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Government departments and public sector organisations in Australia are utilising marketing concepts and techniques that originated in the private sector. This has been reported by reference to case studies. However, no systematic attempt to assess the implementation of marketing in the public sector has been reported. This article reports a survey of the use of marketing positions in the Australian public sector over the ten year period 1982-1991. It shows that public sector organisations with similar objectives to organisations in the economic environment of the private sector may well be implementing marketing oriented management. However, a significant and consistent difference is found in the use of marketing between those public sector organisations with a social and political orientation as opposed to those organisations with a commercial and/or economic orientation.  相似文献   

After the World War Two, to catch up other capitalism countries, Japan placed economic growth as the top target of the country and the government, and implemented a similar economy strategy. Mean- while, to meet the requirements of Cold War strategy, USA offered to help Japan with the economy development. As a result of Japanese governments' favorable policies and the financial, technological and marketing support from USA, the economy in Japan grew rapidly. Till 1968, Japan had exceeded most western countries and the gross national product ranked second in the world.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):94-96
Japanese manufacturing in the developed regions of Europe and North America has been strongly associated with the more competitive sectors of Japan's high growth economy, such as consumer electronics, semi-conductors and transport equipment. During the earliest years of Japanese productive investment in Europe, however, a significant number of projects from Japan's less competitive chemicals sector were being established. These projects, together with those from other chemicals-related sectors of Japan's domestic industry, will be shown to have emerged in response to the widespread concern over environmental and pollution issues which dominated public affairs in Japan during the decade after 1965.  相似文献   


The past decade has brought remarkable changes to the economic cooperation of North-West Japan (Hokkaido and Japan Sea coastal prefectures) and the Russian Far East, such as fast growth of intra-regional trade, great structural changes, a huge increase in the number of cooperating companies and thousands of Russians coming to Japanese ports, which until recently were closed to them. Similar trends were observed in Asian, European and American regions involved in trade with Russia. In Japan, the initial “Siberian euphoria” has gradually been replaced by a much more realistic approach. The reason is that liberalization of trade, globalization and regional development created a number of problems: the prevalence of geopolitical over economic considerations in energy projects, the growth of the shadow sector in certain arrears of mutual trade, the very uneven distribution of benefits and losses from cross-border cooperation and the deep differences of public opinion in Japan and Russia. This paper argues that in terms of public finance theory, these problems can be considered as examples of a failure of market mechanisms, shadow economy, negative externalities and asymmetric information, which can only be solved by effective public policy and state intervention.  相似文献   


This research investigated barriers to the formalization of economic activity that was generally untaxed and unmeasured, referred to as informal economic activity, in an emerging economy. Nepal was selected as the country for study because it presents a case of a market undergoing economic and political liberalization. The paper presents background information on the economy of Nepal, the conduct of the fieldwork in Nepal, perspectives on informal economic activity, and the necessity of harnessing this activity. This is followed by research dealing with the informal economy and perceptions of the barriers to integration based on fieldwork in Nepal. Suggestions to harness this activity are offered. The results of this study may provide insights into the formulation of public policy and social marketing initiatives for addressing informal sector development in emerging markets.  相似文献   

The Japanese economy, the second largest in the world and the lead economy in fast growing Asia, was in a major and structural recession in the first half of the 1990s. Changes necessary for Japan to renew its economic growth must reflect not only the effects of the post-bubble recession of the early 1990s, but also the end of the cold war and the new social values, demographics, and politics in Japan. This article is an analytical review of postwar economic growth in Japan that led to the early 1990s recession, and an assessment of the shape of post-bubble Japanese business as it prepares for growth in the new millennium, and the implications of these changes on Japanese and non-Japanese firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic role of small business in Japan in the classic model of subcontracting vis-à-vis the novel model of networking. The Japanese economy can be characterized by an extensive system of subcontracting. There is an intensively elaborated point of focus on this Japanese approach to the technological and managerial aspects of subcontracting outside of Japan. Small and medium sized enterprises and big enterprises, in their endeavour to be effective and efficient, determine the characteristics of this system of industrial production. The characteristics of the subcontracting system in Japan are undergoing structural changes. The requirements concerning an accelerating technological expertise and marketing know-how of subcontracting firms will be adduced as a motive for the rapid industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

