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The article analyzes the content of 18 international marketing academic textbooks with regard to factors comprising the global marketing environment. Three broad categories of factors are identified, the macro (i.e., physical, demographic, and socio-cultural), meso (i.e., economic, political-legal, and technological), andmicro (i.e., intermediaries, competitors, market, and customers). In each of the subcategories, 10 different factors affecting global marketing were extracted. By measuring the extent of coverage given to each factor in each textbook, the relative emphasis placed collectively was established. These results were subsequently compared and contrasted to the views of 71 academics teaching international marketing; revealing the existence of gaps between the importance attached to most of the elements comprising the international marketing environment, and the coverage provided in academic textbooks.  相似文献   

Globalization has changed the nature of business in the twenty-first century (Doh et al. in Bus Ethics Q 20(3):481–502, 2010). With the increased internationalization of multinational corporations, the need to address international marketing ethics arises (Carrigan et al. in Int Market Rev 22(5):481–493, 2005). Given the diversity of environments and cultures, ethical issues are numerous and complicated (Iyer in J Bus Ethics 31(1):3–24, 2001). The understanding of international marketing ethics is critical to academics as well as practitioners. This paper is a literature review (1960s through 2013) of the study of ethics in international marketing. In order to develop a comprehensive review of articles, we review topics such as ethical problems, moral philosophies, and culture and ethics. We also discuss the methodological procedures that are used in international marketing ethics. Researchers and practitioners alike can use this research on international marketing ethics to discuss the phenomena and subsequently lead to future work research.  相似文献   

In the instruction of an international marketing course, what should be taught or elaborated oa regarding the "green" movement? Is this an exclusively American idea that belongs in the discussion of domestic marketing current events? Should a student's sensitivity be raised concerning the environment on an international scale? Or should the topic of "green marketing" be taught as a ethical business issue? In this paper, we attempt to examine the "green marketing" issue and provide a foundation from which it may be addressed in the international domain.  相似文献   


Some ten years on from Levitt's seminal contribution to the debate, this article addresses the issue of globalization and attempts to illustrate how far this concept has become a reality. The focus of the discussion is on how far consumer products and brands have become standardised. The role of culture in preventing globalization and of technology in advancing its progress is also looked at. Finally, an examination of economies of scale, an important rationale for the pursuit of globalization, is undertaken. Each of these issues is interrelated, but it is possible to suggest that there is evidence to support the growing trend towards product and brand standardisation. It is also difficult to find evidence that traditional cultural barriers are breaking down; cultural influences on the purchasing process seem to be persistent. The argument in favour of economies of scale seems valid, however, not to reduce prices but to allow more resources to be spent on brand building.  相似文献   

国际营销渠道中的渠道行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
渠道行为是影响国际营销渠道效率的一个重要因素。尽管其重要性被广泛认同,但是由于对于国际营销渠道行为的研究在数据的收集、结果的解释和结果的一般化方面更加困难,所以就实际的研究成果而言,这方面的研究还处于起步阶段。大多数研究沿用了对国内营销渠道行为研究的范畴、内容和方法,与国内营销渠道行为研究没有太大的区别。只有少量的研究属于真正的跨文化渠道行为研究。  相似文献   

市场营销演进及营销管理变革综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对国际300余篇权威学术文献的研究,根据企业、产品、客户三者内在逻辑关系的理论分析,透视和阐述了市场营销及营销管理随社会需求发展而演进的规律和21世纪变革的趋势,将市场营销和营销管理的演变过程概括为大众营销、目标营销和定制营销三个时代,同时总结和阐述了各时代营销管理的基本特征。  相似文献   

This article is based on a chapter of a forthcoming book on ‘The Marketing of Services' to be published by Heinemann, Spring 1984. It examines the contribution to the UK's Balance of Payments made by ‘invisible exports', including services, and highlights the advantages and disadvantages that arise when marketing services, as opposed to products, overseas.  相似文献   

