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Effective consumer financial education provides relevant information to meet special needs of targeted audiences. The purpose of this study is to examine differences in financial capability among student loan holders who are college students, graduates, and dropouts. Using data from the 2015 U.S. National Financial Capability Study, the results show that student loan holders who have completed their education program have higher scores in all financial capability indicators than college students and dropouts. Further analyses show differences in specific financial knowledge items among college students, graduates, and dropouts. In addition, college graduates are more likely to perform several specific desirable financial behaviors than college students and dropouts. The findings suggest that financial educators should emphasize action taking when they provide financial education for student loan holders who are college students and dropouts.  相似文献   

Using a random sample of college students, this study identifies the factors that significantly affect the probability a college student is financially at risk for mismanaging/misusing credit. Financially at‐risk students are more likely to be financially independent, to receive need‐based financial aid, to hold $1000 or more in other debt, and to have acquired their credit card(s) by mail, at a retail store, and/or at a campus table. Students having difficulty making credit card payments are also more likely to be female, black, and/or Hispanic. Campus administrators and financial professionals can use this information to better allocate their resources and develop materials that specifically target those students who need them most.  相似文献   


College students have long been recognized as a significant market for products and professional services. Their sheer number alone, estimated to reach 15.7 million by the year 2000, makes them a viable market for many companies.

However, there are many other attractions from a marketing perspective to targeting college students. They are relatively easy to locate, concentrated in reasonably well defined geographic areas, and accessible through campus newspapers and bulletin boards. And, because they are at the beginning of their careers, firms which establish business relationships with them have long-term opportunities to maintain those links.

This study examined selected banking attributes of college students, including factors affecting patronage decisions, perceptions as to the quality of services available, and sources students use to obtain information about financial services. Surveys were conducted at a large west coast university among a diverse set of students.

Results of the study found that a sizable percent of students maintain substantial balances in their checking and savings accounts. Additionally, economic factors, such as monthly charges and interest rates on deposits, weigh heavily on decisions concerning banking patronage.

The study also found that large, state-wide banking institutions appear to have the advantage in attracting the college student market. And, while bank patronage loyalties appear to be reasonably strong, a sizable percentage of students use more than one institution. Finally, the most useful source of information for reaching the college market appears to be direct mail.  相似文献   

As college students prepare for the businessworld, what they learn as acceptable behavioron campus may well inform their expectations ofacceptable behavior in their professionallives. Numerous studies have reported thatmost college students admit to cheating onmultiple occasions (e.g., McCabe and Trevino,1993; Sims, 1993; McCabe, Trevino andButterfield, 1996, 1999). Furthermore,studies have linked academic integrity withethical business practices (McCabe, Trevinoand Butterfield, 1996; Sims, 1993). Oneapproach to reducing academic dishonesty hasbeen the student honor code. Such codes havebeen on the rise for the last decade (Pavelaand McCabe, 1993). Honor codes have been usedas a teaching tool to underscore the importanceof professional ethics among business students(Kidwell, 2001).In the effort to establish a culture ofacademic integrity, a university must firstunderstand the current state. This paperdiscusses a two-year study at a small liberalarts university without an honor code at thepresent time. Students were surveyed abouttheir cheating behaviors as well as theirreceptiveness to an honor code. Over seventypercent of the students surveyed reported thatthey were habitual cheaters, i.e., they hadcheated on exams, plagiarized papers, orcommitted other forms of academic dishonesty onmultiple occasions. A survey similar to thatadministered to students was subsequentlyadministered to faculty in order to determinetheir understanding of student cheating norms. This paper compares the student and facultyperceptions, and the prospects for an honorcode at the university are also explored.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, both public awareness of, and research about, college student credit card debt have increased. This study examined changes in college students' debt and possession of credit cards, as well as attitudes toward debt and credit cards over that time at one American college campus. Results indicate that the number of credit cards held and the amount of credit card debt both decreased in the time following the 2009 Credit CARD Act. Attitudes toward debt gradually became more negative over the past 10 years, whereas perceived personal financial well‐being increased. Although debt is decreasing, some students continue to report high levels of debt and correlates of higher levels of debt continue to include year in school, decreased ability to delay gratification, and lower levels of perceived financial well‐being. Overall, it appears that students' relationship with credit cards is changing, but many still have difficulty managing credit.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to television drug advertising on children's attitudes toward proprietary medicines and medicine use was investigated in two experiments. The first experiment presented the commercials in a realistic program context fashion. The second experiment presented the commercials in a more direct and controlled manner. Using drug questionnaires, the subjects were assessed for their attitudes regarding the use of proprietary drugs. The results of both studies indicated that exposure to drug advertising had little influence on children's attitudes. Furthermore, children preferred not to watch drug commercials in comparison to a TV program or other types of commercials.  相似文献   

