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随着中国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们的消费观念和消费需求在不断提升,彩电、冰箱等家用电器,在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,中国家电零售业的发展空间极为广阔,家电销售额还在以每年10%以上的速度增长。同时,家电零售业领域也是竞争最激烈的领域之一,在新的经济发展形势下,零售业已经进入了物流竞争时代,本文通过对零售业供应链物流管理内涵的分析,发展现状和存在问题的分析,提出了我国家电零售企业构建物流运作的模式及思路。 相似文献
零售企业主导型供应链的管理特征研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在零售企业主导型供应链中,大型零售企业凭借其资金、信息、渠道等优势,对整个供应链的运营和管理拥有主导权,成为整个供应链网络的协调中心。由于零售企业主导型供应链呈现的结构特点,这一类供应链的管理与制造企业主导型供应链管理在核心内容和管理方法上都有很大的不同,本文对此进行了初步研究并提出了若干观点。 相似文献
目前我国零售业的人力资源管理面临较大的困境,如对企业人力资源管理的战略地位认识不足;缺乏人力资源规划;员工流失比例高;员工缺乏培训等。从人力资源管理理论演变的过程说明,其原因是人力资源管理的职能没有转变。零售业人力资源部门应逐渐从行政性管理工作中解放出来,开始更多地从事战略性人力资源管理工作,对于那些行政性的事务应进行虚拟化运作,制定员工管理虚拟、招聘虚拟、培训虚拟等对策。 相似文献
供应链管理是增强企业竞争力最主要的管理方法之一,在顾客期望提高及产品寿命期缩短的压力下,企业只有全面整合供应链的资源才能生存下去。要排除市场环境标准化及信誉障碍,从战略角度选择合作伙伴,采用先进的管理方式进行运作,引导社会物流供应链系统向高度化方向发展。 相似文献
供应链一体化时代的物流管理 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文认为,2005年初美国物流管理协会正式更名为供应链管理协会,这不仅意味着协会的服务对象和领域的扩展,而且从物流的角度看,标志着物流管理进入到供应链一体化时代,从中可以看出物流管理发展的脉络。文章提出,企业物流管理水平和发展阶段是与经济发展程度和市场环境紧密联系在一起的,随着企业经营环境的变化,企业参与世界经济分工程度的加深,物流管理必将朝着供应链一体化的方向发展。 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):241-251
While the factors related to the survival of established retail firms are well researched, current understanding of drivers of new retail venture survival is limited. We assess the influence of retail operations characteristics on the survival of new retail ventures. Based on data from 15,901 Portuguese retail ventures that were founded between 2006 and 2010 and followed until 2014, the new retail ventures with faster inventory turnover or higher staff expenses per employee had a higher likelihood of survival while higher investment in intangible assets had a negative but negligible effect on survival. The implications of these findings for entrepreneurs of new retailing ventures are discussed. 相似文献
提升我国零售企业竞争力 发展大型连锁零售企业集团 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前我国零售企业的现状与国民经济快速发展的要求很不相称。我国加入WTO后,零售业竞争加剧,提升我国零售企业竞争力,发展大型连锁零售企业集团已是当务之急。我国要利用当前发展大型零售企业的有利条件。制定出国内零售企业提升竞争力的途径。 相似文献
With the assistance of 12 guest editors, the Journal of Business Logistics (JBL) has initiated a sequence of special topics forums (STFs) intended to stimulate research on themes that are both fundamental and timely. In an attempt to complement the quality and depth of the impact of research published in JBL, the objective of this strategy is to continue to increase the breadth of the impact of JBL on research in our discipline. A small number of articles have the preponderance of impact: 1% of the articles published in JBL account for over 20% of all JBL citations and half of the articles account for 95% of all citations. Our selection of the STFs is aimed at increasing the breadth of impact of the research published in JBL. Each STF that is discussed in this Editorial addresses relevant and timely research questions that should have a lasting impact on theory and practice. 相似文献
物流管理创新:基于供应链体系下的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
物流是为实现商品价值,使物质实体从生产者到达消费者之间的物理性活动。通过对供应链管理体系的研究,指出物流是一种统一规划的系统,具有供应链的特征,表现出集约化优势。并进一步带来了物流系统的敏捷性,有效地提高了企业的运作效率,使企业创造更大收益成为可能。供应链管理体系下的物流创新是现代企业发展的趋势。 相似文献
餐饮正餐业态已成为地区餐饮的主要业态,地区间餐饮正餐业态连锁经营发展现状是帮助地区引导餐饮业态健康发展的必要途径。根据我国区域餐饮零售正餐业态连锁规模竞争力比较,全国存在一定区域性差距。以重庆、上海、北京为代表的城市总体规模竞争力较强,地区规模企业数对地区正餐业态总体规模影响较大。由于中西部地区消费能力相对较弱,重庆、内蒙古等地主要采取区域外连锁扩张的方式。加盟连锁导致规模发展效率降低,各地区餐饮业态发展重点不同影响业态竞争力的形成。 相似文献
William A. Muir Stanley E. Griffis Judith M. Whipple 《Journal of Business Logistics》2019,40(4):322-338
This study explores the relationship between a retailer's product returns processing structure and Multi‐Echelon inventory system performance under cross‐channel and same‐channel product returns policies with nonstationary demand. Our research contributes to the growing body of reverse logistics literature, offering insight into how a retailer's logistical returns management strategy can impact inventory effectiveness in cross‐channel retail environments. Adopting a contingency framework, we develop research hypotheses which we test through experimentation on a Multi‐Echelon retail inventory system within a discrete‐event simulation. Model parameters are derived from data collected from a large U.S. retailer of consumer durable and nondurable goods. We find an amplifying effect of a cross‐channel returns policy on the positive relationship between a decentralized returns processing structure and inventory effectiveness. Further, through our analysis of nonstationarity in demand and resulting returns, we uncover strong main and interaction effects that seasonal demand variation can have on inventory outcomes, even under only moderate levels of seasonality. Our results highlight the need for firms to align logistical structures for returns processing with the returns policy and the external environment, while also lending credence to calls within the logistics literature for improved modeling of nonstationary demand in inventory management research. 相似文献
Kimihiko Kondo 《Journal of Marketing Channels》2018,25(4):245-248
