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国外旅游目的地营销研究综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文对国外旅游目的地营销研究进行综述.近10年来国外研究主要涉及旅游目的地形象、旅游目的地营销组织、旅游目的地促销、信息技术与目的地营销4大方面.文章在简要评述我国旅游目的地营销研究现状的基础上,结合国外研究情况,认为强化实证研究及定量分析、旅游目的地品牌及定位研究、旅游目的地营销组织、信息技术的促进作用和旅游目的地营销绩效评价应是我国近期旅游目的地营销研究的主要方向.  相似文献   

论旅游目的地联合营销的理论基础及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时于以旅游经济为支柱的地区来说,目的地营销一直是一项极具挑战性的任务.联合营销可能为目的地旅游组织解决这一挑战提供有效的路径.本文以组织关系理论为基础,探讨和阐述旅游目的地联合营销的先决条件、动机成因、合作过程和预期成果,并对其理论和实战两个层面的影响进行阐述.  相似文献   

目的地开发的市场问题   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:32  
目的地的市场行为已越来越成为激烈的全球范围内的竞争行为。本文解释了与目的地有关的一些概念,并介绍了几个关于目的地管理和市场策略的理论模型。通过几个模型的综合运用分析,作者强调了目的地市场行为中产品细分,公共部门和私有部门合作,以及协调各利益集团物关系和当地资源可持续性利用的重要性。此外,作者还指出新技术和互联网络也是提高目的地竞争力的一种有效方式。总之,目的地的市场行为应突出优化旅游业影响和保证目的地各方获利的原则。  相似文献   

This article reports on destination marketing best practices from 21 regional destinations around Australia. The results advocate an integrative approach to destination marketing that aligns with destination management and development objectives. From this, a framework is developed, within which nine best practice principles are identified as essential to successful and sustainable marketing of regional destinations. The key initiatives used to achieve success are discussed in detail, highlighting the need for destination stakeholders to foster a cooperative and strategic approach and ensure consistent design and delivery of a destination brand and image which is supported by tactical advertising and promotional strategies, effective visitor information services, and events to support the destination brand and image to target appropriate visitor markets.  相似文献   

论旅游目的地营销误区与新策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王国新 《旅游学刊》2006,21(8):45-49
旅游目的地之间竞争的日益加剧,使营销成为目的地在竞争中胜出的有力武器,旅游市场营销也随之从以企业为主体的营销模式转变到以目的地营销为主体的时代.本文在考察国内外旅游目的地营销研究和实践的基础上,结合国内旅游目的地实际,分析我国目的地营销中存在的几大误区,并讨论了旅游目的地营销的新策略.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the crisis management procedures utilized by four specific Convention and Visitors Bureaus in a variety of disaster situations and locations across the United States. The crises studied are representative of both man-made and natural disasters, and occurred in destinations in which tourism plays a significant role. From these case studies, a comprehensive set of crisis management procedures was compiled for the benefit of Convention and Visitors Bureaus nationwide. Such standardized crisis management procedures will presumably contribute to a faster and more efficient recovery for any destination after a crisis, as these procedures have been used in actual crisis situations.  相似文献   


The paper provides a background to the history, development and importance of the cider industry to the county. A case study approach is then adopted, in order to demonstrate the richness of cider experiences available to the tourist travelling both through, and within, Somerset. Three case studies of individual firms are provided. The paper notes that a firm's reasons for engaging in tourism bear great similarities to those utilized by wineries. The paper also highlights the importance of collective marketing strategies at both the firm and business level.  相似文献   


This study examined whether the destination choices of Taiwanese outbound travelers could be differentiated by their so-ciodemographics, travel characteristics, and benefits pursued. Using discriminant analysis, the results revealed that the choice of outside of Asia-Pacific region destinations was positively related to income level, education background, length of trip, party size, trip expenditure, inclusive package, and the benefit of ‘Value and Lifestyle’ of a Taiwanese traveler. ‘Safety Net,’ ‘Cost and Experience,’ and ‘Budget Travel’ were benefits pursued by within-Asia travelers. These findings can assist travel and tourism related organizations in developing marketing programs.  相似文献   

This study examines whether food is a special interest or mainstream tourism product. Much of the research on special interest tourism examines the activity in isolation of the broader suite of products available in the destination mix. Such a myopic approach may produce impressive looking numbers, but may not define viable market segments. Instead, based on their research findings, the authors argue that a more holistic approach is required to examine food tourism within the context of other products in the destination to determine its value. Overall, this study suggests that consuming food may be a ubiquitous activity for most visitors to sophisticated urban destinations and may not be representative of a specialist segment.  相似文献   


