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Using a modified SERVQUAL scale, this paper measures perceived service quality in a corporatised public sector environment. Five factors were identified: personalised proficiency, empathic professionalism, reliability, tangibles and access; explaining 61% of overall variance. Further analysis using multiple regression also indicated that 45% of the variability in customer satisfaction and 43% of the variability in overall service quality was explained by the five factors. The research was conducted in response to calls for the application of this measure and following a review of extant literature that indicated the limited number of studies undertaken within the public sector that assessed service quality.  相似文献   


Recent growth of personal computing and networked systems have resulted in Information Systems (IS) departments facing a heavy demand on their services. Based on internal marketing concepts, IS services need to use a measure of service quality for their internal customers. Studies carried out recently, suggest SERVQUAL as a possible measure of IS service quality. However, there are some issues that relate to their discriminant validity and appropriateness. A bottom-up approach to elicit service quality dimensions is explored using service encounters in a health organization. The results indicate that while the dimensions of responsiveness and assurance seem to be important, there is a need to re-look at these broad dimensions as more specific dimensions may be more appropriate for IS settings.  相似文献   

The application of perceived service quality to marketing segmentation makes a significant contribution to customer quality expectations by enabling more efficient segmentation. By means of an empirical analysis, the present work firstly contrasts the validity of perceived service quality measurements in public services. It goes on to analyse the usefulness of this concept as a segmentation criterion. Finally, customer segments are identified as a function of perceived quality and profiles are established for each segment. This study proves that service quality is a useful tool for segmentation in public services.  相似文献   


The emphasis of quality in distance education in the last decade tended to place on operational efficiency under the concepts of quality control and quality assurance. This tendency has shifted towards a student's perspective in the wake of greater competitive pressure and heightened students' expectations. This paper reports the results of a study to identify service quality determinants based on the students' perceptions. The results of an exploratory factor analysis of 25 items and a regression analysis produce five dimensions in the following priority: (1) learning facilities, (2) quality of course materials, (3) studying atmosphere, (4) capability of tutors, and (5) center arrangement for tutorials. This study highlights the pressing need for a distance education institution to pay attention to physical facilities and course materials which represent the core of the service offering and are relatively easier to evaluate than other service elements.  相似文献   

民营化逐渐成为西方国家公用事业改革以及政府治理模式变革的基本潮流,并对后发展中国家的行政改革产生了巨大的示范作用。转型中国的公用事业民营化在约束条件、目的、绩效评估等方面与发达国家有所区别;对政府合理边界的确定是民营化改革成功的关键,要以破除行政性垄断为突破口、依法规制为核心、适当放松规制为原则、建立相对独立的规制机构为保障重构政府规制体系,促进公用事业的发展。  相似文献   

李云雁 《财经论丛》2012,3(3):16-23
本文在评述城市公用事业相关研究成果的基础上,重点讨论城市公用事业民营化改革中需加强法规政策的制定与实施、城市公用事业的整体规划与实施、城市公用事业基础设施的投资、维护社会公众利益、安全保障和应对突发事件、对特殊群体和事件的政策性补贴、实行有效政府管制等七个方面的政府责任,并据此提出了实现城市公用事业民营化中政府责任的若干政策建议.  相似文献   

传统理论认为公用事业产品是不能通过市场有效提供的,但随着社会技术的发展和制度的创新与完善,越来越多的私人投资涉及公用事业产品领域。公用事业产品私人供给的必要性在于可以增强竞争意识,有利于经济和社会效益的提高,有利于解决基础性项目的资金短缺,消除社会经济的“瓶颈”障碍。政府应采取合约出租、政府购买、特许经营、经济资助、政府参股等方式利用市场提供公用事业产品。  相似文献   

农村公共事业管理制度创新是推进农村公共事业又好又快发展的根本保障。本文分析了我国农村公共事业管理滞后的原因,论述了实现公共事业管理创新的必要性,探讨了实现农村公共事业管理创新的实现途径。  相似文献   


This article reports on the development of a measurement tool to assess service quality in an executive education setting. For this purpose, two studies were performed at a Peruvian business school. In the first study, data were collected from 205 executive students to establish the dimensionality of the measurement instrument. The follow-up study, performed a year later with data gathered from 354 executive students, was devoted to examining the stability of the factor structure in addition to the reliability and construct validity of the scale's scores. Results provide strong support for the validity and reliability of the scores on the five EXEQ subscales. The findings also showed that students not only evaluate executive education service quality through five factors but that they also view overall executive education service quality as a higher-order construct that captures elements of all its constitutive dimensions.

