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通过研究杨树苗购买决策过程中的外部影响因素,在对苏北262个杨树苗木购买农户调查的基础上,运用主成分分析法从8个可能影响农户购买决策的维度中提取了3个影响因子。研究发现:林农通过市场购入杨树苗木时面临很大的苗质风险,因而对苗木品质最为关注。通过对决策因素的主成分分析表明:林农在购买杨树苗木时主要受到"成本因子"、"信任因子"和"品质因子"的影响。  相似文献   

我国现行的土地征用制度是在高度集中的计划经济体制背景下形成的,存在种种弊端,因此在分析土地征购制度优越性基础上,提出如何克服土地征购制度可能存在的问题,构造我国土地征购制度的模式,就是由政府垄断征地市场,统一征地并统一支付全部的征地费用,然后经过土地储备中的前期开发,再分别向用地者提供土地.  相似文献   

城市土地收购储备价格内涵浅析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从分析当前我国在土地收购储备实施过程中土地收购价格确定现状入手熏并参照有关国家及地区的情况和经验熏分析了土地收购价格的内涵。  相似文献   

通过对福州市居民的问卷调查,首先对福州消费者在茶油品牌和价格方面上的认识进行差异性比较,然后运用计量模型对茶油购买行为影响因素进行实证分析,结果表明:茶油购买行为的影响因素包括消费者年龄、受教育程度和对茶油品质的了解三个因素;根据实证结果得出积极对消费者进行茶油的宣传对茶油购买具有较大的影响,并提出:明确消费群体,具体市场细分、提高消费者认知程度拓宽销售渠道,加大茶油宣传力度提升茶油品质和性价比、开展茶油精细化和实行品牌化产品策略以及加大认证、引导标准加强监管等相关建议。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the extent to which consumer information concerning several attributes of the pineapple juice packaging, including the manufacturing process, influenced the consumer intention to purchase. It is suggested that high-pressure technology retains nutrients as vitamins and keeps sensory attributes closer to those of fresh foods. These advantages meet the increasing consumer demand for healthy products and a more differentiated food assortment. However, the benefits provided by these products are not always communicated to consumers. Although information about the technology (high-pressure) had been positively considered by consumers when fruit juice consumption was taken into account, fewer studies have focused on this aspect. The effect of 5 attributes of the package (information on manufacturing process, product definition, production information, price, and brand name) on the pineapple juice consumer intention to purchase was investigated by 96 fruit juice consumers. Information about technology (high-pressure) positively contributed to the consumer pineapple juice intention to purchase and showed to be essential when it is applied on pineapple juice production, being a useful approach when adequately communicated to consumers.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对沙湾县农地互换的实证分析,找出影响沙湾县农地互换相关因素,为进一步促进农村土地承包经营权顺利互换提供科学依据。【方法】应用主成分分析模型、Pearson相关分析法和综合得分计算模型。【结论】区域经济、交通发展水平对沙湾县农地互换影响程度最大;耕地破碎度、亩均产量和耕地收入次之;耕作便捷度、非农就业机会和家庭人口因素较弱;农户土地互换意愿影响程度最弱。  相似文献   

2019年中央一号文件提出,2019—2020年是全面建成小康社会的决胜期,"三农"领域有不少必须完成的硬任务,必须坚持把解决好"三农"问题作为全党工作的重中之重不动摇。而解决"三农"问题的核心是增加农民收入,增加农民收入是河北省经济发展中的一个重要问题。本文首先通过观察2003—2018年河北省农民人均可支配收入状况,收集基本数据,确定城镇化水平、农产品人均占有量、农产品生产价格指数和农村人均消费支出四个影响因素;其次运用计量经济学模型和Eviews8.0软件进行分析和检验;最后根据拟合后的计量模型,得到农民人均可支配收入与农村人均消费支出和城镇化水平两个指标都成明显正相关关系:在其他指标不变时,农村人均消费支出每增加1元、城镇化水平每提升8%,农民人均可支配收入就分别增加0.88元和129.11元。本文根据所得结论提出了对策及建议,并结合实际为河北省农民增收探索新途径。  相似文献   

We examine how farm characteristics affect marketing contract decisions. We relax the restrictive assumptions of Tobit, Poisson, and multinomial logit models and consider the quantity, frequency, and contract type decisions conditional on, rather than jointly with, the contract adoption decision. In contrast to earlier studies on marketing contract decisions, we estimate a two-step econometric model using Agricultural Resource Management Study data and find that farm characteristics affecting decisions to adopt marketing contracts differ from those affecting decisions regarding quantity, frequency, and contract type.  相似文献   

To analyze U.S. consumers' brand choices for cheese purchases, we derive a set of discrete-choice models from dynamic utility maximization. ACNielsen Homescan Survey data on U.S. households is used to estimate a dynamic probit model for each of the top brands for cheddar, shredded, and sliced cheese in four U.S. regions. We find that households have strong brand inertia, a result robust across alternative specifications. Predicted probabilities confirm greater inertia in the top brands and consumers are more likely to switch into them. Brand inertia is relatively larger in cheddar and sliced cheese especially in the Central and Southeast regions.  相似文献   

以林业上市公司为研究对象,运用因子分析法对经营业绩进行评价,并在此基础对林业上市公司经营业绩的影响因素进行回归分析,以此得出林业上市公司经营业绩的影响因素。结果显示林业上市公司规模、资产负债率、总资产周转率和前五大股东持股比例与经营业绩呈正相关,而股权制衡度、董事会规模、第一大股东持股比例、两职状态和董事会独立性对经营业绩的影响不显著。研究认为,林业上市公司应引进国外资本,扩大公司规模、合理运用财务杠杆、科学选用独立董事,充分发挥独立董事的作用,实现企业效益最大化。  相似文献   

