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成都国际旅游营销的市场细分与定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许峰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):36-40
城市国际旅游市场营销必须建立在科学的需求分析预测基础上,才能确保后续管理活动的正确和高效.本文基于对海外10个国家和旅居国内4城市的外籍人士的问卷调研,聚类分析出成都市国际旅游客源的5大细分市场,阐明了各目标市场的类型特征及其相应的产品结构性开发,并就成都实际提出了整合旅游营销传播的市场定位体系.  相似文献   

生态旅游市场营销内涵及其产品策略   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
周笑源 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):72-76
本文认为生态旅游市场营销包括生态旅游理念营销和生态旅游产品营销,并从生态旅游产品的概念、生态旅游产品生命周期营销策略、生态旅游产品组合策略、生态旅游产品开发策略等方面论述了生态旅游市场营销的产品策略。  相似文献   


The primary objective of this article is to highlight the importance of consumer perceptions in strategic airline alliance settings. Previous research on strategic alliances, both in the service and manufacturing sector, has mainly focused on issues relating to the organization. Consumer perceptions have generally been ignored-in view of the pivotal role of the consumer in service settings a surprising neglect. The paper focuses on the airline industry, an industry with a high service element, to illustrate how positive results eventuating for partners in a strategic alliance may cover slow shifts in consumer attitudes, and behavior. If not carefully monitored, these shifts may adversely affect performance measures of individual alliance partners in the long-term.  相似文献   

福建省国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
黄秀娟 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):15-19
随着国际旅游业的发展,旅游竞争愈加激烈,旅游市场营销对一国或一地区国际旅游业的发展起着越来越重要的作用。而面对紧张的财政资金,如何利用有限的资金获得最大的营销效果,也是各国或各地区政府关心的问题。显然,准确的市场营销定位是旅游营销成功的必要前提。本文利用市场份额分析法对福建省的主要客源国在福建省入境旅游市场中外国人市场的地位以及发展潜力与这些国家在我国入境旅游市场中的地位及发展潜力进行了比较分析,由此将福建省的客源国分为4个类型:兴旺的市场、崛起的市场、成熟的市场和停滞的市场,据此提出了福建省未来市场营销的目标。  相似文献   


Building a community's tourist industry requires the stimulation of a steady inflow of visitors, and visitors' purchase of local goods and services. Staging special events is one means to attracting tourists and earning tourism revenue. This paper analyzed the case of a county fair in western Colorado from a marketing perspective.  相似文献   

论旅游目的地联合营销的理论基础及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时于以旅游经济为支柱的地区来说,目的地营销一直是一项极具挑战性的任务.联合营销可能为目的地旅游组织解决这一挑战提供有效的路径.本文以组织关系理论为基础,探讨和阐述旅游目的地联合营销的先决条件、动机成因、合作过程和预期成果,并对其理论和实战两个层面的影响进行阐述.  相似文献   

国外旅游目的地营销研究综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文对国外旅游目的地营销研究进行综述.近10年来国外研究主要涉及旅游目的地形象、旅游目的地营销组织、旅游目的地促销、信息技术与目的地营销4大方面.文章在简要评述我国旅游目的地营销研究现状的基础上,结合国外研究情况,认为强化实证研究及定量分析、旅游目的地品牌及定位研究、旅游目的地营销组织、信息技术的促进作用和旅游目的地营销绩效评价应是我国近期旅游目的地营销研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

略论旅游资源生态位的概念与选择策略   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
李向明 《旅游学刊》2007,22(2):49-53
生态位是生态学一个非常重要的概念.本文基于仿生学原理提出了一个新的旅游学概念--旅游资源生态位,并对旅游资源生态位的内涵及选择策略进行了探索性的研究.旅游资源生态位的概念包括3个层面的涵义:(1)旅游资源价值层位--"营养生态位";(2)旅游资源开发序位--"时间生态位";(3)旅游资源市场定位--"空间生态位".  相似文献   

目的地开发的市场问题   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
目的地的市场行为已越来越成为激烈的全球范围内的竞争行为。本文解释了与目的地有关的一些概念,并介绍了几个关于目的地管理和市场策略的理论模型。通过几个模型的综合运用分析,作者强调了目的地市场行为中产品细分,公共部门和私有部门合作,以及协调各利益集团物关系和当地资源可持续性利用的重要性。此外,作者还指出新技术和互联网络也是提高目的地竞争力的一种有效方式。总之,目的地的市场行为应突出优化旅游业影响和保证目的地各方获利的原则。  相似文献   

This article reports on destination marketing best practices from 21 regional destinations around Australia. The results advocate an integrative approach to destination marketing that aligns with destination management and development objectives. From this, a framework is developed, within which nine best practice principles are identified as essential to successful and sustainable marketing of regional destinations. The key initiatives used to achieve success are discussed in detail, highlighting the need for destination stakeholders to foster a cooperative and strategic approach and ensure consistent design and delivery of a destination brand and image which is supported by tactical advertising and promotional strategies, effective visitor information services, and events to support the destination brand and image to target appropriate visitor markets.  相似文献   


This paper examines the past performance of, and future prospects for, services marketing research into tourism destination marketing and management. While service delivery by individual enterprises is important, the fundamental products of the industry are destination experiences that incorporate commercial tourism services as well as non-commercial activities and interactions. For this reason, the paper focuses on tourism destinations rather than the individual enterprises that deliver services to tourists at destinations. The paper identifies areas that have attracted a concentration of research effort to date. The principal objective of the paper, however, is to identify services research issues deserving greater attention by service researchers in general and tourism researchers in particular.  相似文献   

