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This paper examines problems implicit in transferring technology from developed countries to lesser developed countries. This is done from the perspective of the dominant social paradigm, and argues that the limited success of governmental transfer programs can be attributed to paradigm conflicts between the developer of technology and the recipient. The conclusion suggests that the effectiveness of government technology transfer programs can be improved if a dual approach is adopted. For transfers to lesser developed countries, the initial step should be to understand the differences in paradigms, and this should be followed by the development of appropriate technologies that enhance the development potential of the recipient in terms of the recipients' values and worldviews.  相似文献   


The following theses are defended. Technology transfer is (a) a good thing; (b) reflects the universalizing and globalizing impulse of western technologically advanced culture; (c) is based on the fundamental truth of human freedom; (d) requires not only the transfer of technology but of institutions and norms such as the technological project itself, free market economies, limited government, the rule of law, individual rights, religious toleration and personal autonomy; (e) may require the radical transformation of cultures receiving the technology; (f) is impeded largely by the difficulties of the receiving culture to adjust to the full spectrum of change; (g) challenges those in macromarketing to understand the processes of cultural transformation; (h) and, finally, faces a grave threat from those who are in an adversarial relationship to the “grand narrative of western technologically advanced culture.”  相似文献   

Brand managers use social media influencers (SMIs) to influence consumers' attitudes and intentions. However, there is still ambiguity about the mechanisms by which SMIs influence their followers, as well as the metrics by which their performance can be evaluated. The existing literature has restricted itself to consumers' purchase intentions in order to evaluate SMIs influence and is silent on the role of the consumers' individual characteristics in SMIs influence mechanisms. Based on these research gaps and to provide a clearer picture of the SMI influence mechanism to practitioners, the present study assesses the role of consumer characteristics such as their social media attachment (SMA), parasocial relationships with social media influencer (PSR-SMIs), and susceptibility to SMIs influence (SSMII) in driving consumer response to SMIs influence through SMI compliance intentions. Study 1 found the sequential mediational role of PSR-SMIs and SSMII in the SMA-SMI compliance intentions relationship. Study 2 found the same sequential mediation and demonstrated how SMI skepticism negatively moderates the relationship between PSR-SMIs and SMI compliance intentions. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first time that this skepticism variable is being explored in the SMI literature.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyse the marketing value obtained from developing and maintaining social relationships through online social networks (OSNs). We propose and test a structural model that considers a number of antecedents to response to advertising, namely social capital, social status and sociability. Data was gathered through the administration of a structured online questionnaire to a sample of 274 OSN users. Results show that social capital derived from participating in OSNs has a positive impact on social status and sociability; in turn this has a positive impact in response to advertising. This study advances theory by analysing the impact of bonding and bridging social capital on both social status and sociability. Additionally, it examines the impact of both of these constructs on response to advertising. The confirmation of the significance of social capital gained through participation in OSNs and its impact on response to ads provides support for the notion that the relationally oriented and marketing‐oriented management of OSNs are compatible. These findings are of great relevance for the appropriate management of company presence on OSNs.  相似文献   

层级范式在跨国公司的发展初期具有非常重要的作用,但随着全球竞争的压力加剧、控制协调的考虑,以及技术的进步,已经存在许多发展劣势,需要逐渐向网络范式转变。跨国公司网络结构主要由内部网络和外部网络构成,由于其网络结构更具开放性,形成了关键网络、空间网络和技术网络的不同边界。  相似文献   

In this study we seek to determine whether catastrophic events lead to corporate charitable giving unrelated to levels of firm profitability. We examine the issue relative to the corporate philanthropic response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001. Based on a sample of 489 Fortune 500 companies, we find that differences in the extent of corporate contributions following 9/11 are positively and significantly associated with differences in firms' profitability. Further, while the degree of connection to the catastrophic event led to higher levels of giving in comparison to the contributions of less connected firms, differences in the extent of philanthropy are still␣related to short-term profitability for the more connected firms. The study thus provides evidence suggesting that even in the wake of catastrophic events, corporate philanthropic giving is constrained by economic concerns.  相似文献   

