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This study uses the Wine Self-Confidence Scale (WSCS) with a sample of 297 customers of ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, a Florida-based retailer, to examine aspects of self-confidence in wine purchasing. The results indicate that two knowledge-based self-confidence factors (information knowledge and persuasion knowledge) were predominant for these consumers. The study showed strong support for the WSCS, which was developed as a measure of self-confidence in wine buying by Olsen, Thompson, and Clarke (2003) and how these relate to reliance on personal experience.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to identify the determinants of organic wine purchase and understand their effect in order to illustrate what influences whether Canadian consumers are willing to buy this special type of wine. The data for this study were collected across Canada by means of an online self-administered consumer questionnaire survey. Our major findings indicate that the attitude toward organic wine is defined mainly by consumers’ health consciousness and is negatively influenced by the wine involvement pleasure experienced with regular wine. Interestingly, Canadians are not forming positive attitudes toward organic wine based on their knowledge of organic production and its offering. The main predictors of organic wine purchase are attitude toward organic wine and wine involvement interest. Unexpectedly, price consciousness was not found to be a good predictor of organic wine purchase.  相似文献   

Consumers’ preferences for organic food have evolved in recent years, moving from altruistic values to more egoistic buying motivations, such as health promoting or nutritional aspects and sensory properties. Hypothesizing that organic consumers have peculiar preferences for naturalness-related sensory attributes, we developed the concept of the “core organic taste” based on the principles of a wholesome nutrition. This article investigates to what extent the “core organic taste” is relevant across different European countries and its potential relevance for food marketing. A sample of 1,798 organic food consumers was interviewed during 2010–2011 in six European countries. Explorative factor analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and post hoc tests were applied to analyze the data. Results show that the “core organic taste” is not applicable for all countries. Indeed, for most countries only single elements seem to be relevant. However, for Germany and Switzerland the “core organic taste”—representing the first “taste style”—has proven its potential value and points at the need for more research in this field. Depending on the country, product developers and marketers could potentially use different elements of the “core organic taste” to better meet organic consumers’ wishes and expectations. Finally, recommendations and suggestions for practitioners and academia are provided.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the consumer perceptions and purchase determinants of imported fruits in an emerging economy such as India. A consumer survey was conducted in one of the major urban cities of India. Item measures were related to consumer perceptions, purchase determinants, and consumer-reported willingness to pay price premiums. The data analysis was undertaken using techniques like exploratory factor analysis, logistic regression, and analysis of variance. Consumers associate imported fruits with health, safety, taste, and free from chemicals, whereas extrinsic factors such as storage conditions, store image, appearance, label, country of origin, and price also influence the willingness to purchase imported fruits. The demographic factors having the most impact on consumers’ attribute ratings for imported fruits are age, gender, income, and education. This study highlights the significant purchase determinants that can help marketers of imported fruits to gain higher share in Indian markets.  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between U.S. wine distributors and wineries. Specifically, it identifies the factors distributors believe contribute to successful winery-distributor relationships. Web-based survey research was conducted with 81 usable responses received. Results indicate that wine quality, dependability of the producer, price, and personal relationship between the winery and distributor are the most important factors in determining whether a distributor will carry a specific wine in their sales portfolio.  相似文献   

An 18-item multidimensional scale was developed to measure wine consumer involvement level impact on behavior and consumption dynamics. Data were collected at wine tasting events in Portland, Oregon, U.S., yielding a final sample size of 101 respondents. Male wine consumers do not display a higher level of involvement with wine as a product than females, and neither do consumers 45 years and older in comparison with younger consumers. Consumers with high education and income levels do not use these as a basis of their involvement level with wine. Price is not more frequently used by low involvement wine drinkers in the wine purchasing decision.  相似文献   

Heralded as one of the fastest-growing regions in e-commerce sales, Asia has received increasing attention from online retailers as a promising e-commerce market. Therefore, to provide better insight into Asian online marketplaces, this study focuses on Taobao.com (hereafter referred to as “Taobao”), a major Chinese online marketplace, and attempts to shed light on consumers’ perceptions of Taobao. More specifically, this study examines (a) what consumers in China think about Taobao as an online marketplace when purchasing high- or low-involvement products; (b) what types of risk are associated with each product; and (c) how online consumers’ risk perceptions consequently influence both their trust toward Taobao and their purchase intention. Multidimensional perceived risks (financial, privacy, product, security, social/psychological, time) were considered in the research. Participants were 217 Chinese university students. The results indicate that product risk and social/psychological risk were negatively associated with consumers’ trust and purchase intention, regardless of their degree of product involvement. Interestingly, financial risk was positively related to trust and purchase intention. Findings are discussed with managerial implications, followed by limitations and future studies.  相似文献   

葡萄酒的加工工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄内在营养丰富,有极高的营养价值。据测定,每日鲜食100 g葡萄,可满足人体一昼夜需要钙量的4%、镁量的1.6%、磷量的0.12%、铁量的16.4%、铜量的2.7%和锰量的16.6%。常吃葡萄有益健康,有降低血脂和软化血管的作用。保持葡萄的营养价值,对其原料的选择和处理,工艺流程等有较高要求,才能使其营养价值得到最大发挥,满足大众需求。采用合理的加工工艺方法,才能获得优质高产的果酒,果酒不仅滋味好,而且还有益于身体健康,深受广大消费者的喜爱,本文将着重介绍红葡萄酒的加工工艺方法。  相似文献   