The aims of this article are to investigate the application of hotel marketing strategies by independent vs group (chain) hotels and to investigate comparatively the performance — along a number of criteria — of these two types of hotel organisation.The study presents in detail the main stages in developing a hotel marketing strategy and a taxonomy of the 9 major strategies available for hotels, discussing their features, characteristics and when appropriate for application.Any meaningful analysis of hotel marketing should be based on the marketing strategies employed by the individual establishment and group/chain organisation. No doubt effective selling of hotels' products and services depends to a large extent on the marketing strategies selected. As the market for hotels' services is dynamic and accompanied by rapid changes in the environment due to uncertain economic conditions, increased competition, advancement in technology, and inflation, increased attention will be given by hotels in the future to the selection of an appropriate marketing strategy.  相似文献   


Travel and tourism arranged at the “last minute” has become a growing trend among consumers today. Responding to this trend, more and more travel/tourism firms are offering services catering to consumers seeking last-minute travel and tourism opportunities. Yet, clearly, not all last-minute travellers are alike. Variability in last-minute consumer characteristics such as motivations, lifestyles, and benefits sought suggests opportunities for astute marketers and revenue managers to collaborate in further segmenting the last-minute market and developing more effective marketing and revenue management strategies to potentially increase the firms' revenues, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Toward this end, this article evaluates and discusses marketing strategies, marketing mix elements, and segmentation approaches that may be most appropriate for more effective marketing and revenue management in the last-minute travel and tourism market.  相似文献   

This study applies a social marketing approach to study the gender equity issue in tourism advertising. Using a geographic strata approach, vacation guides of destination marketing organizations from all the states in the United States are examined to investigate gender image representations. A total of 394 pictures are visually analyzed and coded using Goffman's framework on gender and media relations. Mixed results in terms of both blatant and subtle visual cues depicting relationships between men and women are reported. Thereafter, important implications for social marketing are drawn and a means-end quality-of-life framework is suggested.  相似文献   


Malaysia has proven itself as one of the most successful and fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia. Being one of the world's greatest undiscovered and unexplored countries, there exists a vast tourism development potential in Malaysia. The Malaysian government in recent years has placed unprecedented importance on the role of tourism in its economic development process. This article reviews recent developments in tourism development and marketing efforts in Malaysia.  相似文献   

俞佳俐  凌理  李健 《旅游研究》2020,12(2):74-86
为分析民宿集聚现状,了解集聚区间相互竞合关系,并构建合理的乡村民宿发展图谱。文章以杭州市临安区现有民宿产业为研究对象,利用地理集中指数及Arcgis地理空间技术分析临安民宿所存在的空间集聚现象。同时,基于生态学理论,以生态位角度分析民宿集聚区之间的竞合关系。研究发现:生态位最高的为天目山区块民宿集聚区。其中,天目山区块民宿集聚区在资源特色和服务特色方面具有最强的竞争力;河桥古镇区块民宿集聚区在餐饮特色及活动特色具有较高的竞争力,但在其他几个维度中,几个民宿集聚区的生态位相差并不明显,同质化严重,区域民宿发展无法得到质的提升。最后,从生态位竞合关系的角度,对临安及浙江类似地区民宿集聚区从区域整体发展及个体内部发展两个主体方面提出相关意见和对策。  相似文献   

生态旅游及其局限性:基于营销视角的认识与思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李天元 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):25-29
基于同世界旅游组织有关研究接轨的立场,本文讨论了生态旅游概念的规范化问题;在对此前有关认识进行重新思考的同时,从市场营销视角探讨一些新的认识层面。  相似文献   

A stimulus-response model of location-based social network marketing is conceptualized based on an exploratory investigation. Location-based social network applications are capable of generating marketing stimuli from merchant, competition-based, and connection-based rewards resulted from relevance and connectivity. Depending on consumption situations, consumer characteristics, and social network structure, these rewards lead to actual behavior that manifests in variety behavior (i.e., patronage to new places) and loyalty behavior (i.e., increased frequency of patronage to familiar places). This behavior implies changes in patterns of mobility, making this marketing approach particularly relevant for tourism and hospitality businesses. Managerial implications and recommendations for further studies are provided.  相似文献   

基于生态位的区域旅游业稳定度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
区域旅游业从产生到发展,在区域经济生态维的梯度上占据着不同的生态位.本文从阐明生态位及旅游业的含义出发,提出了旅游业区域经济生态位的概念,构建了影响旅游业区域经济生态位的核心生态因子体系.通过全国31个省、自治区、直辖市2000-2004年的旅游业相关指标与所在区域的相同指标总值的数据收集,运用比例分析法和因子分析法,获得了我国不同区域的旅游业在本地经济发展中的经济生态位评价综合值,进而对各省份进行了横向比较、聚类及稳定度分析,旨在探索区域旅游业发展演化规律.  相似文献   


Crisis communication plans and marketing recovery campaigns are a key component of destination recovery after crises or disasters. Despite increasing researcher and practitioner interest in crisis and disaster management, further analysis of these components of recovery is warranted. This article contributes to this growing body of research by analysing the advertising components of a recovery marketing campaign developed and implemented immediately after bushfires in the Australian Capital Territory in 2003. The findings are drawn from relevant documents, marketing collateral and in-depth interviews with government agencies, professional associations and businesses. Despite a lack of relevant plans, the marketing campaign was an effective exercise in crisis communication under temporal and resource constraints and demonstrated application of research, rapid response, financial support, consistency of messages, honest and open communication and evaluation. Planning, training and further analytical case study research is recommended.  相似文献   

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