AbstractThe omnichannel varies across countries due to different retail environments and retailers’ growth strategies. The Japanese big retailers’ omnichannel can be characterized by having multiple retail formats, such as department stores, general merchandise stores, convenience stores, specialty stores, Internet stores, and so on. They have grown by multiplying retail formats to appeal to different customer segments, and they have unique challenges in managing an omnichannel with many retail formats. These are (1) extremely wide variety of merchandise, (2) enormous quantity of data from transaction, inventory, logistics, and customers, (3) different organization structures and management, and (4) unique organizational capabilities in each retail format. From these challenges, we could propose further research issues as follows: (1) theoretical consideration of boundary-spanning functions among retail formats, (2) international comparative analysis reflecting the different conditions in each country, and (3) clarifying the characteristics of the omnichannel shopper in the Japanese omnichannel environment. 相似文献
随着现代企业管理水平的提高,绩效考核已成为企业重视和应用的一个重要目标。绩效考核作为人力资源管理的核心,其建立的有效性决定了人力资源管理的有效性。目前大多数企业的考核体系不健全,还停留在原来的考核模式上,这无疑影响企业的发展。有效地绩效考核作为人力资源管理的重要手段,运用得当,员工的工作热情高,企业凝聚力强,市场竞争力强;反之,则会造成员工满意度低、人才流失、企业效益下降等。 相似文献
We theorize, building on the knowledge‐based view and the theoretical distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge, that knowledge management capability across the supply chain manifests itself in explicit and tacit knowledge, which in turn effectuates supply chain performance. The model is tested with survey data from 195 small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises reporting on their primary supply chain. The results indicate that the supply chain's knowledge management capability manifests itself in both explicit and tacit knowledge, with the latter being influenced more strongly. Moreover, it was found that while both explicit and tacit knowledge influence supply chain performance, the latter exerts a significantly greater impact than the former. Exploratory post hoc analyses add robustness to these findings and investigate mechanisms inherent to the transformation of tacit into explicit knowledge. Overall, this research contributes to academic theory development in logistics and supply chain management by the dichotomization of knowledge types and the demonstration of their differential magnitude of effects, and to managerial practice by providing important guidance for logistics managers structuring their knowledge management efforts across supply chains. 相似文献
Arpita Khare Rajnish K. Misra Aditi Dubey Aditi Garg Varun Malhotra Harshit Nandan 《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2013,14(2):177-202
For decades supply chain coordination has been subject to research interest, and technology has been seen as an agent that accelerates this process. In developing countries, with far-flung markets and unorganized distribution networks, using technology for improving supply chain performances and accessing information is not an easy task. The research was directed to understand if mobile technology is being used by downstream supply chain partners for information sharing and thus improving supply chain performances. Findings suggest that supply chain integration with suppliers and customers is done through extensive use of mobile networks. 相似文献
John E. Bell Chad W. Autry Diane A. Mollenkopf LaDonna M. Thornton 《Journal of Business Logistics》2012,33(2):158-166
World population growth and increased consumption stemming from economic leveling are leading to scarcity of a number of natural resources on a global scale. Scarcity of critical natural resources such as oil, water, food, and precious metals has the potential to greatly impact commercial activity as the twenty‐first century progresses. The challenge of continuing to provide needed goods and services in the face of these constraints falls to supply chain managers, who are ultimately responsible for delivering utility to customers. Unfortunately, there has been almost no research focused on supply chain strategies aimed at mitigating natural resource scarcity’s (NRS) potential effects. The current research positions NRS as a supply chain risk and proposes an NRS typology based on key resource attributes. Supply chain mitigation strategies to counter each resource status are offered, with an overall objective of improving supply chain performance. The study recommends future research aimed at further developing theory and methods for countering NRS based on resource, systems and behavioral theories. In addition, this study has critical implications for practitioners faced with the growing threat of NRS in their supply chains. 相似文献
The academic field of supply chain management (SCM) is comprised of scholars holding four different worldviews based on their academic heritages. This situation presents both threats and opportunities for SCM scholarship and practice. In this brief paper, we explain why we see this occurring, and actions that academics might take in order to form a more cohesive and effective SCM discipline. 相似文献
零售商主导商品物流渠道控制权的经济学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,新的零售业态不断涌现,连锁经营方式全面推广,物流效率的大大改善导致大型零售商崛起,大体呈现出一种"由制造业控制渠道、双方均势到商业控制渠道的演化轨迹",这种演化究其原因,是社会分工的发展和物流渠道不断深化。 相似文献