This article systematically examines differences between student and faculty perspectives on quality instruction, using local data for a regional university's college of business matched to RateMyProfessors.com evaluations. Particular attention is focused on gender bias, “hotness,” and “easiness.” In addition to documenting a student bias or preference in favor of male faculty, this article also shows how students and faculty have different views of “easiness” and “hotness.” For this college, students value “easiness” while faculty penalize it; however “hotness” has no measurable effect on faculty in this study.  相似文献   

构建创业导向的勤工俭学教学模式内容体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
勤工俭学不是家庭贫困的大学生的"专利",而是大学生的一项普遍性活动。让学生"打工"的目的是"点燃创业激情"、"获取创业能力",使有志于创业的在校大学生通过社会实践活动来培养实际能力。"创业导向的勤工俭学"是教学模式的核心。学校应积极开展勤工俭学活动,营造勤工俭学校园文化,常规的教学体系与保障体系都要进行以创业创新为目的改革与完善。  相似文献   

Since there are so few controls over detecting and preventing faculty misconduct, one of the most common ways in which it is discovered is through student reports (in other words, whistleblowing). Given the importance of student reports in bringing to light faculty’s ethical lapses, this paper seeks to understand what factors influence students’ likelihood to report faculty misconduct. We develop an empirical model that integrates the decision process of the Prosocial Organizational Behavior (POB) Model with insights from the emotional perspective on whistleblowing. Specifically, we use an experimental survey to examine how students’ perceived unfairness of the faculty misconduct, feelings of anger, and the students’ self-interest in the situation in conjunction with situational “cues for inaction” lead to the intention to blow the whistle. Overall, the results from our structural model partially support our theoretical model. Interestingly, these findings demonstrate that, in the case of faculty member misconduct, anger and perceptions of unfairness play a greater role than the more rational cost-benefit process of the POB model. These results could aid in development of ethics education for students and could also inform the development of university policies that encourage students to come forward when faced with faculty misconduct.  相似文献   


This paper aims to replicate previous findings regarding the differential impact of TV advertising and advergames on children's brand attitudes and pester intentions. Using a large data-set (N = 940, Mage = 9.8, SD = 2.4), with children ranging between 6 and 14 years old, the influence of passive exposure to TV advertising is compared to active exposure to an advergame. In addition, the potential moderating effect of age is explored. In a between-participants experiment, Flemish children were randomly assigned to watch a TV ad, play an advergame, or a no marketing control condition. Results revealed that children who had played the advergame reported significantly more positive brand attitudes compared to children who had watched the TV ad and children in the no advertising exposure control group. Children's pester intent was significantly higher for the advergame compared to the TV ad, but not compared to the no advertising exposure control group. The findings further showed that children's attitudes towards the ad format mediate the impact of the advertising format on pester intent. The advergame was indirectly more persuasive than the TV ad since children reported more positive attitudes towards the advergame compared to the TV advertisement. Moreover, this mediation effect did not differ by children's age. Persuasion knowledge did not mediate the influence of the advertising format on pester intent since children's persuasion knowledge was not significantly related to pester intentions regardless of children's age.  相似文献   

The authors analyze consistency between supervisors' and interns' self-evaluations based on interns' gender, time of completion (summer or academic year), and sponsor (on-campus department or off campus). Students, in general, tended to have lower ratings for computer skills, relative to supervisors, suggesting that they do not appreciate the skills that they possess. When student self-evaluations differed from those of supervisors, women gave themselves lower ratings than supervisors, whereas the opposite was seen for men. When evaluations differed, students completing on-campus internships tended to rate themselves higher than their supervisors, whereas the opposite was seen for students completing off-campus internships. Suggestions for better advising and preparing students, in advance of completing internships, are provided.  相似文献   

Compulsive buying, defined as the inability to control purchasing behaviour, is higher among college‐aged students than it is among the general public. The present study examined the factors related to compulsive buying among college students and how those factors differ as a function of who paid the majority of their debt: themselves or their parents. A total of 628 undergraduates from the US completed a questionnaire containing items to measure compulsive buying, personality and financial responsibility. Results revealed that variables predictive of compulsive buying varied depending on the amount of credit card debt that the student was personally responsible for paying. Findings have implications for reducing compulsive buying in college students.  相似文献   

优秀的传统文化教育对塑造大学生中国气质、传承与发展传统文化、培养社会主义建设者和接班人都具有重要作用。剖析高职优秀传统文化教育中大学生主体意识不强、课程设置欠合理和诸多复合因素的实际影响,提出高职优秀传统文化教育加强课程建设、提升教师传统文化素养、营造和谐的校园文化氛围、整合传统文化资源等具体措施,以期实现优秀传统文化春风化雨、文化育人的功能。  相似文献   

