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A demand for snack foods has emerged as market-oriented reforms and privatization progresses in Bulgaria. Information is needed about consumer preferences to compete in the emerging market. This study identified socioeconomic and demographic characteristics influencing the consumption of peanut tahina, a unique product made of ground peanuts. An ordered probit model with sample selection showed that household income, education, age, and location significantly effected the decision to consume the product, but not the consumption intensity.  相似文献   


Peanut meal is cross-hedged with soybean meal using peanut meal cash prices and soybean meal futures prices. Hedge ratios are obtained for a 3-year and a 6-year period model. The data is from 1993 to 2000, with the 2000 data used for evaluation. All hedge ratios are significant and the 3-year period model's results suggest that long term data sets have less explanatory power than short-term hedge ratios. Evaluation results indicate positive gains for cross-hedged poultry producers and/or peanut producers. The empirical analyses suggest that soybean meal futures can be used as a potential cross-hedging vehicle for peanut meal.  相似文献   

对2008年我国竹藤的进出口额、主要进出口商品类别、贸易目的地等情况进行了全面分析。2008年我国竹藤产品贸易继续增长,累计出口创汇15.44亿美元,出口规模继续扩大,产品遍布世界各地,深受国外尤其欧美市场的欢迎。预计2009年竹藤产品出口贸易总体增长放缓,稳中有升。  相似文献   

Using urban survey data collected by the authors in 2001–02, this paper analyses demographics, cultural factors and purchasing behaviours influencing the consumption of fresh milk, yogurt, ice cream and powered milk in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China. Results from estimation of a double-hurdle model of consumption show that income and marketing channels are the key determinants of milk consumption levels; however, education, advertising and convenience play a more important role in consumption of other dairy products. There is some evidence that milk powder, as a consumer good, may be becoming an inferior product in urban China. Finally, the survey data suggest that the growing sophistication of China's retail sector is influencing consumption of dairy products.  相似文献   

[目的]畜产品消费占食物消费比重逐渐上升,中国快速城镇化进程与食物消费结构升级已经形成了历史性的交汇,但测度两者联系的研究不够充裕。文章探究两者之间是否存在内在联系,有助于弥补城镇化和食物消费关联性的文献缺口,也可以在城镇化发展过程中给相关部门提供一定参考。[方法]在统计描述中国畜产品消费历史特征的基础上,通过中国农业产业模型(CASM)对比分析不同城镇化背景下畜产品消费趋势,详细分析城镇化给畜产品消费带来的增长效应和结构效应。[结果]城镇化率越高,畜产品消费量就越多。从消费结构上看,未来脂肪和能量含量较高的猪肉消费比重下降较为明显,而富含蛋白质的牛羊肉、蛋类消费比重稍有增长,蛋白质和微量元素兼重的奶类消费比重上升较为明显。脂肪含量相对较少且环保压力较小的禽类消费增长速度是肉类中最快的,且其增速在未来或将逐渐超过奶类。从城乡角度看,农村居民畜产品增长速度快于城镇,但城镇总体畜产品消费量多于农村。[结论]最后建议优化畜牧业产业布局、标准化流通体系,加快推进农业结构调整,实现粮经饲统筹、农牧渔结合发展;健全畜产品消费可追溯体系,在做好畜产品检验检疫的基础上,准确把握畜产品消费趋势,引导居民合理消费。  相似文献   


This paper reports on an investigation into the convenience orientation of various food-related lifestyle segments in Ireland. The food-related lifestyle instrument developed by the Centre for research on customer relations in the food sector (MAPP Institute in Denmark) provided a valuable framework for the development of this analysis.

This instrument was applied in Ireland in 2001, with a nationally representative sample of one thousand Irish consumers. Six distinct food-related lifestyle segments were identified (Ryan, 2002). The lifestyle instrument grouped consumers in terms of their attitudes towards the purchase, preparation and consumption of food products in general.

