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中国出境旅游目的地的市场定位研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文探讨了中国出境旅游目的地的市场竞争以及市场定位,研究表明,中国公民出境旅游目的地的特征属性中,“安全性”与“优美的景色”是中国出境旅游者认为的最重要特征属性;KYST研究结果表明,在中国现已开放的出境旅游目的地中,新加坡与泰国、日本与韩国、埃及与德国是两两相似的出境旅游目的地形象;ALSCAL研究结果表明,中国出境旅游目的地的特征属性之间既具有联系,又具有差异;中国出境旅游目的地国家相互之间具有市场竞争性。为吸引更多的中国大陆旅游者出境旅游,中国出境旅游目的地国家应制定相应的旅游市场营销策略。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the predictive power of psychographic and demographic variables on intended and actual travel behaviors. A pre-tour and after-tour survey on the intended and actual travel behaviors of 397 Chinese 1 1. For the specific purposes of this research, “China” refers to Mainland China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan due to their historical background. Hence, Chinese tourists refer to tourists from Mainland China. View all notes outbound tourists to Australia was conducted. Four of the five intended travel behaviors (Sightseeing, Culture and Heritage Activity, Shopping and Dining, and Entertainment) and three of the five actual travel behaviors (Sightseeing, Culture and Heritage Activity, and Entertainment) proved to be statistically significant with a combination of psychographic and demographic contributors. The results of this study are discussed and the market implications indicated.  相似文献   


There is considerable evidence to suggest that differences in cultural characteristics exist across the world. Among them, individualistic societies emphasize “I” consciousness, autonomy, emotional independence, pleasure seeking and universalism. On the other hand, col-lectivistic societies stress “we” consciousness, collective identity, group solidarity, sharing, and particularism. A comparative research on the motivation of tourists from different cultures may challenge current tourism research, which mainly focuses on individualism and rationalism. These values of individualism and rationalism result in underestimation of the influence of groups, norms, culture, and emotion or impulse on tourist behavior. There have been few studies which attempt to directly measure cultural characteristics and identity across culture, and to explain how these cultural characteristics play a role in creating distinctive differences in tourist motivation. Thus, this study explores (1) cultural differences underlying individualism-collectivism between Anglo-American and Japanese tourists; (2) examines the relationship of two cultural dimensions to tourist motivation, and (3) suggests management implications facing tourism industry.  相似文献   


Japan has emerged as a leading generator of international tourism in the past decade. Given the importance of Japanese tourists to the global tourism industry, understanding of their travel-related behavior has become an essential item in the tourism research agenda. A review of literature revealed that a number of studies related to various aspects of Japanese tourists' behavior was reported. However, these studies did not follow any systematic themes of research and the information generated by these studies has not been well conceptualized. Therefore, this paper aims to present a comprehensive review of the literature which pertains to the travel-related behavior of Japanese leisure tourists and to conceptualize the major behavioral attributes and findings of reported research.  相似文献   

英国出境旅游产品分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林璧属  潘雪 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):54-60
本文通过英国旅行社出境旅游产品的类别分析和价格差异对比,总结了出境旅游产品的5种基本特性,在产品差异原因分析时发现,旅游目的地的旅游资源差异固然是旅游产品差异的主基石,但目的地接待服务水平高低反而是当地旅游业发展的主导因素,在休闲旅游阶段,其作用胜过旅游资源本身,甚至超过了资源。  相似文献   


The current study examines data gathered on the Japanese visitor to Alaska during the summer of 1996 and winter of 1997. The survey focused on several topics: the demographic profile of the visitor, their motivations, the sources of information used, actual trip behaviors, and indices of customer satisfaction. Results indicate that the Japanese visitor to Alaska segment may be further subdivided based on season, winter and summer. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper examines the characteristics of contemporary Japanese package tourism, through an analysis of tour brochures. The brochures are analyzed in terms of functional components of the tours, as well as the visual images that are represented. Drawing on a sample of 15 brochures that contain winter ski package holidays for Japanese travelers in Whistler, British Columbia (Canada), this study identifies several key elements in the promotion of Japanese package tourism. These elements include the lean and flexible nature of the functional components of package tours, and the use of both concrete, and abstract images of tourists and tour experiences in the brochures.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the motivations of tourists to travel during financial crises and to identify the impact of those travel motivations on the likelihood that tourists would travel during financial crises. The findings suggest short-distance destinations, novelty, and culture would motivate tourists during financial crises; but tourist recreation would deter them from traveling domestically. This study enriches the literature on the travel motivations of domestic tourists, particularly Thai tourists, to travel during financial crises.  相似文献   

