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This research examines the concept of a persuade package and the sequencing of communication strategies designed to exert influence in the consumption domain. Specific research questions examine the sequencing of influence strategies in consumption related influence attempts and the effect that sequencing has on the perceived likelihood of compliance. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used across two studies and results indicate that preferences exist for the specific types of influence strategies used by individuals and the order in which they are sequenced during consumption related influence attempts. Perceived likelihood of compliance is also affected to a certain extent based on how influence strategies are sequenced. 相似文献
文章基于渠道行为与嵌入理论,探讨了营销渠道中的经济型影响策略(组织间强制性影响策略和非强制性影响策略)与社会型影响策略(组织间人际影响策略)对企业间关系质量的影响。通过对152家制造商的调查数据分析发现:企业在治理渠道关系时,使用组织间强制性影响策略会降低它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量;使用组织间非强制性影响策略对它与合作伙伴之间关系质量的影响不显著;使用组织间人际影响策略则有助于提高它与合作伙伴之间的关系质量。此外,组织间人际影响策略还会减弱组织间强制性影响策略对企业间关系质量的负面影响。 相似文献
Researchers have called for increased understanding of channel member satisfaction as a bidimensional construct comprising economic and social elements. In addition to responding to this call, the view that threats and punishments are natural necessities in the African context by reason of cultural preponderances is examined. The study was conducted among brewers and their retailers. The authors found that the brewers' use of threats and indirect influence strategies respectively decreases and increases both economic and social satisfaction of their less powerful retailers, whereas the use of promises contributes to retailers' economic satisfaction. Contrary to theory, however, the use of promises does not undermine channel members' autonomy and intrinsic motivation as will be expected in some Western countries. 相似文献
By integrating existing conceptual models and research findings, this effort examines the noteworthy differences between the
B2B and the consumer market contexts and the implications of those differences on the formulation of B2B brand strategies.
We introduce the B2B-Consumer Market Dimensions Continuum as a tool to identify key differences between the two markets. The
continuum is used to suggest the branding approach that is most likely to be successful in a B2B organization's brand-building
efforts. 相似文献
现代流通业是国民经济的先导性产业,是现代市场经济的血脉,在促进生产、引导消费、推动经济结构调整和经济发展方式转变等方面发挥的作用日益突出,加快推动我国现代流通业发展和建立现代流通体系已经上升为国家战略。但我国现代流通业仍然存在流通企业规模偏小、组织化程度较低、现代化水平不高、市场体系不够完善等一系列问题。为更好地推动我国现代流通业发展,加快我国流通业从传统流通业向现代流通业转变的步伐,国家应出台促进流通业大发展的行动计划,树立流通业在国民经济中的先导性地位,形成完全意义上的现代流通业和现代流通业体系;大力推动我国现代流通业标准化体系与法规建设,建立专门的流通业管理部门,规范并保障流通业发展;制定全国区域流通市场协调发展规划,促进流通业区域协调发展,形成"大市场、大流通"的格局;加大现代信息技术在流通业中的普及和应用;大力培养流通业专门技术人才,重点支持和培育大型流通企业集团。 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to carry out an empirical examination of the antecedents of cooperation between manufacturer and distributor. A further objective is to study the levels of satisfaction with the strategic outcomes of such cooperation. We analyze the extent to which cooperation requires not only complementary resources and capabilities of the partners but also goal congruence, trust and relational norms. Cooperation between manufacturer and distributor also involves reciprocal commitment and joint investment in specific assets. Finally, manufacturers and distributors should not only gain satisfaction from the economic, psychological or social benefits of cooperation, but should also gain competitive advantage, profits and strategic outcomes that help to compete in the market more efficiently. 相似文献
AbstractPrevious studies suggest that marketing strategy is developed and used to mobilise and configure the actions of firm actors, creating a set of stabilising activities focused on the firm–customer dyad. Destabilising forces precipitated by the Internet and associated digital technologies involving contention and disruption by multiple actors are much less prevalent in the marketing literature. The central point we advance is that rather than marketing strategy being a controlled and stabilising force for firms in their relationships with customers, it can often lead to socially produced spaces where consumers and, importantly, other multiple actors form a social movement to actively attempt to destabilise it and contest its legitimacy. Using an innovative research approach, the findings of this study show how social movements proactively enrol and mobilise a wide range of relevant actors into a network of influence. Critical to this are rhetorical strategies, acting as important levers in attempts to destabilise and delegitimise a dominant firm’s marketing strategy. 相似文献
石油企业的物资采购,多年来与供应商之间的关系仅仅是建立在操作层面上的合作关系,在激烈的全球市场竞争中,越来越多的企业把战略合作伙伴关系作为获取竞争优势的新手段,以应对越来越复杂多变的市场环境,更加有效地保证油田物资的供应。与供应商之间建立战略合作伙伴关系,需要建立一系列的评价方法与管理体系,通过实施以上措施,西北油田分公司与战略供应商实现了平等互信、风险共担、利益共享、互惠互利、共同发展的双赢局面。 相似文献
2004年底,我国取消了对外商投资商业企业在地域、股权和数量等方面的限制,中国零售业全面对外资开放。随着跨国零售集团的大举进入,我国零售企业面临严峻的挑战。所以,必须考察在经济全球化条件下世界零售业的发展趋势,从中比较分析中外零售业的竞争优势、劣势,从而采取适当的对策来提升我国零售业的国际竞争力。 相似文献
21世纪网络营销成为企业营销的必然趋势,如何推进我国企业的网络营销,很多专家学者见仁见智,但对于中小企业如何发展网络营销的研究较少。中小企业在我国的社会经济中占有重要的地位,但网络营销现状堪忧,尤其需要关注。所以必须根据网络营销原理,结合我国中小企业的现状,就中小企业如何选择适当的网络营销策略进行探讨。 相似文献