Little is known about international differences in the formation of customer satisfaction, particularly regarding developed and emerging markets in Asia. This lack of knowledge limits the competitiveness of Western companies in Asia. From the perspectives of economic and cultural country differences, this study thus compares customer satisfaction and its formation between Japan, China, and Germany (Western reference country). Customer satisfaction is higher in Japan than China for goods and private services but lower for public services. It is influenced more strongly by perceived quality and less strongly by perceived value (difference moderated by switching costs), public brand image, and quality expectations in Japan than China. Economic differences between developed (Japan, Germany) and emerging (China) markets influence consumer preference structures more strongly than cultural differences. Due to larger inter-Asian cultural variance than Western managers might expect, Chinese consumer preference structures differ more from Japanese than German consumer preference structures.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1990s Japan has experienced economic stagnation. The economy had been allowed to overheat in the 1980s and a bubble had been built up. When this burst, there was massive asset‐deflation, which led to a banking crisis. The bad debts were not faced up to effectively. Japanese banks could not achieve high enough margins to recapitalise themselves, and the government was for a long time reluctant to intervene effectively. The shock made economic agents more pessimistic, which led to an imbalance between savings and investment‐demand. Excess savings were placed abroad and used to finance a domestic fiscal deficit, but this was not enough to close the gap and sustain growth. To be able to run a large current account surplus the yen needed to depreciate, but this was not achieved due to expectations about a future appreciation. The strategy to get out of the liquidity trap would include credible inflation targeting and yen depreciation. Monetary policy should have an inflation target well above zero per cent. Such macroeconomic measures need to be complemented by structural reforms such as deregulation of financial services, competition policy and reallocation of public investments. The Japanese development model with close connections between firms and banks needs to be reformed. Japan should be able to achieve stable growth again, but since the catch‐up phase is over one would not expect growth in Japan to be higher than in other developed countries, even if Japan undertakes the needed reforms.  相似文献   

In private sector companies, marketing philosophy and their accompanying portfolio of tools and techniques have long had a strong and shaping role in the creation of a market‐led corporate strategy. This is because in most cases there is an obvious and direct link in the economic transaction which takes place, between the consumers of the product and the suppliers of the product. In such a relationship, consumer preference and consumer sovereignty are meaningful and explanatory concepts. In contrast, in the Charitable Sector, the situation arises where a consumer receives a product or service which is supplied by a charity, but paid for by a third party, which may be a private sector organisation, a public sector organisation or a private individual. This arrangement has often meant that charities have only selectively applied those marketing techniques which are primarily concerned with attracting income from funders to the organisation. Thus a marketing philosophy and all that it implies for the development of an interactive and consumer responsive marketing system, has not been significantly developed.

This paper will argue through use of the illustrative example of the NSPCC (National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children), that charitable organisations can enjoy substantial benefits through the wider application of marketing principles to their activities.

It will show through its narrow emphasis upon its relationship with the funders, that the NSPCC has created a brand image based upon the problems encountered by the NSPCC, rather than upon the “solutions “ to those problems. This has had the further consequence that the resource allocation and resource attraction systems within the NSPCC has remained separate. A simple model is presented which facilitates examination of this relationship.

It will be suggested that this dichotomy within the NSPCC can be bridged through the Introduction of a marketing orientation which will enhance understanding of the relationship between the NSPCC and its funders, and which above all will provide the stimulus to the creation of a communication system between the funders and the children who are beneficiaries of the NSPCC activity.  相似文献   

The British police service is a highly visible public sector organisation that in recent years has come under mounting pressures from different stakeholders, including successive Conservative and Labour governments and also an increasingly demanding public. In this setting, various business and management models and concepts have been applied to contemporary policing, but only limited research has been undertaken to date on how marketing has been adopted and utilised across the police forces of the British Isles. This paper explores the context of modern policing and suggests why the police are now being compelled to address marketing more seriously than hitherto. It draws on recent empirical work conducted across the police service and situates this within the existing literature on internal marketing. The paper concludes that marketing is underdeveloped across the police service and argues that police forces should develop their internal marketing as a precursor to successful external marketing.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid growth of the Japanese economy, Japan still accounts for a relatively small share of international tourism as a recipient. However, Japan's outward tourism has grown to the point where it is the fourth largest tourism generator. This article analyses the role of tourist flows in Japan's external economic relationships and in the structural adjustments in the Japanese economy needed to correct its perceived external imbalance. Together with the massive and increasing outflows of long-term capital from Japan, increasing outward tourism could become an important factor in achieving external balance. Future policies and forecasts are also analysed.  相似文献   

日本地震使其经济遭受重创并引发了对中国经济影响的思考。本文选取1996年1月到2011年4月中日美三国宏观经济景气指数建立VEC模型进行实证研究,并结合宏观经济数据分析,认为震后日本经济下行会直接导致中国经济短期内同向波动,并通过影响外部经济环境间接对中国经济产生不利影响,诸多影响在中国对日出口和日本对华投资方面表现突出。并针对这一问题提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   


Economic analysis on emerging economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has shown a flourishing private sector coexisting with shrinking state enterprises fueling speculation that growth would come from the new private sector. In this view, it is important to (1) assess the private sector which continues to grow and is vital to the process of emerging new market economies; and (2) account for the current place of entrepreneurship and assign its role in the process of systemic transformation which takes place in the economies of the CEE. Based on interviews and models on en-trepreneurship, the paper analyzes how the entrepreneurs' behavior is influenced by government regulation, credit terms, taxation, long-term and short-term financing options, level of infrastructure, and preferences to small business, and how entrepreneurs' consequent behavior can in turn influence the working system itself. The goal is to show that the emerging small business sector of the post-Communist Hungarian economy fulfills important material and ideological functions. The paper concludes that the Hungarian entrepreneurship is an independent vehicle for economic growth and bringing about the emergence of capitalist forms of economic production in the post-Communist Hungarian economy.  相似文献   