This research investigates the degree to which these food-related lifestyle segments are convenience-oriented by investigating their attitudes towards convenience and their purchase frequency for a range of convenience foods. The convenience element was developed following a review of the Irish convenience food market, which highlighted a number of convenience-related food issues driving this market. This study identified the food-related lifestyle segments that were particularly convenient oriented. These segments were further explained by relating their purchase frequency for a range of convenience products.

The attitudes of the various food-related lifestyle segments towards convenience foods and purchase frequencies for convenience foods differed. Three of the food-related lifestyle segments were identified as having a convenience orientation, namely the hedonistic, the extremely uninvolved and the adventurous segments.  相似文献   

Pesticide Free Production™ (PFP™) is a new crop production strategy that has emerged in the Canadian prairies. Emphasis is placed on substituting human capital for chemical inputs in field crop production. Consumer response to the introduction of food products containing PFP™ inputs is unknown. A consumer survey was developed and implemented to assess what food products consumers would purchase if available in a PFP™ form and what factors affect demand for PFP™ food products. Results from a probit model suggest strong consumer interest in food products containing grains and oilseeds produced in a PFP™ cropping system. Respondents concerned with pesticides in the environment and/or food products, who would switch grocery stores to purchase a PFP™ food product, who were less than 36 years of age, had higher average household income and who would pay a premium for a PFP™ food product were more likely to choose food products with PFP™ ingredients.  相似文献   


This paper utilized a linear approximate version of the Almost Ideal Demand System to evaluate structural changes of meat consumption in Taiwan. Time transition paths for each product were identified, and the first-order autocorrelation was taken into consideration. Structural changes of beef consumption were completed before structural changes of other products had started. Shifts in consumption patterns of pork and poultry took about the same length of time. Structural changes of fishery products occurred toward the end of the time period. With the gradual switching time paths, estimated elasticities revealed that own-price elasticities for pork, beef, and fishery products became more responsive to their own-price changes.  相似文献   

Japan's import demand for both raw peanuts and processed peanut products was estimated using the Rotterdam model in order to determine the impact of an increase in the Japanese raw peanut quota on peanut imports from the USA and its competitors. The results indicate that if a larger import budget were allocated to raw peanut imports by Japan, most of the increase would be allocated to imports of Chinese raw peanuts. Furthermore, U.S. exports of peanut products could be affected if Japanese expenditures on peanut product imports change as a result of an increase in the quota for raw peanut imports. Thus, this study concludes that an increase in the Japanese import quota for raw peanuts provides only limited market opportunity for U.S. peanut exports, and China appears to benefit more than the USA from an increase in the Japanese raw peanut import quota. In contrast, the value added trade of peanut products could provide a better market opportunity for the U.S. peanut industry.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to measure NAFTA's impact to date and quantify how the producers and consumers of fresh tomatoes in the United States, Canada and Mexico have benefited or lost. Changes in consumer and producer surpluses were calculated in 2001 US dollars based on simulations of two scenarios. The analysis found that U.S. consumers captured $12.1 billion more surplus than they would have captured had NAFTA not been enacted. Mexican fresh tomato producers gained an additional $2.08 billion in surplus due to NAFTA. In contrast to Mexican growers, U.S. and Canadian producers appear not to have benefited economically from NAFTA. Findings suggest that U.S. producers would have earned $3.29 billion more if NAFTA had not gone into effect. Canadian producer surplus with NAFTA was estimated to be approximately $20 million less with NAFTA, and the total net benefit from NAFTA was found to be a positive $10.87 billion.  相似文献   

We develop a reduced-form model of price transmission in a vertical sector, allowing for refined asymmetric, contemporaneous and lagged, own and cross-price effects under time-varying volatility. The model is used to investigate the wholesale-retail price dynamics in the U.S. butter market. The analysis documents the nature of nonlinear price dynamics in a vertical sector. It finds strong evidence of asymmetric retail price responses, both in the short term and the longer term, but only weak evidence of asymmetric wholesale price responses. Asymmetric retail responses play a major role in generating a skewed distribution of butter prices. The empirical results indicate the presence of imperfect competition at the retail level.  相似文献   