中国旅行社产业景气周期的指数化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴斌  阎霞  黄选 《旅游学刊》2007,22(9):35-40
本文通过对自1993年以来各项统计数据的系统梳理,构建了中国旅行社产业景气指数模型,在定量研究的基础上对产业发展进程和产业贡献率进行了分期和评价.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the findings of three consumer surveys conducted in Hong Kong examining and outbound travel frequency and future travel intentions. The surveys were conducted in December, 2000, October, 2001, some three weeks after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and in April/May 2002, thus enabling the researchers to track the immediate and medium term impacts of the 9–11 incident on outbound tourism. The study revealed that a dramatic softening in intentions to travel was reported, yet no apparent differences were noted in overall travel participation rates before and six months after the event. However, consumers have modified their travel activities, taking shorter trips and expressing greater concerns about the safety of travel. The study further reveals that consumer confidence in the safety of outbound travel is returning, but more enduring economic concerns are beginning to affect travel intentions.  相似文献   

中国出境旅游发展及其影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
马波  寇敏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):24-28
出境旅游持续快速增长,国际旅游双流格局渐次形成,是当前中国旅游业国际化的主要表现.出境旅游发展会改变国际旅游收支关系,但是,即使出现旅游赤字,也不一定对宏观经济产生负面作用.出境旅游发展会刺激中国入境旅游增长,促进旅游企业的跨国经营,有利于提升中国旅游产业的整体素质.当前,政府无需对出境旅游加以直接规制,但需要采取多种跟进措施.  相似文献   

The senior travel market has become an increasingly important area of interest to travel agents. This study examines senior travellers based on their travel experience, behavior, and overall experience on visiting Thailand, in terms of their age, marital status, and education. In this study, a sample of 384 senior foreign tourists responded to a survey carried out at the Bangkok International airport. Seniors are shown not to be a uniform conservative market, which has implications for product development. Profiles differed in the priority attached to travel experience factored into health, safety, language, itineraries, and general conditions in connection with travel. Travel behavior of seniors also differs in terms of types of tour, lodging preference, outdoor activity, mode of transportation, type of information used, and people travelled with. Recommendations based on these findings have strategic implications for travel companies and travel organizers.  相似文献   


A substantial amount of statistics and articles in travel magazines indicated that family vacation travel is one of the major worldwide trends. However, very limited empirical research has been dedicated to this special market segment. This study examined Japanese family travelers to Taiwan by comparing and contrasting them with other travel companionship groups including traveling with friends and traveling alone. The importance of travel group composition segmentation was explained and conceptualized through the understanding of the value of social groups from sociology perspective. The results indicated that Japanese family travelers exhibited unique characteristics when traveling. Family travelers tended to be more motivated by learning oriented themes and participated enthusiastically in activities that facilitated experiential learning as well as total physical relaxation. The “traveling with friends” and “traveling solo” segments tended to be seeking more of activities that had strong entertaining and socializing undertones. The traveling solo group appeared to be the most evasive or the least understood in what their needs and preferences were. Marketing implications were discussed.  相似文献   

The application of Butler's tourism area life cycle model to the Korean literary village and hyper-destination of Kim Yujeong yields a basic pattern of conformity, although the staggered and overlapping sequencing of indicators suggests the presence of successive exploration, involvement, and development “tendencies” rather than stages. Apparent contradictions between very high guest-to-host ratios and contact and relatively low levels of resident dissatisfaction and attraction change reflect the topophilia of both residents and visitors and, more speculatively, the influence of a homogeneous cultural context.  相似文献   

