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On the Role of Experience in Developing Service Satisfaction in Consumer Financial Planning Services
《Journal of Relationship Marketing》2013,12(4):33-48
ABSTRACT This study of consumer professional services examines the role of experience in the development of service satisfaction with the personal financial planning services firm. Product experience possessed by the client moderates the interlinkages between service satisfaction and its two antecedents-performance and relational behaviour. The results of sub group analysis indicate that effects of the performance and relational behaviour vary considerably under different product experience conditions. The findings therefore add new insight to the understanding of satisfaction formation under different experience conditions, especially in the context of consumer personal financial planning services. 相似文献
Teresa Ince 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(11):1769-1792
This article focuses on consumer satisfaction in services within the context of tourism, and the dive tourism industry in particular. It identifies the key elements that certified, experienced recreational divers use to determine satisfaction, and discusses the relative importance of the elements. Thereafter, a framework explaining the formation of diver satisfaction is proposed – and the role of emotion is highlighted above other satisfaction antecedents. The findings have practical and academic implications for the wider realms of tourism and other service industries. This research was conducted in Zanzibar, Tanzania, using a combination of participant observation and face-to-face interviews and illustrates the power of such techniques to reach the core of consumer thoughts, actions, and feelings. 相似文献
试论乡村旅游中的游客体验 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
我国早期建设的乡村旅游地已显衰败迹象,而对游客体验的忽视是其衰败的根本原因。在这样的背景下试图对乡村旅游中的游客体验作一个初步的探讨,认为乡村旅游的本质就是体验,在借鉴大量国外模型的基础上,探讨对乡村旅游中的游客体验动机、游客体验类型及游客体验管理。 相似文献
Lisbet Berg 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2007,31(4):418-427
Consumer competence is increasingly important in today’s commercialized society. This paper refers to some main findings from a national representative survey on consumer competences and practices in Norway. To be a competent consumer, it is decisive to be informed about products and to be familiar with how markets function. In this paper, consumers’ self‐reported efforts to keep themselves informed about specific markets is treated as an indicator of consumer competence. First, the results indicate that Norwegian consumers’ competence, according to their own judgement, is rather mediocre. Second, different groups of consumers seem to have different consumer competence profiles. Accordingly, we find that some consumers are price‐conscious in their daily purchases, others are price‐conscious when they make their yearly dispositions in the financial markets, while a third group is community‐oriented and active in the environmentally friendly and ethical product markets. Third, the analysis indicates that consumer competence is an important indicator of how market‐rational and reflective consumers’ choices and practices are. 相似文献
Marketing relationships can be placed on a continuum from short, discrete transactions to ongoing brand relationships. The majority of recent work has focused on relational exchanges, with some scholars even suggesting early on that the marketing discipline was undergoing a paradigm shift from a transaction-based marketing perspective toward a relational exchange perspective. However, there has been a growing recognition that not all customers seek relational exchanges. Consequently, the current research considers customer relationship management from the less studied, but oft seen, perspective of transactional exchange. A study is presented using recent advances in structural equation modeling analyses, including Bayesian estimation methods and mediation analyses. We further consider the psychological processes underlying the formation of consumer loyalty based on pre- and post-purchase measurements taken over multiple time periods. We specifically hypothesize that consumer satisfaction judgments will fully mediate any influences of post-purchase trust judgments on future loyalty intentions. With American consumers’ trust in businesses at an all-time low, coupled with the recent trend that more and more brick-and-mortar retailers are at risk of “showrooming” for online retailers, there is an apparent need to also consider retail customers who see the value of relationship marketing only selectively. 相似文献
随着时代的发展和社会的进步,旅游体验理论被逐渐运用于旅游资源的开发与规划中。但在实际应用中存在着旅游企业认识不足、文化特质不突出、市场脱节,以及旅游产品体验类型单一、内容同质化严重等问题。大庆市应充分发展特色化、差异化、专门化的景区景点等方式,整合旅游产品,精挑细选旅游线路,细化目标市场,丰富产品类型;关注低碳消费,开发低碳生态旅游产品;转变发展思路,进行大众化定制,以满足公众对旅游产品不断提升的需求。 相似文献
旅游体验中的两个重要范畴:旅游凝视与旅游朝圣,借助于对"旅游凝视"和"旅游朝圣"的考察,可以构建有关旅游体验的起点与终点的重要命题。本文抽取旅游世界关键构成要素(旅游者、景观、他者、活动与氛围情境),讨论旅游体验的实现途径问题,提出"景观视觉化、他者真实化、活动升级化以及氛围情感化"等,有助于提升旅游者体验质量的相关建议。 相似文献