In Europe several low involvement food products with reduced productions have been awarded with a PGI or PDO during the last few years. The beans from La Bañeza-León (Spain) are an example of this and received a PGI in September 2005. The general objective was to appraise the effect that the award of the PGI to such kinds of food products has in consumers, in order to optimize the managerial and public policies, and to get maximum advantage from the PGI distinction in the commercialization of them. For low involvement products with PGI, the general guidelines should be to keep the prices as low as possible, to develop intensive public information campaigns about the award of the PGI, and to offer the product in medium or high involvement restaurants, in order to reach those consumers willing to pay more for the product, that are mainly in the age range of 36 to 45 years. It is also discussed that the PGI label would have more interest than a private brand. Specifically for beans from “La Bañeza-León,” the PGI Council should urgently tackle a promotional campaign about the product and the PGI award that should reach to most of the consumers in the target markets, taking into account that as the distance from the production area increases the knowledge of the product decreases. This campaign should help the consumer to clearly identify the beans from the PGI by using an attractive logo, and to inform them that the beans from the PGI are superior than substitutive beans in taste and cooking time. Finally, public campaigns that promote the consumption of beans among youth would be necessary.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of exchange rates, economic growth, trade liberalization, and export assistance programs on U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico. The Commodity Credit Corporation's GSM-102 Export Credit Guarantee Program reduces the risk associated with export financing and payment. The impact of the export credit guarantee program on U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico was estimated in an import demand model using quarterly data from 1980 to 1996. The results indicate that for every $1 of export credit guarantees, Mexican imports of U.S. farm products increased $0.30. Real income growth in Mexico, however, was the most important factor in the expansion of U.S. exports. Trade liberalization under NAFTA also increased U.S. exports to Mexico.  相似文献   

[目的]利用1998~2015年山东省苹果种植的年度间可比成本收益数据,从敏感性和贡献率两个角度,实证分析山东省苹果种植收益的影响因素。[方法]运用单位根检验、Engle-Granger协整检验、贡献率分析方法,以平减后每667m~2实际净收益为被解释变量,以平减后实际价格、单产、平减后每667m~2实际物质与服务费等因素为解释变量,分别分析其对山东省苹果种植收益的影响。[结果]敏感性分析表明:山东省苹果种植每667m~2实际净收益对每50kg产品实际出售价格最敏感,其后依次是每667m~2产量、每667m~2实际物质与服务费。贡献率分析表明:每50kg产品实际出售价格对山东省苹果种植每667m~2实际净收益的贡献率最大,其后依次是每667m~2产量、每667m~2实际物质与服务费。[结论]山东省苹果种植收益的首要影响因素是价格,其次是单位面积产量,物质与服务费的影响相对较小。据此,首先应进一步延伸苹果产业链条、拓展国际市场,扩大需求,提高苹果价格;同时建立健全苹果期货交易机制,规避价格波动风险。其次应加快低效果园更新改造、完善果园基础设施、加快苹果种植技术研发推广,提高苹果单产。还应采取多种措施抑制物质与服务费的过快上涨,为提高苹果种植收益营造良好成本环境。  相似文献   


The goal of the present study is to assess the impact of attitudinal and sociodemographic variables and resources restriction (time, effort and income) on convenience food usage, mediated by customer convenience orientation. The study was conducted in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. 1391 participants completed an online questionnaire designed to evaluate convenience food usage, attitudinal and sociodemographic variables. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling by blockwise comparison technique. The results showed that convenience food usage was directly affected by convenience orientation towards the meal planning, kitchen setup and cleaning up stages, and was driven by time and budget perception, both directly and indirectly (as mediated by convenience orientation). Health consciousness and cooking enjoyment showed a negative impact on the usage of these products. The convenience food market in Brazil has a large growth potential, especially if new products take into consideration palatability and nutritional quality.  相似文献   

