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The impact of sales encounters on brand loyalty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaining and sustaining brand loyalty is a key challenge in increasingly competitive markets. Many marketing researchers as well as practitioners emphasize the critical role of the interpersonal interaction between the customer and the salesperson in influencing customer satisfaction, generating favorable brand attitudes and strengthening the bond between the customers and the brand. So far, empirical research that investigates how sales encounters impact brand loyalty by enhancing customer satisfaction with the sales encounter is lacking. Using data from 154 dyads of customers and salespersons of a large automobile brand, this study shows the perceptions of both the customer and the salesperson regarding the impact of sales encounter performance on satisfaction. Sales encounter satisfaction, in turn, leads to brand loyalty by enhancing brand attitude and salesperson loyalty.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the interactions between brand and customer assets over the long-term. Through the application of a new behavioural measure called the brand health index (BHI) we examine the impact of brand health on customer equity, and its mediating impact on the advertising-customer equity relationship. Three services industries, department stores, airlines, and banking, were studied from 2001 to 2012. The results show that brand health has a positive impact on customer equity, although the magnitude of the BHI impact varies across different industries. Moreover it was demonstrated that brand health mediates the impact of advertising on customer equity.  相似文献   

The population density of a geographical area has a well-known and strong positive effect on sales in the area. Yet, for some brands, there may be factors that affect the strength of this density-sales relationship. The present research shows that for product categories that consumers use to signal their identities (e.g., clothing, restaurants and cars), the strength of this relationship varies with brand commonness. Consumers residing in densely populated areas are motivated to express their distinctiveness by reducing their preference for identity relevant brands that are common, such as large chains and brands owned by many people. Thus, as identity-relevant brands become more common, they suffer from a “population penalty” – a weakening of the positive effect of population density on sales. We show this effect with three experiments and two empirical analyses of automobile and alcohol sales. Our findings extend literature on distinctiveness theory by demonstrating these effects at the community level and provide insights for marketers on accounting and adjusting for this effect.  相似文献   


Most marketing practitioners and scholars agree that marketing assets such as brand equity significantly contribute to a firm’s financial performance. In this paper, we model brand equity as an unobservable stock that results from up to 30 years of past brand-related investment flows. Using firm-specific trademarks as investment proxies, our results show a significant long-run impact on financial performance. The dynamic profile of brand-related investments has an inverted-U shape that reaches its peak after 11 years. On average, it takes four years before brand-related investments show a positive return, and investments older than 19 years show no significant impact. For the median trademarking firm, brand equity contributes €265,000 to annual profits.  相似文献   

Marketing managers concern that Word-of-Mouth (WOM) can affect the efficiency of sales promotion policy. Sales promotion might also amplify the strength of WOM which further complicates decision-making. In this study, we deploy an agent-based simulation optimization framework to find an efficient sales promotion plan in the presence of WOM for launching re-purchasable products. In this model, consumers' purchase decisions are influenced by price history, availability and satisfaction of the consumers, and positive/negative WOM. We show that taking WOM on board while determining the promotion plan can significantly increase the net present value. However, amplifying WOM might damage the firm's profit for some product categories.  相似文献   

Fortune 500 PR departments appear to perform more product image studies compared to company image studies. Other recent managerial implications indicate they rely heavily on outside PR firms for assistance and have been downsizing internally. Their function is separate from Advertising and Marketing in the majority of firms, with their budgets averaging about 118 those of the Adver- tising departments. Most companies have small (ten or fewer em- ployees) PR departments.  相似文献   

This paper studies the cooperative promotion problem in the presence of the promotion reference effect. We consider retailer price-reduction promotion activities that enhance their sales but may impair brand image for the manufacturer. Moreover, because frequently used promotion induces a promotion reference effect on customers, we investigate how the promotion reference effect influences cooperative control strategies. We do so by examining the context in a supply chain with one leading manufacturer and two competing retailers, where the manufacturer implements a cooperative promotion program for the retailers. We use differential game models vis-a-vis dynamic promotion control strategies and cooperative promotion strategies under the scenario of existence and non-existence of the reference effect. Findings show that the presence of a promotion reference effect increases profit for the manufacturer but generates reduced profit for the retailers. We also find that the manufacturer augments the level of national brand advertising when incorporating the reference effect, and retailers raise (lower) their degree of promotion when the negative effect is low (high).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of price promotions on consumers’ brand affect. Given the inconsistent findings in previous research, it is proposed that the effects of price promotion depend on two moderator variables: brand image and consumer loyalty. For high loyalty consumers of a prestigious brand, price incentive incompatible with the brand image can hurt the brand affect. When a non‐prestigious brand is involved, brand affect is positively influenced. However, these effects are limited to high loyalty consumers only. There was no effect on low loyalty consumers. In a longitudinal study of the Taiwanese market using emails, these hypotheses were tested and supported.  相似文献   

