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The 4 years of the Trump administration was marked by a number of events and policies that affected the Canadian agrifood sector. Changes to preferential trade agreements, the collapse of the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement framework, increased domestic support for US farmers, and diplomatic tensions between the United States and China all shaped international trade flows and created an environment of policy uncertainty. The Biden administration will change course on several important trade policy issues. We discuss how these changes could affect the Canadian agrifood sector along a number of dimensions, including a return to multilateralism, (re)engagement in preferential trade agreements, and movements toward a less combative and more predictable trade policy agenda. We expect Canadian agrifood trade flows under the Biden administration to exceed what they would have been under a second Trump administration.  相似文献   

The emergence of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has sparked debates on the possibility of a ‘great transformation’ in the course of neoliberal capitalism and the global agrifood system. This paper seeks to contribute to these debates by providing a comparative institutional analysis of the BRIC(S) ‘varieties of capitalism’ in the current ‘food regime’ international reordering. Capital accumulation, social reproduction and politics are key problems of the ‘agrifood question’ in the BRIC(S) varieties of capitalism. My argumentation is that capitalist diversity stems largely from the historically embedded legacy of the agrarian question in each country, that the dynamics of the agrifood system influence their development trajectories in decisive ways, and that the BRIC(S)‐driven polycentric shifts in the contemporary food regime are crucial to the destiny of global capitalism.  相似文献   

A country brand for agrifood products requires managing quality across a range of products and firms while recognizing the potential pitfalls in linking a brand's image with a country's image. Understanding the incentives for firms adopting the brand to use and contribute to the brand's equity informs the choice of brand management mechanism. The challenges in managing a country brand for international agrifood exports are discussed. This case is used to illustrate a strategy based on the obstacles faced by a collective brand that is used by many firms. The article highlights how a successful strategy will produce a brand that is unique, robust to impersonators, and has quality assurance mechanisms that are in line with firm's incentives to produce high-quality products.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the recent food scares, the United States and the United Kingdom face major challenges to maintain a safe food system. Regulators on opposite sides of the Atlantic are facing rapid product and process innovations, changes in consumption behaviors, expansion of international trade, and discovery of new food hazards. The U.K. and the U.S. demonstrate different approaches to manage safety risks. This article will focus on two issues: the reasons behind the differences in the American and English policy approaches to food safety, and how these differences impact U.S. safety outcomes. A comparative legal framework is provided to understand how food safety is elicited in the economy and the incentive implications of the different institutional settings. These two different lenses, because they differ so, teach us about the fundamental sources of safety. The U.K.'s prevalent doctrine is parliamentary sovereignty and leads to a regulatory framework, while the U.S. is based on constitutional supremacy and relies on a legal framework. The source of safety under a regulatory framework is the government bureaucracy, while the U.S. legal framework provides an important point of departure—the constitutional standing of the firm and the consumer. We argue that while the U.K. system is structured to work through a regulatory framework to enhance the supply of safety in the economy, the U.S. system is much less directed. The legal system, the subject of this article, plays an important role not only in discouraging breach but also in acting as a check on the discretionary authority of the regulator. In the end, the U.S. and the U.K. may have equally safe food systems, but what differs is the fundamental source of the safety supply. The practical implication is that safety in the food system emerges from several sources, not just through regulation. Therefore, direct importation of U.K.‐style regulatory approaches may not be effective within a U.S. constitutional setting.  相似文献   

近年来,第三方认证在全球农产品管理体系中扮演着重要的角色,在促进水产品的国际贸易中也起到了积极的作用。本文首先介绍了第三方认证的概念,接着分析了第三方认证兴起的原因,然后阐述了第三方认证如何通过对食品链的综合管理提升水产品的出口竞争力,最后,分析了目前我国在进行第三方认证中存在的困难,并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

The myriad of deficiencies that are responsible for derailing efforts of development in the developing countries has among its culprits, most of the marketing activities and institutions. The agricultural sector is the most important sector of development in developing countries; furthermore, it comprises the most catastrophic problems. A model is deemed necessary, one which offers the decislon makers in developing countries an opponuniv to find a solution to these identifiable problems. Such a model was proposed in this study to integrate the marketing system for their agricultural products. The model is conceptual in nature and is based on a system's approach; considerations were given to the following variables: current environments, domestic and international conditions, internal and external determinants, plans, macro and micro decisions, modifiers, spheres of activities, marketing mix, switches and ultimate output.  相似文献   