目的 低温奶产品是我国唯一可以与国际奶产品相抗衡的产品品类,未来低温奶产品必然在我国形成新的消费趋势,并成为复兴民族乳业的关键。基于此,探究大城市居民的低温奶产品消费认知水平、消费现状及其消费的影响因素既可开拓国内低温奶产品消费市场,也可弥补该产品消费研究的不足,对提高我国奶业国际竞争力具有重要现实意义。方法 文章通过使用2019年北京市8个辖区内的418位城镇居民乳制品消费调研数据,以不同群体特征作为切入点,深度分析大城市居民低温奶产品消费认知水平及消费现状,并借助Heckman两阶段模型考察个人及家庭特征和产品认知信息是否是影响城镇居民低温奶产品消费行为决策和消费水平的主要因素。结果 学生人口数、工作人口数、收入水平以及年龄、职业因素分别影响居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费行为决策。年龄、教育水平以及性别、人口总数、职业因素分别影响居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费水平。营养价值、口感风味和制作工艺因素对居民巴氏杀菌奶消费行为决策和消费水平均有显著影响,而保质期和价格因素仅对消费行为决策有显著影响。口感风味、制作工艺和价格因素对居民低温酸奶消费行为决策影响显著,但只有口感风味因素对消费水平有显著影响。结论 城镇居民低温奶产品认知概念薄弱,对营养价值、口感风味和保质期信息的认知程度较高。低温奶产品消费具有区域性差异,消费主力集中在女性人群、40~50岁人群、高学历和高收入人群中。个人和家庭特征以及产品认知信息对城镇居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费行为决策和消费水平均具有显著影响。未来我国大城市居民的乳制品消费将逐渐趋于新鲜化和休闲化发展,低温奶产品消费将发展为新兴消费趋势,液态奶产品消费结构逐步改善。  相似文献   

Econometric analyses of demand for butter in a number of countries have produced results which appeared to conflict with expectations. Specifically the sign of the co-efficient for margarine price was negative rather than the positive sign expected with a presumed substitute product. Gollnick (1954), who was the first econometrician to meet this problem, advanced the hypothesis of a constant fat budget to explain the paradox. Among other works which reported similar paradoxical results were Hesse (1967), Wierenga (1968 and 1974), Oskam and Wierenga (1974), Upton and Wittenberg (1974) and Vertessen (1979). The markets studied were Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. In this paper we discuss the Gollnick hypothesis (it appears to have been ignored in English language economic journals), explore its mathematical implications, present some recent results which appear to support it and discuss whether the hypothesis might be valid for other products.  相似文献   


It is well established that consumers with positive preferences for organic products generally also tend to have healthy eating habits involving many fruits and vegetables but less meat. While most studies are based on single product comparisons, this study investigates consumer preferences for organic ingredients and content of meat and vegetables in the context of an everyday evening meal. Moreover, we address heterogeneity in preferences. The study is based on an online survey including a choice experiment with 506 consumers. Using principal component and latent class analyses, we identify three segments of consumers that differ with respect to preferences for organic production and content of meat and vegetables in their meals. Our findings may be valuable for authorities promoting healthy food consumption just as they provide valuable input to the catering industry and other suppliers of dinner dishes in the development and marketing of both organic and non-organic ready meals.  相似文献   

This study uses the 2004 ACNielsen Homescan panel data to estimate the price premiums and discounts associated with fresh tomatoes among regional markets, focusing on the organic attribute. The results suggest that consumers paid $0.25/lb more for organic fresh tomatoes in the New York–Philadelphia market. The organic premiums are estimated to be $0.14/lb in the Chicago–Baltimore/Washington and Los Angeles–San Francisco markets and $0.29/lb in the Atlanta–San Antonio market. Furthermore, tomato prices consumers paid in 2004 varied by household characteristics, including income, age, and the race and ethnicity of the head of the household.  相似文献   

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