Information overload is a common problem in retail environments. Reducing information in a retail environment is not always feasible or desirable given the plethora of products and extent of limitations on retailers in terms of merchandising and display decisions. Therefore, retailers need other ways of overcoming information overload than simply reducing the amount of information. However, extant research is unsettled with respect to arguments in favor of and against adverse effects of information overload. To enhance our understanding of these issues, the present research presents two studies that investigate the moderating role of consumer decision processing approaches in an information overload retail space. The findings reveal that the consumer imagination offers a more efficient processing route, circumventing the frustration associated with information overload and leading to enhanced consumer outcomes compared to the less efficient consideration route. Further, heuristic processing triggered by sales promotions in high information retail environments lead to piqued arousal and enhanced consumer imagination, ultimately bolstering consumer responses to the product. Implications, limitations, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Sharing, which refers to giving something you have to someone else, is one of the most ubiquitous forms of human behavior in the world. Everyone experiences it in various situations, including buying food. Nonetheless, although buying something to share with others is quite common in our daily lives, most consumer research on buying focuses on the condition of “self-use” rather than “sharing.” The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of promotional offers on consumers' purchase decisions when buying food for self-use/sharing with others. The authors conducted four experiments to answer the main research questions. The results indicated that consumers prefer “price discounts” over “bonus packs” when the shopping task relates to self-use due to their concern about “loss reduction.” In contrast, they prefer bonus packs over price discounts when the shopping task relates to sharing with others because of their focus on “extra gains.” In addition, consumers’ perceived responsibility is a moderator. When perceived responsibility is low and the purchase is for self-use (sharing with others), price discounts (bonus pack) are favored over bonus packs (price discounts). However, when perceived responsibility is high, consumer preference to promotional offers are not significant different either in self-use or sharing with others condition. It seems that role of responsibility is influential when the shopping task relates to self-use. This study not only contributes to a deeper understanding of consumer psychology but will also be beneficial to practitioners in designing effective promotional strategies that consider motives for food shopping.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(1):59-67
In this article, we look at how to leverage the positive face of the fear of missing out (FOMO) to foster brand community-building in the context of equity crowdfunding in the post-COVID-19 era. Using thematic analysis from 15 interviews with crowd investors across Europe and North America, we investigated how FOMO influences the decision-making of crowd investors. Findings suggest that FOMO is a powerful belongingness facilitator that can support the crowd investor’s self-determination strategies and thus their willingness to take part in a crowdfunding community, sharing in its values and beliefs. FOMO can be used by entrepreneurs to activate identification mechanisms through which they can create a loyal fan base. We conclude by proposing an entrepreneurial action plan to guide the entrepreneur in making the most of FOMO in equity crowdfunding ventures.  相似文献   