试论我国出境旅游管理体制改革问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
蔡家成 《旅游学刊》2000,15(3):13-18
现行的出境旅游经营服务和管理,在保证旅游及其服务质量和旅游者的合法权益、贯彻国家旅游发展方针等方面均存在着明显的不足,其主要原因就是没有建立统一的出境旅游体系,现行各条渠道、各个体系独立运作,彼此职责划分和相互协调都不太好。因此,必须通过制订法规,尽快建立统一的居民因私出境旅游管理体系,以从根本上解决现存的主要问题,保证居民出境旅游的适度、健康发展。  相似文献   

中国出境旅游高速增长的负面影响探析   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
戴学锋  巫宁 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):41-45
旅游业是相当于我国GDP近6%的重要产业.国际旅游是旅游者的跨国界流动,是旅游者的消费能力从客源国转移到东道国的释放,被称为无形贸易和"风景资源的就地出口".20世纪90年代以前我国的国际旅游以入境旅游为主要形式,它曾是我国创汇的重要渠道."九五"以来,我国出境旅游持续快速发展.事实上,出境旅游的超高速增长正使我国旅游业面临由创汇产业向耗汇产业的过渡.本文拟从经济社会的宏观角度,将当前我国旅游业的发展看成是我国特定经济社会条件下的产物,从这个角度分析出境旅游的超常发展是否在"适度"的范围,探讨出境旅游发展对宏观经济、国际收支平衡和和谐社会的影响;并基于这种形势判断和负面影响分析,提出相应的政策调控构想.  相似文献   

This study extends the leisure constraint model by examining the role that popular nationalism has in Chinese outbound travel. Using a case study approach based on the 2012 Diaoyu/Senkaku Island Incident between China and Japan, the study demonstrates how Chinese popular nationalism has the potential to shape the geopolitical environment of all outbound Chinese tourism. The study proposes a new model that can be used to illustrate how popular nationalism may affect bilateral tourism in other settings. Findings of this study offer important insights for both scholars and practitioners contributing to the understanding of the impact of Chinese popular nationalism on bilateral tourism flows.  相似文献   

许春晓  田媛  姜漫  王洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(9):65-72
家庭是旅游态度形成的最重要环境背景,也一直是旅游活动的重要组织单元,探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度的关系意义重大.文章依据已有研究成果,建立家庭生命周期模型,制定旅游态度量表,以问卷工具面向长沙市居民进行调查,获得基础数据,运用因子分析得到了追求享受、强调卫生、看重设施、向往体验、关注身心健康等5个方面的旅游态度主成分,通过验证性因子分析后,再用相关分析、多元回归分析探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度5个主成分的关系.结果表明,随着家庭生命周期的演进,人们愈发追求享受、看重设施、关注身心健康.无巢期人群看重设施和关注身心健康的表现低于其他阶段人群,空巢期人群追求享受的表现高于其他阶段人群,空巢期、鳏寡期人群关注身心健康的表现高于其他阶段人群,满巢期人群向往体验的表现高于其他阶段人群.  相似文献   

The fast growth of the Chinese economy has transformed Chinese outbound tourism into one of the major players in the tourism industry worldwide. However, Chinese outbound tourists may still encounter travel constraints in some countries, such as Japan, which has had a close and complicated relationship in history with China. This study adopted the qualitative approach by applying focus group and in-depth interviews to investigate and triangulate the travel barriers affecting Chinese outbound travel to Japan. The findings indicated that domestic nationalist sentiment played a key constraining role in influencing Chinese outbound travel decision-making, followed by current political factors, while quality products and service, as well as social environment encouraged tourists to travel. This research also found that visitors and non-visitors have perception differences in terms of travel barriers and attractiveness of travel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the vacation attributes preferred by residents of the United States when they engage in overseas travel. The sample was segmented into family life cycle stages and evaluated by segment. A modernized life cycle was used to include single parents and middle-aged couple without children and it was concluded that these two groups do represent viable market segments. They take more overseas trips on average than the other segments and they demonstrate some degree of destination loyalty.  相似文献   

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