The Alps are the focus of a wide-ranging discussion. Researchers, scientists, politicians, inhabitants, and people who earn their living in the Alpine region are all confronted with difficult challenges. The main topics are the development in the fields of nature, landscape, tourism and leisure, traffic and transport, and its consequences for the Alps as a living space and economic area. About 30 years ago, a cooperation of tourism and political authorities in 11 countries, regions, provinces, and cantons of Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and Austria has been established. Due to globalization and changing traveling patterns, people have become more and more aware that a new international cooperation of the Alpine tourism regions in the field of destination management and marketing is required. This is necessary in order to react to market changes accordingly. This acknowledgment is instead of small and more or less independent and self-sufficient organizations. It also includes the collaboration concerning one of the most important resources of our time-knowledge-and the establishment of a network where it can be consciously managed.

The following paper shows the special qualities of networks, especially knowledge networks at the example of AlpNet. It consists of three parts. The first part deals with the change of Alpine tourism management and marketing, the second part discusses the necessities and challenges of a cross-border cooperation in tourism marketing with a special focus on networks and knowledge networks, and the third part presents the results of an empirical study explaining the problems and perspectives for developing knowledge networks of cross-border destination management in the Alpine region. As far as management and marketing of tourism destinations are concerned, it is shown what possibilities-yet what limits-may result in launching cross-border cooperation projects in the future. For decades cross-border cooperation was used for compensating existing competitive disadvantages on tourism markets. The example of the new project AlpNet shows how important cooperation and member-specific requirements are for tourism and other economic industries when it comes to the establishment of knowledge networks.  相似文献   

周永博 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):65-79
"讲好故事"已成为塑造和传播国家和地方形象的重要手段。以"讲故事"为手段打造旅游目的地形象是一种国际通行的旅游目的地营销方式。现有旅游目的地叙事研究开展还很不充分,关注的叙事偏重于正面叙事材料,对负面叙事的关注还很不够。文章着眼于黑色叙事对旅游目的地引致形象的影响机制,以德国首都柏林作为研究案例,以著名历史游记《柏林:一座城市的肖像》(Berlin:Imagine a City)中关于柏林的系列黑色叙事和柏林旅游局在微信公众号发布的图片作为实验材料,通过招募志愿者参与包括4个阶段的混合研究设计,验证黑色叙事对柏林旅游目的地形象(认知、情感及意动)的复杂影响。研究的主要理论贡献在于:首先,验证了黑色叙事对旅游目的地形象具有显著影响,实证该影响主要透过"叙事主角-游客-自我形象一致性"这一主线发挥作用,明确了黑色叙事主角形象对黑色叙事引致旅游目的地形象的影响机理,丰富了叙事传输理论相关结论。其次,验证了黑色叙事引致情感形象在黑色叙事影响旅游目的地形象过程中的影响效应,发现黑色叙事引致情感形象(而非认知形象)是黑色叙事最终能够影响游客动机的关键。最后,在黑色叙事这一特定研究情境中,验证了目的...  相似文献   

The primary objective of the study is to assess tourist destination image through (1) measuring Xiamen tourists' cognitive image of Kinmen Island, and (2) analyzing main and subordinate resources of Kinmen. The major findings show that Kinmen Island is “a pleasant place for tour” and “a mystic place” for the mainland Chinese tourists. It also implies that tourists' curiosity, not the substantial resources about the destination, could be one of the reasons for their choices. The results of this study suggest tourism industry on the Island cannot merely depend on tourists' curiosity or the mysteriousness of the destination. It is essential to provide a product with integrity for the planning of the tourism industry of Kinmen.  相似文献   

影视旅游:旅游目的地营销推广新方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电影电视中出现的旅游目的地会影响旅游者的旅游兴趣,促成旅游行为。绝大多数现有文献是研究影视旅游对于目的地旅游者数量和对旅游者决策过程的影响和作用,也有探索影视作品对于旅游目的地旅游形象的影响的。由此说明影视旅游是可以作为一种推广旅游目的地的营销新方式。影视旅游之所以成为营销工具,相关旅游地的旅游形象在其中起了重要作用。本文在现有文献理论和实证研究的基础上,分析论述了影视旅游作为营销方式的特点和原理,结合影视作品的拍摄和放映两个阶段,探讨了在每个阶段影视旅游营销工作的重点和形式。  相似文献   