黄冈市由于缺乏有效的市场渠道,营销观念不强,市场开拓不足,致使资源丰富的农副产品商品率低、市场知名度不高的状况长期得不到扭转。黄冈市应把具有黄冈特色,凝结黄冈历史、风情、地理、民族特色以及具有实用、美观、可藏等特点的黄冈土特产品,按中、高档次进行分类,锁定目标客户,建立电子商务平台,实施网络销售策略,通过搜索引擎营销、论坛营销、软文营销、视频营销等手段,引领黄冈农副产品进入国内国际市场,进而促进黄冈农业产业化发展。 相似文献
企业经营哲学是企业经营活动的指导思想,是企业奉行的市场营销观念,对企业的营销活动起着一种导向作用。随着经济的全球化,知识化,服务业的产业化,我国汽车行业的经营哲学发生了变化,它的经营也经历了一系列演变。但市场营销还存在着以产品为导向的市场营销近视症现象。 相似文献
ABSTRACT This article's objective is to analyze the influence innovative organizational culture has on marketing strategy formulation and results, and how this relationship affects organizational performance. The theoretical basis lies in Menon et al.'s ( 1999
Menon , A. ,
Bharadwaj , S. G. ,
Adidam , P. T. , and
Edison , S. W. ( 1999 ). Antecedents and consequences of marketing strategy making: A model and a test . Journal of Marketing , 63 , 18 – 40 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) model. The methodology included a survey with medium to large Brazilian companies in different sectors. The final sample consisted of 153 questionnaires that were valid for analysis. Techniques for statistical analysis including singular and multivariate methods were used, from which the relationships between constructs were established by structural equation modeling. Results show a positive relationship between innovative organizational culture, the marketing strategy process, and organizational performance. However, innovative culture does not have a direct influence on performance. 相似文献
国际市场营销对于促进西部旅游业的发展具有积极作用,营销国际化是西部旅游业发展的必然趋势。通过对西部旅游业营销国际化的必然性、可行性及存在的困难与障碍进行了分析,并以此为基础,对西部旅游业营销国际化战略的实施主体、主要任务及实施策略进行了探讨。 相似文献
Purpose: With increased numbers of business to business (B to B) firms hiring professional sales students, it is important that both sales educators and sales managers understand entertainment’s influence and its potential consequences in the professional sales environment. This study examines the perceived role entertainment plays in today’s sales process and the importance of integrating entertainment topics into sales education and sales training. The purpose of this study is to update the sales entertainment literature, record its current importance in the age of sales systemization, and propose entertainment strategies and guidelines that can be shared in both corporate sales training programs and university professional sales curricula. Methodology/approach: Partial least squares (PLS) methodology (SmartPLS 2.0) was used to examine the model and assess the relationships between the constructs and their indicators. Data was first gathered via online and in person surveys distributed to a total of 59 sales executives. To determine whether there were significant differences between path coefficients, PLS multi-group analysis was used (PLS-MGA) to compare sales practitioners’ response to sale educators and sales students. This method was used because conducting pair-wise group comparisons can result in family-wise error. Findings: Results indicate significant positive relationships exist between entertainment orientation, internal bonding activities, and sales performance. The results confirm the path coefficients for the 3 groups, sales practitioners, sales educators, and sales students, did not differ significantly. Therefore, all groups rated external entertainment as being important to achieve sales performance and internally for bonding with co-workers. Originality/value/contribution: The responses of B to B sales professionals, sales educators, and sales students are compared regarding their perception of entertainment in developing and managing sales relationships. Based upon the findings, sales professionals are provided with insight about the perceived role entertainment plays in today’s selling environment and offered recommendations for collegiate classrooms and corporate on-boarding sessions that improve the knowledge of and ability to successfully manage entertainment of internal and external customers. 相似文献
20世纪以来,俄罗斯经历了乌克兰危机、西方经济制裁、国际油价下跌等外部因素的冲击,经济安全遭受严重威胁,在此背景下的俄罗斯政治经济战略势必波及中俄经贸合作,进而影响丝绸之路经济带建设。本文从贸易合作和对外直接投资合作方面,基于计量模型剖析俄罗斯国家经济安全对中俄经贸合作的影响过程及关联因素。研究表明俄罗斯国家经济安全危机提升了中国在俄贸易伙伴国中的地位,促使俄与中国产能合作的意愿强烈,直接投资和产能合作逐渐成为推动中俄经贸合作向纵深发展的强劲动力;俄罗斯国家经济安全危机对中俄罗贸易有显著负向影响,中俄政治关系对贸易合作有显著正向影响。这是提高中国对俄罗斯投资、提升高新技术产品在俄罗斯进口比重的机遇期,亦是推进丝绸之路经济带的重要机遇期。经济强势崛起的俄罗斯和经济体系全面崩溃的俄罗斯对丝绸之路经济带的推进均有重要影响,在与其发展战略协作伙伴关系过程中,中国恰到好处地拿捏平衡其中的大国利益边界至关重要。 相似文献
ABSTRACTPurpose: This research investigates how to manage and organize existing employees when launching a solution sales strategy, specifically addressing whether it is possible to migrate existing sales representatives active in product sales to solution sales, and whether it is possible to combine the roles. Methodology/approach: A case-based approach was applied to a multinational firm, engaged in business-to-business sales that simultaneously launched a solution sales strategy in 17 countries. In-depth interviews with 29 managers and sales representatives were performed to inductively identify why some countries succeeded in the launch, while others did not. Findings: Because of fundamental differences in approach between solution and product sales, those countries where the solutions and product businesses were separated performed better. The difference in required capabilities and mindset meant that migrating sales representatives from product to solution sales is problematic. Research implications: This research offers evidence of differences in mindset and approach