商业银行市场营销的国际比较及对策建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国金融全球化进程加快和金融开放的扩大 ,我国商业银行面临日益激烈的市场竞争。银行业竞争已悄然步入客户经济时代 ,营销观念在很大程度上决定了最终竞争格局。近年来 ,中国的银行业逐渐认识到营销的重要性 ,并进行了积极的探索。借鉴发达国家商业银行市场营销的成功经验 ,找出中外银行营销差距 ,并就如何提高我国银行的营销竞争力提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

周林全 《商业研究》2002,(23):85-87
加入WTO给中国带来了很大机遇,也带来了严峻的挑战。要在国际贸易和营销中取得胜利,重要措施之一就是要强化品牌营销。品牌和商标对营销者和顾客都具有重要作用,而我国的品牌营销存在许多问题。针对我国国际营销的环境和存在的问题,我国应采取一些措施以强化品牌营销。  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):149-157
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

论国际特许经营的管理与市场营销战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,特许经营日益国际化,国际特许经营业务将会不断扩展。本文重点探讨国际特许经营的模式,它所面临的宏观环境以及战略决策和市场营销战略。  相似文献   

赵骏 《国际市场》2003,(12):52-53
通过何种销售模式开拓海外市场,是公司营销战略中关键一环。本文将通过飞利浦在中国的营销案例,介绍一种如何避开中间商,利用当地的销售渠道进行跨国销售的模式。  相似文献   

This paper discusses channel selection in international markets. After positioning the problem as one of selecting the most appropriate level of vertical integration, traditional explanations are presented. Following an overview of the transaction cost analysis framework, the implications of this framework for channel selection are discussed. This framework suggests contingent and often opposing effects on channel structure to those found in the literature. Application of the transaction cost analysis framework by managers is demonstrated by showing how to assess such costs, and thus avoid being taken advantage of by opportunistic intermediaries.  相似文献   

企业开展国际营销,首先必须解决国际营销的战略层面问题.本文就国际营销市场扩张模式、营销标准化与本土化、品牌战略模式的战略抉择问题进行了分析,并提出了战略抉择的建议.  相似文献   

Given the ever increasing importance of international marketing research, business schools wishing to emphasize the international dimension should offer a course-on this topic. Such a course should discuss the environment in which international marketine research is conducted. Attention should be focused on the mark&ng environment, government environment, legal environment, economic environment, structural environment, informational and technological environment, and sociocultural environment. The course should also cover a discussion of how the six steps of the marketing research Drocess. namelv. Problem Definition. Develo~ine an ~ p ~ r g a c h , ~esearch ~ e s i p ~&ulation, Field ~&k/Data koE lection, Data Pre~aration and Analysis, and Re~ort Pre~aration and Presentation, shobld be implementkd in an int&nation& setting. A framework for the design of an international marketing research course is presented and the course content is discussed.  相似文献   


This research article discusses the factors affecting international marketing communications in small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). International commitment and brand adaptation in overseas markets were found significantly influencing the effectiveness of international marketing communications. The results suggest that international marketers need to have resources input, such as human and financial, to drive international marketing communications. Brand adaptation also needs to be performed in order to achieve a better international marketing communications. There are two factors affecting international marketing communications suggesting international marketers of SMEs need to be concerned with both internal resource and external factors in international ventures.  相似文献   

企业创造价值的过程是由一系列互不相同但又相互关联的经济活动组成的,其总和即构成企业的"价值链".企业在竞争中的优势来自企业价值链上的某些特定环节,要保持企业的战略优势,关键是控制企业价值链的战略环节.企业跨国经营的产品战略选择,与企业优势所依赖的价值活动密切相关.如果企业优势主要在于价值链的上游环节,则宜采用全球策略;反之,则宜采用地区性的产品策略.  相似文献   

The author examines the degree of marketing strategy standardization by U.S. firms with overseas operations and firm and country factors that underlie the degree of strategy standardization. The results indicate the degree of strategy standardization to be low. The results also suggest three factors—consumer characteristics and behavior, nature of ownership, and corporate orientation—as underlying the degree of strategy standardization.  相似文献   

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