Search engines are playing an increasingly dominant role in providing access to tourism information on the Internet. As such, it is argued that destination marketing organizations (DMOs) must have a substantial understanding of the visibility in search engines in order to create competitive positions within this important marketplace. The goal of this study was to develop a process to assess the visibility of DMO websites in one of the major search engines (i.e., Google). A set of 18 cities in the United States were selected to be used as case studies of the visibility of their convention and visitor bureau (CVB) websites in relation to travel queries identified using Google Adwords Keyword Tool. The results indicate that there are substantial differences in the relative positions of CVB websites on Google. In particular, there seems to be huge gaps among the search domains within CVB websites in terms of their visibility to online travelers and volume of search within those domains. This study offers a number of implications for research and practice of search engine marketing for tourism destinations.  相似文献   

陈晔  李天元  赵帆 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):31-41
旅游目的地推广营销所使用的官方网站、微博、电子商务平台等网络渠道构成了旅游者接触目的地的网络界面。旅游目的地网络界面特征主要包含信息价值、友好性和交互性3个要素。为探索旅游目的地网络界面对旅游者体验及品牌形象的影响,构建了旅游目的地网络界面特征、旅游者体验与目的地品牌形象的结构方程模型。研究发现,旅游目的地网络界面特征的3个要素通过功能体验和情感体验两个中介因素影响游客对目的地品牌形象的感知,但信息价值对情感体验的影响不显著。基于以上结论,对旅游目的地优化网络界面提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

邵隽 《旅游学刊》2007,22(1):55-59
从顾客关系生命周期角度实施关系营销策略对旅游服务提供商和旅游者建立长期关系非常重要.本文在顾客关系生命周期3阶段模型的基础上,结合旅游服务业和旅游者的特性,同时考虑了时间要素和网络环境要素,补充了在旅游者"消费阶段"之后的"评估阶段",提出了旅游服务业适用的旅游者关系生命周期4阶段动态模型:Dynamic Attention-Transaction-Experience-Evaluation Model(简称DATEE模型).该模型为旅游目的地服务提供商在互联网环境下制定关系导向的营销策略提供了框架支持.本文并结合国内外典型的主题公园营销实例进行了分析.  相似文献   

旅游目的地形象、定位及品牌化:概念辨析与关系模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的地形象、目的地定位和目的地品牌化是目的地营销研究领域3个非常重要的概念,它们既相互区别又相互联系,通过一定的逻辑链条在目的地营销实践中发挥各自的作用.从理论上探讨三者之间的关系对于目的地营销实践的顺利开展意义重大.本文对这3个概念及其相互联系进行了详细分析,认为3者作用的发挥应遵循"目的地定位一目的地品牌化一目的地形象"这样一种逻辑链条,并构建了3者之间的关系模型.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to analyze which strategies Asian officials and marketers have adopted in order to combat stereotypes, negative perceptions, and crises in order to repair destination images and bring back visitors. The study includes qualitative content analyses of news reports, press interviews, and campaigns in order to uncover media policy, strategies, events, and marketing initiatives used since 2008. The conceptual framework used was the “multi-step model for altering place image”, which offers three types of strategies to use in order to repair a destination’s negative image during and after a crisis: source, message, and audience.  相似文献   

在旅游地意象研究中,学者们一直很重视地域文化差异对旅游地意象感知的影响。文章基于旅游地意象构成模型,采用主成分分析、方差分析等定量方法,以内蒙古草原旅游地为例,对比分析了内蒙古自治区区内和区外两个地域文化组旅游者的草原旅游地意象的认知、情感以及整体意象感知的变化和差异。研究得出以下结论:(1)两个地域文化组旅游者的草原旅游地意象感知都是积极正面的,草原旅游地意象在市场中发挥着积极的作用。(2)区内文化组旅游者的整体意象感知高于区外,但区外文化组却拥有比区内文化组更高的情感意象。在7个认知意象维度中,多数认知意象维度的感知都是区内文化组高于区外文化组。(3)地域文化差异对旅游者的草原旅游地意象感知没有显著影响。本文的研究对于同一文化体系内部的文化差异对旅游地意象的影响研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the attractiveness of Portugal as a tourist destination from the perspective of Czech tour operators. Tour operators were selected as the target population because they represent an important source of information about a destination and can significantly influence the decision of potential tourists about a holiday destination. One of the important findings of this research is that weak promotion and financial demands are perceived as the main reasons why many Czech tourists do not choose Portugal as their vacation destination. An obvious obstacle in the development of Portugal as a Czech tourism destination is the lack of information about its advantages as a tourist destination. The results also show that Portugal is not considered a key destination for Czech tourists. However, in terms of its attractiveness as a tourist destination Portugal has much potential, which should be utilized in the future.  相似文献   

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