between different marketing and sales strategies, extending the conclusions to how these differences affect the possibility of migrating existing sales representatives when launching a new selling strategy. Whether to separate service and product sales has been debated. The present results indicate that separating the current product business from the new solution business facilitates the successful implementation of the new strategy. In the case company, the solutions represent a mixture of product and services, suggesting that the problem is not the difference between products and services, but rather different selling strategies and approaches that require different capabilities. Practical implications: When launching a solution sales strategy, the solution business should be separated from the current product business at both the organizational and personnel levels. Solution sales necessitates a particular approach and capabilities, making it unadvisable to transfer sales representatives and managers to the new solution business based solely on previous product sales success. Instead, a new skill profile must be developed taking account of the requirements of a demand-driven solution strategy. Originality/value/contribution: Consensus is lacking as to whether to separate product and service businesses. This article extends the debate to the field of solutionsales, demonstrating that separation is needed to succeed in launching a solution sales strategy. Furthermore, this research extends our knowledge of the difference in approaches between different selling strategies, covering the possibility of successfully migrating existing sales representatives to a different selling strategy. 相似文献
Purpose: A firm's customer relationship marketing strategy also may affect its attitudinal loyalty toward its main supplier. Furthermore, environmental uncertainty and competitive rivalry could moderate this relationship. This research investigates both questions. Methodology/Approach: The empirical study involves a structured survey of 141 industrial firms. A structural equation technique with EQS 6.1 estimated the causal model. Multi-sample analysis revealed whether environmental uncertainty and/or competitive rivalry act as moderators. Findings: The influence of customer relationship marketing on attitudinal loyalty toward the main supplier is positive but indirect, working through effective communication, satisfaction, and trust. However, when environmental uncertainty is high, the negative direct effect becomes significantly more intense, and when competitive rivalry is high, the positive indirect effect through satisfaction and trust is less intense. Originality/Value: This study explores potential new paths in the relationship marketing field. Most scholars focus on the influence of a firm's relationship marketing strategy on customers' loyalty, but no previous works consider its potential influence on the firm's relationship with other partners in the supply chain, notably its strategic suppliers. Research Implications: Structured academic research on this topic is lacking, even though many firms have implemented customer relationship programs. Supply-side researchers must evaluate the effects of such programs. Furthermore, this study combines different theoretical approaches. Practical Implications: Practitioners can use the findings to segment their customer base and develop specific programs adapted to each target. 相似文献
‘Culture is communication and communication is culture,’ as Hall (1976, Beyond culture, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, Doubleday) reminds us. The main purpose of this paper was to assess the impact of technology on the Arab communication style. The Internet is a unique environment with particular characteristics that might cause shifts in people's communication styles. The setting/context of online communication is very different from face-to-face communication and thus assumptions about communication styles need to be reexamined. The data analysis indicates that significant changes to the Arab culture are taking place and these changes are likely to have an impact on marketing practices in the region. 相似文献
The study extends the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in a cross-cultural setting, incorporating ethical judgments and locus of control in a comparison of Taiwanese and US businesspersons. A self-administered survey of 698 businesspersons from the US and Taiwan examined several hypothesized differences. Results indicate that while Taiwanese respondents have a more favorable attitude toward a requested bribe than US counterparts, and are less likely to view it as an ethical issue, their higher locus externality causes ethical judgments and behavioral intentions to conform to normative influences of in groups and superiors. In the Taiwanese sample, locus externality effectively functions as a countervailing pressure against the unethical behavior in the scenario. No such effect is found in the US sample. A path model fitted to the data shows that locus internals exhibit more consistency among attitudes, judgments, and behavioral intentions than locus externals. Implications for managers and researchers are discussed, and suggestions and precautions for development of efficacy-enhancement programs are offered. 相似文献