Consumer education is an integral part of the European Community's consumer policy. It plays a key role in consumer empowerment, helping consumers gain the skills, attitudes and knowledge they need to be able to gear the choices they make as consumers to their economic interests and to protect their health and safety. In its policy statement, the Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection states that the European Community is aware that joint measures at national and Community levels should be more structured, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness. This paper aims to set out the current policy and strategic context for consumer education and empowerment in the UK; review the role of UK government bodies and other agencies concerned with developments; review recent literature; present the results of interviews with an extensive range of key stakeholders and the results of a survey of service heads for trading standards throughout the UK. It will consider implementation, partnership, resources, ideas and opportunities. The research found that the agenda for consumer education in the UK is at an interesting stage of development. The Enterprise Act 2002 gives the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) a statutory power to carry out educational activities. Consumer education is also moving up the agenda in the trading standards service. In addition, the teaching of citizenship in English schools is already stimulating new developments in consumer education. The paper will consider the need for organizations like these to work together to build on these policy developments and ensure that consumer education gains the profile it needs to influence consumer attitudes and behaviour. 相似文献
体验经济是以提供体验作为主要产品形式的新经济形态。四川省攀枝花市凭借自身的旅游资源优势,成功打造出“万里长江第一漂”的漂流体育旅游品牌。虽然目前还存在着客源区域过于集中、市场化程度低、旅游产品设计和宣传不到位、服务设施还不够完善等问题,但通过策划独特的体验主题、进行市场细分、实施体验营销战略、提供全程的服务体验等措施可以促进其进一步发展。 相似文献
《Journal of Internet Commerce》2013,12(4):89-109
Abstract The emergence of e-commerce is having a substantial impact on consumer purchasing behavior. Yet, the rate of consumers' acceptance of e-commerce has been slower than many predicted. Using the view of consumption as an institution, this study examines consumers' preferences for shopping on-line. Analysis of data collected from focus groups and surveys suggests consumers perceive relative advantages and disadvantages of shopping on-line vs. shopping in traditional stores. In addition, the results suggest consumers have substantive reservations about shopping on-line which may be adversely affecting the acceptance rate of this new channel. Study limitations and suggestions for future research are also presented. 相似文献
In 1999, Central Government launched an initiative to establish Consumer Support Networks (CSNs) throughout Scotland, England and Wales. The purpose of the networks is to improve access to high quality consumer advice services. Information and advice agencies will join together to provide expert, accurate and timely advice for consumers. By April 2002, 191 networks had been established covering in excess of 99% of the population. Only one local authority area in England has yet to establish a network. This paper reviews the development of consumer information and advice provision in the UK and considers the context for establishing CSNs. It also examines the need for consumer advice, the role of Central Government and the quality framework. Each CSN will conduct a gap analysis and assess the need for consumer advice in the local area. This will enable the network to develop a good understanding of consumers in the area and to take a more strategic approach in planning service developments to meet the identified needs. Consumer Support Networks aim to improve the provision of consumer information, education and advice. The literature suggests that consumers who are well educated regarding their rights are empowered through an increased ability to exercise them. Clearly branded advice services, marketed effectively to the public should result in higher levels of consumer awareness and, consequently, improve access to services. It is also expected that better flows of information between agencies will result in greater protection for consumers. Sharing ‘best practice’ nationwide should stimulate service improvements throughout. 相似文献
This paper explores a consumer complaint programme as a tool for empowering consumers, using the consumer complaint programme of a United States federal agency as a case study. After describing the structure and role of the Federal Reserve System (the central bank of the United States) in handling complaints, the paper follows a complaint through the System, looks at trends in complaints and provides a profile of consumers who complain. The paper concludes with information on the economic impact of complaint resolution and consumer satisfaction with third‐party complaint investigation. 相似文献
《Services Marketing Quarterly》2013,34(1):165-176