The authors investigate whether frequent in class exams can improve the performance of students in hybrid global business courses. An experiment was conducted in three hybrid sections of a global business course exposing students to short in class exams. The expectation of a short exam forces students to watch the online lectures and study the course material. By having more prepared students, the professor can devote class time to discussing international business issues. This results in significantly higher student performance. The performance of 182 students was examined and the results show significant improvements for all groups.  相似文献   

Ethical development among business students is a perplexing issue when they behave even less ethically than business professionals. A prior study shows that business students in Hong Kong are more reluctant to behave ethically than those in other countries in some occasions. Based on an integrated model of ethical philosophy and cognitive development, the present study attempts to assess the ethical reasoning and Machiavellianism of 470 business students in Hong Kong. It measured ethical reasoning by means of two ethical dilemmas and the result indicated the deficiency of ethical reasoning among the students. With structural equation modeling, the analysis first discerned a factor of ethical reasoning. It then verified that ethical reasoning and Machiavellianism reflected a superordinate factor, termed as ethical predisposition. The modeling further revealed that having studied in college longer contributed to the student's ethical predisposition. However, majoring in marketing was associated with the student's lower ethical predisposition. These results were not susceptible to the confounding of the student's tendency toward acquiescence and social desirability.  相似文献   


This study investigates the online purchase behavior of a key segment of the population, the “Net Generation” undergraduate college-aged student, from two of the countries with the greatest potential for e-marketing opportunity, the United States and Ireland. In addition to identifying college students' Internet activities, this research provides useful comparative information concerning how frequently students from each country interactively shop online, how much they spend, what they buy, as well as answer the question whether students from the two countries under study approach the Buyer Decision Process differently in their use of the Internet. The results provide useful guidance to electronic marketers.  相似文献   

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is commonly viewed as a safety net for individual athletes, for universities, and for inter-collegiate sports programs. They help reduce injury to athletes, they participate in the marketing of athletic events, and they continue to change the rules of college sport to make it more fun for the spectators. There is another view that argues the NCAA is a buyers' cartel or monopsonist that engages in price-fixing for colleges and universities. The prices they fix are the wages of student athletes and they accomplish this through regulations that prohibit the athlete from receiving any income other than in-kind scholarship payments. Students who receive other kinds of scholarships are not subject to these same restrictions. For example, students who receive scholarships in music can and do augment their income by performing for pay. It is the opinion of some that these price fixing scholarship agreements limiting the income of student athletes discriminates against a whole class of scholarship recipients. They also believe that this kind of behavior on the part of colleges and universities that make up the membership of the NCAA is highly unethical and may even be illegal.John Stieber is a professor in the Department of Finance at the Edwin L. Cox School of Business located on the campus of Southern Methodist University. He teaches Economics, Finance, and Business Ethics; he has published several articles about the behavioral aspects of economic efficiency; he has designed courses in Business Ethics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and he has served as a consultant to several national firms.  相似文献   

在大学生中发展党员工作是高校党建工作的一项重要任务。武汉科技大学理学院党委把握党员发展工作的理论背景,认清当前大学生党员发展现状,分析学生党员发展过程中入党材料所存在的问题,采取"三个加强,一个完善"的措施加以针对性解决,有力地促进了高校学生党员的发展工作,进一步提高了党建科学化水平。  相似文献   

This article is based on a qualitative study on diet education among student preschool teachers. The problem under discussion is: What does a student preschool teacher learn in his education about food, meals, and nutrition? The material used in the article comprises interviews with student preschool teachers at one university and one college in Norway. Preschool teacher education is a three years university college study with bachelor degree. The survey results show that student preschool teachers do not receive even the most element training, when it comes to food and meals, including nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, although education must prepare them for a job outside the kindergarten. Practical cooking was almost completely absent in their education, including hygiene. Most student preschool teachers did not know what fat they were to use in cooking. Food and senses, allergies, and food and culture were not discussed in their education. There was little correlation between the formal curricula in connection with food and meals and the training the preschool teacher students received in their education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the website evaluation criteria among college student consumers in the US with different shopping orientations and Internet channel usage (i.e. online information searchers, online purchasers). The sample for this research was 414 college students, non‐married and aged 18–22 who have experience in visiting websites selling apparel products. Five apparel website evaluation criteria were identified by factor analysis (i.e. product information, customer service, privacy/security, navigation, auditory experience/comparison shopping). Based on shopping orientation factors, cluster analysis revealed three shopping orientation clusters (i.e. Hesitant In‐home Shoppers, Practical Clothing Shoppers, Involved Clothing Shoppers). Factorial manova showed that website evaluation criteria were significantly different among college student consumers with different shopping orientations and between online information searchers and online purchasers. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

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