Technological advances have allowed companies to reach consumers 24 h a day, but a challenge in making use of consumers’ time of day exists. The present research investigates the effect of time of day on consumer evaluations of bonus pack and free gift promotions. Results from four studies reveal that consumers perceive bonus packs as more favorable than free gifts in the morning but not in the afternoon. Consumers’ self-perception as smart shoppers is identified as the psychological process explaining this discrepancy. A new perspective in understanding consumers’ dynamic time-bound evaluations of sales promotion and managerial implications for designing, targeting, and communicating nonmonetary promotions are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,各国政府加大了对有机农业的推动,促进了有机食品生产和消费的快速增长。欧盟作为世界最大的有机食品消费市场,虽然起步早,但内部各国市场的发展并不均衡,呈现出不同类型和发展阶段市场并存的格局,其发展具有较强的代表性和借鉴意义。本文通过对欧盟有机食品市场的分析,建立欧盟有机食品市场需求决定模型,并运用模型以上海为例估计了我国大城市的有机食品市场容量。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2014,90(4):493-510
Prior ingredient branding research has examined the influence of “stated” factors such as fit between partner brands on composite product (e.g., Tide with Downy fabric softener) attitudes. This research focuses on choice of composite products, and addresses three managerially relevant questions: Which consumer segments are more likely to adopt the composite product? Will the choice of the composite product have positive or negative reciprocal effects on partner brands? Will the introduction of the composite product benefit the primary or the secondary brand more? The authors use a brand choice model to investigate the “revealed” choice of complements-based composite products. Study results indicate that (i) despite high fit between the composite product and the primary brand, consumer segments may have different choice likelihoods for these products, whereas prior research suggests equal likelihood; (ii) the choice of a composite product may not provide a positive reciprocal effect to the secondary brand; and (iii) the introduction of a composite product may benefit the primary brand more than the secondary brand, whereas prior research suggests a symmetrical benefit for the partner brands. Finally, the finding that introducing a composite product may not cannibalize the sale of the primary brand extends the ingredient branding literature, which has been silent on this issue.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of socio-demographic factors on individual consumption of alcohol from both the away-from-home and at-home markets. Factors considered are urbanization, race, ethnicity, region, weight, height, sex, food stamp participation, employment status, diet status, day of consumption, household size, age, and income. Results from the economic models developed indicate that various sets of socio-demographic factors affect the consumption of alcohol away from home and at home. Findings imply that men residing in urban areas in the Northeast, Midwest, and West consume more alcohol away from home than do others while individuals residing in suburban areas in the south consume more alcohol at home than do others.  相似文献   

To evaluate the financial impact of supermarket sales promotions, managers must estimate how much new demand comes from cannibalizing the base product compared with other sources. However, investigations into cannibalization are scant. Using vector autoregression analytical framework applied to three years of supermarket scanner data, and sales promotions for pound cake, we estimate cannibalization effects for two common price reductions (10% and 15%), across large, medium and small supermarkets. The sales bumps varied across supermarkets for each price cut while cannibalization effects were substantial only in large supermarkets, with moderate effects in medium stores and no effects in small supermarkets.  相似文献   

本文利用偏自相关函数(PACF)、DF检验、工具变量法(IV)等分析方法,对农户的消费行为进行了实证分析,得出农户消费在统计上是符合随机游走假说的,但实际上有0.223的偏差.1阶滞后以后的农户消费对当期消费仍具有一定的负向影响。根据实证分析结果,在农户消费的增加额中.有47.6%来自农户当期收入的增加,有52.4%来自农户持久收入的增加。因此,虽然理性都是有限的,但与西方典型消费者相比,我国农户呈现出了更多“有限理性”的特点。针对我国农户消费行为,为了开拓农村市场,应该提高农民素质、完善农村市场、改善农村消费环境。  相似文献   

An empirical comparison of consumer-based measures of brand equity   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
This article compares eleven different consumer-based brand equity measures and evaluates their convergence. Predictive validity at the individual and aggregate levels is also investigated. Measures based on the dollar metric method and discrete choice methodology predict choices extremely well in a simulated shopping environment, as well as purchase-intention and brand-quality scales.  相似文献   

中国服务业发展与城镇居民消费关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛中根  洪涛 《财贸经济》2012,(12):125-133
理论分析显示,服务业的发展将通过提高居民收入和改善收入分配等路径促进居民消费增长。本文引入路径分析方法,设计了两个步骤的实证方案:第一步,验证居民收入、收入分配对居民消费的影响;第二步,验证服务业发展与居民收入和收入分配的关系。同时,利用中国29省(市、区)1993-2010年的面板数据进行了计量检验。在此基础上,进一步分析了产业政策对服务业发展与居民消费关系的影响。结果表明,以2001年政策颁布为分界:2001年之后,服务业发展对居民消费产生了更大的促进作用。因此,产业结构优化升级和扩大消费需求具有内在一致性,而政策支持可以放大其积极效果。  相似文献   

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