The relationship of development assistance and exports has been a controversial subject in recent years. U.S. public organizations feel that development assistance, particularly for research, while intended primarily and immediately to encourage economic development in low-income nations, will also help increase the effective demand for agricultural exports. Some commodity-oriented U.S. farm groups, on the other hand, see assistance primarily in terms of leading to increased competition for exports of their product. They would have the U.S.A. provide less international support for agricultural development and they have had some influence. While there has been considerable debate on the subject, this has not yet resulted in the development of an enlightened national policy. The paper attempts to sort out the facts and perceptions that have led to this situation and to provide some policy suggestions. Two important needs are for: (a) greater public understanding, and (b) strengthened domestic research and improved linkages between domestic and international research activities. Paradoxically, the latter point tends to be overlooked by some of the farm groups but is essential if the U.S. is to remain competitive in what is likely to become a more open international market in the future.  相似文献   

Global Commodity Chains and African Export Agriculture   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The last twenty years or so have seen a new conjuncture in international trade in tropical agricultural products. That conjuncture combines both changes in the organization of the (Northern) manufacturer and consumer segments of the global commodity chains for those products, and in marketing arrangements in their (Southern) countries of origin, associated with structural adjustment and liberalization. This introductory essay provides the context for the case studies that follow, first by introducing some of the key concepts and analytical issues in the global commodity chain (GCC) approach and other recent relevant literature such as the French 'convention' theory. It then sketches an historical framework for examining international trade in tropical agricultural products, with brief illustrations of the specific trajectories of Africa and some African countries within that framework. Finally, it shows how a number of issues are explored in the case studies presented, including how current changes might affect the future prospects of smallholder ('peasant') production of tropical export crops.  相似文献   

While forestry issues and forest economists' interests are increasingly global, the costs of creating an international association have plummeted. These twinned trends suggest that the time is ripe to form an international association of forest economics.Anecdotally, forest economists have expressed considerable interest in international debates and scholarly exchanges. This anecdotal evidence includes expressed interest in a series of informal conversations with forest economists from around the world, the success of international journals such as the Journal of Forest Economics, and the success of international conferences and meetings organized by ad hoc committees. This increasing interest in international activities appears to reflect on-going trends of increased international trade, standardization of forest economic approaches, and increased mobility of forest economists, many of whom are accepting positions outside of their native country or region.Historically, the costs of organizing and sustaining an international association were extremely high. However, the improvement of communication technologies during the past two decades in the form of e-mail, the internet and fax machines have dramatically decreased the costs of many of the basic functions of an international association including interactions between members on scholarly issues, meeting and conference announcements, and members' direct participation in an international organization. These technological advances have been important to the success of the Journal of Forest Economics and to ad hoc organizing committees of international conferences and meetings. Associations can now be primarily virtual in the sense that the only non-electronic aspects of the organization are delivering paper copies of journals, and actual attendance at a conference and meeting.Currently no organization effectively serves as an international organization of forest economics. Existing forest economics associations are regional or national by design. International forestry organizations such as IUFRO, EFI and CIFOR are generally not led by forest economists, are not designed to promote timely scholarly exchanges among forest economists, and usually are unable to change rapidly in response to the changing needs of forest economists.Over the past few years at several meetings a number of forest economists have either discussed organizing an international association of forest economics or expressed strong interest in becoming a member of an international association of forest economics. The Journal of Forest Economics Editorial Board has expressed support of an international association with some members willing to assist the organizing effort. Other forest economists not associated with the Journal of Forest Economics have offered to help organize an association. Some of these forest economists have expressed particular interest in assisting with setting up internal communications for an international association, or organizing a conference under the auspices of an international association.Although previous discussions and preliminary attempts at organizing have not successfully created an international association of forest economics, they have helped uncover strong interest in an international association. There is reason to be more optimistic about the current organizing effort. Probably the most important source of optimism is that it appears likely that IUFRO will now assist efforts to form an international organizational of forest economics by providing both organizing effort and financial resources.A number of significant issues need to be resolved to form a viable international association of forest economics. These issues include:Clarifying the benefits and responsibilities of membership in an international association.Developing a mutually supportive relationship with both regional associations of forest economists, forest economics research centres and international forestry organizations.Determining the range of activities that the international association will routinely address including internal and external communications, the possibility of association sponsored conferences or meetings, organization details and other possible activities.Forming an international association of forest economics is both timely, and will enhance scholarship in forest economics. If you have interest in joining with others to form an international association of forest economics, I urge you to e-mail, brazee@uiuc.edu, the current initial contact point for the organizing effort.  相似文献   