快速反应起源于20世纪80年代中期的美国服装纺织品行业.研究及实践证明,通过使用快速反应技术,可以有效的帮助服装零售企业减少成本、减少存货、减少打折的商品、减少商品在流通中的等待时间,加快商品流通、即使满足顾客需要,增加商品销售量,从而增强服装零售企业的竞争优势.面对我国服装零售的高端市场已被国际顶级品牌占领把控;在中端市场上一批国际二、三线品牌也陆续进驻中国,一批国内服装零售品牌正在受到强烈的冲击的现实情况,运用快速反应系统,可有效提高国内服装零售行业的整体竞争力.  相似文献   

会计业务流程再造新思维   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
会计业务流程再造是一种管理变革的创新思维。对于会计业务流程再造的研究,不能仅仅从技术层面强调"根本上重新思考"或"彻底改造",应结合企业文化、员工素质等特点,分析信息技术与会计业务流程再造关系,从社会文化观和交易成本经济学等层面对会计业务流程再造进行分析,并将会计业务流程再造与企业战略紧密结合。  相似文献   


This paper conducts an exploratory study on whether high-tech venture firms funded by a United States Federal Government program–Department of Commerce Advanced Technology Program (ATP)–pursue different types of marketing strategies and different goal levels than firms without such funding. A sample of ATP and non-ATP-funded firms was used. Nineteen hypotheses relating to commercialization processes, i.e., types of strategy (licensing), types of commercial advantage (new, innovative solutions), and types of commercialization applications (product vs. process) and four hypotheses relating to levels of performance (levels of cost reduction) were tested. Small ATP firms are more likely to pursue best practice marketing policies such as R&D collaboration, and licensing strategies, and to pursue higher cost reduction and performance goals than non-ATP firms.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the research on technology upgrading in the subsidiaries of transnational corporations and the research on the development of Chinese high technology firms. On the basis of this it develops fresh policy options for government intent upon facilitating international technology transfer to their jurisdictions. Technology upgrading is the use of increasingly complex technologies in products and processes, and the development of the managerial and organizational capabilities needed to leverage those technologies effectively. Technology upgrading by the subsidiaries of transnational corporations can contribute to the economic development of the host region and is often driven by the entrepreneurial activities of subsidiary management. The upgrading process involves collaborating/lobbying with suppliers, headquarters and sister subsidiaries. Economic development policy should foster subsidiary technology upgrading as part of initiatives to increase international technology transfer.  相似文献   

发展中国家的出口产品结构现状表明其在一些高新技术出口产业上处于劣势:而从长期的动态的角度上看,鼓励这些产业的发展又是发展中国家优化本国出口产品结构的必由之路,通过模型分析我们发现,在一定条件下,发展中国家政府对本国企业承诺补贴使其净利润非负的市场进入扶持政策能达到预期的效果而补贴却无需兑现。当然此扶持政策有其自身固有的弊端.应慎重合作,同时应将最终眼光投向根本上提高本国高新技术出口产业的竞争力上。  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the process of knowledge transfer from headquarters to subsidiaries located in developing countries. We studied four cases with activities in the industrial sector. The results obtained reveal that an efficient transfer of knowledge depends on the contribution of headquarters to overcoming cultural differences; evolution of the learning process and the contribution of the recipient; and implementation and consolidation of new knowledge in the subsidiary. The cultural influence is decisive in the evolution of the performance of the subsidiary through the local production and sale of new competitive products. The weak absorption capacity of local individuals means that the business model of the headquarters cannot be replicated in the Mozambican market.  相似文献   