RESUMEN. El propósito de este estudio es informar sobre el desarrollo de una herramienta de medición para evaluar la calidad del servicio, en un entorno educacional para ejecutivos. Para lograrlo, se realizaron dos estudios en una escuela de negocios (business schools) de Perú. En el primer estudio, se recopilaron datos provenientes de 205 estudiantes ejecutivos para establecer la dimensión del instrumento de medición. El estudio de seguimiento, a su vez, se realizó un año más tarde con los datos obtenidos de 354 estudiantes ejecutivos, que se utilizaron para examinar la estabilidad del factor estructura, y la confiabilidad y validación constructiva de la clasificación de escala. Los resultados obtenidos respaldaron fuertemente la validación y confiabilidad de la clasificación en cinco subescalas EXEQ. Los hallazgos también demostraron que los estudiantes no sólo evalúan la calidad de los servicios educacionales brindados a los ejecutivos con base en cinco factores, sino que ellos también analizan la calidad de este servicio educacional desde una perspectiva mucho más amplia, que captura los elementos que constituyen sus propias dimensiones y alcance.

RESUMO. Este estudo relata o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de medição para avaliar a qualidade do serviço num cenário de formação de executivos. Com esse objetivo, dois estudos foram realizados numa escola de negócios (business school) peruana. No primeiro estudo, dados foram coletados de 205 estudantes executivos para verificar a dimensionalidade do instrumento de medição. O estudo de follow-up, realizado um ano depois com dados coletados de 354 estudantes executivos, dedicou-se a examinar a estabilidade da estrutura de fator e a confiabilidade e validade de constructo dos escores da escala. Os resultados dão fortes sinais da validade e confiabilidade dos escores nas cinco subescalas EXEC. Constatou-se também que os estudantes não apenas avaliam a qualidade do serviço de formação de executivos mediante cinco fatores, mas também vêem a qualidade do serviço de formação de executivos como um constructo de ordem superior, que capta elementos de todas as suas dimensões constitutivas.  相似文献   

李知矫 《中国会展》2020,(1):122-123
历经20年的长足发展、稳健前行,點意空间国际展览集团(以下简称點意空间)始终坚持走专业化、国际化、品牌化、信息化发展之路,凭借独特的匠心精神,塑造了众多精品工程,打造了众多展览盛典,得到了行业的认可。  相似文献   

雷鸿 《市场研究》2010,(3):28-30
<正>一、关于市政公用行业特许经营实现模式的几个问题1.遵循的基本原则和目的实施特许经营应遵循以下原则:引入竞争机制;加强政府管制,明确管制的内容和手段;为行业可持续发展特许经营创造条件;保护公共利益;因地制宜,分步实施的原  相似文献   

中英城市公用事业管理体制比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市公用事业是向社会公众普遍提供的,但具有一定公益性的基础设施产业及其活动,主要包括自来水,管道煤气和城市公共交通等,决定城市公用事业管理体制的主要因素,一般认为,包括法律体系,机构设置,价格机制和竞争机制四大方面,本文从中,英两国城市公用事业不同的管理模式入手,着重比较分析中国和英国在以上四方面的基本差异。以期为我国公用事业管理体制改革提供一些思路。  相似文献   

服务质量缺口与服务质量管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
服务质量与顾客满意是息息相关的。当顾客觉得获得了优质服务时,他们就会觉得满意,从而有利于培养顾客的忠诚度。优质服务还有利于改善顾客、员工与企业的关系,有利于培养员工对企业的忠诚度。同时,优质服务也有利于企业获取更大的市场份额、更高的投资回报、降低企业对价格竞争的敏感程度。本文试图根据顾客对服务5个方面的预期和对实际提供服务的感知的差异,研究如何管理和进一步提高服务质量。  相似文献   

This article identifies a phenomenon that may be in- fluencing passengers' evaluation of airline carriers. The results of this study suggest that consumers may systematically distort their evaluation of airlines. Perceptions about service quality attributes are seemingly influenced more by factors internal to the individual than by the actual attributes available for observation. Implications are also identXed that may aid airline executives to address the com- plex, yet critical issue of "systematic distortion."  相似文献   

Service Quality     

We examine the many definitions and dimensions of quality. We review the results of a quality survey and compare differences in quality perceptions among various demographic factors. We provide recommendations to managers on translating these findings into marketing segmentation strategy.  相似文献   

从广告人的角度看,广告有一个重要的目标,就是希望受众有所行动,公益广告同样如此,应该明确,你希望受众群体有什么样的行动。乔均:在座有很多是经历过60年代,70年代的广告人,那个时代国家并不富裕,但是我们有雷锋,我们会做好事不留名。但是今天小悦悦在我们身边,一部车压过去了,第二部车又压过去了,竟然没有人关心。中国缺了什么,我们这个民族缺了什么,缺了伦理,缺了道德,缺了积极向上的精神。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical investigation of willingness to participate in public meetings to provide consumer inputs for designing public transportation services. The low levels of interest in participation among elderly, low-income consumers and high levels of interest among consumers of specific transportation modes were critically evaluated.  相似文献   

张彤媚 《广告大观》2006,(5S):132-133
一直很喜欢公益广告,因其准确而到位的宣传,因其或温馨亦或一针见血的场景,因其震撼心灵的广告语,还因其在我们身边的点点关怀。记得在上大学的时候,老师让我们创作一个平面公益广告,我做了这样一个日历,很多日期底下都有老人划的圈和记录的文字:“儿子回来”、“儿子返校”、“女儿打电话”……然后我配上了这样的文案:  相似文献   

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