Ownership Structure in Agrifood Chains: The Marketing Cooperative   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Globalization, technological developments, and consumer concerns press farmers and food producers to enhance product innovation and to seek more efficient production and distribution structures. These changes in agrifood markets shift the relative importance of the investments by different chain partners. It may therefore be necessary to change the allocation of ownership of essential assets to induce agents to make those investments that generate the chain optimum. This article analyzes the impact of ownership structure on investments in a three-tier supply chain from an incomplete contracting perspective. Circumstances are determined in which a marketing cooperative is the unique first-best ownership structure.  相似文献   

Natural Areas are biogeographical zones which reflect the geological foundation, the natural systems and processes, and the wildlife in different parts of England, and provide a framework for setting objectives for nature conservation. This paper argues, with particular reference to agro-ecosystems, that there is a need for an integrated, whole countryside approach to Natural Areas based on the principles of ‘strong’ sustainable development. In practice, this means the delineation of conservation objectives for the whole of each Natural Area and the application of policy instruments designed to address the causes of environmental loss and deterioration. The latter requires, it is argued, a structural analysis of generic environmental issues. A generic issues approach is required in order to avoid the pitfalls of environmental ‘symptom management’ (environmental managerialism), an approach which dominates current environmental and agri-environmental policy. Necessary as such discrete action programmes and measures may be as short-term ‘fire-fighting’ responses to immediate threats, environmental managerialism as a policy framework epitomises a non-holistic and ‘disintegrated’ approach to nature conservation. The paper goes on to discuss the configuration of agri-environmental policy that will be required to address generic agricultural impacts on biodiversity and the constraints and opportunities for its implementation that are likely to arise within the context of further CAP reform and the forthcoming round of WTO negotiations.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that the armed conflict is development in reverse that brings about a severe wastage of human capital and infrastructures. The ongoing violence over the last half a decade in Syria has caused serious economic devastation and a massive loss of properties, landlessness, and lack of clarity relating to ownership or use rights. Post-conflict reconstruction is essential as it assigns the future shape of the country, and it is mostly determined by the commitment and capacities of local populations, including national government and civil society, to maintain the process. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the challenges, obstacles, and issues inhibiting the approach of restoring and sustainably developing the current system. Building a potential cadastral system for post-conflict Syria requires practical contributions from all stakeholders to explore possible ideas that may come up with other procedures for solving many legal, political, and technical issues. The design of a clear strategic framework for modernizing cadastral infrastructure will provide more excellent social stability and expand the prospects for economic growth within post-conflict communities. The main objective of this research is to describe a proposed approach for a reconstruction process oriented towards building an electronic multipurpose cadastre in support of sustainable development from an international perspective in line with modern technology. The addressed model ensures unified real estate registration and simplifies the information interchange between agencies.  相似文献   

我国农产品网络营销现状及优化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代的到来,将网络营销带到中国市场。特别是近年来网络越来越成为生活中不可或缺的一部分,网络营销也成为继传统营销模式后新发展的一种营销模式,近3年来农产品网络营销更是异军突起。目前,农产品网络营销市场环境逐步形成,农产品网上交易平台建设初具规模,网络营销得到初步应用,但整体水平较低。农产品网络营销的发展根基尚浅,随着网络营销的运用,诸多问题也随之而来,如企业对网络营销的意识不到位、网络诚信及安全问题存在隐患、农业从业人员网络营销意识浅薄等。为解决这些阻碍因素,文章提出完善网络平台建设、建立农产品品牌、强化物流体系、健全网络法律法规等利于农产品网络营销发展的优化策略。  相似文献   

中原经济区的发展离不开现代物流业的战略支撑,尤其需要具有资源优势和网络优势的供销物流的推动。目前,中原经济区供销物流已经取得较大成就,但仍然存在规模偏小、竞争力弱、分布散的问题。通过借鉴美国、日本等经济发达国家发展合作物流的经验,明确中原经济区供销物流的发展趋势:做大做强培育发展"航母"式供销物流企业集团;建设发展"数字化供销物流";进一步健全完善供销物流网络体系;大力发展低碳物流。  相似文献   

