPINS). Emphasis in the analysis of the strategic marketing concerns of agribusiness firms in these nations is on the competitive marketing strategies adopted in both the domestic and international sectors of the agricultural export markets. The special strategic marketing problems these firms face and the ways in which they have sought to overcome them are the main focus of study. But some attention is also given to the strategic decision-making processes of governments in the region, because they also have an impact on export strategies and performance of agribusiness marketing firms.  相似文献   

This study examines the reform of agro‐allied parastatals in Nigeria and determine the impact financially, economically and socially. Three enterprises, Flour Mills of Nigeria Limited (FMNL), Okitipupa Oil Palm Company (OOPC) and Nichemtex Industries Limited (NIL), were privatized in Nigeria under a reform programme aimed at improving the performance of agribusinesses in the country. The exercise was successfully conducted through public offer of shares and private placement. The reform led to an improvement in profitability, productivity, financial leverage and liquidity position of the enterprises. The social impact of privatization was also favourable. It has no adverse consequences on job security, level of employment and participation of employees in trade union matters. Successful implementation of the reform was due to several factors including high level of professional competence and dedication of officials connected with the reform, a high degree of transparency and strict compliance with laid down guidelines. At the enterprise level, the positive changes recorded by the enterprises came about through the adoption of a number of coping strategies such as the maintenance of diverse product mix, expansion of export potentials and upgrading of product quality, improved marketing management, technological restructuring and improved techniques of sourcing raw materials. At the macro level, some policy actions such as trade policy reforms and price liberalization also played significant role in enhancing the performance of the enterprises after privatization.  相似文献   

提升新疆特色林果业品牌建设水平的策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对新疆特色林果业规模、地区分布、出口、品牌培育和认证、品牌建设环境等进行调查研究,结果表明:新疆特色林果业实力不断增强,品牌建设已取得一定进展,但诸如品牌运营管理水平有限、销售渠道不畅、加工深度不够、企业整体实力弱等问题制约品牌建设水平提升。基于调查分析结果,提出通过实施绿色产品定位、加强品牌有效整合、加大品牌保护力度、拓宽品牌推广渠道等手段提高品牌运营管理水平,通过加强科技研发推动林果名牌塑造和提高品牌附加值,通过营销渠道创新提高品牌知名度,通过扶持和培育龙头企业增强品牌竞争力等政策建议。  相似文献   


Studies by the North Carolina group established the decision modelling approach to study urban growth. These studies established the central role played by developers in the process, and the rational and adaptive behaviour of developer decision‐making. Events have since changed the developer's decision environment: the growing complexity and uncertainty of the development control process and the changing structure of the development industry towards larger and more integrated firms.

This author argues that if developers are truly rational and adaptive there should be some observable and stable relationship between their structure and operation and their performance in the development control process. This paper reports the findings of a case study which examines such relationships in the subdivision approval process in Scarborough, Ontario. Thirteen developer/development variables were tested. The major finding is that firm size was the most important variable. Large firms did not do well in negotiation but they took much less time in implementing the conditions of approval and in starting the building work. It is further argued that such behaviour is compatible with the financial, production and marketing characteristics of development firms.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify perceived barriers to exports specific to Australian horticulture industry and the relative impact of these barriers on firms' export decisions. Specifically the study attempted to examine the differences, if any, in perceived export barriers by non-exporting and exporting firms. The analysis suggested seven major export barrier factors/variables. These barriers are somewhat different to barriers identified in recent studies suggesting that export barriers may be industry and country specific. The perceived seriousness of some of the barriers was significantly different for non-exporters and exporters. A discriminant analysis suggested, however, that it was not possible to predict whether a firm will be an exporter or not based on their perceptions of export barriers. The implications of the findings for the management of Australian horticulture exports are discussed.  相似文献   

刘雯雯  卢雪麟 《林业经济问题》2015,35(2):166-170,176
通过建立假设模型,研究中国上市林业企业绿色营销投资与绩效回报的关系,搜集中国上市林业企业数据进行测试得出:企业闲余资金和企业规模对企业绿色营销投资都有积极影响,而且两者共同作用也对绿色营销投资产生影响;企业多元化经营性质不同,相关多元化经营和非相关多元化经营的企业进行绿色投资,在营业额和企业最终净利润上得到的回报不同。  相似文献   


