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ABSTRACTA 2 × 2 experiment was conducted to test the interaction effects of ad puffery and consumer ad skepticism on consumer persuasion using print ads for jeans. High ad skeptics (i.e., those more skeptical of ads) held a more positive attitude toward the ad than low ad skeptics (i.e., those less skeptical of ads) when a puffed (i.e., exaggerated) ad was viewed. Conversely, low ad skeptics had greater purchase intentions than high ad skeptics when a nonpuffed (i.e., nonexaggerated) ad was viewed. 相似文献
Jérôme Barthélemy 《Journal of Business Venturing》2011,26(1):93-103
While the franchising literature has typically relied on agency theory, efficiency considerations may not fully explain decisions to expand through franchising or company ownership. In this study, I re-examine franchising decisions using insights from institutional theory. The key tenet of institutional theory is that decisions are influenced by isomorphic pressures arising from the environment. Economic rationales such as the achievement of efficiency are thought of as less pervasive concerns. I begin by investigating whether institutional theory explains variance in franchising decisions beyond what is explained by agency theory. Then, I explore the extent to which institutional considerations moderate the relationships between agency considerations and franchising decisions. Hypotheses are tested on a unique database of 132 French franchise chains. Empirical results suggest that successful competitors' use of franchising explains variance in the focal chain's use of franchising beyond what is explained by the importance of local managerial inputs and the threat of franchisee opportunism. In addition, the threat of franchise opportunism is less strongly related to the focal chain's use of franchising when successful competitors have a high proportion of franchised outlets. Overall, findings from this study suggest that researchers should supplement agency theory with institutional theory to adequately explain franchising decisions. 相似文献
《Journal of Promotion Management》2013,19(1):97-128
Abstract This study explored differences in affective response content across three cultures and the role of these responses in predicting overall advertising liking. Based on a field survey, subjects from England, Norway and Spain evaluated cosmetic ads on a series of liking scales. Ad content was coded into elements reflecting product- or ad-related affect based on existing theory on ad evaluation criteria and on the theory of central and peripheral routes to persuasion. This study revealed that it might be difficult to achieve sameness in likeability even for international brands and beauty types. However, quite consistently across cultures, the findings suggest that the same affective processes along a peripheral route influence overall liking across cultures. Implications are drawn for future practice and research. 相似文献
This paper expands agency theory by identifying mythic agency as a lens through which retailers can view spectacular events during which consumers act heroically to achieve an important consumption goal. Partaking in a stressful and challenging retail experience invokes the stages of a quest, through which successful consumers emerge transformed and where they challenge, at least in part, the culturally prescribed role of bride. Retailers who create events that evoke and support consumers’ heroic actions can develop powerful, meaningful, and enduring relationships with their customers. 相似文献
进入21世纪,在高度融入世界经济,全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中,浙江旅行社业迎来了新的发展时期,浙江经济社会的发展对旅行社产业提出了新的更高的要求。本文全面分析了浙江省旅行社行业面临的新环境,提出了浙江省旅行社行业的发展思路。 相似文献
张波 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(12)
所谓会计假设,是指会计人员面对变化不定的社会经济环境,对会计工作的先决条件和必要前提所作出的合乎情理的推断.其中会计主体(Entity )假设、持续经营(Going Concern)假设、会计分期(Accounting Peried )假设和货币计量(Monetary Measurement)假设是国际上普遍认同的. 相似文献
WTO下的商事代理问题研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
商事代理是一项重要的法律制度,然而从我国目前的商事代理立法来看十分滞后,不能适应我国加入WTO的需要,急待完善与加强。因此从商事代理的特征入手,对商事代理的功能、法律关系、立法历史和现状及立法对策进行粗浅的分析探讨。 相似文献
通过对中日两国旅行杜法律、法规的产生背景、法律层次及具体条文进行比较,我国旅行社的发展,政府行政主管部门应定位于宏观调控,从以行政管理为主向法制化、规范化行业管理的转变。并制定符合中国国情的法律法规,以促进我国旅行杜快速发展。 相似文献
Bernard Hodgson 《Journal of Business Ethics》2012,108(1):3-14
The alliance of pure market economies with democratic polities has traditionally been a problematic one. It is argued that orthodox theoretical conceptualizations of market behaviour and the application of such theory to our communal lives have entrenched an incoherent alliance. In particular, the reductive mechanism characteristic of both neo-classical economic theory and its deployment in our socio-economic order has severely undermined the telic agency required for the autonomy or self-rule definitive of an authentic democratic order. Such reduction is observed to function through the disabling of the cognitive capacity of consumers and by disempowering the agency of workers such that coercion is misconceived as freely agreed contract. 相似文献
This empirical study examined cross-cultural differences in affective responses to standardized Benetton advertisements, and the role of the likeability of four ad elements (colors, logo, people/models, and situation) in predicting overall advertising liking. Respondents from Oslo, Kiel, and Bologna evaluated three standardized Benetton ads on a series of liking scales. In addition to identifying cross-cultural differences in ad likeability and ad element likeability, the results from stepwise multiple regression analyses suggest that the same dominant affective response to one ad element influences overall ad liking. 相似文献
商道政 《泰山乡镇企业职工大学学报》2005,12(3)
"发展才是硬道理"是邓小平理论中一个带有根本性和全局性的科学命题.邓小平的发展理论是在深刻分析国内外政治经济形势,认真总结国际社会经济建设历史经验和沉痛教训的基础上,借鉴了当代西方发展理论的积极成果,形成了既有时代特征又符合中国实际的中国特色的发展理论. 相似文献
植入式广告日益成为文化传媒业新的经济增长点。但与此同时,民众对植入式广告的反感也水涨船高。随着欧盟对植入式广告的解禁,英国新法的颁布,我国关于植入式广告的法规必将呼之欲出。中国植入式广告"空管地带"的空白亟待弥补。 相似文献
《Journal of Promotion Management》2013,19(2):73-86
Using the empirical method of content analysis, this study investigates the extent to which the concept of enduring prod- uct involvement can be identified in the creative executional tech- niques currently utilized by advertisers. Print ad features are identi- fied that discriminate between high and low involvement products, and implications based on these findings are suggested. 相似文献
近年来,整治城市户外广告环境已在全国大小城市逐步展开,以规划先行提升城市户外广告科学管理水准已成为共识。然而,作为城市专项规划其内容如何体现规划的科学性和可操作性仍有待于深化研究。本文认为:要改善当前城市户外广告环境,对于规划本身而言,首先要梳理户外广告与城市发展、户外广告与广告经营以及户外广告与城市管理四个关系,其次着力于户外广告设置与城市区域定位、媒体选择、经营与监管以及量化与美化五个方面的研究,这必然涉及到规划内容的深度和具体指导实施的关键所在。 相似文献
逆向选择和道德风险在投资过程中产生的原因是风险投资公司与风险企业两大交易体之间的不对称信息分布,通过深入分析逆向选择和道德风险在风险投资项目选择中的形成原理与过程,区分两类道德风险存在的问题,以期为完善委托代理理论奠定理论基础。 相似文献