Differences between U.S. and Canadian marketing policies in malting barley have been identified as potential sources of trade distortions. Most important are issues related to quality control, yield differentials between feed and malting varieties, and differences in handling costs. This study analyzes effects of changes in selected marketing policies on trade flows and prices in the North American malting barley sector using a mathematical programming model. Simulation results illustrate impacts of relaxed variety release requirements, increased selection rates for malting barley, reduced Canadian handling costs and the effect of increased Canadian exports of malting barley to offshore markets. The results quantify effects of these strategic issues on both the United States and Canadian barley sectors.  相似文献   


An array of concerns about animal health, potential bio-terrorism, food safety, international trade, consumer demand for credence attributes, and improving supply chain management are igniting unprecedented change in the international meat and livestock market. One noteworthy development is accelerated advancement of national individual animal identification programs. This study reviews how these systems work and what motivates animal traceback system implementation. A case study approach is used to overview an extensive system currently being used and developed in Australia. Based upon the Australian experience, we present recommendations for pending U.S. animal identification systems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a research framework of the design and configuration of agrifood chains where the focal firm is a second-tier cooperative (group of affiliated cooperatives) in order to assess the alignment of (relational) governance structures and coordination mechanisms in these chains with supply chain management (SCM) principles. The theoretical framework draws on the Relational View of inter-organizational competitive advantage and the Theory of Networks given that inter-cooperative vertical relationships are embedded in horizontal ties between firms (first-tier cooperatives) of social rather economic nature. The conceptual framework developed herein will help theory building in SCM, but most importantly, it will advance current knowledge on the scope of SCM in the agrifood cooperative sector.  相似文献   

Agricultural markets are very often susceptible to year-to-year fluctuations in price and output and it is generally agreed that it would be desirable to control these fluctuations by intelligent market support operations. In this paper we develop a simulation model to assess the efficacy of market support operations in the case of egg market in the U.K. during the period 1958-68. We argue that for this problem a simulation approach is more effective than either a geometric or an algebraic approach. On the basis of our analysis, we find that in the absence of the market support operations of the British Egg Marketing Board during the period 1958-68, the long-run average return to the egg producer would have been only marginally different from the actual but the instability of the market would have been substantially greater. We also found that because of the nature of the subsidy arrangements, there were severe limits to the Egg Board's capacity to increase producer price even in the short run in spite of the inelastic demand curve. More generally, we conclude that marketing Boards in situations similar to the Egg Board's should aim at keeping close to the long-run producer price rather than short-run profit maximisation.  相似文献   


The projected global expansion in consumption of meat and other livestock products potentially offers sub-Saharan African small-holder farmers opportunities to escape from the poverty trap. A necessary condition for exploiting this potential is the establishment of marketing systems that provide farmers with reasonable incentives to participate in the market. In this study, the functioning of livestock markets in rural Uganda is analyzed based on a survey of 401 livestock keepers, complimented with focus group discussions with livestock traders and policy planners. The first part is dedicated to the empirical analysis of key organizational and institutional arrangements. Constraints along the marketing chain as well as potential institutional solutions are illuminated. The second part is dedicated to propositions of new areas where more work and new results are needed to improve the functioning of the livestock marketing chain. Empirical findings indicated the following institutional constraints: a poor market information system, lack of grades and standards, lack of trade finance, poor contract enforcement and dispute settlement, disorganized actors, high transaction risks, and poorly developed marketing infrastructure. The study recommends a structured approach to livestock marketing, market infrastructure development, and emphasis on arbitration systems as specific ways of improving the efficiency of livestock marketing in Uganda and other developing countries.  相似文献   

The paper considers the role that the international human rights framework should play in the extension and application of Sen's capability approach. It discusses how emerging international standards in the field of human rights, supported by international human rights law, provide a basis for the specification and justification of lists of central and basic capabilities, and associated lists of duties on governments, international organizations and other international obligation-holders (both at the individual level, and collectively—through international co-operation). The idea of combining the capability framework with a background or supplementary theory of international obligation in the field of human rights is examined in the light of broader theoretical debates about the extension and application of the capability approach. The notion of a “human rights-based capability list” is then introduced. Finally, the paper suggests some possible applications of “human rights-based capability lists” in human rights advocacy and international poverty analysis.  相似文献   

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