With expanding retail markets for the delivery of fi- nancial services, service prov~ders in investment markets that were previously accustomed to interacting only with institutional counter- parts are today increasingly meeting individual consumers. In this article, the authors develop and val~date a discriminant model that provides basic empirical profiles of investors engaged in the more- or-less risky process of self-allocating investment dollars. Results contribute to an understanding of invcstor perceptions of risk, shed- ding ligh~ on the role of traditional socio-economic market segmcn- tation variables. The article also enhances our understanding of the cfrects of goal setting, loss tolerance, and perceived risk on selection of the "ideal" investment strategy. 相似文献
Fang Wang Carol Brennan Alison Galloway Alan Hughes 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2005,29(2):159-167
Research evidence suggests that UK consumers are facing significant problems with goods and services and are in need of information and advice to avoid or redress such situations. Consumers are not always aware of their rights nor where they can access consumer advice services. In 2000, the Department of Trade and Industry launched the Consumer Support Network (CSN) programme in Great Britain to improve consumer access to expert, accurate and timely advice. One challenge faced by these Networks and many other agencies is to assess the needs of consumers for consumer information and advice services. A needs assessment is required as a key element in the effective planning and development of services in each Network at a local level. The focus of the needs assessment at the local level is to encourage Networks to consider suitable solutions to meet the needs of people in their communities. This paper provides a review of the development of Consumer Support Networks in Great Britain and discusses the importance of needs assessment to service providers such as CSNs and other agencies. It reveals the complexity associated with conducting effective needs assessments including the various aspects of needs, consumer segmentation and characteristics of consumer information and advice. Further research is being carried out at Queen Margaret University College, UK, with a view to the development of a scientific model for the assessment of need for consumer information and advice services. 相似文献
加强网络顾客服务实现网上顾客满意 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
陈湘青 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2005,(5):118-120
随着网络媒体的快速发展,网络顾客服务的重要性日渐突出。充分发挥网络媒体方便、快捷、互动、跨时空、低成本等优势,了解网络顾客的特点,转变服务观念,构建网络服务平台,为顾客提供更加富有针对性、个性化、高效率的服务,提高顾客满意度,实现顾客忠诚。 相似文献
体验旅游的特征及开发策略 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
在经历农业经济、工业经济和服务经济之后,体验经济时代悄然而至。作为体验经济的产物,体验旅游的重要性日益凸显。体验旅游个性化、情感化和参与性的特征,使得旅游产品的开发设计和营销方式都发生了巨大的变化。 相似文献
Disadvantaged consumers are often the victims of consumer fraud; low‐income Latino a immigrants are especially likely to be victims due to their lack of English proficiency and inexperience in the local marketplace. A qualitative research study using purposeful sampling was conducted to identify areas of consumer fraud experienced by 45 Latino immigrants. Types of unscrupulous practices are identified, including sales of automobiles, prepaid telephone cards and counterfeit documents. Problems with fraud are discussed in terms of a model of disadvantaged consumers and implications for education are suggested to counteract the identified problems. 相似文献
Salina Hj. Kassim Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2008,32(3):188-193
What is the impact of monetary policy on the Malaysian consumer? The study addresses this issue by empirically investigating the consequences of interest rate shocks on consumer credit in Malaysia. The study relies on the impulse response functions and the variance decomposition analysis based on the structural Vector Auto‐regression methodology. Apart from analysing the responses of aggregate consumer loans (ACL) to interest rate changes, further disaggregation is made in efforts to arrive at more detailed findings. In particular, the ACL data are categorized into loans for purchase of residential property, loans for personal uses, loans for credit cards, loans for purchase of consumer durables, loans for purchase of passenger cars and loans for purchase of securities. Through this disaggregation, the study shows the relative sensitivity of the various types of consumer loans to interest rate shocks. 相似文献
David Bowen 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(10):1515-1530
Research methods have a critical practical and academic relevance. A study of consumer behaviour within service management frequently requires the use of techniques that reach to the core of consumer thoughts, actions, and feelings. This paper analyses the rationale that can lead to the choice of participant observation as a research tool within a service industry case – a study of tourists on a long-haul inclusive tour. The paper continues with a discussion of the key practice-based concerns that are confronted through use of the research tool. While the focus of the research study relates to tourist satisfaction, it is also shown how other research areas and service management questions can be investigated through the technique. 相似文献