曾昭灶  余鹏翼 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):94-100
控制权转移可以引起公司股票价格以及股东财富的变化,国内外学者对此进行了大量研究,但鲜有结合控制权私有收益的分析。本文从私有收益视角出发,从事件期的累积超常收益、超常换手率、内幕交易指标、长期购买持有收益以及国有和民营买家超常收益的比较等方面进行了实证研究,结果表明:上市公司的控制权转移在很大程度上是新控股股东通过内幕交易获取私有收益的行为,并未真正为股东创造价值。  相似文献   


Given the wide interest in celebrity endorsements in advertising, it is surprising that there are no quantitative cross-cultural studies on their effectiveness across target audiences. Previous content-analytic research makes assumptions about effectiveness, but has not examined these assumptions. Our article fills this gap by comparing American versus Korean student samples’ response to celebrity-endorsed ads. We find these cultures diverge in purchase intentions after viewing celebrity-endorsed ads. We also find the emphasis of intuitive moral domains drives purchase intentions. Our discussion focuses on marketing implications as well as outlining future directions for this surprisingly underexplored research area.  相似文献   

杨晓玲 《商业研究》2005,(21):202-204
企业文化既是企业发展的底蕴和灵魂,又是社会文化与企业管理实践相融合的产物,分析国外企业文化与国情、社会文化的关系及对我国的借鉴和启示,有助于思考建设有中国特色的现代企业文化问题,企业文化将成为未来企业的第一竞争力。  相似文献   

Through the processes of commodification and marketization, materials and human activities are brought within the domain of market exchange. The results of these accelerating processes are observed in the consumer culture centred on objects of consumption. We contend that, in addition to healthcare, health itself has become yet another object incorporated within consumption space. This contention is consistent with the perspective of consumption as the dominant social paradigm in the structuring of health and healthcare practices. In this paper we present the conceptual backdrop for our contentions, together with details of a heuristic study. Our findings support the view that people regard health as a consumption object. Furthermore, the evidence suggests a patterning of responses by social grade and gender. Given our wider interest in class‐based health inequalities, we use our results to comment on the broader policy debate concerning this phenomenon in relation to consumerism.  相似文献   

:国际劳动力流动是世界经济发展的巨大动力,但受到各国针对外国劳动力流动政策壁垒影响,其对世界经济的贡献受到限制。文章利用收益函数和间接贸易效用函数,探讨外国劳动力流入的工资、数量和技术转移问题与东道国外国劳动力流动壁垒形成的逻辑关系,从理论上证明国际劳动力流动壁垒的形成机理,从而说明各国在设计外国劳动力政策时,主要以此三方面为主要考核因素,保护东道国居民福利。   相似文献   

We examine the impact of trade-related R&D spillovers from the country's partners in the MERCOSUR as well as from the European Union and NAFTA blocs and the rest of the world on total factor productivity for the Uruguayan case at the industry level, for the period 1988–95. Furthermore, we analyse the impact of domestic R&D in Uruguay. There is an evidence of trade-related technology diffusion from MERCOSUR partners to Uruguay, although domestic R&D has apositive impact on productivity. Thus, policies aimed to promote domestic R&D and decreasing trade barriers could enhance Uruguayan manufacturing productivity.  相似文献   

In this article, social network analysis (SNA) is applied on two emergency responses, involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) simulations. However, SNA has seldom been used in the literature to explain communication breakdowns, leading to the question of “can it?” To examine the applicability of SNA when assessing communication, the SNAs of two CBRNE simulations are compared and the structural differences are related to instances of ineffective communication. Study 1 has two tiers in the response (commanders and first responders) and Study 2 has three tiers, where operations officers are added between the commanders and first responders. A higher percentage of communication breakdowns is found in Study 2, possibly as a result of the additional layer. SNA provides researchers with a convenient representation and summary of team functioning. However, basic SNA does not help researchers distinguish between effective communication and breakdown. Breakdowns are attributed to long multi-hop communications, attributable to larger networks.  相似文献   

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