Global competition of products and services leads to rapid changes in the economy, industry and management. Judging from the industrial employment structure in Japan, the lower prices of foreign goods and services will drive the unemployment rate up in the long run. The Japanese economy urgently requires the growth of business and job opportunities, and therefore the role of employment protection legislation should be re-examined from the viewpoint of encouraging business activities. Analysis of the case study shows that managers in the growing service sector have positive attitudes towards employment growth and the expansion of business activities if the following measures are introduced: the deregulation of redundancy dismissals, the introduction of arbitrary work with performance pay, and legislative enforcement against age discrimination for hiring and firing.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study focused on the role of new business entrepreneurship in the Japanese economy. Particular attention is paid to the activities of various government agencies in relation to new business entrepreneurship and to the barriers to this activity in Japan. New business entrepreneurship was defined as the formation and rapid growth of a business enterprise through unique approaches to the firm's activities.In contrast to the American stereotype of Japan as an economy of a few large, interconnected firms, it is, in fact, characterized by small- and medium-sized enterprises. Over 99% of all Japanese enterprises are categorized as small or medium and over 80% of all employed Japanese are employed by such firms. However, very few of these firms are entrepreneurial in nature. The vast majority are small firms that are either subcontractors to a single larger firm or small retail, wholesale, or restaurant establishments.The start-up rate for all types of businesses in Japan has been declining for the past 10 to 15 years. More importantly, the rate of start-up s for independent firms, as opposed to firms started by a larger firm to serve primarily as a subcontractor, declined even more sharply. This indicates a significant weakness in Japan's otherwise strong economy.The low and declining rate of new business entrepreneurship in Japan is a function of structural, governmental, and cultural barriers. Structural barriers include an acute, long-term labor shortage, high financial start-up costs due in large part to high land prices, and a shortage of venture capital funding. Government barriers include “red tape,” financial and other support for small firms that is withdrawn as they enter rapid growth, and the persistent protection of inefficient industry structures. Cultural barriers involve Japan's strong group/collective orientation, the traditional career path in Japan, bounds on creativity, and the fact that entrepreneurship is not assigned a high social value.While the government provides an extensive, well-developed network of services for small- and medium-sized firms, these programs are not designed to facilitate rapid growth into the large firm phase. The Japanese experiences and programs offer useful insights for policy and tactics by other governments.  相似文献   

The Japanese economy has begun to show signs of recovery from its deepest post WWII recession. Although it is generally acknowledged that the recovery is not based on solid foundations, there is elation within Japan regarding the prospects for renewed economic growth. Yet little or no attention seems to be paid to what is happening to Japanese technological innovation, the engine that drives growth. The article shows that the impressive technological excellence of the famed Japanese companies is simultaneously accompanied by a decline in overall Japanese technological innovation. This is attributed to the dual nature of the Japanese economy, where super‐strong exporting industries co‐exist with super‐weak domestic sectors, and to Japan's adherence to outdated perceptions and policies. However, the potential for recovery is within reach: galvanise the backward leg of the dual economy and healthy growth would ensue; restore confidence in the healthy leg and things would be better still; add to this a recipe for responsible macroeconomic management and the prospects would be rosier.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the application of the marketing audit, a commercially derived marketing tool, to a public sector non-profit organization. The paper reviews the literature extensively before turning to research findings derived from interviews with internal and external publics in the organizational environment. While findings indicate that a marketing audit would indeed be useful in underpinning marketing orientation, possibly as a prelude to marketing planning, they also show that organizational constraints may militate against adoption of marketing orientation. The article concludes by suggesting that marketing itself, as a generic paradigm, may not be an appropriate mechanism for organizations like ERS (Employment Rehabilitation Service). Rather ERS, and its private sector counterparts, may require the development of an entirely new discipline which may be more applicable than marketing.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(6):1596-1639
Foreign growth can induce changes in production structures across domestic regions through international trade. With a two‐country model with the explicit incorporation of two regions in the home country, we show that effects of foreign growth on exports and production to be possibly asymmetric among home regions. This foreign‐growth effect is especially prominent in Asia with China emerging as the largest trading country. We empirically test our theoretical hypothesis with the data set of Japanese regions. We find evidence that the growth of Asian countries leads to a change in the regional structure of exports and production in Japan. With respect to an adjacent Asian country, the growth of a foreign country exerts opposite effects on production among Japanese regions.  相似文献   


Research in the area of electronic marketing has focused considerable attention on consumers' and advertisers' perceptions of the Internet as a marketing communication medium. Whilst such research has been undertaken mostly in the private sector, it is important to recognize, and attempt to understand, the growing number of public sector organizations that have an Internet presence. Results of a study of the perceptions of managers in public sector organizations of the Internet as a marketing communication tool are reported. Findings suggest that decision makers in the public sector who feel that there is a need for their organizations to have an Internet presence, are more inclined to adopt the Internet as part of their marketing communications program. Furthermore, they are more likely to feel that use of the Internet will improve their overall marketing effectiveness. It is also interesting to note that the perceived complexity of using the Internet has a significant effect on both the adoption of and attitude towards the Internet as a marketing communications tool. This suggests that there is still some uncertainty amongst public sector organizations as to the usefulness of the Internet in marketing their services.  相似文献   

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