This exploratory study is intended to analyze the differences in the organization of export marketing channels to developing and developed countries from the perspective of exporters in a developed country. Our evidence seems to suggest that despite high transaction costs, U.S. seafood exporters are not interested in vertical forward integration of the Japanese and Western European seafood distribution channels. The U.S. seafood industry is geared toward providing raw materials to foreign re-processors than exporting value added products. Thus, lack of management commitment to foreign end-users makes vertical forward integration difficult. Hence, unlike in developing countries, the choice of an efficient transaction governance structure for the U.S. seafood export business depends on factors derived from transaction cost theory and management commitment to foreign markets. The study found that resources are not a problem to U.S. seafood exporters.  相似文献   

利用466个农户的调查数据,以农户行为理论为支撑,研究信息质量、交易成本、农户特征对农户所获得销售价格的影响。研究结果表明:信息质量、生产专业化程度的提高以及高水平的橡胶收入有助于农户获得更高的价格;议价能力、组织化程度与销售价格呈现负相关,销售产品形式、交易对象的选择会在一定程度上影响销售价格;交易环境的熟识度、交易距离的远近以及农户受教育程度对农户所能获得价格的高低没有显著的影响。因此,提出加强天然橡胶市场建设和产业信息技术服务、鼓励农户专业化经营等建议。  相似文献   

We study business organization and coordination of specialty-market hog production using a comparative analysis of two Iowa firms marketing niche pork. We analyze each firm's management of five key organizational challenges: planning and logistics, quality assurance, process verification and management of "credence attributes," business structure, and profit sharing. Although each firm is engaged in essentially the same activity, there are substantial differences across the two firms in the way production and marketing are coordinated. These differences are partly explained by the relative size and age of each firm, but also by the formal organizational separation between marketing and production activities in one of the firms.  相似文献   


The South Korean beef import market was deregulated in 2000. As the beef import quotas were lifted in January 2001, increased market opportunities became available for exporters. Beef exporters are allowed to have direct communication with beef merchandisers in South Korea, which enable them to respond to Korean consumer demand more effectively. Korean consumers apparently have a negative perception on the quality of imported beef. However, little information is available to guide international beef exporters in the design of an export market development program. This study used a consumer mail survey in order to examine the Korean consumer beef market. While this study is exploratory by nature, it goes beyond traditional demand analysis, and it aims to provide comprehensive information on the important factors affecting Korean consumers' beef purchasing behavior. Marketing implications for beef exporters are drawn.  相似文献   

Using farm‐level data this study investigates factors associated with the choice of three direct marketing strategies (DMSs). Particular attention is given to the role of management and marketing skills in selection of DMSs. Additionally, the study applies a selectivity‐based approach for the multinomial logit model to assess the relationship between DMSs and the financial performance of the business. Results suggest that both management and marketing skills significantly affect direct‐to‐consumer sales. Farmers choosing the strategy of sales only through direct‐to‐consumer outlets report earnings that are significantly lower than earnings from the other marketing strategies. Marketing skills prove to be beneficial to direct‐to‐consumer (DTC) earnings. Finally, the selectivity correction terms in the direct sales model are significantly negative in the choice of DTC, indicating the presence of sample selection effects. Accounting for selectivity is essential to ensure unbiased and consistent estimates.  相似文献   

辽宁水产品出口贸易发展态势及倍增路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁是中国水产品贸易体系的重要一员,2002年以来其水产品出口额位居全国前4位,出口品种达150种,出口贸易涉足6大洲99个国家;出口贸易的重心依然在亚洲,69%的水产品销往高收入国家或地区;加工贸易方式依然是出口的主要模式,成为辽宁渔业融入全球水产品生产网络并参与水产业分工的重要途径;出口贸易运行渠道可分解为原料水产品供应管理、水产品加工管理、水产品贸易管理、水产品物流管理等环节及流转途径.然而,水产品出口金额倍增目标的实现非常艰巨.对于此,可选择力推水产品优势养殖产业带建设、挖掘潜力发挥渔业产业链条作用、提高对渔业公共物品的投资强度、改进水产品国际竞争力影响因素、面向全球的水产品目标营销战略等路径.  相似文献   

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