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微观经济学案例教学设计初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
案例教学是微观经济学理论教学较好的辅助和补充,是培养学生学习微观经济学兴趣的有效手段。微观经济学教学案例按作用、篇幅、嵌入模式、呈现模式等方面的不同可分为课堂穿插式小案例与综合性案例,导入型、验证型和复合型案例等。在微观经济学案例教学中应注意的问题是:不能颠倒理论教学与案例教学的主次关系;案例要紧扣课堂教学的需要;正确处理经典案例与现实性案例的关系;正确处理教师与学生的角色定位。  相似文献   

金融学案例教学是以现实经济问题作为研究对象,有利于帮助学生正确理解抽象的金融学理论,可以提高学生的学习兴趣,培养和提高其综合素质与能力。金融学案例教学的内容十分丰富。组织方式多种多样,可以根据课堂教学的具体情况,采用穿插安排、小案例讨论、综合案例讨论、专题讨论等多种方式进行,并尽可能实现案例本土化,从而实现较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

采购管理课程中案例教学应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李荷华  黄中鼎 《中国市场》2008,(32):144-146
在本科采购管理课程教学过程中,针对知识点的讲授仅仅从理论的角度阐述,由于学生没有相关的工作经历,必然很难理解。所以在采购管理课程的讲授过程中,案例教学的应用是非常重要的。本文以此为基础,研究了采购管理案例教学中若干关键问题,包括:选择案例的原则、案例的来源、案例的实施等问题。最后指出通过案例教学可以在多个方面都得到改善,从而有利于学生对关键知识点的掌握。  相似文献   

关于审计学案例教学的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用审计案例进行案例教学,是审计教学推行启发式的一个有效方法。案例教学法是将源于实践的具有典型性、科学性和实用性的案例作为桥梁,把理论与实践有机的联系起来的教学方法。案例教学法用于审计学教学意义深远,需加以科学、合理的组织和实施。  相似文献   

案例教学法在《国际贸易》教学中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑展鹏 《北方经贸》2011,(5):151-153
传统教学法在《国际贸易》教学中容易造成师生互动性差、教学方式单调、难以调动学生学习积极性,而案例教学法可以克服这些缺陷。案例教学法在《国际贸易》中的应用主要有三种表现路径:以案例带动知识的讲授;理论结合案例联系实际;以学生分析案例为主,辅以教师点评。在案例教学法中,精选案例是案例教学法的关键和基础,案例展示是案例教学法的核心,教师点评是案例教学的升华。  相似文献   

案例教学法是一种寻找理论与实践恰当结合点的十分有效的教学方式。作为一门实践性很强的学科,物流工程注重培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。通过案例教学,创造自主学习、合作学习、研究性学习和探索性学习的开放型的学习氛围,可将素质教育落到实处,培养有创新意识、创新精神和创新能力的物流人才。  相似文献   

案例教学在采购管理课程教学中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦小辉 《中国市场》2009,(10):137-138
采购管理是一门实践性很强的应用科学,采购管理者必须通过学习和实践不断提高自身素质。因此,案例教学法在采购管理教学的课程中具有极为重要的作用。本文探讨了采购管理课程开展案例教学的必要性,介绍了案例教学在采购管理课程教学中的应用。  相似文献   

电子商务实践教学的案例甄选与分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震 《北方经贸》2010,(11):61-64
电子商务实践是动态的、不断变化的,电子商务实践教学是密切适应市场需求的、与时俱进的。在电子商务的实践教学中,应该注重电子商务案例的甄选与分析。电子商务案例的甄选应体现代表性、针对性、系统性、启发性等原则。电子商务案例分析模型遵循模式定义、基本情况汇总、案例价值网络定位、模式分析、总结与建议的程序。  相似文献   

创新精神和能力的培养是管理专业教育的目标和灵魂,从动态案例教学在管理专业教育中的地位入手,提出建立培养跨世纪管理人才的动态案例教学模式,并对实施过程中的几个关键问题提出了解决的措施.  相似文献   

An Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN) is a Computer-Mediated Communication System designed to support "anytime/anywhere" interaction among students and between students and instructors. A field experiment compared groups and individuals solving an ethical case scenario, with and without an ALN, to determine the separate and joint effects of communication medium and teamwork. Dependent variables include quality and length of the reports, and subjective perceptions of learning and satisfaction. The results indicate that that an ALN enhances the quantity and quality of the solutions to an ethical case scenario. The combination of teamwork with ALN-support increases the students' perception of learning. Although the perception of collaborative learning was similar between ALN-supported and unsupported groups, participants in computer-mediated groups reported lower perceptions of discussion quality than participants in manual groups.  相似文献   