黄鹤品 《现代食品》2020,2(4):182-183,194
食品检验对我国人们食品消费安全来说非常重要。但在食品检验的过程中,却存在着一些影响食品检验准确性的外在因素,这些因素会导致食品检验出现差异,从而造成不可预知的食品安全问题。因此,为减少这些因素对食品检验的影响,相关检测部门要积极采取措施方法,以提高食品检验结果的准确性。本文主要就影响食品检验准确性的因素及对策进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

The harvesting capacity of the European fishing fleet far exceeds the reproductive potential of the resource base. As a result, most European Union fisheries are both biologically and economically over‐exploited. A series of fleet‐reduction policies have been introduced in order to bring the harvesting capacity in line with target output levels. However, the existence of unutilised capacity may reduce the effectiveness of these schemes as the remaining vessels may increase their individual capacity utilisation (CU), thus offsetting the effects of fleet reduction. In this paper, the effects of stock abundance, output prices, fuel prices and fleet size on the rate of capacity utilisation are examined for a range of UK fleet segments operating in the English Channel. Estimates of CU are derived using data envelopment analysis. Results indicate that the average beam trawl vessel, using existing physical inputs, could potentially increase its revenue by a further 50%, assuming current fish stock levels and unrestricted access to resources. The average gill net vessel could similarly increase its output by 43%, scallop dredge by 28% and otter trawl by 14%. The results suggest that changes in stock abundance are the main factor affecting CU, with no significant trends being observed for the economic variables.  相似文献   

This study utilizes the Total Food Quality Model to gain a better understanding of how Malaysian consumers make their decision to purchase fresh/chilled meat. We examine the association between quality cues and desired values (quality attributes) with regard to food that is guaranteed Halal, safe to eat, healthy and nutritious, has a good taste, represents good value for money, and is produced in a way that protects the environment and worker welfare. The findings reveal that different quality cues assume different levels of importance when pursuing different desired values.  相似文献   

基于PLS模型的中国林业产值影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用1994~2007年关于中国林业投入与产出的相关数据,采用偏最小二乘回归法,对影响中国林业产出的诸种投入因素进行研究。实证研究发现:中国林业产出主要受林业固定资产投资、林业基本建设投资和林业从业人员人数以及从业人员年均工资等投入因素的影响;且各种投入影响因素对林业第一、二、三产业的影响程度存在差异。为此,建议:保持林业投入适度增长,加大对林业劳动力的教育和培训力度,增强其再就业能力;加强林业固定资产投资和林业基本建设投资,尤其是营林固定资产投资和森工基本建设投资;借助林权制度改革,多渠道拓宽就业途径,以促进林业劳动力向第三产业转移。  相似文献   

研究目的:明确协商购买作为征地先行程序的宪法基础和制度资源,设计协商购买征地先行程序。研究方法:规范分析、比较分析。研究结果:(1)协商购买作为征地先行程序具有宪法基础,不仅没有违反宪法第10条第4款,而且是宪法第10条第3款的内在要求,也与基本权利的程序保障功能吻合;(2)协商购买作为征地先行程序有其制度资源,征地补偿可以作为确定购买价格的依据;协商购买程序与开放建构的征地程序合拍;行政协议制度为协商购买争议解决奠定基础。研究结论:协商购买应当作为征地的强制先行程序,县级以上人民政府应当在申请征收前善意地向农民集体及其成员提出购买要约,购买价格可以参考且不得低于征地补偿,协商步骤安排应当兼顾行政效率与农民权益保障。  相似文献   

文章认为 ,政府采购是我国财政改革的一项重要内容 ,是市场经济下加强财政管理、规范政府消费行为、遏止腐败的有效手段。文章指出了我国推行政府采购制度过程中存在的六个方面的问题 ,并提出了完善和规范政府采购制度的六项对策。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of country of origin and other marketing factors on perceived price premium and purchase intention of dairy products. Applying factor analysis and 2-step cluster analysis, the article finds that there are 4 segments in the Thailand dairy market. The respondents in each segment perceive quality of products from 6 countries (or regions) differently. Three segments that consider country of origin have their evaluation of price premium and purchase intention of products from each country higher than the remaining segment. The applications to market strategy of international food companies and agribusiness industries are discussed.  相似文献   

We conduct a series of Becker–DeGroot–Marschak (BDM) auctions to elicit consumers' willingness‐to‐pay (WTP) for organic and local blueberries. Participants' intentions to purchase the auction product were collected to determine how purchase intentions for the auction products affect their partial bids (WTP for an additional attribute) as well as full bids (WTP for the auction product). The results suggest, as expected, that full bids from participants with purchase intention for the auction product are significantly higher than those from participants without purchase intention. However, the partial bids, which are inferred from the full bids, for organic and local attributes are consistent across participants with different purchase intentions. Therefore, if the focus of a BDM auction is consumers' WTP for product attributes, purchase intentions may not be an important influence on the value.  相似文献   


A demand for snack foods has emerged as market-oriented reforms and privatization progresses in Bulgaria. Information is needed about consumer preferences to compete in the emerging market. This study identified socioeconomic and demographic characteristics influencing the consumption of peanut tahina, a unique product made of ground peanuts. An ordered probit model with sample selection showed that household income, education, age, and location significantly effected the decision to consume the product, but not the consumption intensity.  相似文献   

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