Direct sales of wine and winery souvenirs to winery visitors is important in a number of regions throughout the United States and around the world. The attributes that influence winery visitors' beliefs can have a significant impact upon wine purchases, repeat visits, positive word-of-mouth comments, and upon future purchases at restaurants and other retail outlets. A study of winery visitors found four underlying factors from a list of 17 attributes. Regression results indicated that several wine, environment, and service attributes have a significant impact upon consumer attitudes and purchases. Product and purchase involvement were also found to impact purchase behavior.  相似文献   

界定清晰的产权并不意味着一定是高效率的产权。从物品属性的视角提供一个决定产权效率的逻辑框架,全面分析产权效率的运作空间。研究认为:物品的可分性与有价性程度决定了该物品产权主体所承担的成本及可能获得的收益,不同属性的物品对产权效率的激励结构不同。如此,选择与物品特性相适的产权是产权效率的关键。  相似文献   

主要分析了2010年温州地区进口葡萄酒在季节、品种、数量以及进口国方面的情况及趋势,并对其监管和发展提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

The current study focuses on differences between high- and low-involvement consumers in terms of the bring-your-own-bottle of wine phenomenon, influence of consumption occasion(s), and how bring-your-own-bottle is used by consumers as purchase risk-reduction strategy. Results show that level of wine involvement determines the importance of bring-your-own-bottle of wine. The consumption situation in which bring-your-own-bottle of wine might occur is a main factor when buying wine. Bring-your-own-bottle of wine is largely the result of risk-reduction strategies where high-involvement wine consumers are more susceptible to perceived risk in the full-service casual restaurant sector and reduce this risk through bring-your-own-bottle.  相似文献   

The ever increasing consumer interest in wine has forced many restaurants to scrutinize their wine lists. Restaurant managers, however, still have difficulty in developing, pricing and evaluating wine lists. This paper reviews the process of wine list development and wine pricing. The author then proposes a modification of a popular menu evaluation tool as a way to evaluate the profitability of a restaurant wine list. Finally, recommendations are made for building the profit potential of the list.  相似文献   

葡萄酒具有很高的营养价值,能够满足人们对于美容养颜功效的追求。葡萄酒中的白藜芦醇还具有独特功效,不仅能够帮助人体抗癌、抑制肿瘤,还能够帮助消费者抗动脉粥样硬化和冠心病。其中,白藜芦醇(C14H12O3)是由碳、氢、氧3种元素组成的,它的相对分子质量为228,随着葡萄酒发酵时间的改变,其白藜芦醇的含量会发生变化,而酒的品质也会发生改变。控制葡萄酒的合理发酵时间,有利于提高葡萄酒的品质。  相似文献   

采用GB4789.2-2010进行菌落总数的测定,将菌落总数超标的菌落接种至营养肉汤进行增菌,接种选择性平板后挑取可疑菌落按VITEK操作手册对病原微生物进行鉴定。结果表明:从进口红葡萄酒中检出粪肠球菌和尿放线杆菌。因此,检验检疫机构在日常工作中应充分重视对低风险进口食品的检验把关,保证进口产品的质量安全,保护消费者健康。  相似文献   

It is of strategic importance for e-retailers to allocate their resources to various service attributes according to their relative importance. How does one determine the relative importance of different service attributes? Does the relative importance of different service attributes remain the same across different product categories? These questions must be addressed by researchers and e-retailers. Since customer ratings for service attributes are highly correlated, modeling methods other than traditional regression models should be used to analyze the relative importance of service attributes to overall customer satisfaction. As such, this article utilizes neural networks in order to study the relative importance of e-retailer service attributes. Importantly, this article shows that the relative importance of e-retailer service attributes varies across different product categories (i.e., convenience, shopping, and specialty goods).  相似文献   

This research investigates the effect of wine labels that contain text-only versus text-and-image information on liking, taste and purchase intentions of the product. Further, the research addresses the underlying processes by investigating the role of affective fluency. Study 1 shows that wine labels combining text with matching images outperform text-only labels and labels where images and text do not match; this effect is mediated by affective fluency (while simultaneously controlling for cognitive fluency), which enhances liking, purchase intentions and taste expectation. Field Study 2 provides process evidence by directly manipulating the mediator in a real-life tasting situation. This field study demonstrates that affectively fluent labels enhance actual taste perception and purchase intentions. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines factors influencing consumers' acceptance of mobile marketing across three influential markets, namely U.S., China, and Europe. The authors develop an integrative conceptual model on consumers' attitudes and behaviors toward mobile marketing. The authors incorporate three individual-level characteristics, namely personal attachment, innovativeness, and risk avoidance and investigate how permission-based acceptance influences the relationship between consumers' attitude and mobile marketing activity. Focusing on Generation Y consumers, the model is empirically tested with data from U.S., China, and Europe. The findings illustrate several cross-market differences and similarities regarding the relationships between individual-level characteristics, attitude, and mobile marketing activity. Research and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

禁令制度起源于英国,成熟于美国商业秘密法,它是衡平法保护商业秘密的重要手段。禁令主要可分为临时禁令、初步禁令和终局禁令三类,它们各有其不同的适用条件。禁令对相关方的利益影响重大,因此在发布禁令时要以利益平衡为原则,注意其范围和时间限制,以激励和促进创新。  相似文献   

以往关于产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿影响的研究尚未达成一致结论。文章通过两个情境实验系统性地探讨了不同产品类型情境下产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。结果表明,对于享乐型产品,高绿色属性中心性相较于低绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。对于实用型产品,低绿色属性中心性相较于高绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。此外,在享乐品情境下,自我表达收益在高绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用;在实用品情境下,环境功利收益在低绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用。  相似文献   

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