Whether it is called reengineering, quality function deployment, quality circles, continuous improvement or total quality management, business process redesign (BPR) is occurring in many organizations. In the broadest sense, BPR includes nearly any kind of systematic effort by companies to realign their business processes so that they are more competitive. Successful business process redesign can lead to dramatic improvements in productivity and quality. But BPR typically requires vast amounts of time and money to implement, since extensive employee input is necessary during the redesign process. Group Decision Support Software (GDSS) provides a viable alternative to the traditional BPR approach. GDSS is defined as computer-based information systems used to support intelligent, collaborative work.This technology allows multiple users to meet and discuss topics simultaneously via a computer network, thus increasing employee commitment while decreasing time and cost.This paper describes a business process redesign project that was conducted for a division within a large government agency fall of 1993. The BPR was done using a type of Group Decision Support Software called Group Systems V. A services marketing tool called service mapping was also used to identify customer needs and interfaces. Data were collected throughout the project to measure employee attitudes about the redesign process and the GroupSystems technology. Time to complete tasks was also recorded. The results of the study showed that the business process redesign was accomplished more effectively in a shorter period of time than with traditional BPR methods previously used. Participants also indicated that the service mapping tool provided a perspective that is missing from many BPR approaches: an understanding of the service from the customer's perspective.  相似文献   

新经济的内涵非常丰富,包括信息技术、生物技术、新材料新能源技术、航空航天技术以及纳米技术等.企业已进入信息和科技竞争的时代,用信息技术改造传统的造船业、航运业,已经成为海事界同仁面对的重要课题.  相似文献   


Information technology is transforming the economy at a breathtaking speed. The effect of technology on global business practices is profound and pervasive. These trends are changing and shaping the global economic landscape in the new millennium. These developments have major implications for the knowledge skills required for success in business in the information age. Students must be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that each of these trends represents. Therefore, the new knowledge economy demands changes in the models of global business education. Based on our experiences at our respective universities, this article describes how we are changing not only the way we teach, but also what we teach-as well as altering the way our universities do business.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的深入发展,能力培养已经成为大学生就业尤其经管类大学生就业的关键因素。通过对互动式教学研究现状和案例教学法的探讨,提出强调双主体师生交互式的教学风格经管类案例教学的基本模式。认为基于双主体互动教学模式的经管类案例教学可以促使教师很好地掌握理论,帮助教师理解教学中出现的问题,掌握对教学进行分析和反思的方式,对教学质量的提高及教学相长有着重要的作用,将有效提升大学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

我国传统的会计教学方法一直是以理论讲授为主,忽视会计知识的应用。模拟实验教学法是解决课堂教学中理论联系实际的有效途径之一。模拟实验教学法基本流程是,采用案例教学,让学生扮演其中的角色,在会计电算化模拟实验室,采取会计软件手段完成企业日常账务处理流程,达到提高学生运用所学管理知识解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

温韬 《江苏商论》2014,(10):15-17
本文介绍了笔者的视频案例教学的缘起,分析了视频案例的特性及其在营销教学中的作用;最后,本文探讨了营销视频案例的"常变常新"问题:一是剖析了营销视频案例"常变常新"的原因,二是指出了营销视频案例"常变常新"的方法。  相似文献   

Many researchers claim that the use of web-based learning tools and information and communication technology (ICT) will revolutionize traditional learning methods in university contexts and fundamentally change the process of how knowledge is gathered and disseminated. However, there are conflicting views regarding the benefits of these techniques and actual learning outcomes. This paper posits that by using ICT and particularly the Web as a dynamic and integrating learning tool, several strategic competencies can be deployed and that the international knowledge, skills and competencies of entrepreneurship students can be radically enhanced. In light of an extensive literature review on research in the field, suggestions are provided for using the Web as a comprehensive teaching tool.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to conduct an in-depth study on environmental management systems developed in the ceramic tiles sector. This study is conceived as an improvement on a previous survey related to an environmental diagnosis of the ceramic tiles sector where some incongruities between environmental explicit speeches and environmental actions were detected. Such incongruities revealed that firms assumed to be highly environmental committed while from facts this commitment was not so high proved. So, it was necessary to introduce case study research methodology to clarify and to understand the reasons of these inconsistencies. The main objectives of our case study research are two. The first one consists in determining the relationship between firms and environment, analysing environmental positions in companies assumed in their environmental strategy and their environmental behaviour reflected in facts, while the second one attempts to establish the role played by the accounting information system in the environmental management systems of the companies in the sector. Our case study research reveals the elaboration of a larger amount of environmental accounting information for internal use than for external one. This fact is due not only to the inexistence of regulations about environmental disclosures in Spain, at that time, but also to the importance of environmental internal accounting information for management which supports the prevalence of decision-usefulness theory in the implementation of environmental management systems.Lecturer of Management Accounting in the Department of Finance and Accounting of the University Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). PhD in Business Management, with a focus on Environmental Management Accounting. Participant in several research funding programmes related to Environmental Management in Spain, Scotland and Guatemala.  相似文献   

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